FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

If he says anything, he will lose the votes of the unhinged right wingers who are all in favor of vigilantes. And due to his recent spate of screw-ups...he needs every vote he can get.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why do PROGS consistently and always entertain the lowest common denominators?
I don’t always entertain the Trumpsters. But every so often I take a dip into the mud
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why do PROGS consistently and always entertain the lowest common denominators?
I don’t always entertain the Trumpsters. But every so often I take a dip into the mud

I wonder, if there is a debate before the election, when he is asked if he denounces the militia group that tried to kidnap a duly elected governor of one of the united states...what will El-Blob-O say? Stand by?
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet

That’s very nice of you say that.
Like I posted several times your boy Trump incite violence against his own fellow Americans the democrats. LIBERATE LIBERATE save your 2nd amendment. Then these cancer of society terrorist Michigan militias showed up in Michigan Capitol armed with Trump/Pence banner. Lots of you even celebrated.

Words from president matters....... This falls under Trump’s fault why they want to kidnap Whitmer. Sad isn’t it?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet

Trump didn't do a damn thing to defend her. That would be the FBI. Trump would not have even been told about the investigation. He would have blown the agents' cover.

Furthermore, given Donald Trump's twitter and personal attacks against Ms. Whitmer, and calls for militias protesting the shutdown to "FREE MICHIGAN", if Donald Trump were not the President of the United States, he would be sitting in a jail cell tonight facing charges of "conspiracy" and "inciting" these crimes against the governor.

He should be grovelling to the American people and begging forgiveness for his intermperate words, and publically apologizing to Governor Whitmer.
Your craziness has no bounds. So now you believe he orchestrated a kidnapping. You’re literally insane. Stop interfering in our elections.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

Trump will be running out of breathe and gasping to breathe after the first 30 minutes.
Out of breathe? You mean out of breath? Are you trying to speak French Canadian?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Why would he say anything? No one was in any danger, the law enforcement agents that the President had ordered to be moles and informants in the extremist groups did their job and the conspirators were pinched.

Whitmer should be on her knees kissing the president's feet

Trump didn't do a damn thing to defend her. That would be the FBI. Trump would not have even been told about the investigation. He would have blown the agents' cover.

Furthermore, given Donald Trump's twitter and personal attacks against Ms. Whitmer, and calls for militias protesting the shutdown to "FREE MICHIGAN", if Donald Trump were not the President of the United States, he would be sitting in a jail cell tonight facing charges of "conspiracy" and "inciting" these crimes against the governor.

He should be grovelling to the American people and begging forgiveness for his intermperate words, and publically apologizing to Governor Whitmer.

Maybe you should thank Trump’s FBI. It happened under his watch.
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work
Lol democrats are doing this everyday in Portland and Wisconsin.. lol and the guy they arrested is a anarchist who hates police guess what that’s a democrat lol
Anyone else find it surprising the FBI foiled this incident during surprise October?
...wait for it... just kidding. Trump hasn’t said a thing. Why would the President of the USA say anything about domestic terrorists plotting to take out a governor. I mean he’s got a election to win. He can’t be bothered to address such a thing when he has so much whining and complaining to do about the virtual debate and mail in ballots.

We got a real winner in the White House. Bravo President Hot Mess. Keep up the good work

Supposedly he's somewhere in the White House. Probably watching Fox 24/7. Cause nobody's seen him since he got home from the hospital on Monday.
Where's Waldo? (Donny).

President Trump is on the phone talking to top reporter Sean Hannity this evening. He also has to get ready for his 3 hour Rally on the Radio, starts at Noon, ET, on the EIB.

Hannity isn't a reporter. Or a journalist. He's a glorified talk radio host...who happens to be on TV.
We sure it was Trump? Did the "top reporter" ask him anything about the plot against Governor Whitmer?
Or the right wing militia members who planned it?

Trump is the one who BUSTED the alleged plot against Ms. Whitmer.

Remember that the FBI is part of the Trump Executive Branch.

Wrong and very wrong. Trump is an anti FBI and made them an enemy of WH...... He even blasted Director Wray for speaking that Russia is very active interfering in 2020 election, there are no proof or evidence that a massive mail in fraud are committed. Both Trump and Meadows blasted Wray. Said isn’t it?
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist
We don’t have communist here. Only the Trump Deranged Sympathizers believes that.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes need the harshest punishment possible.

Then you had better start calling for the harshest possible punishment for BLM and Antifa rioter terrorists. Because if you don't that makes you a hypocrite on high. Oh, wait a moment . . .

When did BLM try to kidnap elected officials? Must have missed that one. Or...maybe I don't read enough conspiracy theory websites.
Like Mighigan wouldn't be far far better off with their corrupt idiotic governor kidnapped and gone out of office.

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