Fed up with Mexico

Yep. Go ahead an shit on Mexico, one of our biggest trade partners . What could go wrong with that? It's not like a trade war could hurt us-------------right?
But its ok if they do it to us .....ooooops

Are they demanding that we pay for some dumb idea that won't work?
Accepting failure as a norm is over......
You had better tell that to trump, all we have seen is failure and lies

"But perhaps even more worrisome to Mexico is the threat to deport to millions of its citizens who, with settled lives and jobs in the United States, provide most of the nearly $25 billion in remittance payments to Mexican families every year."


Several issues here:

1) why the flying fuck is it a problem to the Left to financially aid Israel with $3 BBN - who pays for its aid back in spades, but it is not a problem to send $25 BILLION per year to Mexico?

2) why is the entire relationship between the US and mexico built upon the US' welfare support for them? So if the US says the illegals have to go, that is unacceptable?

3) mexico is threatening to stop prosecuting the war on drugs, or maintaining tight restriction on travelers from problematic, terrorist countries - so if the US builds a massive wall and militarizes the border, who cares what mexico does?

The no-withdrawal-limit ATM machine that the US has operated as for central/south america for the last 60 years is so, so fucking over - and the mexicans, honduarans, chinese and all of the other illegals need to get that through their fucking heads. They are ALL going to be deported, and that should include the so-called "dreamers" - such total nonsense.

Americans should have a "no laws day", where the rest of us can remove the so-called "immigration rights' activists" / illegal alien supporters, since they advocate that the country operate without the rule of law. Something like the "purge" where lists are placed on the web for illegal alien defenders/apologists and CAIR members. I do not advocate violence, but that they should be captured and deported with all of the illegals/muslim terrorist supporters/defenders they are trying to protect.

Americans want their country back, and voting Trump is the first step. If he fails to fulfill his mandate of ridding the country of the 35 MM + illegal horde - its going to get ugly.
Where is the wall, Homer? How is Mexico going to pay for it? When will you realize that Trump lied to you again?

Tell that to those being deported, flake. It's not real, it's just a bad dream, you're not really being deported as they get flung back across the border.

It's over RaTz. Elections have consequences and you are just beginning to see them...heh...heh...heh.

They would never have been here without the urging and lobbying of your "job creator" class and corporate state.
Throw those assholes in jail too. Your next useless point?

But don't forget to blame the RaTz and all their attempts to keep them here. I'm sure Exxon made Portland a sanctuary city and all that tripe you conveniently "forgot" to mention, LLL.

"But perhaps even more worrisome to Mexico is the threat to deport to millions of its citizens who, with settled lives and jobs in the United States, provide most of the nearly $25 billion in remittance payments to Mexican families every year."


Several issues here:

1) why the flying fuck is it a problem to the Left to financially aid Israel with $3 BBN - who pays for its aid back in spades, but it is not a problem to send $25 BILLION per year to Mexico?

2) why is the entire relationship between the US and mexico built upon the US' welfare support for them? So if the US says the illegals have to go, that is unacceptable?

3) mexico is threatening to stop prosecuting the war on drugs, or maintaining tight restriction on travelers from problematic, terrorist countries - so if the US builds a massive wall and militarizes the border, who cares what mexico does?

The no-withdrawal-limit ATM machine that the US has operated as for central/south america for the last 60 years is so, so fucking over - and the mexicans, honduarans, chinese and all of the other illegals need to get that through their fucking heads. They are ALL going to be deported, and that should include the so-called "dreamers" - such total nonsense.

Americans should have a "no laws day", where the rest of us can remove the so-called "immigration rights' activists" / illegal alien supporters, since they advocate that the country operate without the rule of law. Something like the "purge" where lists are placed on the web for illegal alien defenders/apologists and CAIR members. I do not advocate violence, but that they should be captured and deported with all of the illegals/muslim terrorist supporters/defenders they are trying to protect.

Americans want their country back, and voting Trump is the first step. If he fails to fulfill his mandate of ridding the country of the 35 MM + illegal horde - its going to get ugly.

Well, Trump certainly represents disrespect of the law and mob rule. So, he's got that going for him.

Please delineate.

"But perhaps even more worrisome to Mexico is the threat to deport to millions of its citizens who, with settled lives and jobs in the United States, provide most of the nearly $25 billion in remittance payments to Mexican families every year."


