FDA orders ban on all trans fat

Trans fats compared to sugar in which causes the most deaths?
Not even close.


Fed your child these lately?......

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.
Idiots who can't comprehend science think that dietary fat will make you fat.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in you ass.
heart disease is not, the most common cause of death in the Country?....is that what you are saying?....
Notice that neither trans fat nor any other type of fat are on the list.

Go cower in your global warming bunker, anti-science zealot.

The top 10 leading causes of death in the US - Medical News Today

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer (malignant neoplasms)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory disease
  4. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
  5. Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  6. Alzheimer's disease
  7. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  8. Influenza and pneumonia
  9. Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)
  10. Suicide (intentional self-harm).
Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.

Sorry.....I've seen those stats....they measure things differently......and are biased against the U.S.....
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Tell that to the doctor who only ate twinkees and doritos and not only lost weight but reduced his cholesterol and lowered his blood pressure........you guys are fools....

Yeah, there are a lot of "doctors" who make all sorts of claims. Like the holistic medicine nuts who want you to believe that trace substances diluted to ppm in purified water will cure diabetes. How about you post the double blind study your doctor conducted to demonstrate that Twinkies and Doritos make up the healthiest diet on the planet. Good luck with that.

Did he say that....no....he simply did the diet and looked at the results......of course....no one forced him to do it at the end of a gun........
Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...

Better diet, more food, better sleeping patterns, less violence.......better work environments, less manual labor.......many things can add to that....as well as better medicine....but don't worry.....the statists are going to screw up healthcare so that won't contribute to long life anymore....
Muhammed said:
Notice that neither trans fat nor any other type of fat are on the list.

Go cower in your global warming bunker, anti-science zealot.

If you want to show the world how insane you are, have at it. Any more silly comments you care to make?
Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.

Sorry.....I've seen those stats....they measure things differently......and are biased against the U.S.....

Right. So out of 194 nations on the list, they pick on the U.S. Did you forget to take your meds today?
Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...

Better diet, more food, better sleeping patterns, less violence.......better work environments, less manual labor.......many things can add to that....as well as better medicine....but don't worry.....the statists are going to screw up healthcare so that won't contribute to long life anymore....

Yeah, we are going to screw up healthcare by banning a substance in our food that is a major cause of heart disease. You didn't take your meds today, did you?
Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.

Sorry.....I've seen those stats....they measure things differently......and are biased against the U.S.....

Right. So out of 194 nations on the list, they pick on the U.S. Did you forget to take your meds today?

From what I remember they rate things differently and score countries higher for government run healthcare.....again...it is a lie.......generated by leftists.........and wow...they found the U.S. sucked......how unexpected....please link by the way with the criteria they used to make that list....thanks.....
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...

Better diet, more food, better sleeping patterns, less violence.......better work environments, less manual labor.......many things can add to that....as well as better medicine....but don't worry.....the statists are going to screw up healthcare so that won't contribute to long life anymore....

Yeah, we are going to screw up healthcare by banning a substance in our food that is a major cause of heart disease. You didn't take your meds today, did you?

Yes.....and do you ask permission from a government agent at the FDA to take a crap.......?
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.

Sorry.....I've seen those stats....they measure things differently......and are biased against the U.S.....

Right. So out of 194 nations on the list, they pick on the U.S. Did you forget to take your meds today?

From what I remember they rate things differently and score countries higher for government run healthcare.....again...it is a lie.......generated by leftists.........and wow...they found the U.S. sucked......how unexpected....please link by the way with the criteria they used to make that list....thanks.....

By all means, show us a scientifically derived list that rates the U.S. differently. Be sure to provide the original source.
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...

Better diet, more food, better sleeping patterns, less violence.......better work environments, less manual labor.......many things can add to that....as well as better medicine....but don't worry.....the statists are going to screw up healthcare so that won't contribute to long life anymore....

Yeah, we are going to screw up healthcare by banning a substance in our food that is a major cause of heart disease. You didn't take your meds today, did you?

Yes.....and do you ask permission from a government agent at the FDA to take a crap.......?

Ever hear of your local sewage treatment plant?
You know. I am starting to believe that you secessionists probably should leave the union so that we don't have to listen to your childish whining anymore. Okay, you have my permission. You can have Guam. Good luck.
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.

Sorry.....I've seen those stats....they measure things differently......and are biased against the U.S.....

Right. So out of 194 nations on the list, they pick on the U.S. Did you forget to take your meds today?

From what I remember they rate things differently and score countries higher for government run healthcare.....again...it is a lie.......generated by leftists.........and wow...they found the U.S. sucked......how unexpected....please link by the way with the criteria they used to make that list....thanks.....

By all means, show us a scientifically derived list that rates the U.S. differently. Be sure to provide the original source.

Ladies first....you brought up the list....I know what I have seen....again...please list the criteria used to make the judgement.....
This is huge.

There is no "ban". We've done this before, at least two major threads, in different years. I'll find a link when I can.

There ain't no "ban" -- it's proposing to take trans fats off the GRAS list, which is an honor system. And that means if you want to use them you (the food manufacturer) have to demonstrate that they're safe. Like anything else.

Always put a link in your OP to explain what the hell you're talking about btw. An article from which the issue came often explains if there's one to read. Especially with lying headlines, which run rampant. But in this case I'm already very familiar with the issue.
These fools can't even decide if eggs are good or bad

The fact that this is an issue for a federal level government agency is quite frankly ludicrous.

It's what the FDA's job is -- to keep poisonous/harmful elements out of the food, drugs and cosmetics.

Put there by Republicans, btw.

The FDA is the reason the USandA didn't sell Thalidomide, which caused thousands of births with major issues like stunted limbs.

In other countries, but not here. Because Da Eebil Gubmint wouldn't let them sell it.

Or as one wag here puts it:
Always meddling, can't keep their noses out of anything.

Da Soshullist Bastids!!
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Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.

Sorry.....I've seen those stats....they measure things differently......and are biased against the U.S.....

Right. So out of 194 nations on the list, they pick on the U.S. Did you forget to take your meds today?

From what I remember they rate things differently and score countries higher for government run healthcare.....again...it is a lie.......generated by leftists.........and wow...they found the U.S. sucked......how unexpected....please link by the way with the criteria they used to make that list....thanks.....

By all means, show us a scientifically derived list that rates the U.S. differently. Be sure to provide the original source.

Ladies first....you brought up the list....I know what I have seen....again...please list the criteria used to make the judgement.....

List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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