FBI Tapes Reveal 40 MLK Affairs 'Laughed' As Friend Raped Parishioner

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

Malcolm X believed in the superiority of the blacks and the inferiority of the Honkies. This could not have been clearer from the teachings of his imam, the Ayatollah Elijah Muhammed.
Yeah, Malcolm X was trash. Lets hope this stuff about MLK isnt true because, there is no one else who can replace him.

Is that why he could out debate anybody you had.
That simply isnt true. Malcolm X was not the greatest debator on earth. That is not his legacy at all. I suppose youll tell us he was also the worlds greatest racecar driver next.

Yeah but according to NK newspapers kim Jung got 7 holes in one the very first time he played golf.


That is Kim Jong Il, the current president's father who scored a 38 under par, 34 in Pyongyang.

He did get sworn statements from witnesses to the game. He should have probably brought a video crew out that day, a lot of people have doubts about Il's game
Malcolm X believed in the superiority of the blacks and the inferiority of the Honkies. This could not have been clearer from the teachings of his imam, the Ayatollah Elijah Muhammed.
Yeah, Malcolm X was trash. Lets hope this stuff about MLK isnt true because, there is no one else who can replace him.

Is that why he could out debate anybody you had.
That simply isnt true. Malcolm X was not the greatest debator on earth. That is not his legacy at all. I suppose youll tell us he was also the worlds greatest racecar driver next.

Yeah but according to NK newspapers kim Jung got 7 holes in one the very first time he played golf.


That is Kim Jong Il, the current president's father who scored a 38 under par, 34 in Pyongyang.

He did get sworn statements from witnesses to the game. He should have probably brought a video crew out that day, a lot of people have doubts about Il's game

Awwwwww shit where's Dem camera crews whe ya needzum?

Yeah, Malcolm X was trash. Lets hope this stuff about MLK isnt true because, there is no one else who can replace him.

Is that why he could out debate anybody you had.
That simply isnt true. Malcolm X was not the greatest debator on earth. That is not his legacy at all. I suppose youll tell us he was also the worlds greatest racecar driver next.

Yeah but according to NK newspapers kim Jung got 7 holes in one the very first time he played golf.


That is Kim Jong Il, the current president's father who scored a 38 under par, 34 in Pyongyang.

He did get sworn statements from witnesses to the game. He should have probably brought a video crew out that day, a lot of people have doubts about Il's game

Awwwwww shit where's Dem camera crews whe ya needzum?


I guess you think you are being funny, but you sound like a punk ass moron.
Big nothing burger

JFK was a hound dog too
Are there tapes of Kennedy laughing as a woman was raped?
I don't believe anything I hear and only half of what I see
Then youre stupid.

No I'm skeptical

You are gullible.
If you hear the tapes and you dont believe them, youre fucking stupid. Ill pass judgement in 8 years when i hear the tapes, but youll still be a retard who doesnt believe what he hears.
No one has heard the tapes

The tapes will not be released until 2027
All you have is the summary written by some FBI agent in 1964

So if you're stupid enough to believe what is hearsay that's your problem
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

He wasn't your 'Brutha'; he would have run the likes of you and your heroes out of the neighborhood and with a good ass kicking to boot. He made a point of furthering his education rather than continuing to be a perpetually whining little street punk, and the more he learned the more contempt he had for gangbangers and silly little posturing snivelers like yourself. If he had lived, he most certainly would have respected Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, since he shared far more of their values than he did with such scum as MLK, Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters; no tolerance for dope dealers and gangbangers and the other assorted degenerate scum that has become the norm for black 'communities'. He would have thanked the cop who got rid of Michael Brown for doing the black community a great favor, same for the other vermin who won big Darwin Awards doing stupid crap.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

Malcolm X believed in the superiority of the blacks and the inferiority of the Honkies. This could not have been clearer from the teachings of his imam, the Ayatollah Elijah Muhammed.

He was breaking away from that cult and going on his own, especially after he learned what a farce it was. He was killed by them for that.
Last edited:
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

He wasn't your 'Brutha'; he would have run the likes of you and your heroes out of the neighborhood and with a good ass kicking to boot. He made a point of furthering his education rather than continuing to be a perpetually whining little street punk, and the more he learned the more contempt he had for gangbangers and silly little posturing snivelers like yourself. If he had lived, he most certainly would have respected Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, since he shared far more of their values than he did with such scum as MLK, Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters; no tolerance for dope dealers and gangbangers and the other assorted degenerate scum that has become the norm for black 'communities'. He would have thanked the cop who got rid of Michael Brown for doing the black community a great favor, same for the other vermin who won big Darwin Awards doing stupid crap.

