FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Good points, but you don't choose a location to arrest a person that would endanger other's. It can be done away from his home safely. Would be better to get him isolated, because whose to say that grandchildren and others might live in the home ??
I suspect they would observe the place and collect information first. It seems to be the norm for police to attempt to arrest someone at their home first.
Funny isn't it, how children can be trafficked and abused by organized criminal organizations that probably use technology and such to aid in their operations, but a threat is spoken by a lone stranger on the internet (needle in a haystack), and he's found immediately to be taken down by law enforcement, but the abusive criminal organizations just live on and on and on in this country ????

Scammers can scam Americans in this country like it's not even illegal to do so, but no branch of our law enforcement can stop these scammers who bilked billions out of our most vulnerable populations so far.

Puts it all in perspective doesn't it ?
This guy made more than one threat, he had a pattern of them, and he wasn’t exactly hiding himself or making himself hard to find. It isn’t really comparable to organized crime.
I suspect they would observe the place and collect information first. It seems to be the norm for police to attempt to arrest someone at their home first.
Yes, if the person live's there alone, but the home isn't always the best place be it all thing's being considered.
This guy made more than one threat, he had a pattern of them, and he wasn’t exactly hiding himself or making himself hard to find. It isn’t really comparable to organized crime.
Yes it's very comparable, infact even more so by the history and time lines involved in the undoubtedly allowed organized crime. It doesn't make you scratch your head, and say "now wait a minute" ???
Funny isn't it, how children can be trafficked and abused by organized criminal organizations that probably use technology and such to aid in their operations, but a threat is spoken by a lone stranger on the internet (needle in a haystack), and he's found immediately to be taken down by law enforcement, but the abusive criminal organizations just live on and on and on in this country ????

Scammers can scam Americans in this country like it's not even illegal to do so, but no branch of our law enforcement can stop these scammers who bilked billions out of our most vulnerable populations so far.

Puts it all in perspective doesn't it ?
Weird isn’t it? We live in a weird world and Trump isn’t helping. If he wasn’t inciting these guys, the Feds would be out arresting the regular criminals.
The Secret Service is a security agency, not a law enforcement agency. Can you people be any dumber?
That is what I originally thought, so I looked it up. They actually have broader powers than just security.

Ok, so why did the celebrities get a pass ?
I think it isn’t as simple as just making a threat. There needs to be some evidence they could carry it out, planning, specific threats etc. to warrant charges. Otherwise you could run into free speech issues right?
Yes, if the person live's there alone, but the home isn't always the best place be it all thing's being considered.
That is true. But remember, this guy was also not very mobile, and didn’t go out much.
How so fuckup.

not on par but getting THERE

Just look at the extreme HATE coming out of his Admin against White Christians Conservatives.

Utterly insane how tens of millions of ignoramus whites continue to love him

I guess USA deserves to die
I think it isn’t as simple as just making a threat. There needs to be some evidence they could carry it out, planning, specific threats etc. to warrant charges. Otherwise you could run into free speech issues right?
Yes.. Correct... Without investigations because they were celebrities of course, we'll never know to what extent the actual threats were towards Trump.

Unequal standard's of justice maybe ?
not on par but getting THERE

Just look at the extreme HATE coming out of his Admin against White Christians Conservatives.

Utterly insane how tens of millions of ignoramus whites continue to love him

I guess USA deserves to die
That’s just delusional. What “hate”?

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