FBI Turns Up on Doorstep of Trump Supporter Who Wasn't Even at the US Capitol on January

3 armed agents showed up JUST to talk??
Looks like intimidation to me.
She even phoned her local FBI office to verify that they were actually from the FBI!

When are agents not armed while on duty?

And yes, it seems all they did was talk.
I think you're confused. Biden is the guy who's failing.
I don't see Biden being the nominee. The Dems are putting on a brave face for Biden until after the 22 election. They have no choice right now.

And for a prediction: Biden will be disqualified of his own accord, due to health issues. Or feigned health issues?
Of course it is. Which is why the FBI only went to talk to that woman, not to arrest her.
A tip that she exercised her constitutional right to attend a rally?

Thats the only accusation I have seen against her
The snitch that falsely reported her to the FBI should be charged!!
They lied to the FBI and that's a FELONY.
Well said

If the Deep State is so excited to root out wrong-doing they have a crime right under their noses

Sick ‘em !
A tip that she exercised her constitutional right to attend a rally?

Thats the only accusation I have seen against her
If she attended then she could have been one of the violent insurrectionists. All of the possibilities must be investigated.
I don't see Biden being the nominee. The Dems are putting on a brave face for Biden until after the 22 election. They have no choice right now.

And for a prediction: Biden will be disqualified of his own accord, due to health issues. Or feigned health issues?
Agree. I think Trump will be the Republican nominee simply because of the harassment. The American people don't like bullies.
So if police show up following on a potential crime, thats tyranny? There's what 100,000 acts of tyranny a day then, maybe or maybe not including traffic stops. So much tyranny.

I would like to revisit this in three months and see what has happened.
What's the potential crime?
So if police show up following on a potential crime, thats tyranny? There's what 100,000 acts of tyranny a day then, maybe or maybe not including traffic stops. So much tyranny.

I would like to revisit this in three months and see what has happened.

Prolly, nothing will have happened. The FBI investigated a tip. Happens every day. The only difference here is Fox News made this one a story.
3 armed agents showed up JUST to talk??
Looks like intimidation to me.
She even phoned her local FBI office to verify that they were actually from the FBI!
Stay at home moms, aka Trump voters are really scary to FBI pussies

Three agents with gun is the minimum that they roll with
So? Law enforcement was just following up on a tip. That's what they do. They didn't arrest her. They questioned her and then left.
So who was the tip from?
If I call up my local Police to accuse one of my neighbors of committing a crime...not because I know they actually did that...but because I don't like them and want to harass them...then I am the criminal and not them! So who WAS the asshole who anonymously sicced the FBI on someone?

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