FBI warned Capitol police before 1/6/21 and Pelosi did nothing.

She probably had the impeachment papers drawn up weeks before it even happened.

And she won't answer why even if reporters were to ask her, because the whole thing was a setup to impeach Trump. Again.

Another epic fail by the Democrats with no accountability from the media.

Actually, it was the mayor's responsibility, but you know she's in cahoots with Pelosi and the house Democrats.

Lol maybe you should look at the chain of command. Pelosi is not in it you dumb fucking amoeba. Trump and his idiot cronies were. Grow a fucking brain.
She probably had the impeachment papers drawn up weeks before it even happened.

And she won't answer why even if reporters were to ask her, because the whole thing was a setup to impeach Trump. Again.

Another epic fail by the Democrats with no accountability from the media.

Actually, it was the mayor's responsibility, but you know she's in cahoots with Pelosi and the house Democrats.

It was the Capitol Police who turned down any Nation Guard help. Neither Pelosi nor McConnell arte in charge of security. The bottom line is that it should not have been a issue. Trump supporters acted to storm the capitol and Trump who incited them. Quite trying to deflect the blame.
Pelosi wanted to use the Protesters to create a political incident.
Now she is using it to brand Republicans "domestic terrorists" and "white supremacists"

It was the Republican terrorists who stormed the capitol who created the situation. Republicans have embraced white asupremacists.
Since this is an elected position, the majority party in the Senate selects the sergeant at arms, but once elected, sergeants at arms serve all members of the Senate.
The National Guard could have been there in a heartbeat on her command.
They knew the riot was coming --DJT did not.

The National Guard had to be authorized by the President. Apparently Pence was forced to authorize deployment of the Nartional Guard because Trump dithered.
Pelosi wanted to use the Protesters to create a political incident.
Now she is using it to brand Republicans "domestic terrorists" and "white supremacists"

It was the Republican terrorists who stormed the capitol who created the situation. Republicans have embraced white asupremacists.

Right? and have all Democrats embraced Communists? because they sure exist in the power structure and I never hear Democrats put down Communism, always defend it.

The crowd that stormed the capitol building was no worse than the crowd who tried to storm the White House, only that time security was much better and they never got past the barricade?
Pray tell, who incited those people?
So we have a sergeant at arms elected there by a Senate majority leader of Mitch McConnell and the Republicans and you want to blame the speaker of the House of Representatives who have nothing to do with security in Congress, I am afraid all the House does is get da money to pay them.

There is more unknown here than known because there was a rush to an impeachment without an investigation. Finally when witnesses were to be called, the Democrats decided that they no longer needed to impeach the worst president in history so badly anymore. The guy who they have been telling us committed the worst crimes ever and should be in prison.... BUT... calling witnesses would now just take to long.... so they willingly take it to vote, knowing he would get off.

What does your common sense tell you Moon? Be honest.
IMO Democrats and some Repubs like McCOnnel had something to hide should people begin taking the stand. There is no other explanation I can see. The witness they wanted to call in the first place had Second hand information as well. She didnt actually hear Trump say what she claimed or was present to see in what context it was said.
This is such an S.O.P with the Democrats when they go after someone... "second hand witnesses"
Its more than disgraceful that they constantly try to use deception
That "anti-gun" woman wanted a blood bath to blame on Trump. Thankfully, normal minds prevailed and her request for manned machine guns was turned down.
But just close your eyes for a minute and picture the scenario that Pelosi had in mind.
After unlocking the doors and letting the protesters in, doors inside the Capitol fly open and a hail of machine gun fire mows down the group. A meet my little friend moment. Screaming, blood dripping down the walls, bodies with Trump hats on. Then claim Trump tried to kill her and poor little scared AOC and all the rest. Then, thanks the trigger men for saving their lives and gives them medals of honor and prestige.

That is what is running this country, and it comes in two colors, Red and Blue...
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I like the way Pelosi sent that girl in to point the way to her office. But there isn't much you can say about that ignoramus that hasn't already been said.
I do like the truther/blobber nutter gambit that Nancy authorized a violent mob to storm her place of business.

They're nutty as fuck.

The problem is that she authorized this lunacy. She's loonier than subjects in old time state hospitals. She is the complete partisan idiot. It's no wonder everything is falling apart for her. Bitter rage, hate, and division does that.
I do like the truther/blobber nutter gambit that Nancy authorized a violent mob to storm her place of business.

They're nutty as fuck.

The problem is that she authorized this lunacy. She's loonier than subjects in old time state hospitals. She is the complete partisan idiot. It's no wonder everything is falling apart for her. Bitter rage, hate, and division does that.
The riot was Nancy's fault of course....LOL.

It's hilarious.
I do like the truther/blobber nutter gambit that Nancy authorized a violent mob to storm her place of business.

They're nutty as fuck.

The problem is that she authorized this lunacy. She's loonier than subjects in old time state hospitals. She is the complete partisan idiot. It's no wonder everything is falling apart for her. Bitter rage, hate, and division does that.
The riot was Nancy's fault of course....LOL.

It's hilarious.

She definitely encouraged the riots over the past year. She oked the capitol police to let people in. Naw, nothing to see here. Lol.
I do like the truther/blobber nutter gambit that Nancy authorized a violent mob to storm her place of business.

They're nutty as fuck.

The problem is that she authorized this lunacy. She's loonier than subjects in old time state hospitals. She is the complete partisan idiot. It's no wonder everything is falling apart for her. Bitter rage, hate, and division does that.
The riot was Nancy's fault of course....LOL.

It's hilarious.

She definitely encouraged the riots over the past year. She oked the capitol police to let people in. Naw, nothing to see here. Lol.
Your cartoonish assessment is hilarious.
I do like the truther/blobber nutter gambit that Nancy authorized a violent mob to storm her place of business.

They're nutty as fuck.

The problem is that she authorized this lunacy. She's loonier than subjects in old time state hospitals. She is the complete partisan idiot. It's no wonder everything is falling apart for her. Bitter rage, hate, and division does that.
The riot was Nancy's fault of course....LOL.

It's hilarious.

She definitely encouraged the riots over the past year. She oked the capitol police to let people in. Naw, nothing to see here. Lol.
Your cartoonish assessment is hilarious.

I only wish it were a cartoon.

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