Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

No, you are completely wrong. I don't give two shits about you because you are right, you can make your own choices. But how hard is it for you to understand that THIS SHIT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. This is about other people.
What "other people"?
Those who choose to not be vaccinated?
No, you are completely wrong. I don't give two shits about you because you are right, you can make your own choices. But how hard is it for you to understand that THIS SHIT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. This is about other people.

Look, let's say you saw this cement truck driving on the wrong side of the road. You go up to the driver at a truck stop and go, "Hey man, that is kind of dangerous, don't you think you should follow the rules of the road", and he responds, "Ain't no damn government going to tell me which side of the road to drive on. Besides, chances of me being killed if I have a head on collision is slim to damn none. That is the chance I am willing to take because I want FREEDOM."

You admire this guy? You going to cheer him on as he swings back on the right hand side of the highway? No, you are going to call the Highway Patrol and hope the SOB gets pulled over before he runs into your mother. Welcome to my world.
If each person takes care of themself then No One needs to be forced to take care of others. That’s how it works in a non socialist country
The difference between you and I is not that I am afraid for myself. Look at the numbers you posted. Over 65 with some other factor. Which, to be honest, most people over 65 to have at least one chronic condition. My parents are 81 and 84 and yes, they both have "some other factor". I interact with many elderly people on a daily basis and many have "other factors". Do you really think I would have my head so far up my ass that I would be willing to expose them to a six percent chance of death if all I had to do to avoid that was get a couple of shots? Like I said, the self-absorption level of those of you on the right is off the charts.
Baloney again. Im less likely to get it again than you are. As a matter of fact when the vaccines started those getting the vacvinebspread NEEVariants like crazy.

If the vaccine actually worked and your parents had the shots. Then why are you pitching a fit at me.? Ill tell you why ,.....because you know the vaccine doesnt prevent you from getting it again.

Im better off and less likely to spread it than you and YET YOU demand i get the JAB.

Let me make this next point as clear as possible. FUCK YOU. That clear enough for you?
The world and medicine was a much different place in the last 50-70 years.
We don't need 10 yrs to make donuts any more.
We no longer need as much development or research time as we used to.
This is the same with ALL drugs and vaccines.

It's especially true for emergency and urgent usage where the hospitals are filling and people are dying in a pandemic.
Again Risk v Benefit
I ate your lunch like I do all the MAGAts.
The only 'choice' they ever give a *** about is COVID Politics,.

They didn't scream after 'only' 3000 died on 9/11 that we had to all be screened an extra hour per trip, and lost privacy rights (Pat act) because of it.
No problem with "no smoking" in public "Rights," (2nd hand smoke), but make them put on a mask not to kill someone with one breath and they have ***** fit.
No problem with mandatory seat belts, car insurance, Speeding laws, etc
Only vaccines and ONLY COVID vaccine in a time of Crisis.

**** You hypocrite.
This "choice" revolt is BS and killing people needlessly.

More FEAR mongering. You have the shot so why do you care. Because the damn JAB doesnt stop the spread and those with the shot sptead the virus. WOW. What a grewt vaccinr lol

Niw its good at putting spike proteins all over your body. Wasnt supposed to di that. Many are saying that who know their shit lets see how it goes a year frim now on the masd lab rats from EXPERIMENTAL vaccines.
Of course an emergency epidemic compared to things that no longer were/are and take 5 years to develop IS different, but not apples to donuts.
We have used BOTH types of vaccine we're now using, and already tested with Children, with older children/teens and longest with adults.
Not exactly an experiment, in fact they are last in the chain and getting 1/3 doses.

No reason to think this will be any diffrent and Delta has been hitting younger down the age groups than original C19 to the point where pediatric hospitals have been filling with cases.
All meds are benefit v risk and this seems pretty damn good in all age groups incl tested ones in this youngest so far.

Now be a big boy and forget your hypocritical MAGA ****. (rights instead of responsibility).

Trump likes the vaccines moron. Who said MAGA on the vaccine. I dont give 2 shits maga on this vaccine. It was done too fast. It has a very podsible problem with the circulatory system later. And YOU CAN STILL GET AND TRANSMIT

Baloney again. Im less likely to get it again than you are. As a matter of fact when the vaccines started those getting the vacvinebspread NEEVariants like crazy.

If the vaccine actually worked and your parents had the shots. Then why are you pitching a fit at me.? Ill tell you why ,.....because you know the vaccine doesnt prevent you from getting it again.

