Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

If one of my people tests positive for Covid, how the fuck is it bad policy to require a negative test?
After they recover then they are recovered. You idea of “proving yourself recovered with paperwork” is reprehensible . I thought you had more fact sense and stones.
Washington's quote is certainly relevant to the issue. It is a clear indication that he supported government mandates requiring inoculation, which is far more dangerous than a vaccine.
The actions of a general, before the constitution was created, is not in an way any sort of constitutional precedent for... anything.
Yes, states can certainly mandate vaccines, that has been upheld by the Supreme Court. But the federal government is not mandating a vaccine, despite what you are attempting to argue.
You cannot possibly believe this.
The question at hand is does OSHA have the power to enforce a vaccine mandate for employees of companies with more than 100 employees.
Enforce a vaccine mandate... by the federal government.
See "you cannot possibly believe this", above.
1ou have created a strawman, that the federal government is mandating a vaccine, when that is far from the case....
The federal government, through powers granted OSHA, is requiring companies with more than 100 employees, ...
You contradict yourself.
What is OSHA enforcing here?
The federal vaccine mandate you claim does not exist.
You can argue that it is not a grave danger, you can argue that certain employees, in certain industries, and not being exposed, but you can't yell and scream it is a vaccine mandate for everyone and unconstitutional.
Where does the constitution grant the federal government the power to mandate a vaccine for privet companies with 100 employees or more, regardless of their relationship to the federal government?
Actually that's traditionally been the Govt/Public Health department's job.
Vaccines are mandated in virtually in every state to enter any public school and they are still being given withOut choice to the children of MAGA's who only object to killer COVID protection but are OK with mandatory chicken pox and measles vaccine being given to their children without protest.
The blatant politics/hypocrisy and ignorance is astonishing.
You seem to have many logic issues.
Apples to donuts once again
We are the experimental pool right now, ages 5-105.!
All previous vaccinations administered historically in our childhoods were researched for 5-10 years and specifically for children as to effect and potential future outcomes and effectiveness . This hunt and peck, cover all base, panic designed to unseat Trump, health hoax was and is bum rushed. Good natured Americans went along with the first round but after all the bungling, stumbling and ineffective outcomes we Will Not be forced into more of the same which is largely unknown and dubious as to safety and effectiveness. More to staying alive and healthy than being a virtue signaling follower.
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The difference between you and I is not that I am afraid for myself.
Of all the people in the US, I am among the -least- afraid of Covid.
-Your- fear is unnecessary.
Look at the numbers you posted. Over 65 with some other factor. Which, to be honest, most people over 65 to have at least one chronic condition. My parents are 81 and 84 and yes, they both have "some other factor". I interact with many elderly people on a daily basis and many have "other factors".
All of these people have access to the vaccine; anyone of these people who want to be vaccinated can be.
You, because of your fear, want make that same decision for the remainder - including those who face little to no threat from the virus.
If “remainder” includes 5-year olds, then we’ll note maturity of the immune system around 5 years of age, considering which mandates push the envelope.
Let’s be very clear and give me your feedback
If someone tried to force an injection on my 5 year old grandson , I would physically prevent that including killing them if necessary
Apples to donuts once again
We are the experimental pool right now, ages 5-105.!
All previous vaccinations administered historically in our childhoods were researched for 5-10 years and specifically for children as to effect and potential future outcomes and effectiveness . This hunt and peck, cover all base, panic designed to unseat Trump, health hoax was and is bum rushed. Good natured Americans went along with the first round but after all the bungling, stumbling and ineffective outcomes we Will Not be forced into more of the same which is largely unknown and dubious as to safety and effectiveness. More to staying alive and healthy than being a virtue signaling follower.
Of course an emergency epidemic compared to things that no longer were/are and take 5 years to develop IS different, but not apples to donuts.
We have used BOTH types of vaccine we're now using, and already tested with Children, with older children/teens and longest with adults.
Not exactly an experiment, in fact they are last in the chain and getting 1/3 doses.

No reason to think this will be any diffrent and Delta has been hitting younger down the age groups than original C19 to the point where pediatric hospitals have been filling with cases.
All meds are benefit v risk and this seems pretty damn good in all age groups incl tested ones in this youngest so far.

Now be a big boy and forget your hypocritical MAGA ****. (rights instead of responsibility).

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Of course an emergency epidemic compared to things that no longer were/are and take 5 years to develop IS different, but not apples to donuts.
We have used BOTH types of vaccine we're now using, and already tested with Children, with older children/teens and longest with adults.
Not exactly an experiment, in fact they are last in the chain and getting 1/3 doses.

