FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

In 2016, the FISA Court learned that the NSA had been violating the rules established in 2012. Because those rules were designed to remedy a Fourth Amendment violation occurring since the start of the program, the NSAā€™s non-compliance meant that its upstream collection activities had been operating unconstitutionally for eight years. Moreover, the government did not report this issue for several months after discovering it. Unable to bring itself into compliance, the NSA made the only decision it could: In the spring of 2017, it abandoned ā€œaboutsā€ collection, which was at the root of the problem.

The Courtā€™s October 2018 Ruling

In March 2018, the government submitted its annual certifications and procedures to the FISA Court for its approval. In a decision dated October 18, 2018, and released last week, the FISA Court held that the FBIā€™s minimization procedures violated both the statute and the Fourth Amendment. The Courtā€™s opinion addresses three main practices by the FBI: downstream collection of certain communications; the FBIā€™s failure to record USP queries; and the FBIā€™s improper use of USP queries.

Downstream collection and ā€œaboutsā€ communications. Although this section of the opinion is highly redacted, it appears that the government is engaged in a new form of downstream collection that raised a flag for the FISA Court. The Court solicited amiciā€™s advice about whether the statutory preconditions for resuming ā€œaboutsā€ collection apply to downstream collection, and whether certain activities in the governmentā€™s 2018 certifications involve the acquisition of ā€œaboutsā€ communications. Amici argued that the answer to both questions was yes; the governmentā€™s answer was no in both cases. The Court split the baby, holding that the statutory requirements apply to any kind of ā€œaboutsā€ collection, but that no such collection would occur under the governmentā€™s certifications.
Yeah, so what?

For years prior to the 2012 review, they screwed up, and afterwards...measures they took to correct it, did not work, but it was finally corrected by dropping what they were doing.... sucks it went on for so long.

But that is a systematic problem, not one created for Trump?

McCabe in May 2017 denied that he was the source of the leak ā€” but later fessed up, angering bureau investigators who had been spinning their wheels trying to identify the source of the leak.

The documents, which the FBI released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, include transcripts of McCabeā€™s conversations with investigators, who were frustrated after wasting their time on the probe.

On Aug. 18, 2017, FBI officials grilled McCabe again to try to unravel what they said was ā€œconflicting informationā€ they had gathered about the possible leak to the Journal, The Daily Beast reported.

ā€œI need to know from you, did you authorize this article? Were you aware of it? Did you authorize it?ā€ an agent asked McCabe,

The agent then described his response: ā€œAnd as nice as could be, he said, ā€˜Yep. Yep I did.ā€™ā€

The investigator then said that ā€œthings had suddenly changed 180 degrees with thisā€ after McCabeā€™s admission, which turned his initial denials into a potential crime.

ā€œIn our business, we stop and say, look, now weā€™re getting into an area for due process,ā€ the agent said.

If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.

Are you this fucking stupid.....? We now know...from the notes of CIA director John Brennan that they knew the information for the Steele Dossier about the Russians came from hilary clinton.....in his notes.....just released...... and obama was briefed about hilary clinton's plan and then used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. to help her.....getting illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and using the FBI to go after General Flynn...

You can't lie about this anymore........the actual documents are now out there...

You allegedly learned that our Intelligence agencies found out that she gave the ok to two campaign managers to try to tie Trump' s relationship to the Russians who stole the DNC emails as a smear against Trump....

All perfectly legal, and document, but typical, politics.

You learned that in the Intel briefing to Obama, they let him know, Hillary had her own plans, which could interfere, with their own. The CIA/FBI were already doing their own preliminary investigation in to it.... the Papadopoulos etc. Incident had already happened weeks or months? earlier than this Intel briefing to Obama, on the Russians which they were following up on.

No where is there evidence that the investigation in to the Trump campaign, came from Brennan updating Obama, on what Hillary was up to...

It's a big jump of mere speculation....

Moron.......obama was given that information to use as predicates to get warrants to spy on Trump and his people........obama knew it was fake, comey knew it was fake and they used it to lie to Federal courts....you dumb ass....