Several issues here:

1) why the flying fuck is it a problem to the Left to financially aid Israel with $3 BBN - who pays for its aid back in spades, but it is not a problem to send $25 BILLION per year to Mexico?

2) why is the entire relationship between the US and mexico built upon the US' welfare support for them? So if the US says the illegals have to go, that is unacceptable?

3) mexico is threatening to stop prosecuting the war on drugs, or maintaining tight restriction on travelers from problematic, terrorist countries - so if the US builds a massive wall and militarizes the border, who cares what mexico does?

The no-withdrawal-limit ATM machine that the US has operated as for central/south america for the last 60 years is so, so fucking over - and the mexicans, honduarans, chinese and all of the other illegals need to get that through their fucking heads. They are ALL going to be deported, and that should include the so-called "dreamers" - such total nonsense.

Americans should have a "no laws day", where the rest of us can remove the so-called "immigration rights' activists" / illegal alien supporters, since they advocate that the country operate without the rule of law. Something like the "purge" where lists are placed on the web for illegal alien defenders/apologists and CAIR members. I do not advocate violence, but that they should be captured and deported with all of the illegals/muslim terrorist supporters/defenders they are trying to protect.

Americans want their country back, and voting Trump is the first step. If he fails to fulfill his mandate of ridding the country of the 35 MM + illegal horde - its going to get ugly.

Well, Trump certainly represents disrespect of the law and mob rule. So, he's got that going for him.

Please delineate.
Read the OP

"But perhaps even more worrisome to Mexico is the threat to deport to millions of its citizens who, with settled lives and jobs in the United States, provide most of the nearly $25 billion in remittance payments to Mexican families every year."


Several issues here:

1) why the flying fuck is it a problem to the Left to financially aid Israel with $3 BBN - who pays for its aid back in spades, but it is not a problem to send $25 BILLION per year to Mexico?

2) why is the entire relationship between the US and mexico built upon the US' welfare support for them? So if the US says the illegals have to go, that is unacceptable?

3) mexico is threatening to stop prosecuting the war on drugs, or maintaining tight restriction on travelers from problematic, terrorist countries - so if the US builds a massive wall and militarizes the border, who cares what mexico does?

The no-withdrawal-limit ATM machine that the US has operated as for central/south america for the last 60 years is so, so fucking over - and the mexicans, honduarans, chinese and all of the other illegals need to get that through their fucking heads. They are ALL going to be deported, and that should include the so-called "dreamers" - such total nonsense.

Americans should have a "no laws day", where the rest of us can remove the so-called "immigration rights' activists" / illegal alien supporters, since they advocate that the country operate without the rule of law. Something like the "purge" where lists are placed on the web for illegal alien defenders/apologists and CAIR members. I do not advocate violence, but that they should be captured and deported with all of the illegals/muslim terrorist supporters/defenders they are trying to protect.

Americans want their country back, and voting Trump is the first step. If he fails to fulfill his mandate of ridding the country of the 35 MM + illegal horde - its going to get ugly.

Well, Trump certainly represents disrespect of the law and mob rule. So, he's got that going for him.

Please delineate.
Read the OP

How much will you pay?

"But perhaps even more worrisome to Mexico is the threat to deport to millions of its citizens who, with settled lives and jobs in the United States, provide most of the nearly $25 billion in remittance payments to Mexican families every year."


Several issues here:

1) why the flying fuck is it a problem to the Left to financially aid Israel with $3 BBN - who pays for its aid back in spades, but it is not a problem to send $25 BILLION per year to Mexico?

2) why is the entire relationship between the US and mexico built upon the US' welfare support for them? So if the US says the illegals have to go, that is unacceptable?

3) mexico is threatening to stop prosecuting the war on drugs, or maintaining tight restriction on travelers from problematic, terrorist countries - so if the US builds a massive wall and militarizes the border, who cares what mexico does?

The no-withdrawal-limit ATM machine that the US has operated as for central/south america for the last 60 years is so, so fucking over - and the mexicans, honduarans, chinese and all of the other illegals need to get that through their fucking heads. They are ALL going to be deported, and that should include the so-called "dreamers" - such total nonsense.