Im better off and less likely to spread it than you and YET YOU demand i get the JAB.

Let me make this next point as clear as possible. FUCK YOU. That clear enough for you?
You are just stupid. No, if you have not been vaccinated and I have you have a far greater chance of getting the virus than me. If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that. But I know, the CDC, Medical Schools, and AMA are all dumbasses. Joe Blow Dumbfawk on Facebook knows his shit.

And there may be one vaccine that is 100% effective, that is called sterilizing immunity. But the reality is vaccines that can achieve sterilizing immunity are very rare and none of the most commonly administered vaccines in the world can achieve sterilizing immunity.

You are not better off, unless you live in a cave and have no contact with the outside world, which might be believable based on your posts here. And you are more likely to spread the virus than me. Again, that has been well documented.

I mean this is an easy calculus to make. It is harm verses harm. What is the harm of you getting the vaccine? Will your arm hurt a little bit? Are you afraid of needles? And the side effects common and debilitating? Suck it up buttercup. Because what is the harm of you not getting the vaccine. The continued perpetuation of Covid longer than is necessary. The increased chances of you spreading to someone that could DIE. I mean if anything, this whole vaccine argument clearly shows which side is amazingly self-consumed and has no empathy, or care for that matter, for the rest of society.
Libbies love to reference taking care of everyone else while completely disregarding that it’s NOT every one else’s responsibility to take care of them nor to quell their health fears and abide by ignorant dictates to create their health comfort
In my fact statements there are some feelings mixed in but those feelings are never facts.
Why do you spout total disinformation. One and done? Really.

MMR---minimum of two
Hepatitis B--Three
Hepatitis A--Two

And that is for entrance into kindergarten in the state of Texas. I mean anyone that has ever raised kids would know better than to make the one and done claim.

Then there is the whole "natural immunity" trope. I mean you antivaxxers might get some points if you could come up with an original argument. But all your arguments are mere repetitions of the same arguments antivaxxers have been using for decades. Natural immunity being one of the most common.

First off, natural immunity requires someone to contract the disease. Not really a big fan of doing that. And some at risk populations can't really afford to do that. Which is a glowing example of just how selfish you deluded antivaxxers are. I am healthy, I get the disease I will probably be fine. Oh, the overweight elderly person with COPD, ah, you are going to die anyway, just die sooner. Oh wait, that was the Republican health care plan all alone.

But second, there have been no peer reviewed studies that indicate natural immunity is superior to the vaccine. In fact most current studies seem to demonstrate the vaccine provides longer lasting protection. And there is no argument, natural immunity combined with a vaccine, is far superior than natural immunity alone.

Other studies say different. They are from scientust to. BTW i took 2 shots of the hep shot because i got blood all over me. I saved a guy bleeding to death. NOW can i get it again hmmmm

This virus us MUTATING.

You get back to me when you can vaccinate the flu. You cant because it never stops mutating. That us where covid is going.
You are just stupid. No, if you have not been vaccinated and I have you have a far greater chance of getting the virus than me. If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that. But I know, the CDC, Medical Schools, and AMA are all dumbasses. Joe Blow Dumbfawk on Facebook knows his shit.

And there may be one vaccine that is 100% effective, that is called sterilizing immunity. But the reality is vaccines that can achieve sterilizing immunity are very rare and none of the most commonly administered vaccines in the world can achieve sterilizing immunity.

You are not better off, unless you live in a cave and have no contact with the outside world, which might be believable based on your posts here. And you are more likely to spread the virus than me. Again, that has been well documented.

I mean this is an easy calculus to make. It is harm verses harm. What is the harm of you getting the vaccine? Will your arm hurt a little bit? Are you afraid of needles? And the side effects common and debilitating? Suck it up buttercup. Because what is the harm of you not getting the vaccine. The continued perpetuation of Covid longer than is necessary. The increased chances of you spreading to someone that could DIE. I mean if anything, this whole vaccine argument clearly shows which side is amazingly self-consumed and has no empathy, or care for that matter, for the rest of society.
Go hide in a closet bitch. Ive working the whole time. Had this shit and worked with many who had it.

