Fed Up White Guy..

Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Read American history and find out.

I suppose if I read your revised version I could feel sorry for you if you'd like.. did you grow up in a Democrat inner city ghetto, I feel sorry for them .. do you?

Revised my ass. You talk about democratic inner city ghettos but what about a entire nation that was sent in recession and almost depression by republicans?

And it's not about feeling sorry for me whining white victim, its about you manning up and facing the truth.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Read American history and find out.

I suppose if I read your revised version I could feel sorry for you if you'd like.. did you grow up in a Democrat inner city ghetto, I feel sorry for them .. do you?

Revised my ass. You talk about democratic inner city ghettos but what about a entire nation that was sent in recession and almost depression by republicans?

And it's not about feeling sorry for me whining white victim, its about you manning up and facing the truth.

Dear IM2
The way I would say similar
The Republicans and Conservatives need to enforce their own creeds and principles
about NOT depending on big govt, but using free enterprise to fund their own programs directly.
Especially if they expect to set an example, or teach/mentor Democrats to do the same for
their health care ideas of serving the whole public.

This is what I mean by holding those people TO THEIR OWN words and creeds.
It's not about race so much as it is about what beliefs and principles motivate people by CONSCIENCE to make the changes.

Race too often distracts from that, though if people NEED a role model to follow
and respect, sure, if they RESPOND better to a white or black leader, then let's help
such people lead their own followers if that's how they identify and motivate themselves.

Don't you think PARTY identity has as much to do with how change is going to be effected?
Don't you think PARTY might motivate Ben Carson and Obama,
as well as Ted Cruz and Mark Levin to push for PARTIES to organize and fund their own policies
instead of wasting donations on bullying and govt resources on BS that doesn't solve anything but costs taxpayers more debts.

If the key is getting Republicans to unite around Conservative and Constitutional principles,
is it helping to divide people by race?
Does it help or hurt by attacking "white men" and alienating the connection
with leaders such as Ted Cruz and Mark Levin who can lead the Constitutional reform needed to clean up messes with govt waste and abuse?

IM2 if I remember correctly, the criticism came up that I myself was
too negative and alienating to work with Democrat party leaders while I blame them
as part of the problem with the Democratic party. But I am willing to work with those
leaders I blame in order to make the corrections.

Are you willing to work with all parties and people,
including those you blame?

How are we going to do this?
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.
Wounded Knee.
Kent State.
All done by white men.

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Dear Billyboom
Why do you leave out the effects of men's crimes and abuses on WOMEN.

All the atrocities I mentioned included women.

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You miss my point Billyboom
1. Do you frame these atrocities in terms of
restitution owed to women victims by men perpetrators?
2. Do you only focus on white vs black men, which keeps
dividing men against each other by race, and distracts
from the damages and restitution owed to women who suffer from BOTH.

If you only see it as a man looking to blame other men,
and bashing each other back and forth. What help does
that provide to any women suffering the consequences of this bashing
pack mentality of men in pecking order/turf wars over which group is more to blame?
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Read American history and find out.

I suppose if I read your revised version I could feel sorry for you if you'd like.. did you grow up in a Democrat inner city ghetto, I feel sorry for them .. do you?

Revised my ass. You talk about democratic inner city ghettos but what about a entire nation that was sent in recession and almost depression by republicans?

And it's not about feeling sorry for me whining white victim, its about you manning up and facing the truth.

Dear IM2
The way I would say similar
The Republicans and Conservatives need to enforce their own creeds and principles
about NOT depending on big govt, but using free enterprise to fund their own programs directly.
Especially if they expect to set an example, or teach/mentor Democrats to do the same for
their health care ideas of serving the whole public.

This is what I mean by holding those people TO THEIR OWN words and creeds.
It's not about race so much as it is about what beliefs and principles motivate people by CONSCIENCE to make the changes.

Race too often distracts from that, though if people NEED a role model to follow
and respect, sure, if they RESPOND better to a white or black leader, then let's help
such people lead their own followers if that's how they identify and motivate themselves.

Don't you think PARTY identity has as much to do with how change is going to be effected?
Don't you think PARTY might motivate Ben Carson and Obama,
as well as Ted Cruz and Mark Levin to push for PARTIES to organize and fund their own policies
instead of wasting donations on bullying and govt resources on BS that doesn't solve anything but costs taxpayers more debts.

