FBI Kavanaugh-Ford Report Findings

Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.

If there was any corroboration to Fords story, the Pubs on the fence wouldn’t be voting yes.

Not one human being on earth has corroborated Fords story and she has not provided any proof at all.
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.
pretty sure that's going to happen anyway.

*we the people* need to get over the fact we're not always going to get the *INFO* we think we deserve. right now trump is threatening to declassify a lot of documentation and the left is going nuts saying FOUL NO FOUL NO!!!!

yet here you are saying you can't wait for it to happen.
FBI was the liberal darling last week, their savior.
Now it’s the anti christ

As was predicted.
*we the people* have been pretty arrogantly jaded. when we don't get our way we must blame someone or some thing. it can't just be that's the way life is - it's someone is cheating us and making out like a bandit somehow at our expense.

*we the people* need to get over it.
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.
pretty sure that's going to happen anyway.

*we the people* need to get over the fact we're not always going to get the *INFO* we think we deserve. right now trump is threatening to declassify a lot of documentation and the left is going nuts saying FOUL NO FOUL NO!!!!

yet here you are saying you can't wait for it to happen.

What Trump is threatening to leak involves sources, methods and classified information that was shared with us by allies.
He was told NO by foreign leaders and advisors.
There would be absolutely nothing in the directives or report that would in any way deserve classified status.
The American people deserve to know in exactly what manner this White House handcuffed the FBI.
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.

If there was any corroboration to Fords story, the Pubs on the fence wouldn’t be voting yes.

Not one human being on earth has corroborated Fords story and she has not provided any proof at all.

Nonsense - All Flake and Collins needed was cover. They know it's a sham.
As for Dr Ford - - She provided over 20 corroborating witnesses to the FBI and they failed to interview a single one.
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.

If there was any corroboration to Fords story, the Pubs on the fence wouldn’t be voting yes.

Not one human being on earth has corroborated Fords story and she has not provided any proof at all.

Nonsense - All Flake and Collins needed was cover. They know it's a sham.
As for Dr Ford - - She provided over 20 corroborating witnesses to the FBI and they failed to interview a single one.

She provided over 20 corroborating witnesses to the FBI

there were 20 people at that party?

In that room?

(How did she remember that?)
As for Dr Ford - - She provided over 20 corroborating witnesses to the FBI and they failed to interview a single one.

Don't play dumb Will. Many of them would be people she told of the incident later on and probably testimonials as to her professionalism and credibility.

Well, hate to break it to you, but the FBI was looking for unbiased verifiable evidence towards a sexual assault. They are not acting as lawyers cross examining sworn witnesses in a courtroom, after they have testified. Anyone she knew from after the alleged event, that has no actual knowledge of the alleged event, cannot provide unbiased verifiable evidence in regards to the crime the FBI was investigating.

And they damn sure don't need character witnesses to find evidence of a crime.
there were 20 people at that party?
In that room?
(How did she remember that?)

Don't play dumb Will. Many of them would be people she told of the incident later on and probably testimonials as to her professionalism and credibility.

She had this gold mine of corroborating evidence and said nothing about it in the hearing while under oath? Who would do that and why?

"No, I don't care if the clock ran out, the game's not over because I haven't put my star player in yet".
Democrats are now saying the FBI is lying. Good thing too because the Russia story is falling apart spectacularly.

Not the FBI's fault. Not to worry, the White House directive AND this report will be leaked very soon.
Probably by FBI agents who are sick of the abuse
Then the world will know this was a #ShamInvestigation
god damn you're an idiot.

Okay - the FBI directives and this report will be leaked by the end of this year.
If not, they will be subpoenaed early next year by a Dem controlled house.
But my bet is on the former - If wrong, then feel free to call me an idiot.
pretty sure that's going to happen anyway.

*we the people* need to get over the fact we're not always going to get the *INFO* we think we deserve. right now trump is threatening to declassify a lot of documentation and the left is going nuts saying FOUL NO FOUL NO!!!!

yet here you are saying you can't wait for it to happen.

What Trump is threatening to leak involves sources, methods and classified information that was shared with us by allies.
He was told NO by foreign leaders and advisors.
There would be absolutely nothing in the directives or report that would in any way deserve classified status.
The American people deserve to know in exactly what manner this White House handcuffed the FBI.
um... declassify documents is NOT leaking them, dude. and while i think it would be interesting to see what is in there, i *do* agree he can't simply do this w/o careful analysis and consideration for all sides, especially NOT his own.

as for what is in there and it's value - how do you know it doesn't deserve it? it's funny to me (not really, this is you i'm speaking to) some info you WANT kept under wraps but other info you want written in the sky for all to see.

trump told the FBI to do whatever they needed to do so provide some PROOF he "handcuffed" them - your emo-feelz shit is NOT proof.
there were 20 people at that party?
In that room?
(How did she remember that?)

