February may have been the warmest month on record,

This climate change scam is like a friggin' religion to you leftwing loons. All emotion with no ability for critical thinking.
Nope! That's just your delusional insanity, Dull Schmuck.

Human caused global arming is a scientifically confirmed fact....no emotions....just hard evidence and data. You poor delusional troll.
You keep on posting....
...the scientifically confirmed facts and the testimony of the real climate scientists.
I will merely present....
...more and more evidence of your total ignorance and utter insanity.

A fine collection of total bullshit and anti-science denier cult propaganda written by stooges for the fossil fuel industry. You are SUCH a gullible clueless retard, Dull Schmuck!
Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies

Fossil fuel industry front group and worthless propaganda outlet. Only very ignorant rightwingnut imbeciles fall for that twaddle.

Oil Companies Funding Friends of Science
By James Hoggan
August 12, 2006
A Globe and Mail feature article by Charles Montgomery today has delivered what should be a death blow for the climate change denial and anti-Kyoto attack group, the Friends of Science.

The G&M says that FOS has taken undisclosed sums from Alberta oil and gas interests. The money was funneled through the Calgary Foundation, to the University of Calgary and on to the FOS though something called the “Science Education Fund.”

All this appears to be orchestrated by Stephen Harper’s long-time political confidante and fishing buddy, U. Calgary Prof Dr. Barry Cooper. It seems the FOS has taken a page right out of the US climate change attack group’s playbook: funnel money through foundations and third party groups to “wipe the oil” off the dollars they receive.

This comes as no surprise considering the FOS has been linked to some of the most notorious oil money-backed scientists in the US, including Drs. S. Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood Idso, Willie Soon, Robert C. Balling and Pat Michaels.

Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......it's an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies are also the owners of the big banks that will be collecting your carbon tax for a product you have to have in order to eek out a living. I know exactly what I am talking about. I would love to have alternative energy but your rulers will never allow it unless they control it...fact.
OK, so you continue to push that idiot meme. Silly ass, show us one Scientific Society, one National Academy of Science, or one major University that states that AGW is not real. You cannot, because such does not exist.

But I can post here all day long the statements from various scientific societies that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Scientific societies from every industrial nation in the world, and many from the second and third world nations.

Do you really think that there is a unbreakable conspiracy among the vast majority of scientists in the world to fool all the rest of us? Do you think that people like Limpbaugh and Inhofe actually possess more knowledge than the scientists that have spent decades studying the climate?

Nope, but I think there is a real agenda that is being hidden. I have no doubt that climate change is happening but it is not getting warmer, it is getting cooler because of the aerosol spraying of nano-particulates of various metals. It reflects heat but it also traps it so the temps at night are not as cool as they once were. This geo-engineering of the NATO countries is absolutely insane. European countries are much more aware of this program than the sheeple here. You can go to youtube and type in "chemtrails and any European country and find ordinary citizens filming their skies being whited out. They also have made some incredible documentaries with sub-titles trying to alert people as to what is going on...it has the potential to cause absolute genocide if this is not stopped. Food will not grow in aluminum corrupted soil...but you know what will grow? Monsanto genetically modified seeds that have been proven to cause cancerous tumors in lab mice and cause sterilization within three generations. In the mean time, the global elites have created two different seed vaults with heirloom seeds...wake up, old timer...you are not in Kansas anymore.
LOLOLOLOL....you poor insane conspiracy theory wacko.....you actually believe that bullshit twaddle??? LOLOLOLOLOL.

You don't believe in conspiracy theories? Seems like you are the one claiming big oil is hiding and manipulating what you believe to be "facts".....seems conspiritorial to me....
This climate change scam is like a friggin' religion to you leftwing loons. All emotion with no ability for critical thinking.
Nope! That's just your delusional insanity, Dull Schmuck.

Human caused global arming is a scientifically confirmed fact....no emotions....just hard evidence and data. You poor delusional troll.
You keep on posting....
...the scientifically confirmed facts and the testimony of the real climate scientists.
I will merely present....
...more and more evidence of your total ignorance and utter insanity.

