Feb. 19 1945 Iwo Jima invasion

His presidency was only slightly less of a disaster than FDRs....Aside from his experience as an artillery officer, he was a rube from the sticks.

But that's neither here nor there....Iwo was a strategic catastrophe.
FDR didn't like Truman; his admin didn't keep him informed on anything, which makes his Presidency even more amazing; everybody thought him a stupid rube from the sticks. He disabused them of that false impression.
FDR didn't even know Truman. Democrats fired the sitting V.P. when they knew FDR would die in his 4th term and picked a dumb rube who didn't even have a college education.
Back to the point. The admirals and the generals didn't make the decisions. The FDR administration ordered the invasion. Intelligence knew that Iwo Jima was a forty year old defensive instillation and the Navy abandoned the effort to bomb the Japanese defenders after a couple of days. The initial stated mission did not include a tiny spot for crippled bombers to land. Six thousand Marines died.
Read my link....A lot of the B-29s that landed at Iwo weren't crippled to the extent that they couldn't get back to Guam.

It was for a fighter base, mainly; they needed escorts, and B-24's sirer ranges than the B-29's. They didn't have the range to go from the Marianas to Japan and back. Nimitz, , and Adms. Spruance and Forrest, three of the top four Admirals agreed it was important, only King was opposed. Hap Arnold wanted it too. All the complaints are based on hindsight based on events after the fact; it is like complaining the battle of Yorktown was unnecessary because the British left later on anyway.

What part of the Constitution is that, exactly?

Now you did it, he will have no answer. This means we will be hearing all about how Nimitz was secretly working for Stalin and Hap Arnold was a Maoist spy and disinformation agent, and part of the plan made by Stalin to take over America.

This is all just rubbish invented to smear FDR, is all. FDR committed a great sin by his policies that won a major world war on four fronts at once, and in less than five years after having war declared on us. Made the GOP look bad ever since, plus it broke up a couple of monopolies that had funded the GOP since Harding's corrupt administration, and then tried to sabotage our war efforts.
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It was for a fighter base, mainly; they needed escorts, and B-24's sirer ranges than the B-29's. They didn't have the range to go from the Marianas to Japan and back. Nimitz, , and Adms. Spruance and Forrest, three of the top four Admirals agreed it was important, only King was opposed. Hap Arnold wanted it too. All the complaints are based on hindsight based on events after the fact; it is like complaining the battle of Yorktown was unnecessary because the British left later on anyway.
At this point in the war, land-based escort fighters were superfluous, as the major bombings of Japan were occurring at night.

Arnold was the Murican version of the Kamikaze General...His daylight "precision" bombing over Europe made the bloodbath at Iwo look like a minor skirmish....Though I love my USAF, Hap Arnold is the most grossly overrated General in its history.

The air crews "saved" from the base on Iwo have been inflated to justify a needlessly costly battle.
FDR didn't even know Truman. Democrats fired the sitting V.P. when they knew FDR would die in his 4th term and picked a dumb rube who didn't even have a college education.

lol so what? Truman was still a far better President than your traitor GOP party had to offer.
At this point in the war, land-based escort fighters were superfluous, as the major bombings of Japan were occurring at night.

Arnold was the Murican version of the Kamikaze General...His daylight "precision" bombing over Europe made the bloodbath at Iwo look like a minor skirmish....Though I love my USAF, Hap Arnold is the most grossly overrated General in its history.

The air crews "saved" from the base on Iwo have been inflated to justify a needlessly costly battle.

All one has to do is ignore the timelines and then make up a lot of rubbish, all just nonsense to smear American's most popular President and his saving the country from unraveling and interrupting crooked Republican thievery and treason.
All one has to do is ignore the timelines and then make up a lot of rubbish, all just nonsense to smear American's most popular President and his saving the country from unraveling and interrupting crooked Republican thievery and treason.
Truman was a warmonger douchebag, who set the mold for the numerous "police action" wars that have been waged in his wake.

Fuck that asshole.

Truman did exactly what was necessary, propping up allies and containing your Maoist and Stalinist Heroes without starting a major world war again. Fuck the GOP and its sniveling traitor scum. They've never done anything for this country, just rob it blind at every opportunity and supports it's enemies.
Truman did exactly what was necessary, propping up allies and containing your Maoist and Stalinist Heroes without starting a major world war again. Fuck the GOP and its sniveling traitor scum. They've never done anything for this country, just rob it blind at every opportunity and supports it's enemies.
Norks never attacked Murica....Truman was Bush in the '50s...Fuck that asshole.
You could always grab a gun and fight for the neocon interventionists.

I have fought for my country. Libertoons just squat and whine, and would be the first to stampede over women and children to lick the boots of any invaders who rolled up.
lol complete rubbish. Three of the top four Admirals in the Navy outnumbered the one Admiral who opposed it.
It was a mistake at any rate. About 6,000 Marines died on an island that could have been bypassed.
an experiment to reinforce the acceptance of using the Atomic Bomb on humans.
The Japs sealed their fate to being nuked with fighting to the last man on Okinawa.

The US decided it wouldn't play that game no more so nuke the sonofabitches.

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