FDA orders ban on all trans fat

I am of sound enough mind to know that eating foods riddled with trans-fat consistently, will make me a lard ass. I don't need the government to make this decesion for me. I already have a mother.

See....what you really need then is a "Big Brother."
And the guy who ate only Mcdonalds and lost weight and lowered his cholesterol....without a government gun to his head....

Man loses 56 pounds after eating only McDonald s for six months - TODAY.com

While enjoying his weight loss, Cisna is particularly excited about the results of his blood tests: He says his total cholesterol dropped from 249 to 190, including a 25 percent decrease in his LDL or “bad cholesterol.” Despite concerns that he was eating too much salt, Cisna said his sodium levels and blood pressure are normal.

How do you people manage to walk down the street and live your life without an agent from the government telling you what to do every minute......?
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.
Idiots who can't comprehend science think that dietary fat will make you fat.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

For now......until the next theory comes out and it all turns out to be genetic.......just like the people who never smoked and get throat and lung cancer.....
These fools can't even decide if eggs are good or bad

The fact that this is an issue for a federal level government agency is quite frankly ludicrous.

Since the government wants to control health care they dont want to take a chance on you getting sick,that costs money.
Next there'll be mandatory exercise.

And we'll all be required to have a Connected Home replete with sensors and cameras to monitor our compliance with Federally Mandated Lifestyle guidelines.

Just imagine. It's late a night. You crave some ice cream. Yet, the freezer door won't open because the Government has decided you ate enough today.
That's not good enough for some: Smart Toilets Doctors in Your Bathroom - Singularity HUB
And this article is from 2009. Just imagine what a 2016 model will do. :eek-52:
Just another example of the Federal Government overstepping its' bounds again.
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.
Idiots who can't comprehend science think that dietary fat will make you fat.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in you ass.

This is where I'm supposed to get upset and post a lot of medical jargon from peer reviewed medical research, but I am not going to do that because it will invariably fall on shit-clogged ears. Good luck. Don't let the fat burgers kick you in the ass on your way to fat burger king.
See, now I'm craving burgers. This health crap is getting nuts.

This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.
Idiots who can't comprehend science think that dietary fat will make you fat.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in you ass.
heart disease is not, the most common cause of death in the Country?....is that what you are saying?....
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.
Idiots who can't comprehend science think that dietary fat will make you fat.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in you ass.
heart disease is not, the most common cause of death in the Country?....is that what you are saying?....
Are you illiterate?
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Tell that to the doctor who only ate twinkees and doritos and not only lost weight but reduced his cholesterol and lowered his blood pressure........you guys are fools....

Yeah, there are a lot of "doctors" who make all sorts of claims. Like the holistic medicine nuts who want you to believe that trace substances diluted to ppm in purified water will cure diabetes. How about you post the double blind study your doctor conducted to demonstrate that Twinkies and Doritos make up the healthiest diet on the planet. Good luck with that.
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.
Idiots who can't comprehend science think that dietary fat will make you fat.

Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease, the most common cause of death in this country.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in you ass.
heart disease is not, the most common cause of death in the Country?....is that what you are saying?....

The top 10 leading causes of death in the US - Medical News Today

  1. Heart disease
  2. Cancer (malignant neoplasms)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory disease
  4. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
  5. Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  6. Alzheimer's disease
  7. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  8. Influenza and pneumonia
  9. Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)
  10. Suicide (intentional self-harm).
This is huge.

Indeed. Fat tends to make one huge.

Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Life expectancy in the U.S. is 34th among 194 nations.
Fat does no such thing whatsoever. Bad fats can cause heart issues, but what makes people fat is an overabundance of carbs.

Trans fat is bad fat. You didn't know this? Huh.

And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.........

And you people think that the left will leave you alone in the bedroom........:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And our life expectancy gets longer and longer.
is that because of eating trans fats or Medical advancements?........

Who knows....?
i believe the Medical advancements since the 30's till now,kinda suggests that Medical advancements have played a pretty big part in how long people are now living...

A large part of that was due to improvements in diets, that, until the past 30-40 years, increased our life expectancy. Fast food altered that trajectory.

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