FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

The FISA element is now in question. We will return to the October FISA request later.

Rogers stopped the process on October 26th 2016. As a result of his not going along, Rogers became a risk; Clapper demanded he be fired.

The DOJ National Security Division set Admiral Mike Rogers up to take the fall for their unlawful conduct. They preempted Rogers by filing a notification with the FISA Court on September 26 2016 (look at the pdf). DOJ-NSD head John P Carlin was setting up Rogers as the scapegoat while knowing the NSA FISA compliance officer was still reviewing their conduct.

Carlin then announced his resignation [On September 27 2016]. The NSA compliance officer did not brief Admiral Rogers until October 20 2016. Admiral Rogers notified the FISC on October 26 2016.

NSD Head Carlin’s efforts at scapegoating Rogers failed.

It’s here that we tie back to The Strategic Delay of Section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 – Obama’s NSA Data-sharing Order.

I’ve written about this twice – first on April 4, 2017. And again on December 17, 2017, as events provided greater clarity.

Section 2.3 had been expected to be finalized by early to mid-2016. Without notice, the order was delayed.

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, didn’t sign off on Section 2.3 until December 15, 2016. The order was finalized when Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed it on January 3, 2017.

Prior to the formal signing of Section 2.3, greater latitude existed within the White House in regards to collection of information – especially in relation to the Trump Campaign.

Thus, the delay in implementation. The Obama White House specifically delayed signing Section 2.3 until the final days of the Administration – after every possible byte of information had been collected.

Once signed into effect, Section 2.3 granted broad latitude to inter-agency sharing of information.

By the time the new order was signed on January 3, 2017, all information was already in the Obama White House’s possession.

One other item to note.

In 2015, Inspector General Michael Horowitz requested oversight of the DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD). Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates responded with a 58 page Memorandum, that effectively told the Inspector General to go pound sand.
This story proves right wing militia's are un-American pussy's!
these guys were antifa

View attachment 399474
asshat I'm smarter than you
Adam Fox
This story proves right wing militia's are un-American pussy's!
these guys were antifa

Ah yes ^^^ another failed effort to create another BIG LIE.
As usual I show I am more intelligent than you are.
Adam Fox
Governor Rick Snyder literally poisoned the water yet black folks never kidnapped him

some folks are decent, some others are the dregs of society
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
So how many riots did they start? I didn't see it in the article anywhere....
I also didn't see how many millions of dollars worth of property damage they did, nor did they mention how many buildings they set on fire.
In fact, I didn't see any mention of them actually hurting anyone at all.

But they're the ones being thoroughly investigated and vigorously prosecuted..... how about that?

Nope. They just stormed the capitol building armed with long guns, shouting at legislators. I think they call that...intimidation.
And then get pumped by President Stand Up, Stand By. And then a group of them get pinched planning...oh yeah, things that right wing
militias plan.

Nope. When it's rightwing radicals it's a justifiable expression of rights.
No, nobody said that.
We're just wondering why the resources are being devoted to a group that hasn't done any actual harm, instead of focusing on the folks whose bill for damages is what? Over a billion dollars now?
there was 1992

this is for the year 2020 not counting all the riots since 2009
Nope......don't buy their crap......it isn't Trump supporters or conservatives burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans and assassinating police officers....
I know most of the violence is coming from the left by a 10-20 to 1 margin

but its a waste of time to argue with them

their minds are made of stone

simply arrest anyone on the streets after the first brick or firebomb is thrown and be done with it
Nope......don't buy their crap......it isn't Trump supporters or conservatives burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans and assassinating police officers....
I know most of the violence is coming from the left by a 10-20 to 1 margin

but its a waste of time to argue with them

their minds are made of stone

simply arrest anyone on the streets after the first brick or firebomb is thrown and be done with it

That isn't the point.......we need to stop giving them the "there are bad people on both sides," deference when they are the ones who have been burning down cities for the last 6 months.........because they then use that point to say it isn't their guys doing the violence, and then they tie us to guys who we don't support and who have no connection to our side at all...
Governor Rick Snyder literally poisoned the water yet black folks never kidnapped him

some folks are decent, some others are the dregs of society

Snyder did not poison the water, just did not want to spend the money to fix it when the lead problem was discovered.
Nope......don't buy their crap......it isn't Trump supporters or conservatives burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans and assassinating police officers....
I know most of the violence is coming from the left by a 10-20 to 1 margin

but its a waste of time to argue with them

their minds are made of stone

simply arrest anyone on the streets after the first brick or firebomb is thrown and be done with it

Nah, aren't you forgetting that this country was formed precisely because government go corrupt and need to be destroyed by throwing bricks and firebombs?
The police are not the good guys.
They are paid by the bad guys, so will do what they think the bad guys want.
All dictatorships have existed due to the police in all of history.
And US police did not even exist much before 1900, because people were smart enough then to understand police are inherently always on the wrong side.

