FBI Kavanaugh-Ford Report Findings

A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.
A snowflake pushing more unsubstantiated, debunked LIES. The typical liberal supporter / average Gruber voter / easily emotionally-manipulated sheep.
^ oh the god damn irony
More than ironic - it's PATHETIC. Since Ford made the accusation that Kavanaugh ASSAULTED her you have been repeating the same LIE over and over again, that Kavanaugh is a 'RAPIST', which has never been the accusation.

So the question is whether the LIE you keep spewing was actually FED to you by your liberal puppet masters, of did you come up with the LIE all by your wittle self......
He tried to rape Ford, he is a rapist. An alcoholic, disgusting rapist.

Got proof?? Nobody else has either.

Fuck of dipshit.
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

They didn't interview Kavanaugh's Yale roommate.
They didn't interview Dr. Ford.

They didn't interview dozens and dozens of witnesses that were looking for an FBI office to tell their story.

Republicans know Kavanaugh is a liar, a drunk and a sexual predator. They don't care.
Now the Supreme Court will have two sexual predators and a sexual predator in the White House.

That's who Republicans are. What they stand for.

Quit pretending Republicans are some kind of pro American, honorable and decent people. Clearly they aren't. They are who they show us to be. Their policies show us who they are. Anything else is self delusional. Believe them when they show us who they are.

And yes Virginia, it really is just that simple.
That he’s a drunken slob with no respect for women is an attractive trait for conservatives.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.

So mad.....so wrong.....so pathetic,


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By the way, Black Flag raped me somewhere, years ago.

I only had one beer. I remember him LAUGHING.

Black Flag, prove you didn't rape me, or YOU ARE A RAPIST!
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

They didn't interview Kavanaugh's Yale roommate.
They didn't interview Dr. Ford.

They didn't interview dozens and dozens of witnesses that were looking for an FBI office to tell their story.

Republicans know Kavanaugh is a liar, a drunk and a sexual predator. They don't care.
Now the Supreme Court will have two sexual predators and a sexual predator in the White House.

That's who Republicans are. What they stand for.

Quit pretending Republicans are some kind of pro American, honorable and decent people. Clearly they aren't. They are who they show us to be. Their policies show us who they are. Anything else is self delusional. Believe them when they show us who they are.

And yes Virginia, it really is just that simple.

Oh blow it out your ass.

You assholes lost this one. Just get your lies ready for the next.

Happy trails dipshit.
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

They didn't interview Kavanaugh's Yale roommate.
They didn't interview Dr. Ford.

They didn't interview dozens and dozens of witnesses that were looking for an FBI office to tell their story.

Republicans know Kavanaugh is a liar, a drunk and a sexual predator. They don't care.
Now the Supreme Court will have two sexual predators and a sexual predator in the White House.

That's who Republicans are. What they stand for.

Quit pretending Republicans are some kind of pro American, honorable and decent people. Clearly they aren't. They are who they show us to be. Their policies show us who they are. Anything else is self delusional. Believe them when they show us who they are.

And yes Virginia, it really is just that simple.

Oh blow it out your ass.

You assholes lost this one. Just get your lies ready for the next.

Happy trails dipshit.

You lost because you lied, and we used The Truth.

You tried this crap with Bork and people at that time bought your lies.

You tried this crap with Clarence Thomas, and people wised up to your strategy of lies.

You tried this crap with Donald Trump and Judge Moore, and you lost one, and won the other.

You tried this crap with Kavanaugh, and now you are going to lose BIG TIME.


To Quote Dr. Smith from Lost In Space:

"Oh The Pain, The Pain"
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.
The man is not a drunk. He likes the taste of beer. He is a social drinker, but not an alcoholic and not a drunk. He has never had a drunken blackout. Please stop perpetrating the essence of leftist character assassinations. If you leftists don't care for the truth that was found by the FBI not once, but twice, and it refutes the testimony of Ford, which cannot be corroborated.
He tried to rape Ford, he is a rapist. An alcoholic, disgusting rapist.


YOU are a complete and utter IDIOT and partisan propaganda pusher.

" The unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim."

Being a 'RAPIST' requires actually COMMITTING the act.

1. Kavanaugh has not even been ACCUSED of raping anyone.

2. There is no evidence that Kavanaugh assaulted anyone. No evidence of any kind.

3. Drinking alcohol is not evidence of assault or rape. If consuming / using ALCOHOL made anyone an automatic 'rapist' then Obama's ADMITTED POT AND COCAINE USE must make him a SERIAL RAPIST.

the definition of rapist

Holy crap, you are an unrepentant, admitted, TDS-suffering, propaganda-pushing lunatic....who has zero credibility and is not worth wasting time on anymore......


Remember, folks....

