FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Depends on what his orders were. If this was an assassination, which seems likely given what we know about DNC/FBI corruption, the agent was "just following orders".
I’m not prepared to assume guilt. Maybe the suspect did physically resist and threatened the life of an agent. Or maybe he did display a gun. If so, I say “fuck him.”

What troubles me is the lack of inquiry by the MSM or reporting on that question by our MSM.
Can you show us pics of those "large swaths of cities" that were burned?

"Fiery but mostly peaceful..." lol









I'm stunned that they can use this tracking, tracing, and snooping tech to stop wackos from assassinating our ruling elites, but they somehow cannot manage to clue into the multiple warnings & red flags of troubled youth and crazies, and stop them from committing mass shootings. . . .

Amazing isn’t it.
Why do you support Biden's death squads?
Death squads are right wing entities in South America. Are you saying Biden is now a right winger? I missed the memo.
"Fiery but mostly peaceful..." lol









Looks like all your images are a liquor store, two other buildings, and two PoPo mobiles. This is your Great Terror?

We lost that overnight Wednesday IN ONE FIRE ALONE.
You can shoot unarmed people in a lot of our southern states. Stalk a Black man and when he turns on you, just shoot him and holler about Standing Your Ground. It worked for George Zimmerman in Florida.
It would`ve worked for the 3 Georgia hillbillies that shot an unarmed jogger but the dumbasses brought along a film crew on their Negro hunt.
You really are a stupid son of a bitch who loves to lie all the fucking time.

See how you feel when you have a thug beating your head into the concrete, would you let him continue till what little of your brain matter spills out, or take a shot and blow the thugs chest clean through. Then when it was reported the Lame Stream Media falsely edited the phone call of George. You Marxists are the most hated people in the world. What is real interesting about George, was that all the Lame Stream Media said he was "White" until it was found out George had a Latino mother. George was the first "White Hispanic", and now all government forms have been edited to point that fact out.

I know George cut himself shaving that morning , that is why he as those marks on his head...
Death squads are right wing entities in South America. Are you saying Biden is now a right winger? I missed the memo.

Looks like all your images are a liquor store, two other buildings, and two PoPo mobiles. This is your Great Terror?

We lost that overnight Wednesday IN ONE FIRE ALONE.

You're in a cult.

According to a September 2020 estimate, arson, vandalism and looting caused about $1–2 billion in insured damage between May 26 and June 8, making this initial phase of the George Floyd protests the civil disorder event with the highest recorded damage in American history.[7][34]
He resisted arrest. "All He Had To Do Was Comply", which what we hear MAGA MAGGOTS everytime an African-American or an Hispanic-American is killed by Law Enforcement.

He got killed for NOT COMPLYING. He got killed for RESISTING ARREST. You want a fucking Civil War, you get killed. Fuck that shit for brains. One less MAGA MAGGOT don't matter anyway. He did dumb and paid the price.
I wont comply to a bunch of jack booted thugs, who think they can do what ever the fuck they feel like. Not like some black people who intentionally go out and break the law, then attack police officers. Big fucking difference their tumble weed....
Same people that love to shout “just comply” when a minority gets the crap beat out of them or killed by police are on here now saying what?
I dont say comply, if a dumbass democrat black guy wants to have a shoot out with police, go for it. Idiots like you are the reason why this county is in the shitter.

He fucking resisted arrest. The F.B.I. was executing a warrant, he failed to comply. He was well armed and had made threats against both President Biden and Vice President Harris.

IF you have evidence about fake elections, put up or shut up. The indictments are totally legal. Grow the fuck up.
Was that warrant signed by the same guy who signed the warrant of the Russian Collusion Hoax? FIB has no credibility, and are the enemy of the people....
You are — as usual — highly over wrought.

We don’t know the facts yet. If a man — who shared images of his guns on line and who has made public threats against the President of the United States and a DA, etc. — is being served with an arrest warrant and a search warrant, and he resists in any manner indicating a likely threat to the agents, then their swift and decisive action is perfectly acceptable.

The point boils down to that word “if.” If he wasn’t resisting or if he wasn’t making any threats or displaying any weapons, then the analysis changes. Then the agent(s) decision to shoot is utterly unacceptable.
OOh, sharing images of his guns...scary....That right there is a reason to murder someone right? No due process, no trial, just murder. Unless it is an armed black man who is resisting arrest, then the police are at fault all the time.
Death squads are right wing entities in South America. Are you saying Biden is now a right winger? I missed the memo.

Looks like all your images are a liquor store, two other buildings, and two PoPo mobiles. This is your Great Terror?

We lost that overnight Wednesday IN ONE FIRE ALONE.
You just keep on pushing the right wing of Socialism. That is Fascism you retard. You wish law abiding citizens were Fascists, but we arent. But just like with Japan, you keep pushing US and you will end up on the wrong side of history, dumbass.
You are a leftist STOOGE and little POL POT.
America has become a BANANA REPUBLIC.

You have fake president is indicting his political rival

You're way deep into the conspiracy thing ain't ya?

The idiot died because he refuse to comply. He threatened the lives Biden and Harris. He was well armed.

You're Russian Supported Mango Mussolini wants Reich Wing Dictatorship. Grow the fuck up.
You're way deep into the conspiracy thing ain't ya?

The idiot died because he refuse to comply. He threatened the lives Biden and Harris. He was well armed.

You're Russian Supported Mango Mussolini wants Reich Wing Dictatorship. Grow the fuck up.
OOh, sharing images of his guns...scary....That right there is a reason to murder someone right? No due process, no trial, just murder. Unless it is an armed black man who is resisting arrest, then the police are at fault all the time.

Sitting on a Man's neck until he choked to death - yes the cop is as guilty as sin. Shooting Black Man in back is the Reich Wing idea of justice
Why are you supporting Joe Biden's death squads?

I don't support what does not exsist, except in your very delousional mind. In case you forgot, Death Squads were exclusively by Latin America Right Wing Dictators.

There are no death squads, just MAGA MAGGOTS who have the Orange Man's kool-aid.

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