A fine collection of total bullshit and anti-science denier cult propaganda written by stooges for the fossil fuel industry. You are SUCH a gullible clueless retard, Dull Schmuck!

Fossil fuel industry front group and worthless propaganda outlet. Only very ignorant rightwingnut imbeciles fall for that twaddle.

Oil Companies Funding Friends of Science
By James Hoggan
August 12, 2006
A Globe and Mail feature article by Charles Montgomery today has delivered what should be a death blow for the climate change denial and anti-Kyoto attack group, the Friends of Science.

The G&M says that FOS has taken undisclosed sums from Alberta oil and gas interests. The money was funneled through the Calgary Foundation, to the University of Calgary and on to the FOS though something called the “Science Education Fund.”

All this appears to be orchestrated by Stephen Harper’s long-time political confidante and fishing buddy, U. Calgary Prof Dr. Barry Cooper. It seems the FOS has taken a page right out of the US climate change attack group’s playbook: funnel money through foundations and third party groups to “wipe the oil” off the dollars they receive.

This comes as no surprise considering the FOS has been linked to some of the most notorious oil money-backed scientists in the US, including Drs. S. Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood Idso, Willie Soon, Robert C. Balling and Pat Michaels.

You mean companies that produce useful amounts of reliable energy are fighting back against people who want to spend trillions on unreliable "green energy"?

That's awful! Dissent should not be tolerated.
This climate change scam is like a friggin' religion to you leftwing loons. All emotion with no ability for critical thinking.
Nope! That's just your delusional insanity, Dull Schmuck.

Human caused global arming is a scientifically confirmed fact....no emotions....just hard evidence and data. You poor delusional troll.
You keep on posting....
...the scientifically confirmed facts and the testimony of the real climate scientists.
I will merely present....
...more and more evidence of your total ignorance and utter insanity.

A fine collection of total bullshit and anti-science denier cult propaganda written by stooges for the fossil fuel industry. You are SUCH a gullible clueless retard, Dull Schmuck!
Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies
- See more at: Friends of Science | The Myths and Facts of Global Warming
Fossil fuel industry front group and worthless propaganda outlet. Only very ignorant rightwingnut imbeciles fall for that twaddle.

Oil Companies Funding Friends of Science
By James Hoggan
August 12, 2006
A Globe and Mail feature article by Charles Montgomery today has delivered what should be a death blow for the climate change denial and anti-Kyoto attack group, the Friends of Science.

The G&M says that FOS has taken undisclosed sums from Alberta oil and gas interests. The money was funneled through the Calgary Foundation, to the University of Calgary and on to the FOS though something called the “Science Education Fund.”

All this appears to be orchestrated by Stephen Harper’s long-time political confidante and fishing buddy, U. Calgary Prof Dr. Barry Cooper. It seems the FOS has taken a page right out of the US climate change attack group’s playbook: funnel money through foundations and third party groups to “wipe the oil” off the dollars they receive.

This comes as no surprise considering the FOS has been linked to some of the most notorious oil money-backed scientists in the US, including Drs. S. Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood Idso, Willie Soon, Robert C. Balling and Pat Michaels.

Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......it's an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies are also the owners of the big banks that will be collecting your carbon tax for a product you have to have in order to eek out a living. I know exactly what I am talking about. I would love to have alternative energy but your rulers will never allow it unless they control it...fact.

LOLOLOLOL.....and another discredited crackpot pseudo-science bit of bullshit pops out of the retarded troll Dull Schmuck. He is so gullible, I find myself wanting to sell him a bridge or something. It is hard to fathom why he hasn't sent all his money to the Nigerian Prince so he can make ten times more. Or....maybe he has.

In the real world...

Abiogenic petroleum origin
Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different hypotheses which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum hypotheses, the deep gas hypothesis of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum hypothesis, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin.
This climate change scam is like a friggin' religion to you leftwing loons. All emotion with no ability for critical thinking.
Nope! That's just your delusional insanity, Dull Schmuck.

