FBI Kavanaugh-Ford Report Findings

Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Excuse me but could you please make that a major prick?
Huh uh! That's part of a man!
what if I pricked my finger?
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

Ford Gave Sworn Testimony that was witnessed by The Entire Nation.

No need to interview her, when The FBI found out she committed Perjury.

The only way she gets interviewed now by The FBI is if The Senate or The President wants to send her to jail for multiple criminal acts of perjury.

Maybe Mueller will conduct a Pre-Dawn raid on her attorney's home and Feinstein's Mansion.

You are a lying weasel. There is no evidence she committed perjury and evidence that KAVANAUGH COMMITTED PERJURY. After Trump is defeated, Democrats should open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh and prosecute him. NBC has found that over 40 people who potentially have information were never interviewed. THIS WAS A COVER-UP.
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

Ford Gave Sworn Testimony that was witnessed by The Entire Nation.

No need to interview her, when The FBI found out she committed Perjury.

The only way she gets interviewed now by The FBI is if The Senate or The President wants to send her to jail for multiple criminal acts of perjury.

Maybe Mueller will conduct a Pre-Dawn raid on her attorney's home and Feinstein's Mansion.

You are a lying weasel. There is no evidence she committed perjury and evidence that KAVANAUGH COMMITTED PERJURY. After Trump is defeated, Democrats should open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh and prosecute him. NBC has found that over 40 people who potentially have information were never interviewed. THIS WAS A COVER-UP.
There is a revulsion in the public even democrats over what was done to Judge Kavanaugh. Then the democrats further cut their throats by saying the FBI lied the other six times AND this time.

This might be the end of the Democrats as a political party.

You wish.

This is the beginning of the end of the Trump Republican Party.
There is a revulsion in the public even democrats over what was done to Judge Kavanaugh. Then the democrats further cut their throats by saying the FBI lied the other six times AND this time.

This might be the end of the Democrats as a political party.

You wish.

This is the beginning of the end of the Trump Republican Party.
yeah, you go with that. we'll all be laughing at you though. thanks.
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

Ford Gave Sworn Testimony that was witnessed by The Entire Nation.

No need to interview her, when The FBI found out she committed Perjury.

The only way she gets interviewed now by The FBI is if The Senate or The President wants to send her to jail for multiple criminal acts of perjury.

Maybe Mueller will conduct a Pre-Dawn raid on her attorney's home and Feinstein's Mansion.

You are a lying weasel. There is no evidence she committed perjury and evidence that KAVANAUGH COMMITTED PERJURY. After Trump is defeated, Democrats should open a criminal investigation of Kavanaugh and prosecute him. NBC has found that over 40 people who potentially have information were never interviewed. THIS WAS A COVER-UP.

Thank you for showing your intelligence. Ordinary Americans give a damn.
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

easyt65 so, I thought about this one a bit. I see everyone getting bent out of shape that Ford wasn't interviewed by the FBI team. Even Ford and her Attorneys have complained. And it was this complaint that triggered the thought. She was interviewed during the committee hearing, didn't she tell all? I mean, that was her opportunity to hang it all out there and tell the world her story. Is she stating she didn't do that? is she stating she wasn't truthful? There isn't any logic in her or her attorneys saying she needed to be interviewed by the FBI. So I'm asking you, am I missing something? that sir is not logical.

Thank you for showing the moron you are. There is reason for re-interviewing Ford To allow her to respond to what Kavanaugh said. Also over 40 people claimed to have pertinent information and were not interviewed according to NBC News. Also there is evidence that Kavanaugh lied as his claims of not drinking heavily have been contradicted by his friends. This was not a honest investigation. Wray needs to be fired after Trump is defeated in 2020.
The FBI Report:

- Shows no evidence corroborating the allegations of sexual assault or misconduct against the nominee.

- Went beyond the original Senate request for interviews with four people: Included interviews with nine people, along with a sworn statement from another.

As expected, Attorneys for Ford 'slammed' the FBI background investigation:

"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford -- nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony -- cannot be called an investigation"

1. An interview of Ford was not required. The FBI was tasked to investigate the claims and hours of testimony given by Ford during the hearing.

2. THERE ARE NO / NEVER WERE ANY WITNESSES WHO CORROBORATED FORD'S TESTIMONY! There are those who say they BELIEVE her but none who personally know about the part / the incident - who witnessed the incident Ford claims happened. This was proven by this latest FBI investigation and by those other individual's own accounts / claims.

Senate Judiciary Committee receives FBI report on sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh

easyt65 so, I thought about this one a bit. I see everyone getting bent out of shape that Ford wasn't interviewed by the FBI team. Even Ford and her Attorneys have complained. And it was this complaint that triggered the thought. She was interviewed during the committee hearing, didn't she tell all? I mean, that was her opportunity to hang it all out there and tell the world her story. Is she stating she didn't do that? is she stating she wasn't truthful? There isn't any logic in her or her attorneys saying she needed to be interviewed by the FBI. So I'm asking you, am I missing something? that sir is not logical.

