FBI stops militia plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

This is a big bunch of October nonsense by the swamp ruled FBI....the group in question are closer to ANTIFA than a right wing militant group...they hate Trump for one thing.....the FBI is still run by anti Trumpers....I can't wait to see Wray sent packing without any security clearances.....
Everyone knows the fake news and October surprise is that trump contracted corona
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.

Hah, pulling the race card again!!...

The only reasons for someone who isn't a billionaire to support Donald Trump are (a) the are too stupid to fact check or realize they've been conned; or (b) they like his policies - all of which are racist, which is why he's lost the black and Hispanic vote except for Cubans, or misogynistic, which is why he's lost the women's vote, or they get people killed, which is why he is losing the elderly vote and the votes of those who love and care for them.

In the choice between stupid, racist, misogynist, or just like killing old people, please tell us why you're voting for Trump.

Economy is off the list - he crashed, it. Immigration is also off the list. There will be war crimes trials over his administration policy there, when he's gone.
And remember his economy wasn't that great. Certainly his 2018 tax cuts didn't produce what we were promised. In 2019 he only had 2.3% growth.

He took over an already good economy. Unemployment was already low. Republcans didn't believe the numbers when Obama was president. Obama created more jobs than Trump did. And when the stock market was up in 2015 Republicans said look at the debt. Well look at the debt Trump's tax breaks created.

The fact my brother makes over $500,000 a year and is not voting for Trump says a lot. He said it took him about 20 minutes to decide but he can't take another 4 years of Trump. Then he said don't tell all our Republican friends.

This was unsolicited so he didn't lie to me. He didn't have to tell me anything. And I stopped years ago trying to convince him the GOP sucks.

And if Trump loses it's his own fault. Besides how he handled the coronavirus he played divisive politics for the entire 4 years. Also all the lies big and small. That turns everyone except for deplorable Trump supporters off. I'm glad he did it because if he didn't he would have easily won a second term.
Waah waah waah always crying, more whiny America hating libber propaganda.
I'm happy I think Biden is going to win now. My brother didn't vote for Trump again and I know 13 guys who won't be voting for Trump next month. LOL.
Ooooh 13 guys......lol...and how do you know who they are going to vote for?

Man In Militia Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Shared Stage With Extremist Sheriff
Sheriff Dar Leaf stood with the militiaman at an anti-lockdown rally. He’s part of the “constitutional sheriffs” movement, a close ally of America’s far-right paramilitaries.

Not extremist left. Extremist right.

“Wolverine Watchmen”

What Leaf did not address in his Fox 17 interview, however, is his membership in the right-wing extremist “constitutional sheriffs” movement — a close ally of America’s armed militias — that has gained a concerning momentum during the era of President Donald Trump.

Leaf, according to a database created by the social justice think tank Political Research Associates, attended the 2019 conference of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

Like Trump said, no police endorse Biden. They all endorse Trump.

Constitutional sheriffs are part of the broader antigovernment “patriot” movement in the U.S., which is animated by a multitude of conspiracy theories about immigrants, Muslims, Jews, gun control measures, and a coming “New World Order.”

One of the goals of these sheriffs, Cooper said, is to legitimize militia groups and turn them into “sheriff’s posses” who can be enlisted to patrol their respective city’s streets.
The danger of law enforcement lending credibility to such groups has come into clear focus over the last four years, as militias have been implicated in violent plots targeting Muslims, leftist and anti-racist protesters, and most recently, the governor of Michigan.
Such groups have also enjoyed the endorsement and encouragement of the Trump administration, which shares militia groups’ bigoted and conspiratorial views about Muslims and immigrants.

You see you trying to smear the militias but it isn't working---they aren't the ones out burning and looting. And again the boogaleu boys are largely muslims including immigrants.
Who is this guy everyone?
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
This is what you get when you have a President, mind you, formenting hatred and violence...

From the article...
Federal prosecutors on Thursday announced the arrest of six men who allegedly plotted to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The half a dozen men were arrested Wednesday night after the FBI and Michigan State Police reportedly spent hours raiding a Hartland, Michigan, home. As part of the alleged plot, the group reached out to members of a Michigan militia for help, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday.

Think these are more of the ANTIFA-type or more the Proud Boys-type people that got caught up in the heinous crime?

Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.

I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. All crimes need the harshest punishment possible.

Then you had better start calling for the harshest possible punishment for BLM and Antifa rioter terrorists. Because if you don't that makes you a hypocrite on high. Oh, wait a moment . . .
Conservatives, masters of the red herring fallacy.
he's more like you

"The FBI says it thwarted what it described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and federal prosecutors are expected to discuss the alleged conspiracy later Thursday. The alleged plot involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday. "Several members talked about murdering 'tyrants' or 'taking' a sitting governor," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. "The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message."

