FBI Texts Get Stinkier and Stinkier

“In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues.”

Gee, it's almost like there was a criminal conspiracy within the FBI to influence the election, or something.

FBI agents' text messages spur congressional probe into possible news leaks

No, no,no. Nothing to see here move along. RUSSIA! MENTAL ILLNESS, RACIST, RUSSIA, BANANA!
View attachment 170756

That’s some serious shit. I mean, you really want to short a dude with a great big nuclear button on his ice cream? Would you really want to do that?
Maybe they can release a sex tape with each orgasming about who hates Trump more. These are sick people​
Leaking unclassified information is not against the law, however leaking classified information is against the law...most planned leaks/sources to the press by our agencies is not classified information and is planned by the agency....

If these two individuals leaked classified information then they should be in deep do do!

But from the information in the Hill article on some of the couples LEAKED emails, they were pretty upset about a news article that seemed to have classified information and the couple did not know how that information got to the press because the information they provided to the journalist was NOT classified and the article went in to information that they were shocked over.

Also, the person who leaked these emails of the couple to the press, should ALSO be in deep do do. This couple is under investigation for their emails by the Inspector General and the emails in this article should NOT have been released, while the investigation on them is ongoing....

Throughout the Clinton server investigation, Fox ran an article every other day for a year and a half on it, all leaked by "unnamed sources" close to the case....they too should be prosecuted.
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“In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues.”

Gee, it's almost like there was a criminal conspiracy within the FBI to influence the election, or something.

FBI agents' text messages spur congressional probe into possible news leaks
Like Obama always was the last to know about anything until he learned about it in The News

That has his administration's thumbprint all over it.
“In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues.”

Gee, it's almost like there was a criminal conspiracy within the FBI to influence the election, or something.

FBI agents' text messages spur congressional probe into possible news leaks
Like Obama always was the last to know about anything until he learned about it in The News

That has his administration's thumbprint all over it.
There is NOTHING more relevant in regarding interference by the FBI in this election than the FBI director negative diatribe in front of the whole Nation on the FBI's exoneration of Hillary Clinton and the FBI directors announcing before the nation that they had reopened the email case, just 10 days before the election, only to once again, announce it was nothing only two days before the election...

If Obama's deep state was trying to help Hillary win the election, then I'll be a monkey's uncle....

He FAILED miserably.

He also failed miserably to get the word out that the Trump campaign team and the Russians were collaborating with each other to win the election for Trump.
The corruption of the FBI simply proves we need a bigger, more powerful government.
That and...
- Obama illegally spying on Americans
- Obama illegally spying on reporters / the media
- Obama illegally spying on US Senators
- Obama illegally spying on USSC Justices
- Obama illegally using the IRS as a political weapons against Americans who did not support his re-election
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to finance, supply, arm, train, defend, and protect terrorists
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to arm Mexican Drug Cartels
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to attempt to oust ally Israel's President, Benjamin Netanyahu, during an election
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to fund 2 Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to hide Russian crimes and help them acquire Uranium One and 20% of US uranium
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to hide Russian hacking attempts and interference from 2014 - 2016
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to protecting the DNC candidate from being indicted for her proven crimes
- Obama illegally using tax dollars to buy and illegally use the foreign agent-provided Dossier
- Obama running his own personal, Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination Program
- Obama protecting terrorist-funding Hezbollah drug operations and giving them millions on his last day as President
- Obama creating his own personal Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran...
- ......etc.........

While Obama is certainly to be included you could easily change every Obama to "Our Government".

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