They had tried to get warrants before and been turned down so they used the FISA courts because they are easier to get warrants for spying....you doofus....
No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place

There are radicals on both sides

which is why all the violence in the street including so-called ā€œPeaceful protestsā€ must end

each incident inflames the other side even more
Bull crap, Commie

Peaceful Protests, is a CONSTITUTIONAL right.

In 2016, the FISA Court learned that the NSA had been violating the rules established in 2012. Because those rules were designed to remedy a Fourth Amendment violation occurring since the start of the program, the NSAā€™s non-compliance meant that its upstream collection activities had been operating unconstitutionally for eight years. Moreover, the government did not report this issue for several months after discovering it. Unable to bring itself into compliance, the NSA made the only decision it could: In the spring of 2017, it abandoned ā€œaboutsā€ collection, which was at the root of the problem.

The Courtā€™s October 2018 Ruling

In March 2018, the government submitted its annual certifications and procedures to the FISA Court for its approval. In a decision dated October 18, 2018, and released last week, the FISA Court held that the FBIā€™s minimization procedures violated both the statute and the Fourth Amendment. The Courtā€™s opinion addresses three main practices by the FBI: downstream collection of certain communications; the FBIā€™s failure to record USP queries; and the FBIā€™s improper use of USP queries.

Downstream collection and ā€œaboutsā€ communications. Although this section of the opinion is highly redacted, it appears that the government is engaged in a new form of downstream collection that raised a flag for the FISA Court. The Court solicited amiciā€™s advice about whether the statutory preconditions for resuming ā€œaboutsā€ collection apply to downstream collection, and whether certain activities in the governmentā€™s 2018 certifications involve the acquisition of ā€œaboutsā€ communications. Amici argued that the answer to both questions was yes; the governmentā€™s answer was no in both cases. The Court split the baby, holding that the statutory requirements apply to any kind of ā€œaboutsā€ collection, but that no such collection would occur under the governmentā€™s certifications.
Yeah, so what?

For years prior to the 2012 review, they screwed up, and afterwards...measures they took to correct it, did not work, but it was finally corrected by dropping what they were doing.... sucks it went on for so long.

But that is a systematic problem, not one created for Trump?
Yawn...........it is a FELONY and 4th Amendment violation to disclose this information to the public or SOURCES WITHOUT THE NEED TO KNOW IT.

It was submitted to the FISA court.........

The Court has ruled it was ABUSED......

The Court disavowed private contractor access.

This information under direct testimony was LEAKED to the press FOR POLITICAL REASONS.

Disinformation was used and HID from the FISA courts to spy on the Trump campaign........PERIOD.

3 FISA warrants from COMEY.........who failed to inform the FISA court that it was paid for by the DNC and that the information was from a Russian Agent.........

And on and on and on.......proof that McCabe LIED UNDER OATH.....Not only that he leaked information of 702 information to the Wall Street Journal

No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place

There are radicals on both sides

which is why all the violence in the street including so-called ā€œPeaceful protestsā€ must end

each incident inflames the other side even more
Bull crap, Commie

Peaceful Protests, is a CONSTITUTIONAL right.
Too dang bad your tribe doesn't understand that.

It is a violation of the law to even threaten people.........IT IS A CRIME.
It is a CRIME to damage other people's property...........

IT IS A FELONY to damage gov't property....something the hired thugs will find out the consequences of soon........because the Feds charged their sorry asses........ENJOY FEDERAL PRISON BLM mobs.

Over and over again people like you say Pearceful.........you are FULL OF IT.

McCabe in May 2017 denied that he was the source of the leak ā€” but later fessed up, angering bureau investigators who had been spinning their wheels trying to identify the source of the leak.

The documents, which the FBI released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, include transcripts of McCabeā€™s conversations with investigators, who were frustrated after wasting their time on the probe.

On Aug. 18, 2017, FBI officials grilled McCabe again to try to unravel what they said was ā€œconflicting informationā€ they had gathered about the possible leak to the Journal, The Daily Beast reported.

