FBI Should be Dismantled and Replaced

So where is the incriminating evidence that Trump committed a crime?
still running from my question snowflake.
You run and deflect and then run some more.
Once again just to embarrass you.
If people have benign intentions they wouldn’t have lied.
Critical thinkers you Trump whores aren’t.
They didn't lie about it, moron, and it doesn't matter why they spoke to a Russian. That isn't a crime. So tell us where any members of the Trump campaign broke the law during the campaign. You keep running away from that question.
Liar. All of them including Sessions lied about their contacts with Russians during the campaign. Now what could they have been planning and scheming?
You keep yourself ignorant in order to support this criminal president.

Wrong. When did Kushner lie about it? Even Sessions didn't lie. He simply interpreted that clown's senator's question differently than the leftwing witchhunting mob.
Sessions was caught red handed but you continue to play ostrich.
You lie almost as good as your fuhrer.
Why did Jr. lie about the July meeting with Russian “ lawyer?”
You probably believed it was about adoption.
Ha ha ha ha
I see we have the Little Trumpster's brightest and best, on this one! :happy-1:
I see you are a dumbass, just like always.

You really don't have a life, do you? Almost 95,000 post, in a tad over seven years. Your must he on USMB all your waking hours. You must not have a family, friends, a job or anything meaningful in your life.
You spend all that time, either preaching to the choir or trying to change minds, that won't change. You are getting more and more wacky and shrill with your meaningless posts, all during your meaningless life.
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You keep running from the same question for 2 years, snowflake.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign meet with Russians and then lied about it after they got caught?
I just provided the link which you so laughably need.

There’s never been a campaign in history that met with so many Russians before an election but then again Russia never helped an American candidate get elected before.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
Obviously it's because there isn't the slightest thing illegal about anything he's bleating about.
Still can’t answer my simple question. Still smell of urine.
Why did all of your boys meet with Russians and LIED about it.
You haven't answered my question, douchebag.

What "illegal meetings" did members of the Trump campaign go to? You have failed to name any or explain what law they broke.
Funny you continue to deny the facts in order to NOT answer my question.
One again for dumbass.
1. A campaign has to declare they’re meeting with a foreign adversary.
They didn’t.

You make some stupid claims, but this is one of your dumbest.
  1. Where is the document that lists which countries are "foriegn adversaries?"
  2. Is Russia on the list?
  3. How about Venezuela? Mexico?
  4. Do Dims have to report when the go to Alcopulco on vacation? Can you produce the text of this so-called law?
2. Why did they all lie about meeting with Russians?

Again. When did Trump Jr and Kushner lie about it?

3. What were they hiding?
We know beyond a shadow of a doubt Russian interfered in our election. Did those nine help Russia?

Your rhetorical question is intended for idiots. intelligent people already know the answer.

We will find out the truth when Mueller releases his final report. Can’t wait for your heads to explode when you find out what your criminal president was involved with.

Once again you're making claims about something you admit to be totally ignorant about. That's a special kind of stupid.
I see we have the Little Trumpster's brightest and best, on this one! :happy-1:
I see you are a dumbass, just like always.

You really don't have a life, do you? Almost 95,000 post, in a tad over seven years. Your must he on USMB all your waking hours. You must not have a family, friends, a job or anything meaningful in your life.
You spend all that time, either preaching to the choir or trying to change minds, that won't change. You are getting more and more wacky and shrill with your meaningless posts, all during your meaningless life.
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I do this for entertainment rather than watch TV. Nice to know that you believe your opinions are utterly worthless.
No, the evidence convinced us that the FBI is corrupt. No one believes the Russians are the good guys.
A couple of texts by a few People in the FBI doesn’t make the agency corrupt. But continue to do Trump’s unamerican dirty work for him Mr. Nunes.
You have to be a collosal dumbass to believe that a couple of texts are the only evidence of corruption in the FBI.
I’m not stupid enough to believe Hannity’s and the GOP’s congress’ conspiracy theories. But you are. The FBI is made up of our best and brightest non partisan Americans.
You continue to work feverishly with your plan to try to discredit the FBI when Trump is indicted.
It’s not gonna work. Truth and good will triump over lies and evil.
You represent the lies and evil.....
No that would be your buffoon president that has told 3900 lies since becoming president. All documented and you low hanging fruit believe every one of them.

