FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Moron, most of the arrests had nothing to do with the peaceful protests..........if you want the riots to stop, get rid of the democrat party, the ones sending out the joe biden voters to burn, loot and kill....

Uh, check out this article. Most of the people killed in the riots have been killed by Police or right wingers.



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Uh, check out this article. Most of the people killed in the riots have been killed by Police or right wingers.
That only proves that for liberal Pajama Boys rioting is a more dangerous sport than they are used to

maybe they should stick to buttfucking each other in the privacy of their own bedrooms instead of attacking men who fight back
That only proves that for liberal Pajama Boys rioting is a more dangerous sport than they are used to

maybe they should stick to buttfucking each other in the privacy of their own bedrooms instead of attacking men who fight back

No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

But if that guy didn't lie, he'd have nothing to say.
No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Rioting is not protesting

The democrat party supports violence and rioting.....the democrat party prosecutors are dropping charges against the joe biden brown shirts who have burned, looted, beat and murdered AMericans for the last 6 months....allies of the democrat party organized, financed, coordinated and trained the joe biden terrorists and turned them loose to effect the election....

Of the nearly 1,000 protest and riot-related arrests made in Portland since late May, prosecutors have dropped almost 70% of the charges, according to The Oregonian.

"If we leverage the full force of the criminal justice system on individuals who are peacefully protesting and demanding to be heard, we will cause irreparable harm to them individually and to our society," Schmidt said. "The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office will presumptively decline to prosecute a case where the most serious offense is a city ordinance violation or where the crime(s) do not involve deliberate property damage, theft or the use or threat of force against another person."

No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place

Funny, one of the “militia kidnappers” sounds just like one of you lefties with TDS:

I'd like to see that clip in context, and just not the 19 seconds that seems to exonerate Trump.

Moron, it is now out that the guys were anarchists.......the who hate all government and hate Trump in particular.....the same types who went to the Mayors home in Portland to harrass him....
It’s always the leftwing radicals that do this kind of shit. They are so batshit crazy that even people like Whitmer aren’t left enough for them. As I have stated before, the radical left is an army of Lee Harvey Oswalds.
Funny, one of the “militia kidnappers” sounds just like one of you lefties with TDS:

I'd like to see that clip in context, and just not the 19 seconds that seems to exonerate Trump.

Moron, it is now out that the guys were anarchists.......the who hate all government and hate Trump in particular.....the same types who went to the Mayors home in Portland to harrass him....
It’s always the leftwing radicals that do this kind of shit. They are so batshit crazy that even people like Whitmer aren’t left enough for them. As I have stated before, the radical left is an army of Lee Harvey Oswalds.

The democrat party has been the source of the greatest evils in our country......we need to vote them out of office in November.
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.

Are you this fucking stupid.....? We now know...from the notes of CIA director John Brennan that they knew the information for the Steele Dossier about the Russians came from hilary clinton.....in his notes.....just released...... and obama was briefed about hilary clinton's plan and then used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. to help her.....getting illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and using the FBI to go after General Flynn...

You can't lie about this anymore........the actual documents are now out there...
No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place

There are radicals on both sides

which is why all the violence in the street including so-called “Peaceful protests” must end

each incident inflames the other side even more
No, guy, it proves that 2AGuy is a fucking liar when he claims BLM is responsible for deaths in these riots....

all the killings are the responsibility of the liberal rioters and the liberal democrat party governors and mayors who allow the riots to take place

There are radicals on both sides

which is why all the violence in the street including so-called “Peaceful protests” must end

each incident inflames the other side even more

Nope......don't buy their crap......it isn't Trump supporters or conservatives burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans and assassinating police officers....

Don't do the typical, "I'm a good person so I will give the benefit of the doubt that the rabid, anti-American lefty here on U.S.messageboard is a normal human being" crap..........

The violence on the streets is joe biden voters trying to hurt Trump before the election and the lie about "Proud Boys," and "White Supremacists," is to get people like you to help them spread the lie.....

There is no "both sides do it..." it is joe biden voters destroying these democrat party controlled cities...
"If we leverage the full force of the criminal justice system on individuals who are peacefully protesting and demanding to be heard, we will cause irreparable harm to them individually and to our society," Schmidt said. "The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office will presumptively decline to prosecute a case where the most serious offense is a city ordinance violation or where the crime(s) do not involve deliberate property damage, theft or the use or threat of force against another person."