ā€œI need to know from you, did you authorize this article? Were you aware of it? Did you authorize it?ā€ an agent asked McCabe,

The agent then described his response: ā€œAnd as nice as could be, he said, ā€˜Yep. Yep I did.ā€™ā€

The investigator then said that ā€œthings had suddenly changed 180 degrees with thisā€ after McCabeā€™s admission, which turned his initial denials into a potential crime.

ā€œIn our business, we stop and say, look, now weā€™re getting into an area for due process,ā€ the agent said.

So you are upset that McCabe gave the okay for agents to leak harmful information on Candidate Clinton, by allowing them to leak to the press, that the Clinton Foundation, was STILL under investigation?

Really? :lol:

McCabe in May 2017 denied that he was the source of the leak ā€” but later fessed up, angering bureau investigators who had been spinning their wheels trying to identify the source of the leak.

The documents, which the FBI released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, include transcripts of McCabeā€™s conversations with investigators, who were frustrated after wasting their time on the probe.

On Aug. 18, 2017, FBI officials grilled McCabe again to try to unravel what they said was ā€œconflicting informationā€ they had gathered about the possible leak to the Journal, The Daily Beast reported.

ā€œI need to know from you, did you authorize this article? Were you aware of it? Did you authorize it?ā€ an agent asked McCabe,

The agent then described his response: ā€œAnd as nice as could be, he said, ā€˜Yep. Yep I did.ā€™ā€

The investigator then said that ā€œthings had suddenly changed 180 degrees with thisā€ after McCabeā€™s admission, which turned his initial denials into a potential crime.

ā€œIn our business, we stop and say, look, now weā€™re getting into an area for due process,ā€ the agent said.

So you are upset that McCabe gave the okay for agents to leak harmful information on Candidate Clinton, by allowing them to leak to the press, that the Clinton Foundation, was STILL under investigation?

Really? :lol:

Spin away Care for no one...........he VIOLATED THE LAW........PERIOD.

He and your other HEROES OF THE RUSSIA HOAX..........are guilty of sin and they are BILLBOARDS for why the PATRIOT ACT NEEDS TO END.

They COMMITTED FELONIES............PERIOD........and yet the 4th tier of gov't protects them and you don't care because they covered the crimes of the Obama administration and the hillary beast.

They put people in jail for lying to them..........but when they do it .....IT'S OK FOR YOU.......

It's not just extreme right wingers. We aren't exactly living in relaxed, civil times in the battle of America vs China.

Remember this, China has the upper hand. The West has little mass support from the communists.

Actually the problem is that both sides believe the propaganda put out by their own side. If you honestly believe Trump is a Fascist. Truly believe that the Republicans are going full Fascist. Then nothing that you do is extreme in opposing them. If you honestly believe that the Communists or Socialist forces are going to take over. There is nothing worse than losing. Anything you do is justified in stopping them.

It is to the minds of the believers like having an opportunity to stop Hitler or Stalin before they commit the horrors we all know about from history. Anything is preferable to that. And that attitude has led humanity down the path of doom more than once. I call it learning the wrong lesson in history.

It is why I am not voting this year. Both sides are wrong. Both sides will lead us to ruination. Too many years of this propaganda has poisoned the nations soul.
Except there is NOTHING Trump has said or done that leaves anyone to believe he is in any way a "nazi fascist." NOTHING.

Train stations named after him in Israel along with a community in Israel. Trump has denounced WHITE SUPREMACISTS. At least 19 documented times and the left ignores IT ALL.

However it is 100 percent true that democrats are directed by cultural marxists and there is more than enough evidence that proves it conclusively.

They all praise blm and their founder flat out says they are marxists.

Founder of democrat organization ACLU

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin

That is a big gigantic fucking difference.

Everyone points fingers at the other side. And you know what? There is truth in what they say. But no side has the whole truth on their side.

In what ways is Trump fascist? I showed you where the left are indeed marxists. Have actual proof Trump is a fascist nazi? Weird how such an obvious nazi would be honored by Israel. Huh...

So, should I wait for all of the obvious fascism from Trump? Is the dog whistle bullshit about making America great again, means we should go back to being nazis?

Is that it? That the proof?