Don't play dumb Will. Many of them would be people she told of the incident later on and probably testimonials as to her professionalism and credibility.
you tell people not to play dumb and now you want 35 year old "evidence" from people she MAY have talked to along the way AFTER SHE SAID no one knew til 2012.

you tellin me you'd be ok with this type of "evidence chain" if brought to a liberal judge nominee?

this process is a poster child for how we NEVER do this again to EITHER side.

how about this - one witness was coached in what to say.

Friend of Dr. Ford Felt Pressure to Revisit Statement
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there were 20 people at that party?
In that room?
(How did she remember that?)

Don't play dumb Will. Many of them would be people she told of the incident later on and probably testimonials as to her professionalism and credibility.
you tell people not to play dumb and now you want 35 year old "evidence" from people she MAY have talked to along the way AFTER SHE SAID no one knew til 2012.

you tellin me you'd be ok with this type of "evidence chain" if brought to a liberal judge nominee?

this process is a poster child for how we NEVER do this again to EITHER side.

Kind of makes you wonder how the Senate ever managed to confirm a Supreme Court Justice before the FBI existed, not to mention the absolute circus some people care to make it now.
As for Dr Ford - - She provided over 20 corroborating witnesses to the FBI and they failed to interview a single one.

Don't play dumb Will. Many of them would be people she told of the incident later on and probably testimonials as to her professionalism and credibility.

Well, hate to break it to you, but the FBI was looking for unbiased verifiable evidence towards a sexual assault. They are not acting as lawyers cross examining sworn witnesses in a courtroom, after they have testified. Anyone she knew from after the alleged event, that has no actual knowledge of the alleged event, cannot provide unbiased verifiable evidence in regards to the crime the FBI was investigating.

And they damn sure don't need character witnesses to find evidence of a crime.

When told to conduct a complete investigation, there is nobody better than the FBI at following EVERY lead and talking to EVERY person who wants to talk.
This investigation was a sham designed by Don McGhan to purposefully limit scope.
They talked to NINE PEOPLE? One agent could have done that and written their kangaroo report in a single day.
Give me a fucking break
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there were 20 people at that party?
In that room?
(How did she remember that?)

Don't play dumb Will. Many of them would be people she told of the incident later on and probably testimonials as to her professionalism and credibility.
you tell people not to play dumb and now you want 35 year old "evidence" from people she MAY have talked to along the way AFTER SHE SAID no one knew til 2012.

you tellin me you'd be ok with this type of "evidence chain" if brought to a liberal judge nominee?

this process is a poster child for how we NEVER do this again to EITHER side.

Kind of makes you wonder how the Senate ever managed to confirm a Supreme Court Justice before the FBI existed, not to mention the absolute circus some people care to make it now.
we need official clowns at the next one and a few elephant / tiger acts when the next dem nominee goes through this process. :)

i *SERIOUSLY* hope we get this out of our collective system and nothing like this ever happens again to either side. who we are today really isn't who we should be as a country.
When told to conduct a complete investigation, there is nobody better than the FBI at following EVERY lead and talking to people who want to talk.
This investigation was a sham designed by Don McGhan to purposefully limit scope.
They talked to NINE PEOPLE? One agent could have done that and written their kangaroo report in a single day.
Give me a fucking break

They had sworn statements from the people identified by Dr. Ford as possibly having knowledge of the sexual assault she alleged.

The FBI's job is to find unbiased verifiable evidence that a crime occurred.
Their job is not to plot a course to a result they want to find, but to follow whatever evidence is available and avoid being misled by anything unsupported by evidence.

Their job is not to make something out of nothing and to do otherwise would be a kangaroo court.
When told to conduct a complete investigation, there is nobody better than the FBI at following EVERY lead and talking to people who want to talk.
This investigation was a sham designed by Don McGhan to purposefully limit scope.
They talked to NINE PEOPLE? One agent could have done that and written their kangaroo report in a single day.
Give me a fucking break

They had sworn statements from the people identified by Dr. Ford as possibly having knowledge of the sexual assault she alleged.

The FBI's job is to find unbiased verifiable evidence that a crime occurred.
Their job is not to plot a course to a result they want to find, but to follow whatever evidence is available and avoid being misled by anything unsupported by evidence.

Their job is not to make something out of nothing.

That is NOT what they would have done given unlimited scope.
They follow leads and uncover FACTS - Everyone knows they could go to prison for lying to the FBI and are told so in advance of an interview.
Their denial to some reporter and what they might have told the FBI are two entirely different things.
You need to study up on the FBI

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