Americans should have a "no laws day", where the rest of us can remove the so-called "immigration rights' activists" / illegal alien supporters, since they advocate that the country operate without the rule of law. Something like the "purge" where lists are placed on the web for illegal alien defenders/apologists and CAIR members. I do not advocate violence, but that they should be captured and deported with all of the illegals/muslim terrorist supporters/defenders they are trying to protect.

Americans want their country back, and voting Trump is the first step. If he fails to fulfill his mandate of ridding the country of the 35 MM + illegal horde - its going to get ugly.

Well, Trump certainly represents disrespect of the law and mob rule. So, he's got that going for him.

Please delineate.
Read the OP

I did. It's the personal opinion of the poster.

Now, this has what to do with your contention that Trump "represents disrespect of the law and mob rule"?
:lol: just email Nieto, he will send a check, I am sure. I am sure. So sure.

"But perhaps even more worrisome to Mexico is the threat to deport to millions of its citizens who, with settled lives and jobs in the United States, provide most of the nearly $25 billion in remittance payments to Mexican families every year."


Several issues here:

1) why the flying fuck is it a problem to the Left to financially aid Israel with $3 BBN - who pays for its aid back in spades, but it is not a problem to send $25 BILLION per year to Mexico?

2) why is the entire relationship between the US and mexico built upon the US' welfare support for them? So if the US says the illegals have to go, that is unacceptable?

3) mexico is threatening to stop prosecuting the war on drugs, or maintaining tight restriction on travelers from problematic, terrorist countries - so if the US builds a massive wall and militarizes the border, who cares what mexico does?

The no-withdrawal-limit ATM machine that the US has operated as for central/south america for the last 60 years is so, so fucking over - and the mexicans, honduarans, chinese and all of the other illegals need to get that through their fucking heads. They are ALL going to be deported, and that should include the so-called "dreamers" - such total nonsense.

Americans should have a "no laws day", where the rest of us can remove the so-called "immigration rights' activists" / illegal alien supporters, since they advocate that the country operate without the rule of law. Something like the "purge" where lists are placed on the web for illegal alien defenders/apologists and CAIR members. I do not advocate violence, but that they should be captured and deported with all of the illegals/muslim terrorist supporters/defenders they are trying to protect.

Americans want their country back, and voting Trump is the first step. If he fails to fulfill his mandate of ridding the country of the 35 MM + illegal horde - its going to get ugly.
Where is the wall, Homer? How is Mexico going to pay for it? When will you realize that Trump lied to you again?

Tell that to those being deported, flake. It's not real, it's just a bad dream, you're not really being deported as they get flung back across the border.

It's over RaTz. Elections have consequences and you are just beginning to see them...heh...heh...heh.

They would never have been here without the urging and lobbying of your "job creator" class and corporate state.
Throw those assholes in jail too. Your next useless point?

But don't forget to blame the RaTz and all their attempts to keep them here. I'm sure Exxon made Portland a sanctuary city and all that tripe you conveniently "forgot" to mention, LLL.

Oh come on, you have much more deflection than that in you. Please, blather on about nothing,
Well, Trump certainly represents disrespect of the law and mob rule. So, he's got that going for him.

Trump disrespects the law? You mean he was the one who sent 10% of the US population, including mass amounts of poor, into mexico to collect welfare and steal jobs?

They were here at the behest and lobbing of your "job creator" class.
Well, Trump certainly represents disrespect of the law and mob rule. So, he's got that going for him.

Trump disrespects the law? You mean he was the one who sent 10% of the US population, including mass amounts of poor, into mexico to collect welfare and steal jobs?

They were here at the behest and lobbing of your "job creator" class.
And so...?

So go after that.
When will the righties understand that there is no way Trump can make Mexico pay for a wall

Why are the mexicans in mexico protesting so hard? Because every 1,000 illegals from there he deports is another few million not sent out of the US.

Interesting how you leftist trash refuse to stand up for the working class in the US, or admit that $25 BBN leaving the US is a problem.

That $25 BBN per year will pay for a wall many times over.
Right...I'm sure if your family was starving, you wouldn't lift a finger to try to get them a better life.

No I wouldn't walk across the border to ANOTHER country and demand handouts, I'd go to MY fucking government and demand they do something about it. The US is NOT the worlds fucking social worker/aid machine, that this needs to be explained is a sign there's a LOT of stupid fucking americans - or they are paid/have an agenda here that over rules facts and reality.

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