Human caused global arming is a scientifically confirmed fact....no emotions....just hard evidence and data. You poor delusional troll.
You keep on posting....
...the scientifically confirmed facts and the testimony of the real climate scientists.
I will merely present....
...more and more evidence of your total ignorance and utter insanity.

A fine collection of total bullshit and anti-science denier cult propaganda written by stooges for the fossil fuel industry. You are SUCH a gullible clueless retard, Dull Schmuck!
Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies
- See more at: Friends of Science | The Myths and Facts of Global Warming
Fossil fuel industry front group and worthless propaganda outlet. Only very ignorant rightwingnut imbeciles fall for that twaddle.

Oil Companies Funding Friends of Science
By James Hoggan
August 12, 2006
A Globe and Mail feature article by Charles Montgomery today has delivered what should be a death blow for the climate change denial and anti-Kyoto attack group, the Friends of Science.

The G&M says that FOS has taken undisclosed sums from Alberta oil and gas interests. The money was funneled through the Calgary Foundation, to the University of Calgary and on to the FOS though something called the “Science Education Fund.”

All this appears to be orchestrated by Stephen Harper’s long-time political confidante and fishing buddy, U. Calgary Prof Dr. Barry Cooper. It seems the FOS has taken a page right out of the US climate change attack group’s playbook: funnel money through foundations and third party groups to “wipe the oil” off the dollars they receive.

This comes as no surprise considering the FOS has been linked to some of the most notorious oil money-backed scientists in the US, including Drs. S. Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood Idso, Willie Soon, Robert C. Balling and Pat Michaels.

Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......it's an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies are also the owners of the big banks that will be collecting your carbon tax for a product you have to have in order to eek out a living. I know exactly what I am talking about. I would love to have alternative energy but your rulers will never allow it unless they control it...fact.

LOLOLOLOL.....and another discredited crackpot pseudo-science bit of bullshit pops out of the retarded troll Dull Schmuck. He is so gullible, I find myself wanting to sell him a bridge or something. It is hard to fathom why he hasn't sent all his money to the Nigerian Prince so he can make ten times more. Or....maybe he has.

In the real world...

Abiogenic petroleum origin
Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different hypotheses which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum hypotheses, the deep gas hypothesis of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum hypothesis, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin.

You really believe that they found fossilized dead dinosaur and plant life (fossil fuel) hundreds and hundreds of feet under ground? How do you suppose that happened? You could fit everyone on the planet, give them a half an acre of land and still have over half of Australia left over plus the rest of the world....noraml human behavior isn't the cause. CO2 is a building block of life....plants and trees thrive off of it...but yet they are dying, fish and other sea life are washing up on the shores all over the place. Could it be that our military industrial complex is trying to play God? Yeah, I am sure that is the case. Chemtrailing kills plankton which in turn deprives the oceans of oxygen...... and it is killing the bees as well.......your shrill, puny voice isn't convincing anyone......so like I said, is "global warming" the only thing you have an opinion about? Because I have yet to see you post anything other than that and lamely flaming anyone that disputes your uninformed opinion......just curious. Are you being paid to push an agenda??
A fine collection of total bullshit and anti-science denier cult propaganda written by stooges for the fossil fuel industry. You are SUCH a gullible clueless retard, Dull Schmuck!
Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies
- See more at: Friends of Science | The Myths and Facts of Global Warming
Fossil fuel industry front group and worthless propaganda outlet. Only very ignorant rightwingnut imbeciles fall for that twaddle.

Oil Companies Funding Friends of Science
By James Hoggan
August 12, 2006
A Globe and Mail feature article by Charles Montgomery today has delivered what should be a death blow for the climate change denial and anti-Kyoto attack group, the Friends of Science.

The G&M says that FOS has taken undisclosed sums from Alberta oil and gas interests. The money was funneled through the Calgary Foundation, to the University of Calgary and on to the FOS though something called the “Science Education Fund.”

All this appears to be orchestrated by Stephen Harper’s long-time political confidante and fishing buddy, U. Calgary Prof Dr. Barry Cooper. It seems the FOS has taken a page right out of the US climate change attack group’s playbook: funnel money through foundations and third party groups to “wipe the oil” off the dollars they receive.