It's time for Christopher Wray to be fired and replaced with Sheriff Clarke or someone else who will stop targeting conservative militias and start cracking down on Antifa and BLM....what about the BLM plot to walk into conservative churches around the country and murder church members to protest Columbus Day?? Why isn't the media reporting that? Or what about Antifa's plans to rape children inside of elementary school bathrooms across the country and send them off to sex traffickers??

Besides, even if there was a plot to kidnap this whore governor in Michigan, they were only doing it for freedom.
Considering this was antifa you're clueless
It's not just extreme right wingers. We aren't exactly living in relaxed, civil times in the battle of America vs China.

Remember this, China has the upper hand. The West has little mass support from the communists.

Actually the problem is that both sides believe the propaganda put out by their own side. If you honestly believe Trump is a Fascist. Truly believe that the Republicans are going full Fascist. Then nothing that you do is extreme in opposing them. If you honestly believe that the Communists or Socialist forces are going to take over. There is nothing worse than losing. Anything you do is justified in stopping them.

It is to the minds of the believers like having an opportunity to stop Hitler or Stalin before they commit the horrors we all know about from history. Anything is preferable to that. And that attitude has led humanity down the path of doom more than once. I call it learning the wrong lesson in history.

It is why I am not voting this year. Both sides are wrong. Both sides will lead us to ruination. Too many years of this propaganda has poisoned the nations soul.
Except there is NOTHING Trump has said or done that leaves anyone to believe he is in any way a "nazi fascist." NOTHING.

Train stations named after him in Israel along with a community in Israel. Trump has denounced WHITE SUPREMACISTS. At least 19 documented times and the left ignores IT ALL.

However it is 100 percent true that democrats are directed by cultural marxists and there is more than enough evidence that proves it conclusively.

They all praise blm and their founder flat out says they are marxists.

That is a big gigantic fucking difference.

Being a White Nationalist and neo fascist one must infer from your defense of Dumb Donald that you are not credible, everything your dear leader says or tweets is all about himself. He'd toss you under the bus if you so much as forget to "god bless you' when he sneezed.

So being black power racists like BLM and a Marxist like both BLM and Antifa is alright by you? Burning, looting and murder are also alright by you?

With you head so far up your ass it is apparent you can't see that a BLM march is compost of set of diverse people, marching peacefully. You see what you want to see, because you are a racist. I wonder sometimes who or what made you into the bigot you have become? You hate more than half of the American Citizens, that is clearly a sign of pathological hate since you don't know and never will encounter over a 150 million non WASPS.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
Why would they want to kidnap her? I couldn't stand to be around that dumb bitch for 5 minutes and listen to her yap run.

More proof that you are a pathological hater. Let's add misogynist along with racism to your resume.

How many people do you hate? It must be in the millions, and the vast majority of them you have never met. You are one very sick person.
Right wingers are getting crazier by the minute. A right wing militia plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan.
The FBI stopped them.
So how many riots did they start? I didn't see it in the article anywhere....
I also didn't see how many millions of dollars worth of property damage they did, nor did they mention how many buildings they set on fire.
In fact, I didn't see any mention of them actually hurting anyone at all.

But they're the ones being thoroughly investigated and vigorously prosecuted..... how about that?

Nope. They just stormed the capitol building armed with long guns, shouting at legislators. I think they call that...intimidation.
And then get pumped by President Stand Up, Stand By. And then a group of them get pinched planning...oh yeah, things that right wing
militias plan.

Nope. When it's rightwing radicals it's a justifiable expression of rights.
No, nobody said that.
We're just wondering why the resources are being devoted to a group that hasn't done any actual harm, instead of focusing on the folks whose bill for damages is what? Over a billion dollars now?
Biden did the right thing and showed leadership.

Trump is a crazy asshole. *Fact*
For 50 years Biden has shown everything but leadership
He has been a leader in the Senate and VP, you are a blind brainwashed fool.
I am neither blind nor brainwashed, hypocrite.
Then you are really racist or really rich and lying to us.

Hah, pulling the race card again!!...

The only reasons for someone who isn't a billionaire to support Donald Trump are (a) the are too stupid to fact check or realize they've been conned; or (b) they like his policies - all of which are racist, which is why he's lost the black and Hispanic vote except for Cubans, or misogynistic, which is why he's lost the women's vote, or they get people killed, which is why he is losing the elderly vote and the votes of those who love and care for them.

In the choice between stupid, racist, misogynist, or just like killing old people, please tell us why you're voting for Trump.