The world has changed a lot since April 1968. Black leaders like Trayvon, Tupac and Rodney King are now the ones who get liberal respect. Not Dittoheads like MLK
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

He wasn't your 'Brutha'; he would have run the likes of you and your heroes out of the neighborhood and with a good ass kicking to boot. He made a point of furthering his education rather than continuing to be a perpetually whining little street punk, and the more he learned the more contempt he had for gangbangers and silly little posturing snivelers like yourself. If he had lived, he most certainly would have respected Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, since he shared far more of their values than he did with such scum as MLK, Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters; no tolerance for dope dealers and gangbangers and the other assorted degenerate scum that has become the norm for black 'communities'. He would have thanked the cop who got rid of Michael Brown for doing the black community a great favor, same for the other vermin who won big Darwin Awards doing stupid crap.

The world has changed a lot since April 1968. Black leaders like Trayvon, Tupac and Rodney King are now the ones who get liberal respect. Not Dittoheads like MLK

There are still black social and economic conservatives, mostly in the churches; they just don't get any media exposure is all. It was minorities who played a big role in getting Prop 8 passed in California, along with women with children, for instance. Most of them have moved out of the hoods for the same reasons whites have fled; they much prefer living in white suburbs to inner cities. Trump got a lot of black votes relative to other elections, some 15% voted for other candidates rather then the Democrats in 2016, last data I saw; that's 5% more than the norm, or 50% more in terms of black voters who finally realize what the Democrats really are.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

He wasn't your 'Brutha'; he would have run the likes of you and your heroes out of the neighborhood and with a good ass kicking to boot.

That's what you wish, so shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one would fill up the fastest.

He made a point of furthering his education rather than continuing to be a perpetually whining little street punk, and the more he learned the more contempt he had for gangbangers and silly little posturing snivelers like yourself.

It's comical listening to a right wing, racist trying to tell a black man about Malcolm X.

If he had lived, he most certainly would have respected Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, since he shared far more of their values than he did with such scum as MLK, Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters;

That stupid ass statement only shows you're an idiot and you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm.

no tolerance for dope dealers and gangbangers and the other assorted degenerate scum that has become the norm for black 'communities'. He would have thanked the cop who got rid of Michael Brown for doing the black community a great favor, same for the other vermin who won big Darwin Awards doing stupid crap.

Go back and try it again, as I stated earlier you don't have a clue.
This trash is nothing more than the hit job Hoover tried to put over on Dr. King before he was shut down by Bobby Kennedy.

All you have to do is look at the folks on this forum who are trying to trash Dr. King's great name.

Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

He wasn't your 'Brutha'; he would have run the likes of you and your heroes out of the neighborhood and with a good ass kicking to boot. He made a point of furthering his education rather than continuing to be a perpetually whining little street punk, and the more he learned the more contempt he had for gangbangers and silly little posturing snivelers like yourself. If he had lived, he most certainly would have respected Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, since he shared far more of their values than he did with such scum as MLK, Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters; no tolerance for dope dealers and gangbangers and the other assorted degenerate scum that has become the norm for black 'communities'. He would have thanked the cop who got rid of Michael Brown for doing the black community a great favor, same for the other vermin who won big Darwin Awards doing stupid crap.

The world has changed a lot since April 1968. Black leaders like Trayvon, Tupac and Rodney King are now the ones who get liberal respect. Not Dittoheads like MLK

Here is another example of an idiot post.
Director Hoover was just hired help, he investigated MLK at the behest of the Kennedys.

If the Kennedy Family didn't like what he was doing, he would have been out looking for a new job, just like FBI Directors during the Clinton and Trump Administrations.

The real question here is whether or not Rev. King met the standards and morals of the Me-Too movement or not. If he didn't, America needs a different civil rights icon, be in H. Rap Brown, Rodney King, Don King or the Notorious Big.

I always thought Malcolm X had a more positive effect on black cultural directions; though a racist, he showed real intelligence and ongoing progress in his intellectual advancement. That's also why the Nation Of Islam scam artists had him killed as well; he had no respect for the black 'leadership' in his era. He would most certainly have far less respect for the current crop of scum. We know for a fact there would be far fewer gangbangers and degenerate rap vermin around today if he had had any say in the matter and lived. I can put up with racists if they offset their peccadillos with vast improvements in their cultures, especially re shutting down murdering thugs and dope dealers..

You think Brutha Malcolm would have respected bootlicking clowns like Uncle Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, West, Niger, etc. It's obvious you don't have a clue about Brutha Malcolm, Dr. King or any of those folks. Why was Malcolm a racist?

