Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Washington was the commanding general at the time, not the President, and his order extended only to his troops. Apples/oranges
Smallpox has a 30% death rate and killed more US soldiers than the Redcoats.

By state laws, as applied by local school boards. There is no federal mandate for the polio vaccine.

These are case and threat specific, not a wholesale mandate for all private employers - and thus,do not constitute a precedent.
I like how you ignored Washington's letter in which he said he would support mandatory inoculation for everyone and would impose significant penalties for those that did not comply. And the current Biden policy is not a "wholesale mandate", it only applies to large employers.
Italy did not correct its numbers, that is fake news. You are normally better than to post from ZeroHedge.

which also quotes an Italian newspaper source.

as for sources, most are full of shit at some point or another. I tend to look at the data and did see this in other places before posting.

But have fun bagging on sources.

which also quotes an Italian newspaper source.

as for sources, most are full of shit at some point or another. I tend to look at the data and did see this in other places before posting.

But have fun bagging on sources.

Well shit, it was in an Italian newspaper, that means it has to be true since Italian newspapers are not allowed to lie.


There is even a link to the official statement from the ISS...

But hey, it was in an Italian newspaper so that is all that matters....
Well shit, it was in an Italian newspaper, that means it has to be true since Italian newspapers are not allowed to lie.

View attachment 561744

There is even a link to the official statement from the ISS...

But hey, it was in an Italian newspaper so that is all that matters....
I honestly think you wake up and think "how can I be a bigger dick today" then set out for that goal.

you got to be a dick today so that's all that matters.
A disease w/ a <1.6% death rate - 80% of whom are at-risk people over the age of 65 - does not constitute a national emergency.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths constitute a national emergency. I mean a few thousand people were killed on 9/11, that was a national emergency. And it is disgusting that you have no problem increasing the risk for at risk people. I mean a damn guarantee if a pandemic comes where the death rate is like one out of a thousand, but the disease targets mostly white males with a high school education or less, you guys would be screaming for a mandate.
I honestly think you wake up and think "how can I be a bigger dick today" then set out for that goal.

you got to be a dick today so that's all that matters.

I apologize for correcting your false claims.

I did not realize stating the facts equaled "being a bigger dick" in your world.

I will keep that in mind from now on
I apologize for correcting your false claims.

I did not realize stating the facts equaled "being a bigger dick" in your world.

I will keep that in mind from now on
you do that.

it's the "you're better than that" crap and attacking sources, not issues.

gets old.
you do that.

it's the "you're better than that" crap and attacking sources, not issues.

gets old.

When the source has a long history of posting fake bullshit, they should be attacked.

But you are correct, you are not better than that are you. I was mistaken.
Actually that's traditionally been the Govt/Public Health department's job.
Vaccines are mandated in virtually in every state to enter any public school and they are still being given withOut choice to the children of MAGA's who only object to killer COVID protection but are OK with mandatory chicken pox and measles vaccine being given to their children without protest.
The blatant politics/hypocrisy and ignorance is astonishing.
You seem to have many logic issues.
Those vaccines took years before approval not 3 to 4 months. And after taking them YOU ARE 1 AND DONE. They are now at 4 shots here because of the variants. This IS NOT THE SAME.

This also New Technology and the first Human trials. Many Scientist are saying that the spike proteins are moving throghoutbthe body and that ia a concern. Which is WHY it takes YEARS for the ones you mentioned.

Finally, these MANDATES IGNORE those with Natural immunity. And studies saying that it is better than the jabs.

We take the Flu SHOT once a year because there is NO true vaccine becayse of all the mutations. This is doing the same so it is a Corona SHOT snd not s vaccine.
Those vaccines took years before approval not 3 to 4 months. And after taking them YOU ARE 1 AND DONE. They are now at 4 shots here because of the variants. This IS NOT THE SAME
This also New Technology and the first Human trials. Many Scientist are saying that the spike proteins are moving throghoutbthe body and that ia a concern. Which is WHY it takes YEARS for the ones you mentioned.
Technology enabled much faster development and has saved Millions/Tens of Millions of Lives.
We still have trials and there are two types of vaccine.

Finally, these MANDATES IGNORE those with Natural immunity. And studies saying that it is better than the jabs.
That is FALSE and in fact the opposite of the truth
Coronavirus Disease 2019
and others.

We take the Flu SHOT once a year because there is NO true vaccine becayse of all the mutations. This is doing the same so it is a Corona SHOT snd not s vaccine.
Actually all the vaccines still work on all the COVIDS, just that the antibodies wear down/off.
But even if you get C19 with a worn down vaccine, you'll probably get it less serious due to T-cell and other immune system memory.


Those vaccines took years before approval not 3 to 4 months. And after taking them YOU ARE 1 AND DONE. They are now at 4 shots here because of the variants. This IS NOT THE SAME.

This also New Technology and the first Human trials. Many Scientist are saying that the spike proteins are moving throghoutbthe body and that ia a concern. Which is WHY it takes YEARS for the ones you mentioned.

Finally, these MANDATES IGNORE those with Natural immunity. And studies saying that it is better than the jabs.

We take the Flu SHOT once a year because there is NO true vaccine becayse of all the mutations. This is doing the same so it is a Corona SHOT snd not s vaccine.
Why do you spout total disinformation. One and done? Really.

MMR---minimum of two
Hepatitis B--Three
Hepatitis A--Two

And that is for entrance into kindergarten in the state of Texas. I mean anyone that has ever raised kids would know better than to make the one and done claim.