If the key is getting Republicans to unite around Conservative and Constitutional principles,
is it helping to divide people by race?
Does it help or hurt by attacking "white men" and alienating the connection
with leaders such as Ted Cruz and Mark Levin who can lead the Constitutional reform needed to clean up messes with govt waste and abuse?

IM2 if I remember correctly, the criticism came up that I myself was
too negative and alienating to work with Democrat party leaders while I blame them
as part of the problem with the Democratic party. But I am willing to work with those
leaders I blame in order to make the corrections.

Are you willing to work with all parties and people,
including those you blame?

How are we going to do this?

Emily, the most significant problem we have is racism. It has created all of the problems that exist in our land. . This nation has never been united and white men are the reason. All their bellyaching about race is being done so they can maintain the same system of white privilege they have always had. So you can be naive all you want, but I'm not joining you. We need a new way and that way is not gong to happen by appeasing white men who sowed hatred and reaped what they sowed

Let's stop talking stupid about big government. We have 330 million people in this nation. Government is a business. No business reduces its workforce when customers and demand increases. No business refuses to diversify according to needs they recognize. But this is what you and others talking that dumb we don't need big government junk want done. What is needed is a re- prioritization of how we spend our tax dollars. We also need a mental revolution to change the way we see things. We are listening to people who have received the most handouts in US history tell us how wrong it is to be dependent on the government they have depended on and you for example, run right along with this bs like it's gospel.

It's time to not spend as much money on the military as the top 10 military powers combined. Then we use that money to benefit our citizens. We start looking at this as investments in our most valuable resource, the American citizen. This is what the constitution should mean by treating all equally and doing this erases inequality created by race, sex, age, economic levels, etc., meaning all races have equal access to opportunity and economic mobility. That's how you unify and if some white men don't want to, well they'll just get swept under the wave of white men and women who do. It ain't about kissing white mens asses anymore. They either get on board or be left behind.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.
Why do you feel like it's your fault? I'm a white guy and a Democrat and I also have never oppressed anyone. I don't feel like anything is my fault.

BLM disagrees
No they don't. I am friends with many folks in the local organization and have even participated in some of their activities. It's your actions, not your skin color.

So their posts...that state "no whites allowed" didn't apply to you. May I ask your age?
51. What does that have to do with it? And I have seen no posts saying no whites allowed.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.
Wounded Knee.
Kent State.
All done by white men.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I'm thinkin the good deeds outweigh what the Democrats have done.. granted slavery, oppression, extermination of the Indian Nations and snuffing little humans is absolutely hideous, I'll give you that.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.
She proved the tard who said that statement was not true, wrong. MANY minorities consider whites the root of all evil.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Read American history and find out.

I suppose if I read your revised version I could feel sorry for you if you'd like.. did you grow up in a Democrat inner city ghetto, I feel sorry for them .. do you?

Revised my ass. You talk about democratic inner city ghettos but what about a entire nation that was sent in recession and almost depression by republicans?

And it's not about feeling sorry for me whining white victim, its about you manning up and facing the truth.

Dude, you're committed to literally living in denial and refuse to put the responsibilities where they belong. You'll never be a free thinker or a happy citizen if you keep those blinders on. You love and make excuses for your failed oppressor, so why do you expect to be taken seriously?
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.
Why do you feel like it's your fault? I'm a white guy and a Democrat and I also have never oppressed anyone. I don't feel like anything is my fault.

BLM disagrees
No they don't. I am friends with many folks in the local organization and have even participated in some of their activities. It's your actions, not your skin color.

So their posts...that state "no whites allowed" didn't apply to you. May I ask your age?
51. What does that have to do with it? And I have seen no posts saying no whites allowed.
You have no brain per Winston Churchill
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Read American history and find out.

I suppose if I read your revised version I could feel sorry for you if you'd like.. did you grow up in a Democrat inner city ghetto, I feel sorry for them .. do you?

Revised my ass. You talk about democratic inner city ghettos but what about a entire nation that was sent in recession and almost depression by republicans?

And it's not about feeling sorry for me whining white victim, its about you manning up and facing the truth.

Dude, you're committed to literally living in denial and refuse to put the responsibilities where they belong. You'll never be a free thinker or a happy citizen if you keep those blinders on. You love and make excuses for your failed oppressor, so why do you expect to be taken seriously?

If I wanted to be oppressed I'd join the republican party.
Why do you feel like it's your fault? I'm a white guy and a Democrat and I also have never oppressed anyone. I don't feel like anything is my fault.