Italy was the original Fascist. Yet did not round up the Jews. Or did you forget that little history? Rounding up the Jews was a singular Nazi activity. None of the other Fascist or Dictatorial Nations have done it. So using that argument as proof positive that Trump is not a Fascist is idiotic.

So letā€™s check the boxes shall we? Ultra Nationalist policies. Well we can check that box canā€™t we?

In fact. If you read the article about what it really is you have to admit that Trump comes perilously close. Again while most people think Nazi, they were in reality the second Fascist Government. It was an Italian who went first in what we call modern Fascism.

I could type more. But either you will read or not. Your choice. You wonā€™t believe, because you donā€™t want to. But I see it coming. Fascism versus Socialism. The same battles played out a Century ago in Europe. And no matter who wins, we lose.
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.

Are you this fucking stupid.....? We now know...from the notes of CIA director John Brennan that they knew the information for the Steele Dossier about the Russians came from hilary clinton.....in his notes.....just released...... and obama was briefed about hilary clinton's plan and then used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. to help her.....getting illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and using the FBI to go after General Flynn...

You can't lie about this anymore........the actual documents are now out there...

You allegedly learned that our Intelligence agencies found out that she gave the ok to two campaign managers to try to tie Trump' s relationship to the Russians who stole the DNC emails as a smear against Trump....

All perfectly legal, and document, but typical, politics.

You learned that in the Intel briefing to Obama, they let him know, Hillary had her own plans, which could interfere, with their own. The CIA/FBI were already doing their own preliminary investigation in to it.... the Papadopoulos etc. Incident had already happened weeks or months? earlier than this Intel briefing to Obama, on the Russians which they were following up on.

No where is there evidence that the investigation in to the Trump campaign, came from Brennan updating Obama, on what Hillary was up to...

It's a big jump of mere speculation....

Moron.......obama was given that information to use as predicates to get warrants to spy on Trump and his people........obama knew it was fake, comey knew it was fake and they used it to lie to Federal courts....you dumb ass....

They had tried to get warrants before and been turned down so they used the FISA courts because they are easier to get warrants for spying....you doofus....

Really? Prove it!

The fisa warrant was not until late October 2016, this Obama meeting you are talking about was in July 2016.

If it was meant to harm the Trump campaign, issuing a fisa on an EX Campaign advisor just a couple of weeks out from election day, is useless on harming Trumps chances of winning or harm to his campaign.
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.

Are you this fucking stupid.....? We now know...from the notes of CIA director John Brennan that they knew the information for the Steele Dossier about the Russians came from hilary clinton.....in his notes.....just released...... and obama was briefed about hilary clinton's plan and then used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. to help her.....getting illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and using the FBI to go after General Flynn...

You can't lie about this anymore........the actual documents are now out there...

You allegedly learned that our Intelligence agencies found out that she gave the ok to two campaign managers to try to tie Trump' s relationship to the Russians who stole the DNC emails as a smear against Trump....

All perfectly legal, and document, but typical, politics.

You learned that in the Intel briefing to Obama, they let him know, Hillary had her own plans, which could interfere, with their own. The CIA/FBI were already doing their own preliminary investigation in to it.... the Papadopoulos etc. Incident had already happened weeks or months? earlier than this Intel briefing to Obama, on the Russians which they were following up on.

No where is there evidence that the investigation in to the Trump campaign, came from Brennan updating Obama, on what Hillary was up to...

It's a big jump of mere speculation....

Moron.......obama was given that information to use as predicates to get warrants to spy on Trump and his people........obama knew it was fake, comey knew it was fake and they used it to lie to Federal courts....you dumb ass....

They had tried to get warrants before and been turned down so they used the FISA courts because they are easier to get warrants for spying....you doofus....

Really? Prove it!

The fisa warrant was not until late October 2016, this Obama meeting you are talking about was in July 2016.

If it was meant to harm the Trump campaign, issuing a fisa on an EX Campaign advisor just a couple of weeks out from election day, is useless on harming Trumps chances of winning or harm to his campaign.
Jesus .....a spin doctor from hell..........hell bent on blame shifting .............still stuck in how Hillary lost a dang rigged election.........ignoring the crimes and abuses of the Obama administration........