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place

people are outraged enough, they gonna riots, son.

I recall what my CO said when I was in the National Guard, when we were doing Civil Disturbance Training.

"Those are you fellow citizens out there. They are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be!"
This is a big bunch of October nonsense by the swamp ruled FBI....the group in question are closer to ANTIFA than a right wing militant group...they hate Trump for one thing.....the FBI is still run by anti Trumpers....I can't wait to see Wray sent packing without any security clearances.....
Everyone knows the fake news and October surprise is that trump contracted corona
Yeah right...the entire hospital was in on it....LMFAO...you dummy....
We saw doctors after they met with trump come out using his exact verbiage. It’s as if he brainwashes people. Does he threaten to ruin people? I’d be afraid. Trumps so corrupt. Putin wannabe
So Bernie is responsible for Scalise?
If not for Bernie biden wouldnt b talking about rich people and corporations paying their fair share,
Why would papagiorgio disagree with me here? We all know Elizabeth Warren and Bernie represent the left wing of our party And pull biden and Hillary left the same way Ron Paul pulls his party to the right. Republicans have to make the Ron Paul people happy and biden needs to make Bernie people happy. If not you lose the next midterms.

Bernie makes sure biden or Hillary don’t completely abandon the middle class like republicans.
Nah, aren't you forgetting that this country was formed precisely because government go corrupt and need to be destroyed by throwing bricks and firebombs?
If you think that time has come in America I will cast my vote at your trial for guilty as charged

or “not guilty” for the cop that killed you

maybe someday I will agree with you but not now
Funny, one of the “militia kidnappers” sounds just like one of you lefties with TDS:

I'd like to see that clip in context, and just not the 19 seconds that seems to exonerate Trump.

Moron, it is now out that the guys were anarchists.......the who hate all government and hate Trump in particular.....the same types who went to the Mayors home in Portland to harrass him....
Only 1 guy was telling the others not to trust Trump, they have some of the other guys praising Trump, and cheering him on.
Nah, aren't you forgetting that this country was formed precisely because government go corrupt and need to be destroyed by throwing bricks and firebombs?
If you think that time has come in America I will cast my vote at your trial for guilty as charged

or “not guilty” for the cop that killed you

maybe someday I will agree with you but not now

And will you feel the same on November 4th if Biden and the Democrats win control of the Senate and White House?
And will you feel the same on November 4th if Biden and the Democrats win control of the Senate and White House?
Meaning will I set fire to a federal building and loot a big screen tv out of a Target store?

of course not
Moron, it is now out that the guys were anarchists.......the who hate all government and hate Trump in particular.....the same types who went to the Mayors home in Portland to harrass him....
Only 1 guy was telling the others not to trust Trump, they have some of the other guys praising Trump, and cheering him on.
The militia in question was acting as informants for the FBI, passing along the data the FBI needed to stop this stupid crap in a timely way.

And instead of thanks, they get blamed for it.
Governor Rick Snyder literally poisoned the water yet black folks never kidnapped him

some folks are decent, some others are the dregs of society
Synder didn't make the decision whatsoever.........Flint Mich local leaders made the decision...........after being BLACKMAILED by Detroit politicians who said YOU CAN'T LEAVE US................

So Flint said the hell with Detroit..........we will not obey you........DNC versus DNC.......and then fucked up royally with the company they chose for the treatment of the water........who didn't take into consideration the lead pipes.............

The actual motive to supply water by Flint was a good one............HAD DETROIT not BLACKMAILED THEM..............the lead INCREASED POISON would have not happened.

This is what happens when cities don't put money back into the system...........

This is what happens when Dems destroy cities...........and run out of other people's money........the place goes to hell.........the people FLEE........and it turns into a crime ridden shithole like Detroit.......

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