Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Vaers: low platelets (thrombocytopenia); noninfectious myocarditis, or heart inflammation, especially for those under 30; deep-vein thrombosis; and death. Vaers records 321 cases of myocarditis within five days of receiving a vaccination, falling to almost zero by 10 days. Prior research has shown that only a fraction of adverse events are reported, so the true number of cases is almost certainly higher. This tendency of underreporting is consistent with our clinical experience," they write. "Analyses to confirm or dismiss these findings should be performed using large data sets of health-insurance companies and healthcare organizations. The CDC and FDA are surely aware of these data patterns, yet neither agency has acknowledged the trend...the implication is that the risks of a Covid-19 vaccine may outweigh the benefits for certain low-risk populations, such as children, young adults and people who have recovered from Covid-19. This is especially true in regions with low levels of community spread, since the likelihood of illness depends on exposure risk."

Further, they point out that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Dr. Anthony Fauci have advocated everyone should be vaccinated and yet haven't produced any scientific data showing vaccination for those with natural immunity would be beneficial.

"While you would never know it from listening to public-health officials, not a single published study has demonstrated that patients with a prior infection benefit from Covid-19 vaccination. That this isn’t readily acknowledged by the CDC or Anthony Fauci is an indication of how deeply entangled pandemic politics is in science," they say.

Public health officials and the medical establishment with the help of the politicized media are misleading the public with assertions that the COVID-19 shots provide greater protection than natural immunity.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky, for example, was deceptive in her October 2020 published LANCET statement that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection” and that “the consequence of waning immunity would present a risk to vulnerable populations for the indefinite future.”

Immunology and virology 101 have taught us over a century that natural immunity confers protection against a respiratory virus’s outer coat proteins, and not just one, e.g., the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein.

The vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated are as infectious.
Riemersma et al. also report Wisconsin data that corroborate how the vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta variant can potentially (and are) transmit(ting) SARS-CoV-2 to others (potentially to the vaccinated and unvaccinated).

Their studies are there.

Same thing and another study.

The CDC is attached to the hip of PHARMA ........Studies all over showing natural immunity is better. The CDC is trying to sell the vaccine for their buddies. Moderna didn't ever show a profit until Covid. But Bill Gates was right in place for this to make billions. Imagine that.

More than 15 studies have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated. This affirmed a June Cleveland Clinic study of health-care workers (who are often exposed to the virus), in which none who had previously tested positive for the coronavirus got reinfected. The study authors concluded that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” And in May, a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.

My nephew has served 16 years. Had covid. Fought in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And is in a legal battle with the Gov't along with MANY others as they are going to thrown out. My nephew spotted the number 3 Al Quida leader in Afghanistan and the caught him.

He also was decorated for saving wounded men in a battle in Iraq running through a fire fight to carry 2 wounded back to the Black Hawk. He was meritoriously promoted to an officer. Co pilot. To a full pilot and a flight instructor for Black Hawks. He is using the same lawyer as the Navy Seals who are fighting it as well.

And yet all these studies show he has better damned immunity than the stinking jab.

Most businesses will abide by the mandate because it's going to be what is best for them.

This is finally the show of strength that Biden has been missing.

It's a taste of doing what is socially responsible for America.

Maybe this is when they can bring out the guns and start killing their fellow Americans, as is their expressed wishes we hear more regularly now?
We are socially responsible thus required to mitigate your health fears via compliance
Sorry puss ass Nazi, ain’t gonna happen
Baloney. Proves that the T Cell memory from the 2003 SARs lasted 17 years. And the Israel CURRENT STUDY shows more of the same. This also showed that many people have T Cell memories from older cases of forms of Corona including the 4 strains of the common cold of Corona.

The J & J vaccine is a synthetic form of the common cold of Corona. A 2005 study for the 2003 SARS tested this and found it gave immunity. IMAGINE THAT. So instead of pumping these SYNTHETIC EXPERIMENTAL vaccines that DO NOT LAST........give me a real dose of the common cold. That is what they proved 14 years before covid 19 existed.

NATURAL IMMUNITY IS BETTER THAN THE VACCINE PERIOD. IT LASTED 17 YEARS for SARs 2003 survivors. And if you got covid 19 it is 27 times better than the vaccines from a Study in Israel. A study of over 800,000 people.