No reason to think this will be any diffrent and Delta has been hitting younger down the age groups then original C19 to the point where pediatric hospitals have been filling with cases.
All meds are benefit v risk and this seems pretty damn good in al age groups incl tested ones in this youngest so far.

Now be a big boy and forget your hypocritical MAGA ****. (rights instead of responsibility).

See the insult close doesn’t work and although your response was not entirely fact absent it mostly was
The research time and effect on this is light years shorter and inconclusive as to the past historical vaccinations that you falsely try portraying as the same
Your typical liberal shame based attempt at putting on big boy pants has zero effect on thinkers other than to figure that your bullets are blanks. We dont subject ourselves to any more experimentation in order for you to exist comfortably in your safe space health decrees.!
I don’t make you well or sick. That’s your responsibility to take care of
Of course an emergency epidemic compared to things that no longer were/are and take 5 years to develop IS different, but not apples to donuts.
We have used BOTH types of vaccine we're now using, and already tested with Children, with older children/teens and longest with adults.
Not exactly an experiment, in fact they are last in the chain and getting 1/3 doses.

No reason to think this will be any diffrent and Delta has been hitting younger down the age groups then original C19 to the point where pediatric hospitals have been filling with cases.
All meds are benefit v risk and this seems pretty damn good in al age groups incl tested ones in this youngest so far.

Now be a big boy and forget your hypocritical MAGA ****. (rights instead of responsibility).

who's children did they test it on?
who's children did they test it on?
WTF difference is that as long as they were human.
There were many anxious volunteers to get their children vaccinated, esp those with pre-existing like asthma, or Diabetes 1.
WTF difference is that as long as they were human.
There were many anxious volunteers to get their children vaccinated, esp those with pre-existing like asthma, or Diabetes 1.
Idiot. (USMB #67,649)
The actions of a general, before the constitution was created, is not in an way any sort of constitutional precedent for... anything.

You cannot possibly believe this.

Enforce a vaccine mandate... by the federal government.
See "you cannot possibly believe this", above.

You contradict yourself.
What is OSHA enforcing here?
The federal vaccine mandate you claim does not exist.

Where does the constitution grant the federal government the power to mandate a vaccine for privet companies with 100 employees or more, regardless of their relationship to the federal government?
First of all concerning Washington, no one is claiming Constitutional precedence. The only thing I am claiming is George Washington in his own words, in a letter, expressed a desire to mandate inoculation in the state of Virginia for EVERYONE, and supported strong penalties as a means of getting compliance. I mean it is right there for you to read.

My position is that the Federal government is not forcing anyone to get a vaccine. Your body, your choice. But you have no constitutional right to not facing consequences for those choices. And the Constitution clearly provides power to Congress to enact legislation, and one of those pieces of legislation is the OSHA Act of 1970. Does OSHA, under the authority of the act, have the ability to require large employers to require their workers to be vaccinated?

Again, no one is forcing anyone to get vaccinated. Everyone has a choice, work for a large employer and don't want to get vaccinated, quit and get another job with a small employer. How hard can that be in today's labor market?
Of all the people in the US, I am among the -least- afraid of Covid.
-Your- fear is unnecessary.

All of these people have access to the vaccine; anyone of these people who want to be vaccinated can be.
You, because of your fear, want make that same decision for the remainder - including those who face little to no threat from the virus.
Your argument is inconsistent. If the Covid vaccine was 100% effective, you might have a point. But it is not, and 30% of those that receive it will not generate any antibodies. So, 30% chance of gifting a 6% risk of death for the elderly with other conditions. That comes out to a 1.8% chance of death for anyone, and everyone, that you come in contact with. in that population, if you were to have the Coronavirus while not being vaccinated. If you want to play Russian Roulette with a gun with 50 chambers and one bullet, that is fine by me. But when you take that gun out and start pulling the trigger while aiming at everyone in that population that you come in contact with, I start having a problem.
First of all concerning Washington, no one is claiming Constitutional precedence. The only thing I am claiming is George Washington in his own words, in a letter, expressed a desire to mandate inoculation in the state of Virginia for EVERYONE, and supported strong penalties as a means of getting compliance. I mean it is right there for you to read.
Ok. So?
My position is that the Federal government is not forcing anyone to get a vaccine.
Biden mandated that all employees forking for companies with 100+ people be vaccinated or face fines.
Who's mandate is the OSHA enforcing?
Again, no one is forcing anyone to get vaccinated. Everyone has a choice, work for a large employer...
This is little, if at all, different that saying TX law does not prevent women from getting an abortion as they have the choice to go to another state.
Your argument is inconsistent.
Not in the least.
Anyone who wants to can get the vaccine.
You want to force the those who choose otherwise to get vaccinated because of your fear of what happens to them if they don't.
I, om the other hand, believe these people to be adults and can make their own choices.
See the insult close doesn’t work and although your response was not entirely fact absent it mostly was
The research time and effect on this is light years shorter and inconclusive as to the past historical vaccinations that you falsely try portraying as the same
Your typical liberal shame based attempt at putting on big boy pants has zero effect on thinkers other than to figure that your bullets are blanks. We dont subject ourselves to any more experimentation in order for you to exist comfortably in your safe space health decrees.!
I don’t make you well or sick. That’s your responsibility to take care of
The world and medicine was a much different place in the last 50-70 years.
We don't need 10 yrs to make donuts any more.
We no longer need as much development or research time as we used to.
This is the same with ALL drugs and vaccines.

