FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

LOL, Rambunctious is a well known right wing hack, who posts lies. He's part of the anti government, anarchist kook set.
Rambunctious is effective...and that's what you dislike.....

Really? What Solution to anyone of the myriad number of problems facing the United States Today have you offered?

Fiscal conservatism is NOT fiscally responsible.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Look, bitches. The days of being civil and nice are GONE. This is war, and Woden wants me to kill all of my enemies or die in battle and go to Valhalla.

Dead commies or Valhalla bitches. Either way, I win.
That is how Trump made you. You are a very nice human being.
I treat mosquitoes sucking the blood out of my skin with more respect than I do communist

There haven't been any communists in the world since Fidel Castro died. The whole movement died when the Soviet Union fell. Why are you still pretending communism is the problem when right wing facism is the problem currently plaguing the west?

Because right wing fascism is a problem and a lot of the people on this board are right wing fascists.

They know that the majority of our nation aren't right wing fascists so the far right wing fascists do their usual projection.

They accuse everyone else of being what the right wing fascists themselves are.

They've been doing it for decades. It's gotten so very old.

If you want to know what a conservative or right winger thinks are wants to do, or is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of doing. The right winger is doing what they accuse others of doing but the people they accuse aren't doing what the right winger accuses them of doing.

It's very twisted.
Democrats are trying to burn free speakers alive and the right is fascist!? Lol are you on crack?

Funny how the Democrats are supposedly doing the burning, but the guys who are getting arrested for the burning are the members of one of same groups that were arrested yesterday for conspiracy to kidnap Governor Whitmer: The Boogaloo Boys. The guys who hate everyone and are trying to start a civil war.

All of the people who are getting arresting for the violence, the burning and the looting are right wing anarchists, affiliated with the Boogaloo Boys and similar groups. The FBI and their arrest records say so.

But Donald Trump, who can't even bring himself to condemn David Duke or Richard Spencer, refuses to even acknowledge right wing terrorism. He has praised and defended another right wing anarchist who is facing murder charges - Kyle Rittenhouse. He said on TV the protestors were chasing him, "I don't know why", and he fell down and they were gonna hurt him worse.

Trump doesn't know why the protestors were chasing Kyle Rittenhouse, but it was in all of the police reports, and news reports. He shot a protestor. That's why they were chasing him. And when he fell down, he started shooting randomly at the people chasing him and he murdered two of them. Rittenhouse crossed state lines with an illegal gun and shot three people with it, and Trump is hailing him as a hero there to protect property, and ordered his people to speaking glowingly of Kyle's Patriotism. They celebrated him at the RNC.

Trump is attempting to blame the violence, the burning and the looting on the left, even as law enforcement, the mayors, the state officials, and the courts, are prosecuting radical right wing fringe groups for all of the above.

But you want to believe it's the left, so you cheerfully believe Trump's deflections, and his dog whistles to the militia because you're incapable of believing anything else, regardless of facts.
Might want to check your internet connection it’s blm and antifa two left wing groups attacking federal agents and getting released.. republicans Aren’t the ones that need to answer for racism that democrats and Richard Spencer

You might want to check the links I posted. It was two military men who are members of the Boogaloo Boys.
So the rioters are right wingers white supremacists and they are all black ? Lol

The guys with the molotov cocktails, are white supremacists. Umbrella guy in Minneapolis - the white guy with the umbrella who was using the sharp end of the umbrella to break store windows, and then would come back a short time later - was tackled and helf by protestors - was a white nationist. He was targetting popular black owned businesses. These guys went for the black owned businesses first, so that when this is over, black business owners will be out of business.

Subsequent videos show several youths running into the burning building and pulling stuff out. Those are the pictures FOX showed. The "looting" was taking out stuff that the White Supremacists would have burned anyway.

Their intent was manipulation and incitement. Go in Start the fires, get things going, stir everyone up - the protestors, the cops. START A RIOT. They get their jollies wreaking havoc. Their goal is to have Democrats blame Republicans for the violence, and Republicans to blame anti-fa. THEY'RE TRYING TO START A CIVIL WAR.

