FBI Kavanaugh-Ford Report Findings

National Council of Churches urges Kavanaugh’s nomination be withdrawn

The National Council of Churches called for the withdrawal of Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination on Wednesday, citing his behavior during last week’s Senate hearing and his “political record.”

“We believe he has disqualified himself from this lifetime appointment and must step aside immediately,” the Washington-based council said in a statement.

According to its website, the organization represents over 40 million people and 38 Christian denominations.
Had Trump nominated a woman, it would have been the pro life woman with seven children.

Maybe next time.

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, declined to comment after reviewing the document."

This despicable, low-life POS could not say enough to the media when she intentionally released an un-substantiated rumor falsely accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault in an attempt to destroy him and his confirmation...but after the FBI investigation SHE demanded comes back and stated NO CORROBORATING EVIDENCE FOUND, this crooked, deplorable bit@h scoots out of the room and runs for her office, suddenly refusing to say a word.

Part of the reason why is because the FBI report just proved that there was no factual / evidence-based reason for Feinstein to handle this situation the way she did, proved she was criminally / unbelievably reckless at the very LEAST and unethically, immorally, and partisanly despicable in the attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of a great man at worst. She even tried to claim AFTER the hearing that SHE didn't even believe all of Ford's claim....but it did not stop her from dragging Kavanaugh and his family through hell based on baseless rumors / accusations, though.

The partisan, ChiComm-compromised criminal Liberal who had publicly declared she was 100% committed to stopping anything Trump tried to do 'no matter what' just got busted trying to do just that.

Grassley and McConnell should force her to drag her fat ass out of her office and publicly apologize to Kavanaugh and his family or face Censure in the Senate for her 'reckless' actions.

Grassley: No corroboration of Kavanaugh accusers' allegations in FBI report

"I urged the president to nominate a different individual," Sasse said. "I urged the president to nominate a woman."
Maybe the next one!

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, declined to comment after reviewing the document."

This despicable, low-life POS could not say enough to the media when she intentionally released an un-substantiated rumor falsely accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault in an attempt to destroy him and his confirmation...but after the FBI investigation SHE demanded comes back and stated NO CORROBORATING EVIDENCE FOUND, this crooked, deplorable bit@h scoots out of the room and runs for her office, suddenly refusing to say a word.

Part of the reason why is because the FBI report just proved that there was no factual / evidence-based reason for Feinstein to handle this situation the way she did, proved she was criminally / unbelievably reckless at the very LEAST and unethically, immorally, and partisanly despicable in the attempted 'Herman Cain'ing of a great man at worst. She even tried to claim AFTER the hearing that SHE didn't even believe all of Ford's claim....but it did not stop her from dragging Kavanaugh and his family through hell based on baseless rumors / accusations, though.

The partisan, ChiComm-compromised criminal Liberal who had publicly declared she was 100% committed to stopping anything Trump tried to do 'no matter what' just got busted trying to do just that.

Grassley and McConnell should force her to drag her fat ass out of her office and publicly apologize to Kavanaugh and his family or face Censure in the Senate for her 'reckless' actions.

Grassley: No corroboration of Kavanaugh accusers' allegations in FBI report

easyt65 all she had to do was set up the investigation herself when she received the letter. It's really all she needed to do. That would have been her duty as the senator for her district. Second, she would have had solid information for doing a next step, whatever that next step might have been, and made this more reliable. She shit on ms ford. drove her name through the mud, and destroyed a man and his family. And no remorse from her on this tactic. it is immoral, unconscionable and inhumane. fk her!!
The truth is that the only complaint the Dems have is unsubstantiated allegations that are from 35 years ago. Since then, not one single accusation or complaint about ANYTHING that he said or did, NOTHING that anyone might claim to be suspect. The Democrats' treatment of this man is and has been unconscionable and I think they will pay a price for it in the upcoming elections.
The truth is that the only complaint the Dems have is unsubstantiated allegations that are from 35 years ago. Since then, not one single accusation or complaint about ANYTHING that he said or did, NOTHING that anyone might claim to be suspect. The Democrats' treatment of this man is and has been unconscionable and I think they will pay a price for it in the upcoming elections.
unconscionable is the correct word here.
Feinstein must resign!

Feinstein must resign!

Feinstein must resign!

Dems looks like such ghouls after this nonsense.

If Trump is so awful for the nation, he should be easy to defeat in 2020.

Run a better fucking candidate and win the election.

They know they can’t because too many Americans know they are full of shit
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

What idiot calls somebody a rapist when he's not even accused of it?
He is, you ignorant slut

Have proof?

Neither does anyone else.
Of his being accused? Yes thousands of links and even photos of the accusers.
Doesn't help. Progressives are intellectually dishonest, emotional and easily swayed by propaganda. Anyone can talk, progressives do it all the time. Others say things that are supported, and Yahoo "news" does that for me. Not a word about the results of the FBI's investigation. Instead, they created as story with the headline:
Many Of Brett Kavanaugh's Ex-Classmates Wanted To Talk — But FBI Reportedly 'Ignored' Them

We're living a state of bad affairs led by progressive "thought". Everyday is opposite day, they crave propaganda and they're dumbing people down at an alarming rate.
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Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

What idiot calls somebody a rapist when he's not even accused of it?
He is, you ignorant slut

Have proof?

Neither does anyone else.
Of his being accused? Yes thousands of links and even photos of the accusers.

no, of rape.


such as...

people that have never met him?

Ford accused him, no one seems to back her up.
Feinstein is saying the FBI report is incomplete because of Trump!

Lol...they figure out a way to blame Trump!!!

So awesome!!!!

Why aren’t we voting now? Schumer and Feinstein already read the report and made their conclusions. They don’t need more time.
Hillary supporters respond to news Kavanaugh cleared of accusations.

Dems say the investigation is incomplete, because the FBI didn’t interview Ford.


Dimms are so fucking pathetic.
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