Thank you for showing the moron you are. There is reason for re-interviewing Ford To allow her to respond to what Kavanaugh said. Also over 40 people claimed to have pertinent information and were not interviewed according to NBC News. Also there is evidence that Kavanaugh lied as his claims of not drinking heavily have been contradicted by his friends. This was not a honest investigation. Wray needs to be fired after Trump is defeated in 2020.
she turned that down. hahahaahahaha, she wanted to be safe remember? didn't want him there. why didn't they just let them go at each other, I would have truly enjoyed that. infact, let kavanaugh's wife go at her. there was nothing he said that she would have had to restate. she could have told her lawyers to let her refute in chambers. why not? delay,m delay delay. go away and delay on your own time.
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse drops a bombshell on the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court

"I urged the president to nominate a different individual," Sasse said. "I urged the president to nominate a woman."


And then Sasse turned back to Trump. "We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time," he said.

Oh, snap!

Ben Sasse talks a big game but bark is all he does. He is trying to keep his shirt clean. He will vote for Kavanaugh and I will do everything I can to defeat him if he runs for national office. I would support Adolph Hitler before any Republican.
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse drops a bombshell on the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court

"I urged the president to nominate a different individual," Sasse said. "I urged the president to nominate a woman."


And then Sasse turned back to Trump. "We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time," he said.

Oh, snap!

Ben Sasse talks a big game but bark is all he does. He is trying to keep his shirt clean. He will vote for Kavanaugh and I will do everything I can to defeat him if he runs for national office. I would support Adolph Hitler before any Republican.
we know you would support Adolph, you support demolosers.
The truth is that the only complaint the Dems have is unsubstantiated allegations that are from 35 years ago. Since then, not one single accusation or complaint about ANYTHING that he said or did, NOTHING that anyone might claim to be suspect. The Democrats' treatment of this man is and has been unconscionable and I think they will pay a price for it in the upcoming elections.

The treatment if Dr Ford has been unconscionable and Republicans will pay the price starting in November.
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse drops a bombshell on the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court

"I urged the president to nominate a different individual," Sasse said. "I urged the president to nominate a woman."


And then Sasse turned back to Trump. "We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time," he said.

Oh, snap!

Ben Sasse talks a big game but bark is all he does. He is trying to keep his shirt clean. He will vote for Kavanaugh and I will do everything I can to defeat him if he runs for national office. I would support Adolph Hitler before any Republican.
we know you would support Adolph, you support demolosers.

Adolph Hitler looks like a saint compared to Trump trash like you.
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

The Russia story is as alive as it ever was. What this shows is the corruption of the FBI under Trump. The Democrats need to clean House in the FBI after 2020.
you just dont have to interview witnesses ....
Ford's 4 witnesses were interviewed. They say what she claims never happened.

A total of 10 people were interviewed by the FBI - ZERO corroboration.

They are not saying that. She says they were at the party not that they witnessed the actual assault. Potentially over 40 witnesses were NOT interviewed. The fact is that Kavanaugh's witnesses can lie with impunity because they know Trump will not allow them to be tried for perjury.
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse drops a bombshell on the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court

"I urged the president to nominate a different individual," Sasse said. "I urged the president to nominate a woman."


And then Sasse turned back to Trump. "We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time," he said.

Oh, snap!

Ben Sasse talks a big game but bark is all he does. He is trying to keep his shirt clean. He will vote for Kavanaugh and I will do everything I can to defeat him if he runs for national office. I would support Adolph Hitler before any Republican.

Then you're stupid. Nothing more need be said.
you just dont have to interview witnesses ....
Ford's 4 witnesses were interviewed. They say what she claims never happened.

A total of 10 people were interviewed by the FBI - ZERO corroboration.

They are not saying that. She says they were at the party not that they witnessed the actual assault. Potentially over 40 witnesses were NOT interviewed. The fact is that Kavanaugh's witnesses can lie with impunity because they know Trump will not allow them to be tried for perjury.

They don't even say they were at the party.
Did anyone expect anything different??

I sure didn't.

BK will be sworn in on Saturday. The newest Supreme Court Judge.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Excuse me but could you please make that a major prick?
Huh uh! That's part of a man!
what if I pricked my finger?
You'd go blind?
Let's be clear, the only people the FBI interviewed were those people who were willing to testify under oath. And all of them, even Avanatti's whore, either walked back their flimsy allegations or confirmed their previous statements that no such party ever occurred.
A rapist sowing record levels of division. The ideal Trump nominee.

You keep using that word. Got proof??

Didn't think so you prick.
Excuse me but could you please make that a major prick?
Huh uh! That's part of a man!
what if I pricked my finger?
You'd go blind?
I thought that was if you fingered your......
The truth is that the only complaint the Dems have is unsubstantiated allegations that are from 35 years ago. Since then, not one single accusation or complaint about ANYTHING that he said or did, NOTHING that anyone might claim to be suspect. The Democrats' treatment of this man is and has been unconscionable and I think they will pay a price for it in the upcoming elections.

The treatment if Dr Ford has been unconscionable and Republicans will pay the price starting in November.

Ad ignorantiam
The argument from ignorance basically states that a specific belief is true because we don’t know that it isn’t true. Defenders of extrasensory perception, for example, will often overemphasize how much we do not know about the human brain. It is therefore possible, they argue, that the brain may be capable of transmitting signals at a distance.

In order to make a positive claim, however, positive evidence for the specific claim must be presented. The absence of another explanation only means that we do not know – it doesn’t mean we get to make up a specific explanation.

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