BLM disagrees
No they don't. I am friends with many folks in the local organization and have even participated in some of their activities. It's your actions, not your skin color.

So their posts...that state "no whites allowed" didn't apply to you. May I ask your age?
51. What does that have to do with it? And I have seen no posts saying no whites allowed.
You have no brain per Winston Churchill
Non sequitur.

Does that mean you can't prove your statement?
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Read American history and find out.

I suppose if I read your revised version I could feel sorry for you if you'd like.. did you grow up in a Democrat inner city ghetto, I feel sorry for them .. do you?

Revised my ass. You talk about democratic inner city ghettos but what about a entire nation that was sent in recession and almost depression by republicans?

And it's not about feeling sorry for me whining white victim, its about you manning up and facing the truth.

Dude, you're committed to literally living in denial and refuse to put the responsibilities where they belong. You'll never be a free thinker or a happy citizen if you keep those blinders on. You love and make excuses for your failed oppressor, so why do you expect to be taken seriously?

If I wanted to be oppressed I'd join the republican party.

Bingo. That wold be an expression of masochism.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Maybe you are fed up because you are choosing to believe a LIE. Show me where EVERYTHING wrong has been blamed on the white guy. Maybe if you stop being reactionary and hyperbolic you can digest the causes and effects of history. However, many people purposely try to turn the claims made against the general white society into a claim against each and every white person in society. Its a fallacy to assume that what is true for the whole is true of each part. To say that a team is the best team in the league is not to say that each player is among the best players in the league or a team that is the worst team in the league has the worst players. Ergo, if I say the white team was the worst team in the league....you would then claim I said that each and every player on the team are among the worst players in the league....to distract and misdirect from the truth about the team as a whole. Then you would provide the stats from one of the players on the team that are quite good and try to use that to debunk the general claim made about the team.

The oppression of blacks and the problems it caused blacks, at the hands of white society, is NOT and have never been a claim against EVERY white person. Stop propagating and believing that LIE and maybe you might be a little less fed up.....but somehow I don't think you will because you seem vested in the lie. Stop turning arguments and protest into things that they are not.....like kneeling being a protest against the Flag or Troops. You turn things around to rally support against it, instead of addressing what is really being protested and claimed.
Excuse me, everything is the white man's fault, where the hell you been? Let me school you....the world listens to white male voices...not women, not minorities, but the voice of the white man.....now pick an issue, a problem, etc....and there you have it, its all your fault...just name the topic

Sellout blacks.
Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.
Wounded Knee.
Kent State.
All done by white men.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

I'm thinkin the good deeds outweigh what the Democrats have done.. granted slavery, oppression, extermination of the Indian Nations and snuffing little humans is absolutely hideous, I'll give you that.
Democrats? Are you saying no Republicans ever joined the United States military? What the military did at wounded knee was unforgivable.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
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Why is everything the White Guys fault...?

I'm not a Democrat and I haven't oppressed anyone.

Maybe you are fed up because you are choosing to believe a LIE. Show me where EVERYTHING wrong has been blamed on the white guy. Maybe if you stop being reactionary and hyperbolic you can digest the causes and effects of history. However, many people purposely try to turn the claims made against the general white society into a claim against each and every white person in society. Its a fallacy to assume that what is true for the whole is true of each part. To say that a team is the best team in the league is not to say that each player is among the best players in the league or a team that is the worst team in the league has the worst players. Ergo, if I say the white team was the worst team in the league....you would then claim I said that each and every player on the team are among the worst players in the league....to distract and misdirect from the truth about the team as a whole. Then you would provide the stats from one of the players on the team that are quite good and try to use that to debunk the general claim made about the team.

The oppression of blacks and the problems it caused blacks, at the hands of white society, is NOT and have never been a claim against EVERY white person. Stop propagating and believing that LIE and maybe you might be a little less fed up.....but somehow I don't think you will because you seem vested in the lie. Stop turning arguments and protest into things that they are not.....like kneeling being a protest against the Flag or Troops. You turn things around to rally support against it, instead of addressing what is really being protested and claimed.
Excuse me, everything is the white man's fault, where the hell you been? Let me school you....the world listens to white male voices...not women, not minorities, but the voice of the white man.....now pick an issue, a problem, etc....and there you have it, its all your fault...just name the topic

Sellout blacks.

LOL! You don't even know what a sellout black is.

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