FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

He literally made threats all over the internet and shown on thus thread.

It is a matter of Federal Law that when a person makes threat using the public airwaves, including the internet, that such a threat is violation of Federal Law. What did the numb nuts expect...Barney the Dinosaur?

Threating the life of a sitting Preisdent and/or a sitting Vice President can result in arrest. Same holds for Presidental and Vice Presidential Candidates as well.
You are so very fucking wrong. The United States Secret Service does have arrest powers. You make yourself a viable threat against a U.S. President and see who shows up at your door.

You are one helluva an uninformed MAGA MAGGOT.
The Secret Service is a security agency, not a law enforcement agency. Can you people be any dumber?
Here is the full story including footage from a neighbor

FBI agents shoot, kill Provo suspect connected to Biden threats

The Dude was an active Mormon and liked by his church and friends, however, he clearly made life-threatening statements toward Biden. They did attempt to serve a warrant. If you watch neighbor's video you hear the explosion sound and then they shoot. The dude had already told them he would not come out. They camped out in the church parking lot all night next to his house.

Personally, I think something was wrong with him. It's not normal to be that aggressive imo. Also, if you believe in Heavenly Father which he did supposedly believe then being obedient to him and not the sick human mind is a better way to be.
I wonder if the camping out strategy, and a heavy presence ends up provoking an action that comes forth after the heavy presence is felt, otherwise and the stress levels rise as a result of ??

This staking out by camping out boldly and blazingly in view of the suspect or suspect's (for example - on the branch dividians), should have taught our law enforcement a valuable lesson on how that escalates the situation to derangement levels usually, otherwise if going to cut off the head of a snake (why not just arrest him or her when they least expect it) ????????

Why camp out and make a huge presence that gives the suspect a sense of celebrity status, and yet next a sense of being trapped like a rat that sees such a thing as being the end without a chance of hope to go peacefully ???

Any of these suspects can be arrested without a spectacle taking place... Fact..

Unless the government wants to make a statement maybe.. hmmm.
I wonder if the camping out strategy, and a heavy presence ends up provoking an action that comes forth after the heavy presence is felt, otherwise and the stress levels rise as a result of ??

This staking out by camping out boldly and blazingly in view of the suspect or suspect's (for example - on the branch dividians), should have taught our law enforcement a valuable lesson on how that escalates the situation to derangement levels usually, otherwise if going to cut off the head of a snake (why not just arrest him or her when they least expect it) ????????

Why camp out and make a huge presence that gives the suspect a sense of celebrity status, and yet next a sense of being trapped like a rat that sees such a thing as being the end without a chance of hope to go peacefully ???

Any of these suspects can be arrested without a spectacle taking place... Fact..

Unless the government wants to make a statement maybe.. hmmm.
I live in Utah County and the Provo area is where BYU is. I cannot answer the questions you asked because I don't know the answers. But I feel with such a strong presence and the neighbors filming it He could surrender and get a lawyer. He threatened to take out the Leader. It's like don't say bomb on a plane.
I would imagine, if you made the same threats against Trump, the SS would be making a call, ARMED.
Funny isn't it, how children can be trafficked and abused by organized criminal organizations that probably use technology and such to aid in their operations, but a threat is spoken by a lone stranger on the internet (needle in a haystack), and he's found immediately to be taken down by law enforcement, but the abusive criminal organizations just live on and on and on in this country ????

Scammers can scam Americans in this country like it's not even illegal to do so, but no branch of our law enforcement can stop these scammers who bilked billions out of our most vulnerable populations so far.

Puts it all in perspective doesn't it ?
I disagree. I suspect most arrest warrants are served at home first, and it makes sense. Think about It. They are arresting someone known to be armed. The chances for a bad outcome, or losing control of the situation, would much higher out in a public area.

Why is it people think this guy should be treated differently than anyone else?

Who’s to say he wouldn’t have tried to shoot them anyway?
Good points, but you don't choose a location to arrest a person that would endanger other's. It can be done away from his home safely. Would be better to get him isolated, because whose to say that grandchildren and others might live in the home ??
I've reported posts from this forum during the Obama Administration. Several formal members had made direct threats President Obama, his wife and his daughters.

I was informed by both the F.B.I. and the Secret Service at one threat had been deem viable.

Someone received a visit. They were not happy from what I was told.

You belong in 1940s Germany
You are the exact type that created a H
Good points, but you don't choose a location to arrest a person that would endanger other's. It can be done away from his home safely. Would be better to get him isolated, because whose to say that grandchildren and others might live in the home ??
Yeah, I don't know how the process is supposed to be conducted.
Common sense.

This scenario: he was forted up, at home, knowing they're coming. The agents had no element of surprise.

Out in public: he most likely wouldn't be armed. If he was, it would be a concealed handgun. The biggest difference is that the agents would have had the element of surprise and performed a soft takedown and everyone lives.

Your defense of these agents is making them look more stupid than anything else.
Also good points..
It is a matter of Federal Law that when a person makes threat using the public airwaves, including the internet, that such a threat is violation of Federal Law. What did the numb nuts expect...Barney the Dinosaur?

Threating the life of a sitting Preisdent and/or a sitting Vice President can result in arrest. Same holds for Presidental and Vice Presidential Candidates as well.
Ok, so why did the celebrities get a pass ?
Yeah, I don't know how the process is supposed to be conducted.
That's why government is supposed to study itself, and learn from it's mistakes, but if a government is overtaken by a generation of officials that are arrogant and making up it's own rules, then we begin to see bad scenarios play out either provoked or unprovoked.
That's why government is supposed to study itself, and learn from it's mistakes, but if a government is overtaken by a generation of officials that are arrogant and making up it's own rules, then we begin to see bad scenarios play out either provoked or unprovoked.
Victim spike alert!!!

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