The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

easyt65 so, I thought about this one a bit. I see everyone getting bent out of shape that Ford wasn't interviewed by the FBI team. Even Ford and her Attorneys have complained. And it was this complaint that triggered the thought. She was interviewed during the committee hearing, didn't she tell all? I mean, that was her opportunity to hang it all out there and tell the world her story. Is she stating she didn't do that? is she stating she wasn't truthful? There isn't any logic in her or her attorneys saying she needed to be interviewed by the FBI. So I'm asking you, am I missing something? that sir is not logical.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.
The man is not a drunk. He likes the taste of beer. He is a social drinker, but not an alcoholic and not a drunk. He has never had a drunken blackout. Please stop perpetrating the essence of leftist character assassinations. If you leftists don't care for the truth that was found by the FBI not once, but twice, and it refutes the testimony of Ford, which cannot be corroborated.
All he did was get wasted and rape chicks with Tobin and Squee. He was unqualified for the court EVEN BEFORE these allegations. Chosen by a far right special interest group for his total rejection of impartiality. Being a rapist who can’t wait to gut women’s rights is the icing on the cake for you trash.
You mean they didn't find anything? Our tax dollars well spent!!! smh
so, I thought about this one a bit. I see everyone getting bent out of shape that Ford wasn't interviewed by the FBI team. Even Ford and her Attorneys have complained. And it was this complaint that triggered the thought. She was interviewed during the committee hearing, didn't she tell all? I mean, that was her opportunity to hang it all out there and tell the world her story. Is she stating she didn't do that? is she stating she wasn't truthful? There isn't any logic in her or her attorneys saying she needed to be interviewed by the FBI. So I'm asking you, am I missing something? that sir is not logical.

No, you're not missing anything. The complaint that Ford was not interviewed by the FBI in this latest investigation - that was supposed to be an investigation of WHAT SHE SAID DURING THE HEARING, is just a desperate attempt co claim the FBI investigation THEY ASKED FOR is suddenly 'not good enough' / 'tainted'. It's nothing more than excuses, part of the strategy to delay or derail the confirmation and to de-legitimize his appointment if he is confirmed.

The entire Mueller investigation was an attempt to remove Trump from office, and if they could not do that then the goal was to claim Trump is not a 'Legitimate President' based off of a claim they can not substantiate with evidence......just like what they are trying to do with Kavanaugh.

If it is a repeated act it is not a COINCIDENCE, it is a Liberal TACTIC. Case in point - Democrats realized this tactic worked against Herman Cain - they tried it with Trump but it did not work. They are trying it with Kavanaugh....back-to-back-to-back use of one of their best 'tactics'.

It's not working anymore. People are catching on, they are poised, and recent polls are showing is all they are accomplishing is motivating Conservative voters to turn out in force for the Mid-terms, which is a bad thing for them.
The most qualified judge to be nominated in many years. And the Democrates can't find anything wrong with his record. They can't find a large number of his rulings overturned. They have large numbers of people that say his character is impeccable.

They turn to drinking in high school as a disqualification. They try to keep pointing to the FBI being partisan and incompetent, while they rabidly defended them when Comey, McCabe and others were investigated and dismissed. The turn to Ford which has been proven to have lied and been untrustworthy on many points.

If we kick people out of the Supreme Court for stealing candy when they were four, underage drinking or any of dozens of crazy things youths do then there is no one that will be allowed on the court.

It all comes down to the simple fact that Democrats can not comprehend that there is more then one justice on the court. The largest percentage have to agree. They still are pulling out the same play book they have been using for many years. If you do not go a long with them then you are a rapist, racist, uneducated, stupid or unethical. They do not understand that those old accuasations have worn thin by overuse.
No collusion? Oh, thats the other thing an asshole like rightwinger believes happened without any proof.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.

No you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit the liberal assholes are trying to push. There is zero proof he did anything and now after 30 years she decides to say something. Then she doesn’t know the specifics. That happens to you and you will remember everything. I hope they lock the dumb bitch up for perjury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.

No you are stupid enough to believe the bullshit the liberal assholes are trying to push. There is zero proof he did anything and now after 30 years she decides to say something. Then she doesn’t know the specifics. That happens to you and you will remember everything. I hope they lock the dumb bitch up for perjury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You hope they lock up a rape victim for speaking out... yes that fits well with the modern GOP.
Grassley: No corroboration of Kavanaugh accusers' allegations in FBI report

"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said Thursday there’s no corroboration of sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in a supplementary FBI report submitted to the Senate.

“I’ve now received a committee staff briefing on the FBI’s supplement to Judge Kavanaugh’s background investigation file. There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know,” Grassley said in a statement.

“These uncorroborated accusations have been unequivocally and repeatedly rejected by Judge Kavanaugh, and neither the Judiciary Committee nor the FBI could locate any third parties who can attest to any of the allegations. There’s also no contemporaneous evidence,” he added."

"This investigation found no hint of misconduct...I’ll be voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”

Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Is this a trial? Nope. So fuck you that man is a drunk and a rapist, and you want that caliber of trash to be the swing vote to gut your own rights as a woman. Trash trash trash.
The man is not a drunk. He likes the taste of beer. He is a social drinker, but not an alcoholic and not a drunk. He has never had a drunken blackout. Please stop perpetrating the essence of leftist character assassinations. If you leftists don't care for the truth that was found by the FBI not once, but twice, and it refutes the testimony of Ford, which cannot be corroborated.
All he did was get wasted and rape chicks with Tobin and Squee. He was unqualified for the court EVEN BEFORE these allegations. Chosen by a far right special interest group for his total rejection of impartiality. Being a rapist who can’t wait to gut women’s rights is the icing on the cake for you trash.

You are a troll....and now you are a blocked troll.

I am not wasting my time. You are either a troll or a fucking moroon....either way, I am not wasitng my time.

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