FBI Should be Dismantled and Replaced

I just did. Your record of ALWAYS being wrong remains intact.
The fact you trumpidiots continue to play ostrich with the reasons there is a criminal investigation into this corrupt president is laughable.

Where did you show that they broke the law?

Your belief that you have ever proved me wrong is hysterical.
You keep running from the same question for 2 years, snowflake.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign meet with Russians and then lied about it after they got caught?
I just provided the link which you so laughably need.

There’s never been a campaign in history that met with so many Russians before an election but then again Russia never helped an American candidate get elected before.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
Obviously it's because there isn't the slightest thing illegal about anything he's bleating about.
Still can’t answer my simple question. Still smell of urine.
Why did all of your boys meet with Russians and LIED about it.
You haven't answered my question, douchebag.

What "illegal meetings" did members of the Trump campaign go to? You have failed to name any or explain what law they broke.
No, the evidence convinced us that the FBI is corrupt. No one believes the Russians are the good guys.
A couple of texts by a few People in the FBI doesn’t make the agency corrupt. But continue to do Trump’s unamerican dirty work for him Mr. Nunes.
You have to be a collosal dumbass to believe that a couple of texts are the only evidence of corruption in the FBI.
I’m not stupid enough to believe Hannity’s and the GOP’s congress’ conspiracy theories. But you are. The FBI is made up of our best and brightest non partisan Americans.
You continue to work feverishly with your plan to try to discredit the FBI when Trump is indicted.
It’s not gonna work. Truth and good will triump over lies and evil.

What "conspiricy theories?" Hannity reports the known facts. If it sounds like a conspiricy, that's probably because it is a conspiricy. Certain members of the FBI and Justice Department conspired to get Hillary off the hook and to stage a coup against Trump.

Please spare us the "best and brightest non partisan Americans" bullshit. They are people like everyone else, and the top brass are obviously corrupt.
“ Hannity reports the facts.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hannity is so far up Trump’s colon he knows what fast food he had for dinner.

What has he said that isn't a fact?
No, the evidence convinced us that the FBI is corrupt. No one believes the Russians are the good guys.
A couple of texts by a few People in the FBI doesn’t make the agency corrupt. But continue to do Trump’s unamerican dirty work for him Mr. Nunes.
You have to be a collosal dumbass to believe that a couple of texts are the only evidence of corruption in the FBI.
I’m not stupid enough to believe Hannity’s and the GOP’s congress’ conspiracy theories. But you are. The FBI is made up of our best and brightest non partisan Americans.
You continue to work feverishly with your plan to try to discredit the FBI when Trump is indicted.
It’s not gonna work. Truth and good will triump over lies and evil.

What "conspiricy theories?" Hannity reports the known facts. If it sounds like a conspiricy, that's probably because it is a conspiricy. Certain members of the FBI and Justice Department conspired to get Hillary off the hook and to stage a coup against Trump.

Please spare us the "best and brightest non partisan Americans" bullshit. They are people like everyone else, and the top brass are obviously corrupt.
“ Hannity reports the facts.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hannity is so far up Trump’s colon he knows what fast food he had for dinner.
couldn't dispute what he posted, could you?
Where did you show that they broke the law?

Your belief that you have ever proved me wrong is hysterical.
You keep running from the same question for 2 years, snowflake.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign meet with Russians and then lied about it after they got caught?
I just provided the link which you so laughably need.

There’s never been a campaign in history that met with so many Russians before an election but then again Russia never helped an American candidate get elected before.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
You live in a bubble.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

Plus you have no idea what additional info Mueller has or doesn’t.
The fact you continue to think fat boy is innocent is hilarious. He’s been dishonest all his life.
Oh yes, all this massive evidence that Mueller is keeping a secret. That's the go-to response whenever you snowflakes have to admit you have got nothing.
It’s not much of a secret is it.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

So where is the incriminating evidence that Trump committed a crime?
Trump has convinced you the FBI is corrupt and Russia is the good guys.
You’re an idiot.
No, the evidence convinced us that the FBI is corrupt. No one believes the Russians are the good guys.
A couple of texts by a few People in the FBI doesn’t make the agency corrupt. But continue to do Trump’s unamerican dirty work for him Mr. Nunes.
You have to be a collosal dumbass to believe that a couple of texts are the only evidence of corruption in the FBI.
I’m not stupid enough to believe Hannity’s and the GOP’s congress’ conspiracy theories. But you are. The FBI is made up of our best and brightest non partisan Americans.
You continue to work feverishly with your plan to try to discredit the FBI when Trump is indicted.
It’s not gonna work. Truth and good will triump over lies and evil.
You represent the lies and evil.....
No that would be your buffoon president that has told 3900 lies since becoming president. All documented and you low hanging fruit believe every one of them.