They weren’t peaceful, people were beaten, some killed, Stores were looted and nightly fires were common. Destroying private and public property is not peaceful. Were the hell do you get peaceful anything? The Multnomah DA is a progressive that approved of riots, the same with the governor and mayor.

Has a more in-depth story than the BS you thought happened.
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.
Intel establishment blow hards didn't like him. CNN Clapper didn't like him...........It was because of him that they couldn't ABUSE FISA anymore through private contractors.....and the CIA itself.............

The FISA court itself REMOVED PRIVATE CONTRACTORS access to the FISA courts..........and it was Rogers who told Trump that he was in fact BEING BUGGED under ABUSE of the Patriot Act and FISA.

Clapper and Brennon should be in jail..........with Obama down the food chain with them.

I stand by my documents because in a real JUSTICE SYSTEM........your stinking heroes are GUILTY AS SIN.........

It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.
It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals. I keep forgetting these guys aren't REALLY radicals...they're Patriots and nice peaceful guys.

"The people that we charged are affiliated with this Wolverine Watchmen group," Nessel said, adding that it is a Michigan-based group. "But there are multiple white supremacy groups and militia groups that have been acting in accordance with one another."

Investigators found the men's mission is what white supremacist groups call "the Boogaloo," which Nessel described as an uprising or a second civil war.
“It astounds me the degree's of deception and excuses RWNJ's will go to to excuse their radicals.”

That’s because members of white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations constitute a significant percentage of the GOP voting block and Trump base.

No Republican/conservative is going to denounce white supremacist groups and neo-fascist organizations and risk losing their support.

Left just denies anything the violent left does is the violent left, which is really stupid. Antifa doesn’t exist, even though the left supports their actions. I find all you extremists are mentally off.
Who supports Antifa actions that you claim, please identify these alleged supporters by name.

Here is just one, however by allowing and defending their riots as many mayors did, you are supporting Antifa.

Kshama Sawant supported the riots. Wheeler, Brown, also supported the left wing riots, permitted them all summer. Seattle governor and mayor supported the take over of a neighborhood in Seattle where three people died. Chicago , St. Louis, Minneapolis, we are not going to forget who pushed and created the riots, caused the death of many Americans. I’m tired of the left white washing their actions and explaining their justification for violence. Both sides are wrong and the left will give us a yeah but.

The extremists on both sides are ruining this country and we need to hold both sides responsible. The right and the threat to the governor of Michigan was wrong and the left and their murdering and rioting all summer was wrong.
I don't know who those people are....never heard of them.


No matter who starts it, or participates in criminals activities.

Protesters, have a constitutional right, to protest against their government.

It's demented on your part, to conflate the two.

Protesters are not Rioters.

A protest, is not a Riot

A Riot is not a Protest

Rioting is not protesting

The democrat party supports violence and rioting.....the democrat party prosecutors are dropping charges against the joe biden brown shirts who have burned, looted, beat and murdered AMericans for the last 6 months....allies of the democrat party organized, financed, coordinated and trained the joe biden terrorists and turned them loose to effect the election....

Of the nearly 1,000 protest and riot-related arrests made in Portland since late May, prosecutors have dropped almost 70% of the charges, according to The Oregonian.

"If we leverage the full force of the criminal justice system on individuals who are peacefully protesting and demanding to be heard, we will cause irreparable harm to them individually and to our society," Schmidt said. "The Multnomah County District Attorney's Office will presumptively decline to prosecute a case where the most serious offense is a city ordinance violation or where the crime(s) do not involve deliberate property damage, theft or the use or threat of force against another person."

Peaceful my ass..............still playing that game..........What should have happened with a 3 month long seige by these assholes.......was to bring in the National Guard and stomp them into a mudhole.

Those assholes there who got nabbed by the Feds......the state can't protect those Anarchist..........they WILL DO FEDERAL TIME FOR THEI BS.

