FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
How about the old "reserving comment until all the facts are in" thingy?

When has Trump or any of his supporters ever done that?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why do PROGS consistently and always entertain the lowest common denominators?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

Hannity isn't a reporter. Or a journalist. He's a glorified talk radio host...who happens to be on TV.
We sure it was Trump? Did the "top reporter" ask him anything about the plot against Governor Whitmer?
Or the right wing militia members who planned it?

Trump is the one who BUSTED the alleged plot against Ms. Whitmer.

Remember that the FBI is part of the Trump Executive Branch.
Trump should be calming the waters, denouncing all plots against government officials. He can do this without saying a thing about the politics of the plotters or the target. But because he already called for an uprising of “freedom lovers” against this elected Democratic Governor ... he has not and probably never will do so.

Remember the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing that killed 168 people or so, the biggest domestic terrorism case in U.S. history. If Democrats do win the election, Trump’s rhetoric will likely encourage a number of nut jobs to engage in more such insanity. The FBI, as prejudiced as it is against “the left,” knows that right-wing fanatics are best armed, often trained in explosives, many have military training, and are by far the most dangerous potential domestic terrorists.
Hey, I've got a better idea.

Maybe the fascist governor should just shut her fucking mouth instead of blaming Trump for the fact that her Fascist excesses piss people off.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
Yeah totally. Why waste his breath on a dem gov... right?

What would you want President Trump to say about this? He's not going to prejudge the situation or stink up the jury pool if this is a case that goes to trial.

Like I observed. No one was in any danger at any time, and the FBI agents who were moles in the extremist outfit did their job.
Pleaaaaaase. Trump has been throwing accusations left and right since forever ...you remember the 5 kids from central park case ?
I can list dozens of instances where the orange clown jumped the gun. Heck he even accuses judges of bias before the trial starts.
Have some respect for yourself.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

Hannity isn't a reporter. Or a journalist. He's a glorified talk radio host...who happens to be on TV.
We sure it was Trump? Did the "top reporter" ask him anything about the plot against Governor Whitmer?
Or the right wing militia members who planned it?

Trump is the one who BUSTED the alleged plot against Ms. Whitmer.

Remember that the FBI is part of the Trump Executive Branch.

Trump didn't even know about it.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

Hannity isn't a reporter. Or a journalist. He's a glorified talk radio host...who happens to be on TV.
We sure it was Trump? Did the "top reporter" ask him anything about the plot against Governor Whitmer?
Or the right wing militia members who planned it?

Trump is the one who BUSTED the alleged plot against Ms. Whitmer.

Remember that the FBI is part of the Trump Executive Branch.

Trump didn't even know about it.

Poor doggy
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
Yeah totally. Why waste his breath on a dem gov... right?

What would you want President Trump to say about this? He's not going to prejudge the situation or stink up the jury pool if this is a case that goes to trial.

Like I observed. No one was in any danger at any time, and the FBI agents who were moles in the extremist outfit did their job.
Pleaaaaaase. Trump has been throwing accusations left and right since forever ...you remember the 5 kids from central park case ?
I can list dozens of instances where the orange clown jumped the gun. Heck he even accuses judges of bias before the trial starts.
Have some respect for yourself.

The Central Park 5 case was investigated by the Liberal City of New York who said the CP5 were guilty.

Trump was just a neighborhood busybody at the time putting pressure on Tammany Hall to bring the perps to justice.

He was a cop, he wasn't a politicians, just someone commenting on a heinous crime in a park a couple blocks from his domicile.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
Considering this info comes from the FBI which is itself corrupted by the Deep State it must be viewed with some skepticism

but murderous far rightwingers are no better than ANTIFA or Black Lies Matter

all of them should be rounded up and sent to prison
On what charge are going to send me to Prison?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
Yeah totally. Why waste his breath on a dem gov... right?

What would you want President Trump to say about this? He's not going to prejudge the situation or stink up the jury pool if this is a case that goes to trial.

Like I observed. No one was in any danger at any time, and the FBI agents who were moles in the extremist outfit did their job.
Pleaaaaaase. Trump has been throwing accusations left and right since forever ...you remember the 5 kids from central park case ?
I can list dozens of instances where the orange clown jumped the gun. Heck he even accuses judges of bias before the trial starts.
Have some respect for yourself.

The Central Park 5 case was investigated by the Liberal City of New York who said the CP5 were guilty.

Trump was just a neighborhood busybody at the time putting pressure on Tammany Hall to bring the perps to justice.

He was a cop, he wasn't a politicians, just someone commenting on a heinous crime in a park a couple blocks from his domicile.
This has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. You know it we all know it, trump has accused people of things and he said and still say baseless stuff.
Please have some respect for yourself. You follow him blindly and it is dangerous.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

Trump will be running out of breathe and gasping to breathe after the first 30 minutes.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet
Yeah totally. Why waste his breath on a dem gov... right?

What would you want President Trump to say about this? He's not going to prejudge the situation or stink up the jury pool if this is a case that goes to trial.

Like I observed. No one was in any danger at any time, and the FBI agents who were moles in the extremist outfit did their job.
Pleaaaaaase. Trump has been throwing accusations left and right since forever ...you remember the 5 kids from central park case ?
I can list dozens of instances where the orange clown jumped the gun. Heck he even accuses judges of bias before the trial starts.
Have some respect for yourself.

The Central Park 5 case was investigated by the Liberal City of New York who said the CP5 were guilty.

Trump was just a neighborhood busybody at the time putting pressure on Tammany Hall to bring the perps to justice.

He was a cop, he wasn't a politicians, just someone commenting on a heinous crime in a park a couple blocks from his domicile.

Trump was calling for the CP5 to be executed, AFTER DNA evidence had exonerated them. He called for 5 innocent men, who the courts and the public now KNEW were innocent, to be executed. He spent $85,000 on a full page ad in a New York newspaper demanding their execution.

Can't you just hear the mod in the next debate now? "Mr. Trump, can you stand before the American persons today a condemn the domestic terrorist group who tried to kidnap Democratic Govornor Gretchen Witmore?"
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
The Trump FBI saved her life, Fuckwit.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
The Trump FBI saved her life, Fuckwit.
The FBI that the Oompa Loompa Oligarch calls "the deep state" ? That FBI? The FBI that he doesn't believe when they say white supremacy is the biggest domestic terrorism threat to the United States? THAT FBI?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
The Trump FBI saved her life, Fuckwit.
The FBI that the Oompa Loompa Oligarch calls "the deep state" ? That FBI? The FBI that he doesn't believe when they say white supremacy is the biggest domestic terrorism threat to the United States? THAT FBI?
Nope. The Trump FBI that saved her life.

Please try to keep up, Halfwit.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
The Trump FBI saved her life, Fuckwit.
The FBI that the Oompa Loompa Oligarch calls "the deep state" ? That FBI? The FBI that he doesn't believe when they say white supremacy is the biggest domestic terrorism threat to the United States? THAT FBI?
Nope. The Trump FBI that saved her life.

Please try to keep up, Halfwit.
Well, you guys change your position on the FBI and the intelligence community so often, you should put out a program or something.

Barr claims he didn't even know about the severity of the threats to the governor and yet we are supposed to believe Trump was "leading the charge" against the terrorists he had just recently called "good people"?
I'm sorry but I believe it took Joe Biden three months before he would comment about all the violence and destruction going on in Portland, Seattle and other places by violent left wing extermist and then it was just some general statement about all violence is wrong. So if that is the standard we are going by Trump still has a lot of time before he needs to comment.
Is that the standard that you want to go by for POTUS?

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