FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

I wont comply to a bunch of jack booted thugs, who think they can do what ever the fuck they feel like. Not like some black people who intentionally go out and break the law, then attack police officers. Big fucking difference their tumble weed....
FBI wears jackboots? Huh..who knew?
But when that knock on the door comes..remember your dedication..grab that gun....and become just another thread at USMB~

A fitting epitaph--he talked shit...one day it all became real--and no-one gave two shits about him or how he ended. Nothing changed..no-one was inspired..and 7 dorky memes were created.
RIP Dumbass~
When they kill a CMH winner who also has one Silver & 2 Bronze Stars an 5 Purple Hearts there will be pushback from within the LEO ranks
They are sure pumping this up on the liberal media. Keep showing his picture with a hunting rifle. Meanwhile every night in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles people get slaughtered by certain demographics and not a photo on the news. Wonder why??????

Yeah. Here's a picture of him with his " hunting rifle "

I predicted that MAGAT's would be on here blindly supporting the guy who was gunned down.....

But that support only goes as far as trolling on message boards..

Not a single one of them will go into the streets and take the fight to the "Feds" -- why? Because they are cowardly pieces of shit....an old 300 lb senior citizen had more balls than you guys did....sad
I don't support what does not exsist, except in your very delousional mind. In case you forgot, Death Squads were exclusively by Latin America Right Wing Dictators.

There are no death squads, just MAGA MAGGOTS who have the Orange Man's kool-aid.

Why are you so aroused by Donald Trump? You talk about him constantly.
I wont comply to a bunch of jack booted thugs, who think they can do what ever the fuck they feel like. Not like some black people who intentionally go out and break the law, then attack police officers. Big fucking difference their tumble weed....
You aint gonna do shit but frantically type goofy shit online...shut yo bitch ass up
Never. He will hide behind a corrupt FBI and Feds to d his dirty work for him. same as the rest of the deviants and commies will.
Nope, you guys are hiding behind profiles and hoping others do the dirty work for you..because you are pussies....

"I" am not the "deep state"

"I" am no the ones oppressing you...

Don't lash out at me like a bitch because I am asking you why you ain't practicing what you preach....go ahead and take down those feds or shut the fuck up
Nope, you guys are hiding behind profiles and hoping others do the dirty work for you..because you are pussies....

"I" am not the "deep state"

"I" am no the ones oppressing you...

Don't lash out at me like a bitch because I am asking you why you ain't practicing what you preach....go ahead and take down those feds or shut the fuck up

Stop sniveling gimp; all you do is whine like a little bitch. It's the same cry for Whitey to save you we get from your fellow black con artists.
Yeah. Here's a picture of him with his " hunting rifle "


So the guy likes to put on tactical shit.

That may be a crime in Leftest countries but that is not a crime in the US.

The FBI assholes didn't have to murder him. He was no harm to anyone.

We White people should do like the goddamn Negroes and riot, loot, murder and destroy 200 American cities for six months over the injustice of this man being unjustly killed by the filthy ass government thugs.

Thugs sent to his home by the Banana Republic rulers in our country.
So the guy likes to put on tactical shit.

That may be a crime in Leftest countries but that is not a crime in the US.

The FBI assholes didn't have to murder him. He was no harm to anyone.

We White people should do like the goddamn Negroes and riot, loot, murder and destroy 200 American cities for six months over the injustice of this man being unjustly killed by the filthy ass government thugs.

Thugs sent to his home by the Banana Republic rulers in our country.
Im sure they were told to shoot first, ask questions later.
Stop sniveling gimp; all you do is whine like a little bitch. It's the same cry for Whitey to save you we get from your fellow black con artists.
Meanwhile, that fat fuck you caping up for is still dead....

and you still ain't gonna do shit about it.....

Go donate to his go-fund me, pussy
I predicted that MAGAT's would be on here blindly supporting the guy who was gunned down.....

But that support only goes as far as trolling on message boards..

Not a single one of them will go into the streets and take the fight to the "Feds" -- why? Because they are cowardly pieces of shit....an old 300 lb senior citizen had more balls than you guys did....sad
^^ Look at the lefty moonbat trying to incite violence.
Nope, you guys are hiding behind profiles and hoping others do the dirty work for you..because you are pussies....

"I" am not the "deep state"

"I" am no the ones oppressing you...

Don't lash out at me like a bitch because I am asking you why you ain't practicing what you preach....go ahead and take down those feds or shut the fuck up

Why do you support Biden's death squads?
Im sure they were told to shoot first, ask questions later.

The FBI thugs are cowards.

They go into a man's home at 6:00 AM with gun blazing, shouting and being government thugs just like their Banana Republic bosses want them to be.

The guy could have been questioned reasonably or they could have put surveillance on him or any one of many things except attack him and kill him.

Not any difference than the filthy government shitheads over reacting at Waco or Ruby Ridge.

That shithead that shot up the Republican baseball practice had posted a lot more Leftest hate and threats but nobody was sent to kill him.

Two tier justice system in this Banana Republic. Typical for Leftest regimes. Especially in those countries like the US with a stolen election.
I predicted that MAGAT's would be on here blindly supporting the guy who was gunned down.....

But that support only goes as far as trolling on message boards..

Not a single one of them will go into the streets and take the fight to the "Feds" -- why? Because they are cowardly pieces of shit....an old 300 lb senior citizen had more balls than you guys did....sad
why are you inciting violence, because you are in your basement, nice and safe?

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