Economy is off the list - he crashed, it. Immigration is also off the list. There will be war crimes trials over his administration policy there, when he's gone.
And remember his economy wasn't that great. Certainly his 2018 tax cuts didn't produce what we were promised. In 2019 he only had 2.3% growth.

He took over an already good economy. Unemployment was already low. Republcans didn't believe the numbers when Obama was president. Obama created more jobs than Trump did. And when the stock market was up in 2015 Republicans said look at the debt. Well look at the debt Trump's tax breaks created.

The fact my brother makes over $500,000 a year and is not voting for Trump says a lot. He said it took him about 20 minutes to decide but he can't take another 4 years of Trump. Then he said don't tell all our Republican friends.

This was unsolicited so he didn't lie to me. He didn't have to tell me anything. And I stopped years ago trying to convince him the GOP sucks.

And if Trump loses it's his own fault. Besides how he handled the coronavirus he played divisive politics for the entire 4 years. Also all the lies big and small. That turns everyone except for deplorable Trump supporters off. I'm glad he did it because if he didn't he would have easily won a second term.
Waah waah waah always crying, more whiny America hating libber propaganda.
I'm happy I think Biden is going to win now. My brother didn't vote for Trump again and I know 13 guys who won't be voting for Trump next month. LOL.
Ooooh 13 guys......lol...and how do you know who they are going to vote for?

Man In Militia Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Shared Stage With Extremist Sheriff
Sheriff Dar Leaf stood with the militiaman at an anti-lockdown rally. He’s part of the “constitutional sheriffs” movement, a close ally of America’s far-right paramilitaries.

Not extremist left. Extremist right.

“Wolverine Watchmen”

What Leaf did not address in his Fox 17 interview, however, is his membership in the right-wing extremist “constitutional sheriffs” movement — a close ally of America’s armed militias — that has gained a concerning momentum during the era of President Donald Trump.

Leaf, according to a database created by the social justice think tank Political Research Associates, attended the 2019 conference of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

Like Trump said, no police endorse Biden. They all endorse Trump.

Constitutional sheriffs are part of the broader antigovernment “patriot” movement in the U.S., which is animated by a multitude of conspiracy theories about immigrants, Muslims, Jews, gun control measures, and a coming “New World Order.”

One of the goals of these sheriffs, Cooper said, is to legitimize militia groups and turn them into “sheriff’s posses” who can be enlisted to patrol their respective city’s streets.
The danger of law enforcement lending credibility to such groups has come into clear focus over the last four years, as militias have been implicated in violent plots targeting Muslims, leftist and anti-racist protesters, and most recently, the governor of Michigan.
Such groups have also enjoyed the endorsement and encouragement of the Trump administration, which shares militia groups’ bigoted and conspiratorial views about Muslims and immigrants.

You see you trying to smear the militias but it isn't working---they aren't the ones out burning and looting. And again the boogaleu boys are largely muslims including immigrants.
Who is this guy everyone?

Why would anyone smear the National Guard and the US Navy Reserves? Those clowns who play around with guns in the woods and pretend to be members of a Militia are nothing but wannabes.

Who is this guy, you ask?

He's one who has never read the Constitution. Maybe he needs to read Art. I. Sec. 8 and Clause 15 & 16. Oh yeah, we need to remind him that these clauses are part of the Constitution of the United States, something he might want to read so as to not appear to be a fool.
This story proves right wing militia's are un-American pussy's!
these guys were antifa

This is a big bunch of October nonsense by the swamp ruled FBI....the group in question are closer to ANTIFA than a right wing militant group...they hate Trump for one thing.....the FBI is still run by anti Trumpers....I can't wait to see Wray sent packing without any security clearances.....
Everyone knows the fake news and October surprise is that trump contracted corona
Yeah right...the entire hospital was in on it....LMFAO...you dummy....

"The FBI says it thwarted what it described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and federal prosecutors are expected to discuss the alleged conspiracy later Thursday. The alleged plot involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday. "Several members talked about murdering 'tyrants' or 'taking' a sitting governor," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. "The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message."

It's time for Christopher Wray to be fired and replaced with Sheriff Clarke or someone else who will stop targeting conservative militias and start cracking down on Antifa and BLM....what about the BLM plot to walk into conservative churches around the country and murder church members to protest Columbus Day?? Why isn't the media reporting that? Or what about Antifa's plans to rape children inside of elementary school bathrooms across the country and send them off to sex traffickers??

Besides, even if there was a plot to kidnap this whore governor in Michigan, they were only doing it for freedom.
Considering this was antifa you're clueless

LOL this thread.....

Sounds like another hoax to me!

The Left is trying....lol.....trying hard but....it won't work....like it didn't work for Smollett.


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