February may have been the warmest month on record,

Granny says if ya think February is hot...

... jest wait till July or August rolls around.
Hey Mud, why don't you use that 158 IQ to actually post something that is informative? Surely with all that mastery of science you can give us the articles in peer reviewed journals that prove mankind has nothing to do with the present rapid warming. Surely.
Granny says if ya think February is hot...I

... jest wait till July or August rolls around.

I hope that NOAA is wrong on the predictions for this summer. They are predicting a hot dry summer for the Pacific Northwest. We don't need another fire season like last year.
I used to wonder why the really wacky conspiracy theorists were such a major part of this anti-science AGW-denial cult-like movement that the fossil fuel industry propagandists astro-turfed up to be their 'useful idiot' foot-soldiers in their campaign to deceive the public about the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming/climate changes and the urgent need to drastically restrict future carbon emissions.....now we know....someone did a bit of research that demonstrated a clear link between AGW denial and a general belief in the usual crackpot conspiracy theories, like the moon landings were faked....the really, really hilarious thing about that is that the AGW deniers immediately claimed that the study itself was part of a conspiracy against them.

Link Between Climate Denial and Conspiracy Beliefs Sparks Conspiracy Theories
By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Sep 7, 2012
A study suggesting climate change deniers also tend to hold general beliefs in conspiracy theories has sparked accusations of a conspiracy on climate change-denial blogs. The research, which will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science, surveyed more than 1,000 readers of science blogs regarding their beliefs regarding global warming. The results revealed that people who tend to believe in a wide array of conspiracy theories are more likely to reject the scientific consensus that the Earth is heating up. University of Western Australia psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky based the findings on responses from an online survey posted on eight science blogs. According to the paper, Lewandowsky approached five climate-skeptic blogs and asked them to post the survey link, but none did. Now, climate-skeptic bloggers are striking back with a new conspiracy theory: that the researchers deliberately failed to contact "real skeptics" for the study and then lied about it.

Though about 97 percent of working scientists agree that the evidence shows a warming trend caused by humans, public understanding of climate change falls along political lines. Democrats are more likely to "believe in" global warming than Republicans, according to a 2011 report by the University of New Hampshire's Carsey Institute. In fact, deniers and skeptics who felt more confident in their climate-change knowledge were the strongest disbelievers. Believing that climate change isn't happening or that it's not human-caused requires a belief that thousands of climate scientists around the world are lying outright, Lewandowsky and his colleagues wrote in their new paper. Conspiracy theory beliefs are known to come in clusters — someone who thinks NASA faked the moon landing is more likely to accept the theory that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. So Lewandowsky and his colleagues created an online survey and asked eight mostly pro-science blogs and five climate-skeptic blogs to post a link to the survey for their readers. The respondents were self-selecting, but highly motivated to care about climate science, the researchers noted. The responses came only from the eight pro-science blogs, the researchers reported. Of 1,145 usable survey responses, the researchers found that support for free-market, laissez-faire economics was linked to a rejection of climate change. A tendency to believe other conspiracy theories was also linked to denial of climate change. Finally, climate-change deniers were more likely than others to say that other environmental problems have been solved, indicating a dismissive attitude toward "green" causes. "To our knowledge, our results are the first to provide empirical evidence for the correlation between a general construct of conspiracist ideation and the general tendency to reject well-founded science," Lewandowsky and his colleagues concluded. Psychological research has found that conspiracy beliefs are hard to dislodge, they wrote, but efforts to debunk multiple lines of conspiratorial reasoning at once may help.

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Though about 97 percent of working scientists agree that the evidence shows a warming trend caused by humans,

Yes, 75 out of 77 is very impressive!
Do all 75 agree we must spend trillions on windmills?
How many of the 75 think we should use more reliable, nuclear energy?

Those answers would be useful.
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.
How many is "way more", you scientific genius.
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!

In that case, let's build more windmills.....LOL!
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!

In that case, let's build more windmills.....LOL!
The world IS building more wind turbines, moron, LOTS OF THEM.

