Feb. 9: Sanders leads comfortably in all odds websites

Gotta wonder if we're looking at a modern-day version of McGovern.
Maybe, but maybe not.

There are strong forces arrayed against Sanders. The entire D establishment lead by crooks like O and Hill along with the entire MSM, are capable of doing almost anything to prevent a Sanders’ nomination.
Please oh please.

Dimms, please run a communist for the POTUS. That will really show what the Dimm party is all about!

Talk about an easy candidate to run against! A communist who recently had a heart attack?
Gotta wonder if we're looking at a modern-day version of McGovern.
LOL. The country has changed greatly since McGovern. The people today recognize the injustice of a government that serves only the extreme wealthy.
Gotta wonder if we're looking at a modern-day version of McGovern.
Or Walter Mondale...

As Sanders voters believe their man will win they better brace themselves when he loses because of key swing States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...
Bernie Sanders is solidifying his lead as the huge favorite to win the Democratic nomination, complicating Donald Trump's plans for re-election.
I don't expect Sanders to lose his lead again. It will very likely increase as he wins more and more states.

I'm not sure how those Surburban Moms are going to join the Bernie revolution.

I'm not saying Bernie can't win... elections are too fluid, but you can't win with just college kids looking for free tuition.
Please oh please.

Dimms, please run a communist for the POTUS. That will really show what the Dimm party is all about!

Talk about an easy candidate to run against! A communist who recently had a heart attack?

Again - Everyone said Ronald Reagan was too old and right wing to win. He did.
Everyone said that No one would elect a black man with a Muslim Name. They did.
Everyone said there was no way Trump could win. He did.

Under the right circumstances, Bernie could be the most formidable guy out there, simple because his followers are committed.
Sanders will win NY and Cali and DC for sure.

Trump should destroy Sanders in debates and with ads,

Show Bernie with his shirt off singing Russian songs in the Soviet Union.

Bernie is at 40% odds.

90% is a "huge favorite." 40% is not.
Please oh please.

Dimms, please run a communist for the POTUS. That will really show what the Dimm party is all about!

Talk about an easy candidate to run against! A communist who recently had a heart attack?

Again - Everyone said Ronald Reagan was too old and right wing to win. He did.
Everyone said that No one would elect a black man with a Muslim Name. They did.
Everyone said there was no way Trump could win. He did.

Under the right circumstances, Bernie could be the most formidable guy out there, simple because his followers are committed.

So you are calling a Sanders victory over Trump?

I like the boldness. How many electoral votes will he win and what swing states?
There might be a day when America goes communist. This isn't it. Sanders has committed followers. There just aren't enough of them.
Sanders staff is on video claiming they want to abolish property rights and kick people out of their homes and hopefully there won’t be a need for camps.

Please oh please run Bernie.
Picture all the press lining up to support the communist candidate.

Told you so...
Sanders staff is on video claiming they want to abolish property rights and kick people out of their homes and hopefully there won’t be a need for camps.

Please oh please run Bernie.

They suggested:
- Gulags for wrong think.
- Burning cities if Sanders doesn't win.
- Killing cops.
- Guillotine the rich.

All the usual far left nonsense. But we do need to be concerned, these people have actually gotten control in many places and the result have been as one would expect.

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