Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
Southern AZ
New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

After the horrendous beheading, one of the usual RWs here crowed that it was an armed employee who shot the guy. Which was true. What was also true is that the employee was an off duty law enforcement officer.

The same bunch will ignore that out of 1043 victims, only ONE was saved by a civilian carrying a gun because it doesn't jell with their Mighty Mouse view of themselves.

Their Official Patch is and will remain -

I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

you are a lying POS. I was a DOJ official for 24 years and very few agents would agree with your crap.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

I carry a gun because you and your cohorts are too heavy for me to carry. You guys are never where we need you when we need you and I'm not intending to wait the 5-60 minutes it takes for your companions in my area to respond to a burglary.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.

Imagine being the cop who shot the guy looking to buy a toy gun in walmart. For that matter, how about the guy who called the cops, saying the guy was "menacing" shoppers. He has since recanted but he should be culpable for that man's death.

And this could have turned out very differently:
Its Post #125

But, yeah, if everyone has a gun, how do you tell the good guys from the bad guys? Its hard enough if you've killed the bad guy but how does the cop live with shooting the wrong person?
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.
You are a terrible liar. Don't quit your day job.....IF you actually have one
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.
You are a terrible liar. Don't quit your day job.....IF you actually have one

yeah he is FOS. most street cops are very pro gun. I know Clinton's DOJ conducted a massively intense and expensive poll on line officers concerning gun issues in an attempt to support their unpopular gun laws. Well over 90% of the officers opposed the brady bill, the AWB and 90%+ supported armed citizens.

this guy probably served coffee to real cops
New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

Fuck off, Adolf
Bullshit. I know of numerous incidents that happened in my state just this year where an armed citizen stopped a perp during the course of an armed crime. Your stats do not make sense. Further, let's assume that they are correct, I still like my chances of extracting myself and family by carrying much better than if I was not carrying.

People who carry are not playing cowboy, you ignorant asshole. Deadly force is only going to be used as a last resort in a life or death situation. Most people I encounter who carry are well versed in the law of concealed carry, are responsible and thoughtful people, and know what they are doing with a firearm.

I hope you never find yourself in a deadly situation with a criminal perp. But if you do I sincerely hope that you are responsible enough to carry so that you at least have a fighting chance. This is not some abstract issue; it is about life and death. Personally, I carry because I do not want to leave my children as orphans. Carrying is not a guarantee, but it tilts the odds more in favor of survival.
Further, I know several federal Marshalls and they are ALL pro-carry. They are not concerned about citizens carrying. They are concerned about citizens being hurt or killed by criminals.
Further, I know several federal Marshalls and they are ALL pro-carry. They are not concerned about citizens carrying. They are concerned about citizens being hurt or killed by criminals.

I agree completely. and I used to shoot with the USMS guys and the FBI firearms instructors because I was a top competitive speed shooter and they were trying to learn some stuff from the USPSA circuit from me
New FBI Report Casts Doubt on NRA s Good Guy Stops Bad Guy Nonsense Mike Weisser

"I'm referring to a report on active shooting incidents just released by the FBI which analyzed 160 "active shootings" resulting in injuries to 1,043 victims, including 486 deaths, between 2000 and 2013.

Here's how these incidents ended. More than half (56 percent) were terminated by the shooter who either took his or her own life, simply stopped shooting or fled the scene. Another 26 percent ended in the traditional Hollywood-like fashion with the shooter and law enforcement personnel exchanging gunfire and in nearly all of those situations the shooter ended up either wounded or dead. In 13 percent of the shooting situations, the shooter was successfully disarmed and restrained by unarmed civilians, and in 3 percent of the incidents the shooter was confronted by armed civilians, of whom four were on-duty security guards and one person was just your average "good guy" who happened to be carrying a gun."

After the horrendous beheading, one of the usual RWs here crowed that it was an armed employee who shot the guy. Which was true. What was also true is that the employee was an off duty law enforcement officer.

The same bunch will ignore that out of 1043 victims, only ONE was saved by a civilian carrying a gun because it doesn't jell with their Mighty Mouse view of themselves.

Their Official Patch is and will remain -


Hey Nutcase, Try the FIRST one next time one of your boy friends gets too frisky, you'll wish you had the OPTION for #2.... fucking libtard idiot!

I carry a gun because you and your cohorts are too heavy for me to carry. You guys are never where we need you when we need you and I'm not intending to wait the 5-60 minutes it takes for your companions in my area to respond to a burglary (Anathema)

Well, Gee, Anathema, I will refund my entire salary to you. However, you might be disappointed, because I serve for free as a volunteer....
Even the New York times admits that there is at least 67k times a year that a gun is used by a civilian to protect themselves or others.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.
You are a terrible liar. Don't quit your day job.....IF you actually have one

Grandpa, not only am I not a liar (I certainly would not bother to be one to impress anyone on this board), but I will not tolerate a discussion with anyone who calls me one. Welcome to "ignore list", asshole.....

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