I dont agree with your sotty ass. And you can shove yoyr pompus liberal ass OR ELSE mandates where the sun doesnt shine
You are just stupid. No, if you have not been vaccinated and I have you have a far greater chance of getting the virus than me.
No. He has a far greater chane of getting sick from the virus than you.
You still "get the virus", but your immune systems knowcks it out before you get sick.
If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that.
Libbies love to reference taking care of everyone else while completely disregarding that it’s NOT every one else’s responsibility to take care of them nor to quell their health fears and abide by ignorant dictates to create their health comfort
In my fact statements there are some feelings mixed in but those feelings are never facts.
They need to STFU. They love power. OBEY me. They have aleays been FASCIST PRICKS
No. He has a far greater chane of getting sick from the virus than you.
You still "get the virus", but your immune systems knowcks it out before you get sick.
If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that.
How so. Ive had it lol

Israel study showed Natural versus the jab nsyural wins
Other studies say different. They are from scientust to. BTW i took 2 shots of the hep shot because i got blood all over me. I saved a guy bleeding to death. NOW can i get it again hmmmm

This virus us MUTATING.

You get back to me when you can vaccinate the flu. You cant because it never stops mutating. That us where covid is going.
I don't get a flu shot. I figure I have natural immunity, LOL. 59 years old and never had the flu. Or strep throat, or poison ivy or oak. Never been mosquito bit. Figure I am probably immune to coronavirus, like my daughter-in-law who was a Covid nurse and never got the virus, even when my son did. Man he was mad. He still had to work from home while he was sick and she got two weeks off, paid. But she got the shot and so did I, because that is what responsible members of society do.
No. He has a far greater chane of getting sick from the virus than you.
You still "get the virus", but your immune systems knowcks it out before you get sick.
If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that.
I believe the only study that even attempts to make that argument is the one from Israel, which has not been peer reviewed, suffers from severe selection bias, and whose sampling size is not sufficient enough to provide any reasonable conclusion.

I believe the only study that even attempts to make that argument ...
This is how immune system works.
You are constantly bombarded by bacteria and virus that cause illness - you do not get sick from them because your immune system beats it down before it can develop that far.
This is 7th grade-level science.
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I don't get a flu shot. I figure I have natural immunity, LOL. 59 years old and never had the flu. Or strep throat, or poison ivy or oak. Never been mosquito bit. Figure I am probably immune to coronavirus, like my daughter-in-law who was a Covid nurse and never got the virus, even when my son did. Man he was mad. He still had to work from home while he was sick and she got two weeks off, paid. But she got the shot and so did I, because that is what responsible members of society do.
Take that Psyc aytempt shaming attempt to someone who cares. The jabs have issues. You can still spread it and get it. Some vaccine. The responsible should have been to Never shut down.

You have no right to order anyone else to take the jab and Brandon is not a king
Baloney. Ive shown actual studies saying you are wrong including 17 year memories from SARs 2003. The study from Isreal says the exact same thing. Natural immunity from those who hsd the virus ate 13 times less likely to get it again tham the vaccine. Vaccine only outs in 1 souke protein. Those who had it have the whole stew.

BOTH can still get a new variant but odds are in favor of the ones with natursl immunity.
You haven't showed me anything
But i've showed you official CDC position that's decided on from many studies.
Yeah more cussing and spittle flinging because your feelings are facts and reality of outcome defeated
“Game over ” is such a cute 10 year old declaration when it’s from a 10 year old.
IOW, no reply.
You are just stupid. No, if you have not been vaccinated and I have you have a far greater chance of getting the virus than me. If you would actually read some reliable information you would know that. But I know, the CDC, Medical Schools, and AMA are all dumbasses. Joe Blow Dumbfawk on Facebook knows his shit.

And there may be one vaccine that is 100% effective, that is called sterilizing immunity. But the reality is vaccines that can achieve sterilizing immunity are very rare and none of the most commonly administered vaccines in the world can achieve sterilizing immunity.

You are not better off, unless you live in a cave and have no contact with the outside world, which might be believable based on your posts here. And you are more likely to spread the virus than me. Again, that has been well documented.

I mean this is an easy calculus to make. It is harm verses harm. What is the harm of you getting the vaccine? Will your arm hurt a little bit? Are you afraid of needles? And the side effects common and debilitating? Suck it up buttercup. Because what is the harm of you not getting the vaccine. The continued perpetuation of Covid longer than is necessary. The increased chances of you spreading to someone that could DIE. I mean if anything, this whole vaccine argument clearly shows which side is amazingly self-consumed and has no empathy, or care for that matter, for the rest of society.
If its a damned vaccine then why after 4 jabs can they still get it. Same dang reason if you get the flu it doesnt stop the next mutation.

Ill take the studies ive read especially from israel over your bs

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