And BTW, Febuary was still was hottest single month on record......and the coming months this summer will be even hotter.
Wow! Your large bold letters are impressive.
158 IQ and you cannot present a cogent argument for your position? Or a link to an article in a peer reviewed scientific journal supporting your argument? Hmmmmm...........................................................



Try to answer the very clear question, bozo.

So tell us, little retard, how DO you explain this (the well established scientific consensus detailed in that Wikipedia article - and many, many other places) without recourse to crackpot conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists? Please tell us.

Scientific opinion on climate change

Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia
???? It just dictates that human causes warming? It also dictates that there is consensus, is there not a simple list of those who state there is and those who state they are against?

Or how about an actual number of people who agree versus who disagree?

Is there even a total number of those who are scientist.

And why or how come it does not state how they came to their conclusions?
Oh look! More large, bold and colorful letters. And C&P. It must take a lot of research to learn how to do that.
And another vacuous, font-obsessed post by the troll MuMu.....in which he once again avoids answering that simple question he has been asked at least four times now......

So tell us, little retard, how DO you explain this (the well established scientific consensus detailed in that Wikipedia article - and many, many other places) without recourse to crackpot conspiracy theories about all of the world's scientists? Please tell us.
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!

In that case, let's build more windmills.....LOL!
The world IS building more wind turbines, moron, LOTS OF THEM.

And BTW, Febuary was still was hottest single month on record......and the coming months this summer will be even hotter.

If only windmills made sense. Moron.
Way more than 75 out of 77. Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers. Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact. Only four are non-committal, and they are all connected to the energy industries. When one of them, the Association of American Petroleum Geologists tried to deny AGW, enough of the membership threatened to not renew their membership that they switched to a non-committal statement.

But continue to deny it all. 2014, 2015, and now 2016 are showing you to be utter fools.

Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!

In that case, let's build more windmills.....LOL!
The world IS building more wind turbines, moron, LOTS OF THEM.

And BTW, Febuary was still was hottest single month on record......and the coming months this summer will be even hotter.

If only windmills made sense. Moron.
If only your posts EVER made sense....even once.....so far, no luck....

Until I ran into you, Toad-the-Parrot, I would not have believed that it was even possible for someone to have a single digit IQ, like you so obviously do. What a disappointment to discover that people as stupid as you can even exist.
Way more than 75 out of 77.

How many questionnaires did they send out? How many responses did they get?

Those are just the climatologists that have recently had published papers.

Leaving out other scientists was dishonest, don't you agree?
Leaving out climatologists that hadn't published recently was dishonest, don't you agree?

Virtually all the Scientific Societies state that AGW is a fact.

Do they all state how much of the warming is due to our CO?
Do they all agree that windmills and solar are the best solution?
Do they all fear nuclear energy more than CO2?
Do they all agree that the ideal global temperature is the current temperature or cooler?
Do they all agree that a warmer planet is worse?
Do they all think higher taxes and more government control are the solution?
Do they all agree that the economics of reducing CO2 make sense?
They ALL agree that you are a complete imbecile, Toad!

In that case, let's build more windmills.....LOL!
The world IS building more wind turbines, moron, LOTS OF THEM.

And BTW, Febuary was still was hottest single month on record......and the coming months this summer will be even hotter.

If only windmills made sense. Moron.
If only your posts EVER made sense....even once.....so far, no luck....

Until I ran into you, Toad-the-Parrot, I would not have believed that it was even possible for someone to have a single digit IQ, like you so obviously do. What a disappointment to discover that people as stupid as you can even exist.

Coming from one of the morons who thinks wind turbines pay for themselves in less than a year, that's especially hilarious.
Aaaaaand back on topic.....

More details about the most record breaking hot month ever, that the world just experienced.