Though it's the usual Childish Bury-em-with BS attempt.
and the usual Inadequate/small dick 2/3:1 burial attempt.
Your stats show 13x as many deaths from COVID in 0-17 as Unvaxed. 412-31.
Of course among those older the Vaccine is more valuable. Multiples.

And your stats are from a VILE RW CONSPIRACY WEBSITE.
Their front page:


Though it's the usual Childish Bury-em-with BS attempt.
and the usual 2:1 burial attempt.
Your stats show 13x as many deaths from COVID in 0-17 as Unvaxed. 412-31.
Of course among those older the Vaccine is more valuable. Multiples.

And your stats are from a VILE RW CONSPIRACY WEBSITE
Their front page:

I've posted data form many sources now and they all show the same thing. That Natural immunity is better than the Jab........PERIOD.

As a matter of fact they show the JAB to be dangerous to people in a lot more cases than the CDC wants to admit. This is EXPERIMENTAL TECH. They have NO CLUE what will happen years down the road. As it has not been tested long enough. They are using the entire world as lab rats.

But. No matter how many studies I show. You are a VILE FASCIST who believes you have the right to FORCE others to believe as you and use Gov't to COHERSE others to OBEYING YOUR IDEALS.

No one should have to get the jab unless they want it. That is CALLED FREEDOM.. ......something you don't care about.

I've backed up that NATURAL IMMUNITY IS BETTER THAN THE JAB. Now go read Mein Kemp and STFU.

More than 15 studies have demonstrated the power of immunity acquired by previously having the virus. A 700,000-person study from Israel two weeks ago found that those who had experienced prior infections were 27 times less likely to get a second symptomatic covid infection than those who were vaccinated. This affirmed a June Cleveland Clinic study of health-care workers (who are often exposed to the virus), in which none who had previously tested positive for the coronavirus got reinfected. The study authors concluded that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” And in May, a Washington University study found that even a mild covid infection resulted in long-lasting immunity.

My nephew has served 16 years. Had covid. Fought in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And is in a legal battle with the Gov't along with MANY others as they are going to thrown out. My nephew spotted the number 3 Al Quida leader in Afghanistan and the caught him.

He also was decorated for saving wounded men in a battle in Iraq running through a fire fight to carry 2 wounded back to the Black Hawk. He was meritoriously promoted to an officer. Co pilot. To a full pilot and a flight instructor for Black Hawks. He is using the same lawyer as the Navy Seals who are fighting it as well.

And yet all these studies show he has better damned immunity than the stinking jab.

Editorial from June with the great News that 80-85% of people were immune according to the Author's reading of 'studies.'
But um..
One month later Delta lit the country on FIRE peaking cases again at their old highs (even higher in places), despite that Obviously BOGUS claim!
And the people getting sick and dying were in Wild Majority (90%?) UNVAXED.
Real events proved him wrong. You too.
That's it.

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Editorial form June with the great News that 80-85% of people were immune according to the Author's reading of 'studies.'
But um..
One month later Delta lit the country on FIRE peaking cases again at their old highs (even higher in places), despite that Obviously BOGUS claim!
Real events proved him wrong.

YAWN. I showed many studies. And the Natural immunity has lasted up to 17 years in some of those studies. And again. ISRAEL study says YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT BRO.

Those who had the virus were 27 times less likely to catch the Delta variant. But I guess you are so far up the CDC's butt you didn't look. Wonder how much they are making at the CDC being the Pharma bitches like Bill Gates who's company never made a dime in Moderna til this virus. But MAGICALLY IS THERE TO MAKE BILLIONS LATER.


After they recover then they are recovered. You idea of “proving yourself recovered with paperwork” is reprehensible . I thought you had more fact sense and stones.
Well, 'dems the rules.

I had Covid twice. The second time I almost didn't even get tested because all I had was a slightly runny nose.

Had I gone to work, I could've spread the virus. But, before I went back to the office, I made sure I had a "negative" test result.

There's not a single thing wrong with that...
Editorial from June with the great News that 80-85% of people were immune according to the Author's reading of 'studies.'
But um..
One month later Delta lit the country on FIRE peaking cases again at their old highs (even higher in places), despite that Obviously BOGUS claim!
And the people getting sick and dying were in Wild Majority (90%?) UNVAXED.
Real events proved him wrong. You too.
That's it.