Then sending this nation for 4 Fucking years to try an overturn the election .........

Worst case of butt hurt I've ever seen in my life.

You should demand the PATRIOT ACT GO AWAY because of the SINS of the Obama abuse of it..........

They are CLEAR........their is REAL EVIDENCE there to show it..........and this abuse needs to end............

If you REALLY CARED about this country you would agree and hit the gas peddle on the criminals WHO ABUSED IT.........but they are from your tribe..........so you don't.

McCabe in May 2017 denied that he was the source of the leak ā€” but later fessed up, angering bureau investigators who had been spinning their wheels trying to identify the source of the leak.

The documents, which the FBI released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, include transcripts of McCabeā€™s conversations with investigators, who were frustrated after wasting their time on the probe.

On Aug. 18, 2017, FBI officials grilled McCabe again to try to unravel what they said was ā€œconflicting informationā€ they had gathered about the possible leak to the Journal, The Daily Beast reported.

ā€œI need to know from you, did you authorize this article? Were you aware of it? Did you authorize it?ā€ an agent asked McCabe,

The agent then described his response: ā€œAnd as nice as could be, he said, ā€˜Yep. Yep I did.ā€™ā€

The investigator then said that ā€œthings had suddenly changed 180 degrees with thisā€ after McCabeā€™s admission, which turned his initial denials into a potential crime.

ā€œIn our business, we stop and say, look, now weā€™re getting into an area for due process,ā€ the agent said.

And McCabe should go to jail for perjury just like they tried to do to the innocent General Flynn.

McCabe in May 2017 denied that he was the source of the leak ā€” but later fessed up, angering bureau investigators who had been spinning their wheels trying to identify the source of the leak.

The documents, which the FBI released in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, include transcripts of McCabeā€™s conversations with investigators, who were frustrated after wasting their time on the probe.

On Aug. 18, 2017, FBI officials grilled McCabe again to try to unravel what they said was ā€œconflicting informationā€ they had gathered about the possible leak to the Journal, The Daily Beast reported.

ā€œI need to know from you, did you authorize this article? Were you aware of it? Did you authorize it?ā€ an agent asked McCabe,

The agent then described his response: ā€œAnd as nice as could be, he said, ā€˜Yep. Yep I did.ā€™ā€

The investigator then said that ā€œthings had suddenly changed 180 degrees with thisā€ after McCabeā€™s admission, which turned his initial denials into a potential crime.

ā€œIn our business, we stop and say, look, now weā€™re getting into an area for due process,ā€ the agent said.

And McCabe should go to jail for perjury just like they tried to do to the innocent General Flynn.

Cruz grilled Comey on it and Comey threw McCabe under the bus............One of them given the details LIED THEIR ASSES OFF.........UNDER OATH......

A FELONEY........both covering their butts by pointing at the other one. Same with Clapper and Brennon who got big paying jobs from CNN...........the Clinton News Networks.

They are all TRAITORS to this nation and the VERY REASON FISA SHOULD END.

"The FBI says it thwarted what it described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and federal prosecutors are expected to discuss the alleged conspiracy later Thursday. The alleged plot involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday. "Several members talked about murdering 'tyrants' or 'taking' a sitting governor," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. "The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message."

It's time for Christopher Wray to be fired and replaced with Sheriff Clarke or someone else who will stop targeting conservative militias and start cracking down on Antifa and BLM....what about the BLM plot to walk into conservative churches around the country and murder church members to protest Columbus Day?? Why isn't the media reporting that? Or what about Antifa's plans to rape children inside of elementary school bathrooms across the country and send them off to sex traffickers??

Besides, even if there was a plot to kidnap this whore governor in Michigan, they were only doing it for freedom.
Considering this was antifa you're clueless

why did this antifa member seek help from the Michigan militia?
This story proves right wing militia's are un-American pussy's!
these guys were antifa
Dude...you are seriously delusional. Put down the koolaide.
Adam Fox

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