This comes as no surprise considering the FOS has been linked to some of the most notorious oil money-backed scientists in the US, including Drs. S. Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood Idso, Willie Soon, Robert C. Balling and Pat Michaels.

Oil is not a fossil fuel, moron......it's an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust...BTW, the owners of the big oil companies are also the owners of the big banks that will be collecting your carbon tax for a product you have to have in order to eek out a living. I know exactly what I am talking about. I would love to have alternative energy but your rulers will never allow it unless they control it...fact.

LOLOLOLOL.....and another discredited crackpot pseudo-science bit of bullshit pops out of the retarded troll Dull Schmuck. In the real world...
Abiogenic petroleum origin - The abiogenic petroleum hypotheses have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.
Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different hypotheses which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum hypotheses, the deep gas hypothesis of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum hypothesis, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin.
You really believe that they found fossilized dead dinosaur and plant life (fossil fuel) hundreds and hundreds of feet under ground? How do you suppose that happened?

Of course, moron. So does everybody else with more than two brain cells to rub together (which leaves you out, obviously). The fossil origin of 'fossil fuels' is a scientifically confirmed fact.

Where Fossil Fuels Come From
There are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs - hence the name fossil fuels. The age they were formed is called the Carboniferous Period. It was part of the Paleozoic Era. "Carboniferous" gets its name from carbon, the basic element in coal and other fossil fuels.

The Carboniferous Period occurred from about 360 to 286 million years ago. At the time, the land was covered with swamps filled with huge trees, ferns and other large leafy plants. The water and seas were filled with algae - the green stuff that forms on a stagnant pool of water. Algae are actually millions of very small plants.

Some deposits of coal can be found during the time of the dinosaurs. For example, thin carbon layers can be found during the late Cretaceous Period (65 million years ago) - the time of Tyrannosaurus Rex. But the main deposits of fossil fuels are from the Carboniferous Period. For more about the various geologic eras, go to www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/help/timeform.html

As the trees and plants died, they sank to the bottom of the swamps of oceans. They formed layers of a spongy material called peat. Over many hundreds of years, the peat was covered by sand and clay and other minerals, which turned into a type of sedimentary rock.

More and more rock piled on top of more rock, and it weighed more and more. It began to press down on the peat. The peat was squeezed and squeezed until the water came out of it and it eventually, over millions of years; it turned into coal, oil or petroleum, and natural gas.

You could fit everyone on the planet, give them a half an acre of land and still have over half of Australia left over plus the rest of the world....noraml human behavior isn't the cause.
LOLOLOLOLOL......you are such a hoot, Dull Schmuck, and apparently quite insane. That is a total non-sequitur, totally meaningless to the debate, and WRONG. There are over 7 billion people on the Earth and only a bit less than 2 billion acres on the continent of Australia.

So what?

None of that has anything to do with the enormous amounts of CO2 that mankind has added to the air, warming the planet.

CO2 is a building block of life....
The plants already had all the CO2 they needed before mankind pumped almost 550 billion metric tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere and oceans since 1750.

The added excess co2 in the atmosphere is not particularly helping plants very much, but it is doing what it does best - acting as a powerful greenhouse gas and retaining more of the sun's energy inside the Earth's atmosphere, raising global temperatures by increasing amounts.

plants and trees thrive off of it...but yet they are dying, fish and other sea life are washing up on the shores all over the place. Could it be that our military industrial complex is trying to play God? Yeah, I am sure that is the case. Chemtrailing kills plankton which in turn deprives the oceans of oxygen...... and it is killing the bees as well.
LOLOLOL.....and more of your crackpot conspiracy theory insanity, you poor delusional retard.

......your shrill, puny voice isn't convincing anyone......