In 2016, the FISA Court learned that the NSA had been violating the rules established in 2012. Because those rules were designed to remedy a Fourth Amendment violation occurring since the start of the program, the NSA’s non-compliance meant that its upstream collection activities had been operating unconstitutionally for eight years. Moreover, the government did not report this issue for several months after discovering it. Unable to bring itself into compliance, the NSA made the only decision it could: In the spring of 2017, it abandoned “abouts” collection, which was at the root of the problem.

The Court’s October 2018 Ruling

In March 2018, the government submitted its annual certifications and procedures to the FISA Court for its approval. In a decision dated October 18, 2018, and released last week, the FISA Court held that the FBI’s minimization procedures violated both the statute and the Fourth Amendment. The Court’s opinion addresses three main practices by the FBI: downstream collection of certain communications; the FBI’s failure to record USP queries; and the FBI’s improper use of USP queries.

Downstream collection and “abouts” communications. Although this section of the opinion is highly redacted, it appears that the government is engaged in a new form of downstream collection that raised a flag for the FISA Court. The Court solicited amici’s advice about whether the statutory preconditions for resuming “abouts” collection apply to downstream collection, and whether certain activities in the government’s 2018 certifications involve the acquisition of “abouts” communications. Amici argued that the answer to both questions was yes; the government’s answer was no in both cases. The Court split the baby, holding that the statutory requirements apply to any kind of “abouts” collection, but that no such collection would occur under the government’s certifications.
If only the FBI were 1% as good at policing their own criminal ways. They committed treason in their coup against Trump. Where's the justice? Robert Wray sucks
There was no coup..... you live in Trump Talk Fantasy Land.

You mean THIS Mike Rogers?

Ex-Intel Chief: 'I Wish We Had Taken More Action' Against Russian Meddling 7:04

In August 2016, during the run-up to the last presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials began briefing congressional leaders on what they described as unprecedented Russian interference efforts.

The Russians had a history of meddling, but this time was different, Mike Rogers, then the director of the National Security Agency, told All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly.

"What was different was, number one, the scale of the effort. Number two, the breadth of the effort. It wasn't just cyber [attacks] and penetrating networks. It was this aggressive disinformation campaign," Rogers said. Russia President "Vladimir Putin himself directed this activity and we watched the subordinate elements in the Russian government then executing this strategy that he had approved."

Most other senior intelligence intelligence officials at the time, such as CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, have spoken out extensively since leaving government. But Rogers has largely avoided topics like Russian election interference. He now says the intelligence community underestimated the full extent of the Russian actions.

"While we had some level of knowledge in the summer of 2016, I don't think we fully appreciated the level of effort, particularly on the social media side," Rogers said. "Part of that is inherently the challenge of an intelligence organization, particularly one like the National Security Agency, which is a foreign intelligence organization. You don't want us involved in attempting to monitor U.S. social media and people's right under the First Amendment to express their opinions.

The Russians, he added, "have taken advantage of that."

Asked if U.S. intelligence agencies and the government should have done more before the 2016 election, Rogers said: "I wish we had taken more direct, more public action sooner as opposed to doing so after the election itself."

Rogers continued as head of the NSA and Cyber Command under President Trump before stepping down in May 2018. Before he left, he pressed for the U.S. to be more aggressive in going after cyber threats.

Are you this fucking stupid.....? We now know...from the notes of CIA director John Brennan that they knew the information for the Steele Dossier about the Russians came from hilary clinton.....in his notes.....just released...... and obama was briefed about hilary clinton's plan and then used the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Dept. to help her.....getting illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and using the FBI to go after General Flynn...

You can't lie about this anymore........the actual documents are now out there...

You allegedly learned that our Intelligence agencies found out that she gave the ok to two campaign managers to try to tie Trump' s relationship to the Russians who stole the DNC emails as a smear against Trump....

All perfectly legal, and dirty, but typical, politics.

You learned that in the Intel briefing to Obama, they let him know, Hillary had her own plans, which could interfere, with their own. The CIA/FBI were already doing their own preliminary investigation in to it.... the Papadopoulos etc. Incident had already happened weeks or months? earlier than this Intel briefing to Obama, on the Russians which they were following up on.

No where is there evidence that the investigation in to the Trump campaign, came from Brennan updating Obama, on what Hillary was up to...

It's a big jump of mere speculation....
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