FBI Kavanaugh-Ford Report Findings

I posted a link with dozens of witnesses wanting to be interviewed by the fbi and they were ignored
Evidently the FBI thinks your list of witnesses is a joke / insignificant, too......
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation

In light of the FBI's report, any Democrats still refusing to vote to confirm Kavanaugh will reveal who was in-the-know and went along with the 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh and / or how their partisanship / hatred for Trump is the basis for their voting against him....

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
Careful, your BS may cause this thread to be moves to 'Conspiracy Theories' :p

Buck up, lil' camper. Just like in 2016, you lost. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on with your life.. :p
Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
Careful, your BS may cause this thread to be moves to 'Conspiracy Theories' :p

Buck up, lil' camper. Just like in 2016, you lost. The sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on with your life.. :p

Patience littler camper. Patience - The directive and report will be leaked within 90 days.
Might be sooner though .. Nice October surprise? ;)
Patience littler camper. Patience - The directive and report will be leaked within 90 days.
Might be sooner though .. Nice October surprise? ;)

Bwuhahahaha... Great, another 'You wait and see, any day now' snowflake thread...and 2 years later....crickets.....

Doesn't help. Progressives are intellectually dishonest, emotional and easily swayed by propaganda. Anyone can talk, progressives do it all the time. Others say things that are supported, and Yahoo "news" does that for me. Not a word about the results of the FBI's investigation. Instead, they created as story with the headline:
Many Of Brett Kavanaugh's Ex-Classmates Wanted To Talk — But FBI Reportedly 'Ignored' Them

We're living a state of bad affairs led by progressive "thought". Everyday is opposite day, they crave propaganda and they're dumbing people down at an alarming rate.
well the dems can interview them, let's hear what they have to say, why do they need the fbi to talk? that seems very odd. No reason an investigation can't continue after a vote. do investigations just cease to exist? Come forward boys, let's hear what you got to say? impeachment is always a possibility. If what you have is nothing after he started his work career, i don't care.
I posted a link with dozens of witnesses wanting to be interviewed by the fbi and they were ignored

you contend the feds did a credible job

your RW shit dosnt mesh just like always

How can there be dozens of witnesses when Ford herself said there were 6 people at the event.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Classy lady, u voted for a pussy grabber and rooting for a sexual predator.

Do you know of any straight men who don't "grab" pussy?
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh


I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Classy lady, u voted for a pussy grabber and rooting for a sexual predator.

Claudette a classy lady? :lol:

Damned right I am. Much classier than you will ever be. Lovey.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.

If someone accuses you of rape can I then call you a rapist? I guess so. I believe survivors not defendants
Doesn't help. Progressives are intellectually dishonest, emotional and easily swayed by propaganda. Anyone can talk, progressives do it all the time. Others say things that are supported, and Yahoo "news" does that for me. Not a word about the results of the FBI's investigation. Instead, they created as story with the headline:
Many Of Brett Kavanaugh's Ex-Classmates Wanted To Talk — But FBI Reportedly 'Ignored' Them

We're living a state of bad affairs led by progressive "thought". Everyday is opposite day, they crave propaganda and they're dumbing people down at an alarming rate.
well the dems can interview them, let's hear what they have to say, why do they need the fbi to talk? that seems very odd. No reason an investigation can't continue after a vote. do investigations just cease to exist? Come forward boys, let's hear what you got to say? impeachment is always a possibility. If what you have is nothing after he started his work career, i don't care.

What I notice is that NONE of those Ex-classmates wants to put their statements under oath BEFORE the Senate Sub-committee. The FBI has no reason interview those people UNLESS they were on the spot witnesses to support Dr. Fords allegations, otherwise they are worth nothing!

Since Dr. Ford under oath said there SIX, just SIX witnesses, four she named, therefore those MANY Ex-classmates are not material witnesses, not worth the time to interview.

Come on democrats don't be so dumb on this!
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Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

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