Yes Trump is evil.
He voted against breast feeding and for the corporate formula companies then threatened other countries if they voted yes.
Until Russia voted yes then Trump backed down. Gee wonder why.
The highly politicized secret police force of the Obama administration should be torn down. U.S. Marshals Service can do job in the interim. FBI is no longer a trustworthy organization.
US Marshals served subpoena on FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Goodlatte says, threatening to hold her in contempt
Whether it's the FBI, U.S. Marshals, CIA, NSA, DHS, or DIC, all people working in those environments, harbor their own political preferences and thus vote accordingly in elections. In short, everyone has their biases. These organizations don't need tearing down, only comprehensive training that clearly puts it in their minds that no matter their political candidate preferences, they cannot use their positions when it comes to politics, only do the job descriptions given them.
No, the evidence convinced us that the FBI is corrupt. No one believes the Russians are the good guys.
Putin’s puppet favors Putin over our closest allies and you still support the orange traitor.
Only dumbasses believe in the "Trump is Putin's puppet" meme.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign illegally meet with Russians and then lie about it after getting caught?
I’ve ask this question to you Trump whores dozens of times and you all run away and piss your pants or play amnesia and say it isn’t true.
Your criminal president is as guilty as sin.
Care to source your post?
Ha ha ha.
A nonreader I see.
The fact you’re still asking to source 2 year old facts shows you watch too much propaganda that doesn’t tell you the truth.
Trump loves you’re as stupid as shit.

At least nine people in Trump’s orbit had contact with Russians during campaign and transition
Yeah, we know Sessions shook the ambassador's hand in a greeting line in front of hundreds of other people. How sinister!

Now tell us where anyone in the Trump campaign broke the law. That's the question you keep trying so hard not to answer.
You keep running from the same question for 2 years, snowflake.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign meet with Russians and then lied about it after they got caught?
I just provided the link which you so laughably need.

There’s never been a campaign in history that met with so many Russians before an election but then again Russia never helped an American candidate get elected before.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
You live in a bubble.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

Plus you have no idea what additional info Mueller has or doesn’t.
The fact you continue to think fat boy is innocent is hilarious. He’s been dishonest all his life.
Oh yes, all this massive evidence that Mueller is keeping a secret. That's the go-to response whenever you snowflakes have to admit you have got nothing.
It’s not much of a secret is it.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

So where is the incriminating evidence that Trump committed a crime?
still running from my question snowflake.
You run and deflect and then run some more.
Once again just to embarrass you.
If people have benign intentions they wouldn’t have lied.
Critical thinkers you Trump whores aren’t.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
You live in a bubble.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

Plus you have no idea what additional info Mueller has or doesn’t.
The fact you continue to think fat boy is innocent is hilarious. He’s been dishonest all his life.
Oh yes, all this massive evidence that Mueller is keeping a secret. That's the go-to response whenever you snowflakes have to admit you have got nothing.
It’s not much of a secret is it.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

So where is the incriminating evidence that Trump committed a crime?
still running from my question snowflake.
You run and deflect and then run some more.
Once again just to embarrass you.
If people have benign intentions they wouldn’t have lied.
Critical thinkers you Trump whores aren’t.
They didn't lie about it, moron, and it doesn't matter why they spoke to a Russian. That isn't a crime. So tell us where any members of the Trump campaign broke the law during the campaign. You keep running away from that question.
George Papadopolous, a former foreign policy advisor to Trump’s campaign, pleads guilty to lying about his contacts with Russians who claimed to have “thousands of emails” on Clinton.

Michael T. Flynn, a retired lieutenant general and Trump’s former national security advisor, pleads guilty to lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. Flynn and the ambassador discussed sanctions imposed by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russia’s election interference. Flynn agrees to help prosecutors.

Flynn could have been charged with many other crimes including kidnapping but Mueller went easy on him because he’s singing on the criminal boss.
Short answer: no
I just did. Your record of ALWAYS being wrong remains intact.
The fact you trumpidiots continue to play ostrich with the reasons there is a criminal investigation into this corrupt president is laughable.

Where did you show that they broke the law?

Your belief that you have ever proved me wrong is hysterical.
You keep running from the same question for 2 years, snowflake.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign meet with Russians and then lied about it after they got caught?
I just provided the link which you so laughably need.