That is EXACTLY what everyone has been telling you, dumbass.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They have scales that can measure "polluted air" in tons but yet they can't figure out a way to get us off of abiotic petroleum and coal? Maybe they should re-direct their energies? Seriously, you are "all in" on climate change and believe anything the U.N sponsored and funded alleged "scientists" say even though they lied about the percentage of those onboard with this fraud and totally mis-represented themselves and their "conclusions". How come you will not address the soil and water samples that prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that a covert geo-engineering program has been going on in all NATO countries?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They have scales that can measure "polluted air" in tons but yet they can't figure out a way to get us off of abiotic petroleum and coal? Maybe they should re-direct their energies? Seriously, you are "all in" on climate change and believe anything the U.N sponsored and funded alleged "scientists" say even though they lied about the percentage of those onboard with this fraud and totally mis-represented themselves and their "conclusions". How come you will not address the soil and water samples that prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that a covert geo-engineering program has been going on in all NATO countries?

OK.....so...you've managed to conclusively prove that you are either insane or a cynical troll.

Because it is so extremely easy to refute your fraudulent and very moronic and frankly pretty insane claims, you have managed to sucker me into supporting your off-topic derailment of the thread topic about February being the hottest month on record. No more! If you say anything off-topic again, I will either mock you or ignore you.
From post #117.....which none of the denier cultists had any real response to, whatsoever.

February 2016 Was the Most Abnormally Warm Month Ever Recorded, NOAA and NASA Say


Anomaly of global average February surface temperature from 1891 through 2016, relative to a 1981-2010 base period average, shown by gray line and dots. The blue line denotes a five-year running mean while the red line indicates the long-term February temperature trend. (Japan Meteorological Agency)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They have scales that can measure "polluted air" in tons but yet they can't figure out a way to get us off of abiotic petroleum and coal? Maybe they should re-direct their energies? Seriously, you are "all in" on climate change and believe anything the U.N sponsored and funded alleged "scientists" say even though they lied about the percentage of those onboard with this fraud and totally mis-represented themselves and their "conclusions". How come you will not address the soil and water samples that prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that a covert geo-engineering program has been going on in all NATO countries?

OK.....so...you've managed to conclusively prove that you are either insane or a cynical troll.

Because it is so extremely easy to refute your fraudulent and very moronic and frankly pretty insane claims, you have managed to sucker me into supporting your off-topic derailment of the thread topic about February being the hottest month on record. No more! If you say anything off-topic again, I will either mock you or ignore you.
You can eat shit and go blind for all I care. First off, I don't believe a fucking thing "da gubermint" tries to sell and that goes double with the U.N funded studies of the IPCC. Second off, I see the spraying and it seems to go in intervals. I work third shift and when they spray at night, I see the fake clouds glow pumpkin colored orange as the sun is coming up because the metals are shining. I know exactly of which I speak. I buy the climate change...trust me. We use to be able to head to the pool by mid -April here in Dallas....for the last 5 years it has been until Memorial Day before the water wouldn't send you into cardio-shock...I get it. We differ on the cause of it and I know for a fucking fact that they are spraying. Go to youtube and Google any NATO country and chemtrails and you will see ordinary people recording video. Europe is even more aware of this than the sheeple in America. The have some great documentaries complete with sub-titles. I can refer you to some if you want.
Here's more on the significance of the record breaking temperatures in February.

Our Planet’s Temperature Just Reached a Terrifying Milestone
Slate - Future Tense
By Eric Holthaus
MARCH 12 2016
Data released Saturday from NASA confim that February 2016 was not only the most unusually warm month ever measured globally, at 1.35 degrees Celsius above the long-term average—it was more than 0.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the previously most unusually warm month ever measured: January 2016.* ("Most unusually warm" is not to be confused with "warmest ever measured". Average temperatures are much more difficult to calculate than deviations from average, for many technical reasons—including the fact that there's a strong seasonality in average global temperatures. Climate scientists also strongly prefer discussing deviations from average because that's what matters to plants, animals, and humans adapting to climate change.) The new NASA data confirms unofficial data released earlier this month showing a dramatic and ongoing surge in the planet's temperature—if anything, that data, upon which the previous versions of this post were based, were an underestimate. On Twitter, Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, which maintains the NASA temperature database, noted that February’s temperature record was “special” and commented simply: “Wow”.