You, and your brain dead, dumb ass President aiding and abetting their cause. Gawd but you people are so fucking gullible it's amazing you managed to achieve adulthood. It's like debating with Forest Gump.
Lol you guys are so
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.
Really? What Solution to anyone of the myriad number of problems facing the United States Today have you offered?
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

aweee...............hows the tear gas bro
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Rioting is not protesting
Last edited:
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Why are you changing the subject? No one said anything against protests or protesting.

The fact you don’t know people is irrelevant. You asked for people who supported the riots, you asked and I told you and as I predicted, you deny and change the subject. Tammy Morales a Seattle City Councilwoman said this, “But what I don’t want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told looting doesn’t solve anything,” Morales said. “It does make me wonder why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country, black people are being killed around the country.”
They failed but god bless these men for attempting to do what our Founding Fathers said we should do. Nurture the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants.

At least they aren't out murdering police, burning down neighborhoods, rioting and looting like the Left Wingers are doing.

So let me get this straight....

If you are black person engaging in violence, because you are sick and tired of the cops murdering people like you, that's wrong.

But if you are a fat, entitled piece of shit, it's okay to engage in political terrorism because you can't go to Applebees?

Funny, one of the “militia kidnappers” sounds just like one of you lefties with TDS:

I'd like to see that clip in context, and just not the 19 seconds that seems to exonerate Trump.

Moron, it is now out that the guys were anarchists.......the who hate all government and hate Trump in particular.....the same types who went to the Mayors home in Portland to harrass him....
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Rioting is not protesting

The democrat party supports violence and rioting.....the democrat party prosecutors are dropping charges against the joe biden brown shirts who have burned, looted, beat and murdered AMericans for the last 6 months....allies of the democrat party organized, financed, coordinated and trained the joe biden terrorists and turned them loose to effect the election....

Of the nearly 1,000 protest and riot-related arrests made in Portland since late May, prosecutors have dropped almost 70% of the charges, according to The Oregonian.

The democrat party supports violence and rioting.....the democrat party prosecutors are dropping charges against the joe biden brown shirts who have burned, looted, beat and murdered AMericans for the last 6 months....allies of the democrat party organized, financed, coordinated and trained the joe biden terrorists and turned them loose to effect the election....

Of the nearly 1,000 protest and riot-related arrests made in Portland since late May, prosecutors have dropped almost 70% of the charges, according to The Oregonian.

That means 30% of the people arrested STILL have charges pending.... Not seeing that as a problem, as most of the arrests were probably of peaceful protestors.

Again, you want the riots to stop, support actual police reform. Problem solved.
The democrat party supports violence and rioting.....the democrat party prosecutors are dropping charges against the joe biden brown shirts who have burned, looted, beat and murdered AMericans for the last 6 months....allies of the democrat party organized, financed, coordinated and trained the joe biden terrorists and turned them loose to effect the election....

Of the nearly 1,000 protest and riot-related arrests made in Portland since late May, prosecutors have dropped almost 70% of the charges, according to The Oregonian.

That means 30% of the people arrested STILL have charges pending.... Not seeing that as a problem, as most of the arrests were probably of peaceful protestors.

Again, you want the riots to stop, support actual police reform. Problem solved.

Moron, most of the arrests had nothing to do with the peaceful protests..........if you want the riots to stop, get rid of the democrat party, the ones sending out the joe biden voters to burn, loot and kill....
They failed but god bless these men for attempting to do what our Founding Fathers said we should do. Nurture the Tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants.

At least they aren't out murdering police, burning down neighborhoods, rioting and looting like the Left Wingers are doing.

So let me get this straight....

If you are black person engaging in violence, because you are sick and tired of the cops murdering people like you, that's wrong.

But if you are a fat, entitled piece of shit, it's okay to engage in political terrorism because you can't go to Applebees?

View attachment 399610

Let me get this straight.

You are filthy ass deranged Left Winger engaged in rioting, burning cities, looting, killing police and attacking anybody that disagrees with your vile Communist and racist agenda and you have a problem with other people holding a Nazis bitch accountable for being a tyrant?


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