There’s never been a campaign in history that met with so many Russians before an election but then again Russia never helped an American candidate get elected before.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
You live in a bubble.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

Plus you have no idea what additional info Mueller has or doesn’t.
The fact you continue to think fat boy is innocent is hilarious. He’s been dishonest all his life.
You obviously have no information either, but you keep making claims about all this incriminating evidence that Mueller supposedly has.
You live in a bubble.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

Plus you have no idea what additional info Mueller has or doesn’t.
The fact you continue to think fat boy is innocent is hilarious. He’s been dishonest all his life.
Oh yes, all this massive evidence that Mueller is keeping a secret. That's the go-to response whenever you snowflakes have to admit you have got nothing.
It’s not much of a secret is it.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

So where is the incriminating evidence that Trump committed a crime?
still running from my question snowflake.
You run and deflect and then run some more.
Once again just to embarrass you.
If people have benign intentions they wouldn’t have lied.
Critical thinkers you Trump whores aren’t.
They didn't lie about it, moron, and it doesn't matter why they spoke to a Russian. That isn't a crime. So tell us where any members of the Trump campaign broke the law during the campaign. You keep running away from that question.
Liar. All of them including Sessions lied about their contacts with Russians during the campaign. Now what could they have been planning and scheming?
You keep yourself ignorant in order to support this criminal president.
George Papadopolous, a former foreign policy advisor to Trump’s campaign, pleads guilty to lying about his contacts with Russians who claimed to have “thousands of emails” on Clinton.

Michael T. Flynn, a retired lieutenant general and Trump’s former national security advisor, pleads guilty to lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. Flynn and the ambassador discussed sanctions imposed by the Obama administration in retaliation for Russia’s election interference. Flynn agrees to help prosecutors.

Flynn could have been charged with many other crimes including kidnapping but Mueller went easy on him because he’s singing on the criminal boss.
Those are process crimes that occured after the campaign. They are purley artifacts of Mueller's witch hunt, and there is significant doubt about the credibility of the charges. They also aren't evidence of "collusion."
Oh yes, all this massive evidence that Mueller is keeping a secret. That's the go-to response whenever you snowflakes have to admit you have got nothing.
It’s not much of a secret is it.

Pivotal moments in Mueller’s Trump investigation: 5 guilty pleas, 17 indictments and more

So where is the incriminating evidence that Trump committed a crime?
still running from my question snowflake.
You run and deflect and then run some more.
Once again just to embarrass you.
If people have benign intentions they wouldn’t have lied.
Critical thinkers you Trump whores aren’t.
They didn't lie about it, moron, and it doesn't matter why they spoke to a Russian. That isn't a crime. So tell us where any members of the Trump campaign broke the law during the campaign. You keep running away from that question.
Liar. All of them including Sessions lied about their contacts with Russians during the campaign. Now what could they have been planning and scheming?
You keep yourself ignorant in order to support this criminal president.

Wrong. When did Kushner lie about it? Even Sessions didn't lie. He simply interpreted that clown's senator's question differently than the leftwing witchhunting mob.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes, agreed, moth ball it.
2. And while you're at it do the same to the CIA.
3. CIA killed J.F.Kennedy, R.Kennedy and M.L.King.
4. Truth be known FBI was in on it.

The highly politicized secret police force of the Obama administration should be torn down. U.S. Marshals Service can do job in the interim. FBI is no longer a trustworthy organization.
US Marshals served subpoena on FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Goodlatte says, threatening to hold her in contempt
This is nothing more than the Nunes Clown Car.

The GOP is just mad that she didnt fall for their perjury trap.
Where did you show that they broke the law?

Your belief that you have ever proved me wrong is hysterical.
You keep running from the same question for 2 years, snowflake.
Why did 9 members of Trump’s campaign meet with Russians and then lied about it after they got caught?
I just provided the link which you so laughably need.

There’s never been a campaign in history that met with so many Russians before an election but then again Russia never helped an American candidate get elected before.
Why hasn't this come out in actual committee hearings, why hasn't Mueller acted on them?

Why, Why?
Maybe there's a good reason why
Obviously it's because there isn't the slightest thing illegal about anything he's bleating about.
Still can’t answer my simple question. Still smell of urine.
Why did all of your boys meet with Russians and LIED about it.
You haven't answered my question, douchebag.

What "illegal meetings" did members of the Trump campaign go to? You have failed to name any or explain what law they broke.
Funny you continue to deny the facts in order to NOT answer my question.
One again for dumbass.
1. A campaign has to declare they’re meeting with a foreign adversary.
They didn’t.
2. Why did they all lie about meeting with Russians?
3. What were they hiding?
We know beyond a shadow of a doubt Russian interfered in our election. Did those nine help Russia?

We will find out the truth when Mueller releases his final report. Can’t wait for your heads to explode when you find out what your criminal president was involved with.

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