He wasn't your 'Brutha'; he would have run the likes of you and your heroes out of the neighborhood and with a good ass kicking to boot. He made a point of furthering his education rather than continuing to be a perpetually whining little street punk, and the more he learned the more contempt he had for gangbangers and silly little posturing snivelers like yourself. If he had lived, he most certainly would have respected Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas, since he shared far more of their values than he did with such scum as MLK, Jackson, Sharpton, and Waters; no tolerance for dope dealers and gangbangers and the other assorted degenerate scum that has become the norm for black 'communities'. He would have thanked the cop who got rid of Michael Brown for doing the black community a great favor, same for the other vermin who won big Darwin Awards doing stupid crap.

The world has changed a lot since April 1968. Black leaders like Trayvon, Tupac and Rodney King are now the ones who get liberal respect. Not Dittoheads like MLK

There are still black social and economic conservatives, mostly in the churches; they just don't get any media exposure is all. It was minorities who played a big role in getting Prop 8 passed in California, along with women with children, for instance. Most of them have moved out of the hoods for the same reasons whites have fled; they much prefer living in white suburbs to inner cities. Trump got a lot of black votes relative to other elections, some 15% voted for other candidates rather then the Democrats in 2016, last data I saw; that's 5% more than the norm, or 50% more in terms of black voters who finally realize what the Democrats really are.

You can post any kind of trash you want on an anonymous website, so keep up the good work.
Are there tapes of Kennedy laughing as a woman was raped?
I don't believe anything I hear and only half of what I see
Then youre stupid.

No I'm skeptical

You are gullible.
If you hear the tapes and you dont believe them, youre fucking stupid. Ill pass judgement in 8 years when i hear the tapes, but youll still be a retard who doesnt believe what he hears.
No one has heard the tapes

The tapes will not be released until 2027
All you have is the summary written by some FBI agent in 1964

So if you're stupid enough to believe what is hearsay that's your problem
Hey retard, the post you quoted clearly said that id pass judgement in 8 years.
Last edited:
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.

So why are Trump Humpers attacking the FBI.
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.

So why are Trump Humpers attacking the FBI.
Ive never met anyone who humped Trump, so i cant answer your weird question.
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.

Hey SHITFORBRAINS I never said the tapes didn't exist

I said there is no way to hear what was on them
And The FBI in 1964 was a paranoid and racist bastion of intolerance

So no I don't believe what some FBI agent of that era says without question.

If you accept it as true without hearing the tapes for yourself you're even dumber than I thought and let me tell you that's saying something
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.

Hey SHITFORBRAINS I never said the tapes didn't exist

I said there is no way to hear what was on them
And The FBI in 1964 was a paranoid and racist bastion of intolerance

So no I don't believe what some FBI agent of that era says without question.

If you accept it as true without hearing the tapes for yourself you're even dumber than I thought and let me tell you that's saying something
Are you dense? What part of "ill pass judgement in 8 years" dont you understand?
None of you realize that the tapes were not actually listened to by the author of the article only the written summaries written by the FBI have been viewed.

The very first line of the article

The FBI surveillance tapes detailing his indiscretions are being held in a vault at the U.S. National Archives and are not due for release until 2027.

And I'm sure there were no racist tendencies in FBI agents in 1964 right?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.

Hey SHITFORBRAINS I never said the tapes didn't exist

I said there is no way to hear what was on them
And The FBI in 1964 was a paranoid and racist bastion of intolerance

So no I don't believe what some FBI agent of that era says without question.

If you accept it as true without hearing the tapes for yourself you're even dumber than I thought and let me tell you that's saying something
Are you dense? What part of "ill pass judgement in 8 years" dont you understand?

Yeah after telling me I'm a moron for not believing the article

Tell me how fucking stupid are you for believing it right up until the time I pointed out to you that no one has heard the tapes yet?
Hes MLKs biographer. Thats why he was allowed to listen to the tapes.

Edit: I take that back. He only heard summaries of the tapes. Those summaries are pointless though unless the actual recordings also exist. The FBI isnt dumb. There would be no reason for them to make up fake summaries if the evidence to back up those summaries didnt exist.
And you believe those summaries written by a white FBI agent who probably thought MLK was some sort of commie pinko

Like I said it's hearsay
Of course its heresay. You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.

As for the FBI, you can accuse them of many things, but NOT being thorough ISNT one of them. Why on earth would they write a summary of a tape, if that tape didnt exist? Youre dumb to assume they would.

Hey SHITFORBRAINS I never said the tapes didn't exist

I said there is no way to hear what was on them
And The FBI in 1964 was a paranoid and racist bastion of intolerance

So no I don't believe what some FBI agent of that era says without question.

If you accept it as true without hearing the tapes for yourself you're even dumber than I thought and let me tell you that's saying something
Are you dense? What part of "ill pass judgement in 8 years" dont you understand?

Yeah after telling me I'm a moron for not believing the article

Tell me how fucking stupid are you for believing it right up until the time I pointed out to you that no one has heard the tapes yet?
I never called you a moron for not believing the article, moron.

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