It's especially true for emergency and urgent usage where the hospitals are filling and people are dying in a pandemic.
Again Risk v Benefit
I ate your lunch like I do all the MAGAts.
The only 'choice' they ever give a *** about is COVID Politics,.

They didn't scream after 'only' 3000 died on 9/11 that we had to all be screened an extra hour per trip, and lost privacy rights (Pat act) because of it.
No problem with "no smoking" in public "Rights," (2nd hand smoke), but make them put on a mask not to kill someone with one breath and they have ***** fit.
No problem with mandatory seat belts, car insurance, Speeding laws, etc
Only vaccines and ONLY COVID vaccine in a time of Crisis.

**** You hypocrite.
This "choice" revolt is BS and killing people needlessly.

Technology enabled much faster development and has saved Millions/Tens of Millions of Lives.
We still have trials and there are two types of vaccine.

That is FALSE and in fact the opposite of the truth
Coronavirus Disease 2019
and others.

Actually all the vaccines still work on all the COVIDS, just that the antibodies wear down/off.
But even if you get C19 with a worn down vaccine, you'll probably get it less serious due to T-cell and other immune system memory.


Baloney. Ive shown actual studies saying you are wrong including 17 year memories from SARs 2003. The study from Isreal says the exact same thing. Natural immunity from those who hsd the virus ate 13 times less likely to get it again tham the vaccine. Vaccine only outs in 1 souke protein. Those who had it have the whole stew.

BOTH can still get a new variant but odds are in favor of the ones with natursl immunity.
Not in the least.
Anyone who wants to can get the vaccine.
You want to force the those who choose otherwise to get vaccinated because of your fear of what happens to them if they don't.
I, om the other hand, believe these people to be adults and can make their own choices.
No, you are completely wrong. I don't give two shits about you because you are right, you can make your own choices. But how hard is it for you to understand that THIS SHIT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. This is about other people.

Look, let's say you saw this cement truck driving on the wrong side of the road. You go up to the driver at a truck stop and go, "Hey man, that is kind of dangerous, don't you think you should follow the rules of the road", and he responds, "Ain't no damn government going to tell me which side of the road to drive on. Besides, chances of me being killed if I have a head on collision is slim to damn none. That is the chance I am willing to take because I want FREEDOM."

You admire this guy? You going to cheer him on as he swings back on the right hand side of the highway? No, you are going to call the Highway Patrol and hope the SOB gets pulled over before he runs into your mother. Welcome to my world.
The world and medicine was a much different place in the last 50-70 years.
We don't need 10 yrs to make donuts any more.
We no longer need as much development or research time as we used to.
This is the same with ALL drugs and vaccines.

It's especially true for emergency and urgent usage where the hospitals are filling and people are dying in a pandemic.
Again Risk v Benefit
I ate your lunch like I do all the MAGAts.
The only 'choice' they ever give a *** about is COVID Politics,.

They didn't scream after 'only' 3000 died on 9/11 that we had to all be screened an extra hour per trip, and lost privacy rights (Pat act) because of it.
No problem with "no smoking" in public "Rights," (2nd hand smoke), but make them put on a mask not to kill someone with one breath and they have ***** fit.
No problem with mandatory seat belts, car insurance, Speeding laws, etc
Only vaccines and ONLY COVID vaccine in a time of Crisis.

**** You hypocrite.
This "choice" revolt is BS and killing people needlessly.

Yeah more cussing and spittle flinging because your feelings are facts and reality of outcome defeated
“Game over ” is such a cute 10 year old declaration when it’s from a 10 year old.

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