Then there is the whole "natural immunity" trope. I mean you antivaxxers might get some points if you could come up with an original argument. But all your arguments are mere repetitions of the same arguments antivaxxers have been using for decades. Natural immunity being one of the most common.

First off, natural immunity requires someone to contract the disease. Not really a big fan of doing that. And some at risk populations can't really afford to do that. Which is a glowing example of just how selfish you deluded antivaxxers are. I am healthy, I get the disease I will probably be fine. Oh, the overweight elderly person with COPD, ah, you are going to die anyway, just die sooner. Oh wait, that was the Republican health care plan all alone.

But second, there have been no peer reviewed studies that indicate natural immunity is superior to the vaccine. In fact most current studies seem to demonstrate the vaccine provides longer lasting protection. And there is no argument, natural immunity combined with a vaccine, is far superior than natural immunity alone.

I like how you ignored Washington's letter in which he said he would support mandatory inoculation for everyone and would impose significant penalties for those that did not comply.
Irrelevant to the issue
Washington was not President at the time and did not mandate vaccinations for everyone.
Thus, , the fact he -did- mandate vaccinations for his rtroops while we were still British Colonies does not in any way create a constitutional precedent.
And the current Biden policy is not a "wholesale mandate", it only applies to large employers.
100 employees us not particularly large, and the mandate covers the -entire- private sector regardless of their work or risk.

-I-like how -you- ignored my responses to your points:
-By state laws, as applied by local school boards. There is no federal mandate for the polio vaccine.
-These are case and threat specific, not a wholesale mandate for all private employers - and thus,do not constitute a precedent.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths constitute a national emergency. I mean a few thousand people were killed on 9/11, that was a national emergency. And it is disgusting that you have no problem increasing the risk for at risk people. I mean a damn guarantee if a pandemic comes where the death rate is like one out of a thousand, but the disease targets mostly white males with a high school education or less, you guys would be screaming for a mandate.
I guess I'm not as unnecessarily afraid as you are.
The -vast- majority of Americans are at little to almost zero risk to Covid;
- Of the ~751,000 deaths, ~600,000 are people aged 65+ with some other factor; these people represents ~6% of infections;
- Thus, the remaining ~150,000 deaths are spread across >43,500,000 infections, for a death rate of 0.34%
Irrelevant to the issue
Washington was not President at the time and did not mandate vaccinations for everyone.
Thus, , the fact he -did- mandate vaccinations for his rtroops while we were still British Colonies does not in any way create a constitutional precedent.

100 employees us not particularly large, and the mandate covers the -entire- private sector regardless of their work or risk.

-I-like how -you- ignored my responses to your points:
-By state laws, as applied by local school boards. There is no federal mandate for the polio vaccine.
-These are case and threat specific, not a wholesale mandate for all private employers - and thus,do not constitute a precedent.
Washington's quote is certainly relevant to the issue. It is a clear indication that he supported government mandates requiring inoculation, which is far more dangerous than a vaccine.

Yes, states can certainly mandate vaccines, that has been upheld by the Supreme Court. But the federal government is not mandating a vaccine, despite what you are attempting to argue. The question at hand is does OSHA have the power to enforce a vaccine mandate for employees of companies with more than 100 employees.

The Secretary shall provide, without regard to the requirements of chapter 5, title 5, Unites States Code, for an emergency temporary standard to take immediate effect upon publication in the Federal Register if he determines --
that employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards, and
that such emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such danger.

So you are the one that is both ignoring the question and begging the question. You have created a strawman, that the federal government is mandating a vaccine, when that is far from the case. The federal government, through powers granted OSHA, is requiring companies with more than 100 employees, to require a vaccine due to the grave danger from exposure to the coronavirus posed to those employees. You can argue that it is not a grave danger, you can argue that certain employees, in certain industries, and not being exposed, but you can't yell and scream it is a vaccine mandate for everyone and unconstitutional. Don't want to get the vaccine, don't work for a company with more than 100 employees. Hell, those of you on the right often pretend to stand up for small businesses, who face all kinds of challenges when hiring employees. From more expensive health care options to lack of scale to provide ancillary benefits. This mandate could provide them with a competitive advantage and a larger labor pool in which to draw employees from right in the midst of labor market with strong problems of providing employees.
I guess I'm not as unnecessarily afraid as you are.
The -vast- majority of Americans are at little to almost zero risk to Covid;
- Of the ~751,000 deaths, ~600,000 are people aged 65+ with some other factor; these people represents ~6% of infections;
- Thus, the remaining ~150,000 deaths are spread across >43,500,000 infections, for a death rate of 0.34%
The difference between you and I is not that I am afraid for myself. Look at the numbers you posted. Over 65 with some other factor. Which, to be honest, most people over 65 to have at least one chronic condition. My parents are 81 and 84 and yes, they both have "some other factor". I interact with many elderly people on a daily basis and many have "other factors". Do you really think I would have my head so far up my ass that I would be willing to expose them to a six percent chance of death if all I had to do to avoid that was get a couple of shots? Like I said, the self-absorption level of those of you on the right is off the charts.
We've always been able to agree on half of America wanting mass murder of babies. I'm working on the other half now.
It's sorta like racism in America with the half, while the other half in more like 9/10's.
You are not an American so there is no "we" involved.

Unless the "we" refers to Pakistanis trying to destroy our way of life.
You are not an American so there is no "we" involved.

Unless the "we" refers to Pakistanis trying to destroy our way of life.
No, there is always a 'we' my friend.
Did you hear the latest on the full peace agreement reached between Pakistan and Afghanistan's Taliban government?
Will that now become a 'we' alliance for Americans too?

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