February 2016 Was the Most Abnormally Warm Month Ever Recorded, NOAA and NASA Say
The Weather Chanel
Mar 17 2016
By Jon Erdman
Earth's global temperatures in February 2016 were the most abnormally warm on record for any month, according to two, independent analyses from NOAA and NASA. NOAA's global State of the Climate report released Thursday found February's surface temperature over the Earth's surface was 1.21 degrees Celsius above the 20th century average, not only crushing the warmest February in the 137-year period of record set just one year prior, but also the largest temperature anomaly of any month in NOAA's database dating to 1880. Just the previous week, a separate analysis from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies also found February to have the largest departure from average in their records also dating to 1880, 1.35 degrees Celsius above the 1951-1980 average.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency's analysis released Monday also found February to be the globe's warmest on record dating to 1891, but found December 2015 to be the globe's warmest anomaly, by just 0.04 degrees Celsius. It was the tenth straight month a new record warm anomaly for that respective month had been set in both the NOAA and JMA analyses. A fourth analysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting also found February 2016 set a new record-warm anomaly for the globe, 0.86 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average. That reanalysis, however, dates only to 1979.

The global record was paced again by exceptional warmth in the northern hemisphere higher latitudes. Much of Alaska into western and central Canada, as well as eastern Europe, Scandinavia and much of Russia were at least 4 degrees Celsius (roughly 7 degrees Fahrenheit) above February averages, according to NASA/GISS. NASA calculated February temperatures north of 75 degrees north latitude were over 6 degrees Celsius (10.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above average. Elsewhere, February was also much warmer than average (at least 2 degrees Celsius) over much of the United States, central Europe, parts of southwest Asia and the Middle East, northern and southern Africa, northern and central South America, northern Australia and the equatorial eastern and central Pacific, associated with the strong El Niño.

The five largest monthly global warm anomalies in NASA's database have all occurred within the past five months, topped by February 2016.
February 2016 continues a string of 372 consecutive months at or warmer than average. The last colder-than-average month in NASA's database was February 1985, and Earth's last colder-than-average January was 40 years ago, in 1976. Six of the last nine months have either tied or set new records in NASA's database for that month, helping to set the Earth's warmest year on record in 2015. Nine of the 10 largest monthly warm anomalies in the 125-year JMA analysis record have occurred from May 2015 through February 2016. Only February 1998, on the heels of another strong El Niño, remains in the JMA's top 10 list.


Anomaly of global average February surface temperature from 1891 through 2016, relative to a 1981-2010 base period average, shown by gray line and dots. The blue line denotes a five-year running mean while the red line indicates the long-term February temperature trend. (Japan Meteorological Agency)

Warmest month ever. Going all the way back to 1880.
Now what?
The first step for you, Toad, would be to grow a brain.....but I doubt that you'll manage that feat in this lifetime.

Without a brain, you are unlikely to comprehend the implications of anything whatsoever, let alone the complex implications for the Earth's climate patterns of a 136 year long rising trend in the instrumental temperature records, temporarily culminating in the super record breaking hot month we just experienced (and more to come). Actually the rising temperature trend began somewhat earlier than just the range of the instrumental temperature record going back to 1880, and it interrupted a long slow cooling trend that had been happening for the last 5000 years or so. The warming trend since the Industrial Revolution has warmed the planet by as much as the Milankovitch Cycles had naturally cooled it over the course of the last 5000 years. You are unlikely to understand the implications of that either.

Too bad you are such an anti-science retard.
Warmest month ever. Going all the way back to 1880.
Now what?
The first step for you, Toad, would be to grow a brain.....but I doubt that you'll manage that feat in this lifetime.

Without a brain, you are unlikely to comprehend the implications of anything whatsoever, let alone the complex implications for the Earth's climate patterns of a 136 year long rising trend in the instrumental temperature records, temporarily culminating in the super record breaking hot month we just experienced (and more to come). Actually the rising temperature trend began somewhat earlier than just the range of the instrumental temperature record going back to 1880, and it interrupted a long slow cooling trend that had been happening for the last 5000 years or so. The warming trend since the Industrial Revolution has warmed the planet by as much as the Milankovitch Cycles had naturally cooled it over the course of the last 5000 years. You are unlikely to understand the implications of that either.

Too bad you are such an anti-science retard.

You won't tell me? LOL!

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