Yes Trump is evil.
He voted against breast feeding and for the corporate formula companies then threatened other countries if they voted yes.
Until Russia voted yes then Trump backed down. Gee wonder why.
Go back to burning down your own neighborhood, fucking idiot.

You shitstains haven't even begun to pay for your crimes against this country, the west and humanity as a whole.
Trump could fire Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, etc. Then simply declassify everything, hand it to Fox News with a select panel from DHS and the Pentagon to sort out trade-craft secrets and assets, and let them broadcast the findings. There's no need to break up the FBI....just behead it and find honest, apolitical replacements.
We are seeing what happens when lunatics gain power. People who watch entertainers like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck for their "news" (Donald Trump is the kingpin right now). These people make a living off of really stupid people who believe whatever they're shoveled just because they like the people doing the shoveling. Even though 99.99% of what these people spew is utter nonsense.....supporters believe it over math, science, logic, or any semblance of rational thought. It used to be cute and funny when these non-Americans used to be in their own living rooms, drinking their warm Schlitz, talking about crazy conspiracies like the US staged the moon landing.....but now, these morons are influencing public policy.

We are seeing this play out now........Trump is ****ing off all of our allies with NATO and cozying up to a hostile foreign adversary (who helped him get elected in the first place). Experts right, center, and left are all speaking about the lasting damage Trump is doing.....but, his supporters cheer him on? Why?!?!??! Just because they don't understand the difference between entertainment and news.

The right wing is a cult....nothing more.
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you are fricking nuts!

it is the best intelligence and counter intelligence in the world.

stop wearing your trumputin emotions on your coat sleeve...

it's embarrassing!

The FBI is a joke. It's more of a threat to American citizens than it is to any foreign intelligence agents.
then you are a real dummy, who lives in and adores, total ignorance..

If compelling evidence were produced that showed the upper levels of the fbi were indeed trying to engineer a coup would your opinion change?
If wishes were horses.
Another dumb mod that doesn’t respect law and order but instead backs the criminal in Chief.
"Law and order" is where federal agents use a phony "dossier" to conduct espionage on the opposition Presidential candidate, obstruct an investigation of a politician obviously guilty of violating the espionage laws, and refuse to comply with lawful congressional oversight?
it was ALREADY ESTABLISHED AND PROVEN the dossier was not the reason the FBI was on to the Russian interference and began watching the Trump campaign working with the Russians.

The highly politicized secret police force of the Obama administration should be torn down. U.S. Marshals Service can do job in the interim. FBI is no longer a trustworthy organization.
US Marshals served subpoena on FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Goodlatte says, threatening to hold her in contempt

Agreed. The Framers warned us about a standing army. I'd ditch a few other alphabet agencies along with them.

The list of tyrannies against the American people involving the FBI and the CIA is long. Very, very, long.
The highly politicized secret police force of the Obama administration should be torn down. U.S. Marshals Service can do job in the interim. FBI is no longer a trustworthy organization.
US Marshals served subpoena on FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Goodlatte says, threatening to hold her in contempt

So Nunes is using the US Marshals to obstruct justice... The FBI is in an ongoing investigation where the President is a subject.

Nunes has a history of sharing information with the WH which he did not make available to his own committee..

The FBI doesn't share information of an ongoing investigation... Why don't you let the DOJ do there job...

This is an attack because you figure your guy is guilty and your only defence is to piss in the pool...
We are seeing what happens when lunatics gain power. People who watch entertainers like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck for their "news" (Donald Trump is the kingpin right now). These people make a living off of really stupid people who believe whatever they're shoveled just because they like the people doing the shoveling. Even though 99.99% of what these people spew is utter nonsense.....supporters believe it over math, science, logic, or any semblance of rational thought. It used to be cute and funny when these non-Americans used to be in their own living rooms, drinking their warm Schlitz, talking about crazy conspiracies like the US staged the moon landing.....but now, these morons are influencing public policy.

We are seeing this play out now........Trump is ****ing off all of our allies with NATO and cozying up to a hostile foreign adversary (who helped him get elected in the first place). Experts right, center, and left are all speaking about the lasting damage Trump is doing.....but, his supporters cheer him on? Why?!?!??! Just because they don't understand the difference between entertainment and news.

The right wing is a cult....nothing more.
I bet you watch MSNBC and read Daily Beast. Conservatives are the center of reason in this country. 2016 election and mass exodus of white voters from Democratic Party showed that.

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