NASA’s global temperature data is measured from a 1951-1980 baseline, about 0.3 degrees warmer than pre-industrial levels. That means February 2016 was the first month in history that global average temperatures passed the 1.5 degree Celsius mark. Also, since last month’s warmth was concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere (2.76 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1951-1980 baseline) and the Arctic (5.36 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1951-1980 baseline), these regions of our planet were also record warm, likely the warmest they’ve been for at least thousands of years. As I said in the previous version of this post—even though this surge of warmth is likely only temporary, it is a major milestone moment for humanity and our relationship to our planet.

Update, March 3, 2016: Since this post was originally published, the heat wave has continued. As of Thursday morning, it appears that average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have breached the 2 degrees Celsius above “normal” mark for the first time in recorded history, and likely the first time since human civilization began thousands of years ago.* That mark has long been held (somewhat arbitrarily) as the point above which climate change may begin to become "dangerous" to humanity. It's now arrived—though very briefly—much more quickly than anticipated. This is a milestone moment for our species. Climate change deserves our greatest possible attention.
Here's more on the significance of the record breaking temperatures in February.

Our Planet’s Temperature Just Reached a Terrifying Milestone
Slate - Future Tense
By Eric Holthaus
MARCH 12 2016
Data released Saturday from NASA confim that February 2016 was not only the most unusually warm month ever measured globally, at 1.35 degrees Celsius above the long-term average—it was more than 0.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the previously most unusually warm month ever measured: January 2016.* ("Most unusually warm" is not to be confused with "warmest ever measured". Average temperatures are much more difficult to calculate than deviations from average, for many technical reasons—including the fact that there's a strong seasonality in average global temperatures. Climate scientists also strongly prefer discussing deviations from average because that's what matters to plants, animals, and humans adapting to climate change.) The new NASA data confirms unofficial data released earlier this month showing a dramatic and ongoing surge in the planet's temperature—if anything, that data, upon which the previous versions of this post were based, were an underestimate. On Twitter, Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, which maintains the NASA temperature database, noted that February’s temperature record was “special” and commented simply: “Wow”.

NASA’s global temperature data is measured from a 1951-1980 baseline, about 0.3 degrees warmer than pre-industrial levels. That means February 2016 was the first month in history that global average temperatures passed the 1.5 degree Celsius mark. Also, since last month’s warmth was concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere (2.76 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1951-1980 baseline) and the Arctic (5.36 degrees Celsius warmer than the 1951-1980 baseline), these regions of our planet were also record warm, likely the warmest they’ve been for at least thousands of years. As I said in the previous version of this post—even though this surge of warmth is likely only temporary, it is a major milestone moment for humanity and our relationship to our planet.

Update, March 3, 2016: Since this post was originally published, the heat wave has continued. As of Thursday morning, it appears that average temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have breached the 2 degrees Celsius above “normal” mark for the first time in recorded history, and likely the first time since human civilization began thousands of years ago.* That mark has long been held (somewhat arbitrarily) as the point above which climate change may begin to become "dangerous" to humanity. It's now arrived—though very briefly—much more quickly than anticipated. This is a milestone moment for our species. Climate change deserves our greatest possible attention.

Never A Straight Answer is laying down the law? Did you know that Never A Straight Answer aka "NASA" is a corporation and part of the corporate structure that is USA.INC? It's true....go to Dun and Bradstreet and put it in the search engine...I don't trust a fucking thing that they have to say either...though there some NASA employees that admitted that they were aerosol spraying...how can you get a benchmark for the actual temperature
when geo-engineering is going on?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They have scales that can measure "polluted air" in tons but yet they can't figure out a way to get us off of abiotic petroleum and coal? Maybe they should re-direct their energies? Seriously, you are "all in" on climate change and believe anything the U.N sponsored and funded alleged "scientists" say even though they lied about the percentage of those onboard with this fraud and totally mis-represented themselves and their "conclusions". How come you will not address the soil and water samples that prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that a covert geo-engineering program has been going on in all NATO countries?

