CDZ FBI Recommends No Charges Against Mrs. Clinton...but what it says creates political drama...AWKWARD

If the situation is a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" one, better to say less than to say more.
If you are talking about a governmental action this is exactly the wrong type of thinking.

Open, transparent and honest government cannot exist with that mentality. If it is a damned if you do and damned if you do not situation with the government you ALWAYS side with openness and more information. I am quite surprised that you seem to disagree with this.
the guy layed out a complete case for bringing charges

and then didnt

it is as if he was saying

i would if i could
That may be how you interpreted it but it wasn't how the director interpreted it. He said, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He clearly stated that there was no intent to violate the law. Furthermore there was no intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. They simple did not find enough evidence to prosecution.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

he is mistaken plenty of reasonable prosecutors are going WTF
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.
No charges were brought because influence peddlers like the Clintons bought their way out of it. The FBI director just states that he doesn't recommend prosecuting her, not that she was innocent of anything, and he goes to announce that others will be prosecuted for doing the same thing she did, and that this is just a special Hillary pass that no one else will get. He thinks she will win and he's covering his ass like any other career bureaucrat will, and doesn't want the Clinton smear machine hanging a target on his back. You spin and bloviate and dissemble all you want, she was guilty and the report says so.
Opinions, assumptions, and wishful thinking.
He did not say other will be prosecuted for doing the same thing. That is your interpretation.
the guy layed out a complete case for bringing charges

and then didnt

it is as if he was saying

i would if i could
That may be how you interpreted it but it wasn't how the director interpreted it. He said, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He clearly stated that there was no intent to violate the law. Furthermore there was no intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. They simple did not find enough evidence to prosecution.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

he is mistaken plenty of reasonable prosecutors are going WTF
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
That may be how you interpreted it but it wasn't how the director interpreted it. He said, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He clearly stated that there was no intent to violate the law. Furthermore there was no intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. They simple did not find enough evidence to prosecution.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

he is mistaken plenty of reasonable prosecutors are going WTF
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
The careless way the State Dept has been handling classified material didn't start with Clinton. It's been going on for years. She certainly should have paid more attention and insisted on secure servers for all employees including herself.
the guy layed out a complete case for bringing charges

and then didnt

it is as if he was saying

i would if i could
That may be how you interpreted it but it wasn't how the director interpreted it. He said, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He clearly stated that there was no intent to violate the law. Furthermore there was no intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. They simple did not find enough evidence to prosecution.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

he is mistaken plenty of reasonable prosecutors are going WTF
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

Having worked in the intelligence field for some time, I can tell you carelessness with classified material most certainly is a crime. There are several behind bars now for that very reason. After Bill met with the potential prosecutor and Hillary rode on Air Force One with the one who appointed the FBI director this is simply a way to let a Clinton skate once again.
"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

he is mistaken plenty of reasonable prosecutors are going WTF
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
The careless way the State Dept has been handling classified material didn't start with Clinton. It's been going on for years. She certainly should have paid more attention and insisted on secure servers for all employees including herself.

that is not really what fbi said

but who wants an extremely careless prezbo anyhow
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
The careless way the State Dept has been handling classified material didn't start with Clinton. It's been going on for years. She certainly should have paid more attention and insisted on secure servers for all employees including herself.

that is not really what fbi said

but who wants an extremely careless prezbo anyhow

Comey is going in front of Congress today....somebody needs to ask this question.

You said Clinton not only used private servers, and deleted work-related e-mails, but also did so “in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.” That is a violation of federal records laws, and obstruction of justice, isn’t it?
That may be how you interpreted it but it wasn't how the director interpreted it. He said, "our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He clearly stated that there was no intent to violate the law. Furthermore there was no intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. They simple did not find enough evidence to prosecution.

"our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

he is mistaken plenty of reasonable prosecutors are going WTF
As director of the FBI who has spent over 20 million dollars and a year investigating Clinton emails he certain should know if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.

Although, I didn't agree with everything he said, I found his report really refreshing. How often do we hear anything out of Washington that's not just political bullshit? I think his report said what most people believe. Clinton is guilty of careless handling emails with classified information, but not guilty of any crime.
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

Having worked in the intelligence field for some time, I can tell you carelessness with classified material most certainly is a crime. There are several behind bars now for that very reason. After Bill met with the potential prosecutor and Hillary rode on Air Force One with the one who appointed the FBI director this is simply a way to let a Clinton skate once again.

the head of the FBI said in other cases it certainly was a crime
At minimum she's guilty of being too stupid/careless to be President.
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
The careless way the State Dept has been handling classified material didn't start with Clinton. It's been going on for years. She certainly should have paid more attention and insisted on secure servers for all employees including herself.

that is not really what fbi said

but who wants an extremely careless prezbo anyhow

Comey is going in front of Congress today....somebody needs to ask this question.

You said Clinton not only used private servers, and deleted work-related e-mails, but also did so “in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.” That is a violation of federal records laws, and obstruction of justice, isn’t it?

well it used to be a crime
As much as Republican would like to frame it as such, carelessness is not necessarily a crime. Gross negligence can certainly be. However, proving the Secretary of State has been grossly negligence when their is no evidence would be a pretty tall order. After all the Secretary did not set up the server and probably had little knowledge at the time of exactly where here emails were being store or how secure they were. Those tasks are relegated to others.

carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
The careless way the State Dept has been handling classified material didn't start with Clinton. It's been going on for years. She certainly should have paid more attention and insisted on secure servers for all employees including herself.

that is not really what fbi said

but who wants an extremely careless prezbo anyhow

Comey is going in front of Congress today....somebody needs to ask this question.

You said Clinton not only used private servers, and deleted work-related e-mails, but also did so “in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.” That is a violation of federal records laws, and obstruction of justice, isn’t it?

well it used to be a crime

It still would be for the "little people"
carelessness is not necessarily a crime.

well it is when it comes to government secrets

and the trust the public puts on public officials

not to jeopardize secret information
The careless way the State Dept has been handling classified material didn't start with Clinton. It's been going on for years. She certainly should have paid more attention and insisted on secure servers for all employees including herself.

that is not really what fbi said

but who wants an extremely careless prezbo anyhow

Comey is going in front of Congress today....somebody needs to ask this question.

You said Clinton not only used private servers, and deleted work-related e-mails, but also did so “in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.” That is a violation of federal records laws, and obstruction of justice, isn’t it?

well it used to be a crime

It still would be for the "little people"

yes it certainly is
What did comey say again?

making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way,

I know what Dir. Comey said; I posted his remarks from this morning's press conference in the OP. I don't know why, with the OP quoted in your post, you have asked, "What did comey [sic] say again?"
Despite my Aspergers, I would venture to guess that 2A was asking what is commonly known as a 'rhetorical question'.
Both sides can slam the other's candidate all they want.

The PROBLEM is they're BOTH right.
But there is a galactic light years distance between a clumsy nonproffessional amateur politician being too blunt vrs a criminal, lying Politically protected corporate shill who is too incompetent to be entrusted with our nations secrets.

While some folks may view the meme you've shared above as acceptable in the "court of public opinion," it doesn't pass muster in a criminal courtroom. The matter of whether Mrs. Clinton should be prosecuted and can be found guilty of the charges levied against her is a matter that must be considered in terms of what can be achieved in a criminal courtroom.

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