FBI Should be Dismantled and Replaced

We are seeing what happens when lunatics gain power. People who watch entertainers like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck for their "news" (Donald Trump is the kingpin right now). These people make a living off of really stupid people who believe whatever they're shoveled just because they like the people doing the shoveling. Even though 99.99% of what these people spew is utter nonsense.....supporters believe it over math, science, logic, or any semblance of rational thought. It used to be cute and funny when these non-Americans used to be in their own living rooms, drinking their warm Schlitz, talking about crazy conspiracies like the US staged the moon landing.....but now, these morons are influencing public policy.

We are seeing this play out now........Trump is ****ing off all of our allies with NATO and cozying up to a hostile foreign adversary (who helped him get elected in the first place). Experts right, center, and left are all speaking about the lasting damage Trump is doing.....but, his supporters cheer him on? Why?!?!??! Just because they don't understand the difference between entertainment and news.

The right wing is a cult....nothing more.
Right wing is a cult...sure

Sure.....what else do you call a group of people who continually believe a liar that constantly lies directly to their face?! The 'creepy' factor is that you morons are grown adults who should know better.

I got to keep more of my taxes...but I actually pay taxes....because I have a job....unlike you.
We are seeing what happens when lunatics gain power. People who watch entertainers like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck for their "news" (Donald Trump is the kingpin right now). These people make a living off of really stupid people who believe whatever they're shoveled just because they like the people doing the shoveling. Even though 99.99% of what these people spew is utter nonsense.....supporters believe it over math, science, logic, or any semblance of rational thought. It used to be cute and funny when these non-Americans used to be in their own living rooms, drinking their warm Schlitz, talking about crazy conspiracies like the US staged the moon landing.....but now, these morons are influencing public policy.

We are seeing this play out now........Trump is ****ing off all of our allies with NATO and cozying up to a hostile foreign adversary (who helped him get elected in the first place). Experts right, center, and left are all speaking about the lasting damage Trump is doing.....but, his supporters cheer him on? Why?!?!??! Just because they don't understand the difference between entertainment and news.

The right wing is a cult....nothing more.
Right wing is a cult...sure

Sure.....what else do you call a group of people who continually believe a liar that constantly lies directly to their face?! The 'creepy' factor is that you morons are grown adults who should know better.

Obama supporters.
The FBI is a joke. It's more of a threat to American citizens than it is to any foreign intelligence agents.
then you are a real dummy, who lives in and adores, total ignorance..

If compelling evidence were produced that showed the upper levels of the fbi were indeed trying to engineer a coup would your opinion change?
If wishes were horses.
Another dumb mod that doesn’t respect law and order but instead backs the criminal in Chief.
"Law and order" is where federal agents use a phony "dossier" to conduct espionage on the opposition Presidential candidate, obstruct an investigation of a politician obviously guilty of violating the espionage laws, and refuse to comply with lawful congressional oversight?
it was ALREADY ESTABLISHED AND PROVEN the dossier was not the reason the FBI was on to the Russian interference and began watching the Trump campaign working with the Russians.


None of that has been "established." However, it is what gullible snowflakes believe.

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