OK.....so...you've managed to conclusively prove that you are either insane or a cynical troll.

Because it is so extremely easy to refute your fraudulent and very moronic and frankly pretty insane claims, you have managed to sucker me into supporting your off-topic derailment of the thread topic about February being the hottest month on record. No more! If you say anything off-topic again, I will either mock you or ignore you.
You can eat shit and go blind for all I care. First off, I don't believe a fucking thing "da gubermint" tries to sell and that goes double with the U.N funded studies of the IPCC. Second off, I see the spraying and it seems to go in intervals. I work third shift and when they spray at night, I see the fake clouds glow pumpkin colored orange as the sun is coming up because the metals are shining. I know exactly of which I speak. I buy the climate change...trust me. We use to be able to head to the pool by mid -April here in Dallas....for the last 5 years it has been until Memorial Day before the water wouldn't send you into cardio-shock...I get it. We differ on the cause of it and I know for a fucking fact that they are spraying. Go to youtube and Google any NATO country and chemtrails and you will see ordinary people recording video. Europe is even more aware of this than the sheeple in America. The have some great documentaries complete with sub-titles. I can refer you to some if you want.
Trust you? You have already proven yourself to be a willfully ignorant ass. Your crackpot theories on the abiotic source of oil, chemtrails, the whole gamut of dumbkopf conspriracy theories you present are laughable. You know nothing, and intend not to learn anything.

Sure, and you can find people on the net claiming that the earth is flat, and only 6000 or so years old. Your kind constantly brays out stupidities that even the most simple of research can show to be wrong.

Maybe you should get out and see a bit of the world, someplace like Glacier National Park, which will have no glaciers by 2030.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They have scales that can measure "polluted air" in tons but yet they can't figure out a way to get us off of abiotic petroleum and coal? Maybe they should re-direct their energies? Seriously, you are "all in" on climate change and believe anything the U.N sponsored and funded alleged "scientists" say even though they lied about the percentage of those onboard with this fraud and totally mis-represented themselves and their "conclusions". How come you will not address the soil and water samples that prove beyound a shadow of a doubt that a covert geo-engineering program has been going on in all NATO countries?

OK.....so...you've managed to conclusively prove that you are either insane or a cynical troll.

Because it is so extremely easy to refute your fraudulent and very moronic and frankly pretty insane claims, you have managed to sucker me into supporting your off-topic derailment of the thread topic about February being the hottest month on record. No more! If you say anything off-topic again, I will either mock you or ignore you.
You can eat shit and go blind for all I care. First off, I don't believe a fucking thing "da gubermint" tries to sell and that goes double with the U.N funded studies of the IPCC. Second off, I see the spraying and it seems to go in intervals. I work third shift and when they spray at night, I see the fake clouds glow pumpkin colored orange as the sun is coming up because the metals are shining. I know exactly of which I speak. I buy the climate change...trust me. We use to be able to head to the pool by mid -April here in Dallas....for the last 5 years it has been until Memorial Day before the water wouldn't send you into cardio-shock...I get it. We differ on the cause of it and I know for a fucking fact that they are spraying. Go to youtube and Google any NATO country and chemtrails and you will see ordinary people recording video. Europe is even more aware of this than the sheeple in America. The have some great documentaries complete with sub-titles. I can refer you to some if you want.
Trust you? You have already proven yourself to be a willfully ignorant ass. Your crackpot theories on the abiotic source of oil, chemtrails, the whole gamut of dumbkopf conspriracy theories you present are laughable. You know nothing, and intend not to learn anything.

Sure, and you can find people on the net claiming that the earth is flat, and only 6000 or so years old. Your kind constantly brays out stupidities that even the most simple of research can show to be wrong.

Maybe you should get out and see a bit of the world, someplace like Glacier National Park, which will have no glaciers by 2030.
STFU, ya old fuck...if you believe that there is dead dinosaur remains a mile deep, you are beyond stupid...oh wait, you are fucking stupid as I have read your blatherings.

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