Ohhh no no no no no..... Delta hit after the standard Covid had hit, and the ones getting hit still or the worst in it all, were the vaxed and unvaxed who had not yet had COVID at all, and had not since recovered from it either vaxed or unvaxed..

That's right, in real life experiences we have seen the results of this, and the data backs it all up.

Ignoring the science and data makes you a political hack who wants so badly that you, and ole race-baiting Biden, along with the crooked quid pro quo Biden are completely right in both of your wild assertions, when in fact the both of you are just politically motivated hacks with a far reaching agenda.
Ohhh no no no no no..... Delta hit after the standard Covid had hit, and the ones getting hit still or the worst in it all, were the vaxed and unvaxed who had not yet had COVID at all, and had not since recovered from it either vaxed or unvaxed..

That's right, in real life experiences we have seen the results of this, and the data backs it all up.

Ignoring the science and data makes you a political hack who wants so badly that you, and ole race-baiting Biden, along with the crooked quid pro quo Biden are completely right in both of your wild assertions, when in fact the both of you are just politically motivated hacks with a far reaching agenda.
You're full of crap with no data.
In fact every hospital was reporting that virtually everyone in the ICU and dying was UNVAXED.

You're just a MAGAt denier.
100% empty with no data.
I'm done with you now BOY.
Well, 'dems the rules.

I had Covid twice. The second time I almost didn't even get tested because all I had was a slightly runny nose.

Had I gone to work, I could've spread the virus. But, before I went back to the office, I made sure I had a "negative" test result.

There's not a single thing wrong with that...
Nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with me not doing that.
Lots wrong with you trying to force me to.
Nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with me not doing that.
Lots wrong with you trying to force me to.

I wouldn't be forcing you to do anything at all.

If you worked for me and tested positive for Covid, you would need a negative test before you came back to work. If you refused to do that, well, that would be your choice. You can choose to do it and continue working for me or you can refuse providing a negative and go find another place to work.

The choice would be completely yours; I would not make it for you.

And, before you ask, you get 21 days. I'd pay you for 21 days before I would be forced to accept your resignation...
Giant and CVS have become clinics rather than pharmacies and stores. They don’t know how to handle the multi purpose and people who have legitimate ongoing proven maladies that required medication are being back burnered, I just spent 40 minutes in line to get to Ms Sweet Sassy Molassy who knew zero and wanted me to get back in line and wait for a pharmacist. Of course I refused to and suddenly a pharmacist was available and worked it out.
They are overwhelmed and can’t operate safely but can surely get on board for enrichment from the latest hoax fad-the booster shot craze.

To be fair, CVS hires the dumbest, useless, most inept, most retarded fuktards they can possibly find, to work in their "pharmacies"........or as I like to call it, CVS's Cirque Du Stupidity. Hell, their cashiers at the front of their stores are more intelligent than anybody in their "pharmacy".

I stopped going to CVS long ago. The Muslim bitch "pharmacist" they had gave me the WRONG prescription. She REFUSED to refund my money, and SCREAMED AT ME that she wasn't giving me my money back!!! CVS STOLE my money, gave me somebody ELSES prescription, which is a felony from what I've been told. And yet, the gov't refuses to do anything about it. Par for the course.
You're full of crap with no data.
In fact every hospital was reporting that virtually everyone in the ICU and dying was UNVAXED.

You're just a MAGAt denier.
100% empty with no data.
I'm done with you now BOY.
Yeah unvaxed in the units because they hadn't had the virus yet, and didn't have the immunity from it. I suggest anyone that hadn't had the vIrus (if are unsure about their health), to get the vaccine or take the pill that's coming out if the pill is a preventer of it.
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All companies should have to give their employee's a form to sign, that goes along with the company signature, in which makes sure that they (the company), takes full responsibility for any adverse problems or damages caused by them forcing their employee's to take any of the Covid shots or medicines.
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Worked for big and small corporations, and they love passing out paperwork that releases them from responsibility for this or for that, so it's time to flip it back on to them with these vaccine mandates. They need to sign their names on the dotted lines. Stand behind what they want correct ??

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