Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Yawn. Get back to me when these so called vaccines don't work 6 months later. Or when you have gotten another dozen booster shots.

The virus mutates around the vaccines .....creates variants and infects you again. ........Oh but change the story and forget that 2 shots and done......Hardly.

We are now having people at 4 shots already and the next variant isn't going to care.
Plus….this could be cause for concern- not yet determined until distribution most likely….

“A prominent virologist warns COVID-19 pill could unleash dangerous mutants. Others see little cause for alarm”

Which MANDATE do you mean.........The only mandate at this moment is an Executive order for Federal Employees.

King Brandon cannot DECREE in this country that he is the lord thy god almighty and since I said so you must do it. This is still America for the moment unless these communist keep importing voters in mass. The Courts have TEMPORARILY STRUCK DOWN THE ETS of OSHA. Corrupt Politicians have a nasty habit of ABUSING THEIR POWERS in this country. OSHA CAN'T OFFICIALLY CREATE LAWS on their own. And 26 States have filed against them. STATES HAVE PASSED LAWS ordering business not to do so in their state.

Puts the businesses in the middle of it now doesn't it. They can approve an OSHA rule that will most likely get shot down in the courts. 5th will do that soon. Then they can get sued by the States.
You're rambling on like a very troubled person.
If Americans beat back the mandates then it doesn't matter to me, but it will mater to them. Best of luck!
That does NOT compare immunity of Vaccines to 'natural immunity' and it is July 2020/PRE-vaccine/Obsolete.

Your second, the Israeli one, only compares Pfizer (the weakest: 60% antibodies less per blood volume than Moderna) to Only Recent infections of/Reinfections of Delta. And Israelis were the first country immunized, so probably everyone needed a booster.

Aug 2021

New CDC Study: Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection


The CDC study was of only 250 people (with five other admitted significant limitations). Most folks put more stock in the Israeli study of tens of thousands.
As for the government, if companies are required to vaccinate per request of the government, then the government should have to stand behind the possible litigation claims that might poor in on these companies as a result of these mandates. Then there is the mass loss of worker's that are being disrespected big time by both in the fall out.
The CDC study was of only 250 people (with five other admitted significant limitations). Most folks put more stock in the Israeli study of tens of thousands.
The verdict on the vaccines is in. China saved millions of their people's lives while America sacrificed 350,000 for political purposes.

It doesn't have to be a debate anymore, it can just be a big helping of crow.
The verdict on the vaccines is in. China saved millions of their people's lives while America sacrificed 350,000 for political purposes.

It doesn't have to be a debate anymore, it can just be a big helping of crow.
LOL You're going to rely on anything, repeat anything, coming out of the Chinese gvt? Really?

I'll bite, what's the "political purpose" our government sacrificed 350,000?
How is firing their employees good for a business?
Firing employees isn't good for business but it's always going to be better than having their entire work force infected with Covid.
And then some deaths, according to statistical experiences of other businesses.
Firing employees isn't good for business but it's always going to be better than having their entire work force infected with Covid.
And then some deaths, according to statistical experiences of other businesses.
Business have been operating for 20 months, most of which was without the vaccine. What is all of a sudden, today, right now, going to cause "their entire work force infected with Covid?"
LOL You're going to rely on anything, repeat anything, coming out of the Chinese gvt? Really?

I'll bite, what's the "political purpose" our government sacrificed 350,000?
I detect your anger coming on already but I'll still answer your questions as long as you don't get profane and rude.

As I've already stated, the sacrifice of so many lives was on behalf of Trump. I'll get into more details if you wish and you can keep it together.
I detect your anger coming on already but I'll still answer your questions as long as you don't get profane and rude.

As I've already stated, the sacrifice of so many lives was on behalf of Trump. I'll get into more details if you wish and you can keep it together.
Anger, don't think so? Trump? Oh, you're one of those. My apologies, I thought you might have a rational argument.
Business have been operating for 20 months, most of which was without the vaccine. What is all of a sudden, today, right now, going to cause "their entire work force infected with Covid?"
It's due to the nature of Covid's increases and decreases in severity of course. Most people by far are deciding that they won't gamble with their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

In my opinion, and the opinion of professionals in the medical communities of all countries, the risk with the vaccines is well below acceptable risks that are evaluated with all medicines, vaccines, or remedies offered to the public.

There have been many other mandated remedies in the past that were for the common good of humanity.
If you got the vaccine, you should by reports be safe. If you didn't, the risk is yours.

If the vaccine doesn't work as claimed, what's the difference?
I had Covid last November, had the vaccine over the summer and then got Covid again in October of this year. Not sure why I vaxxed, it seems to me the vaccine has done nothing for me. I am probably going to skip the boosters.
Anger, don't think so? Trump? Oh, you're one of those. My apologies, I thought you might have a rational argument.
If you don't want to hear any further explanations from me then I guess we're finished.
Firing employees isn't good for business but it's always going to be better than having their entire work force infected with Covid.
As >99.6% of working-age American adults who contract covid survive the disease, you cannot demonstrate a rational basis for your statement.
It's due to the nature of Covid's increases and decreases in severity of course. Most people by far are deciding that they won't gamble with their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

In my opinion, and the opinion of professionals in the medical communities of all countries, the risk with the vaccines is well below acceptable risks that are evaluated with all medicines, vaccines, or remedies offered to the public.

There have been many other mandated remedies in the past that were for the common good of humanity.
There has never been a vaccine mandated by the Federal gvt. Ever. As you'll find out rather soon, there is no Constitutional Authority for a mandated vaccination.
If you don't want to hear any further explanations from me then I guess we're finished.
Not if you are going to argue that anyone, repeat anyone, is refusing to get vaccinated becasue of former President Trump. That is cookoo TDS insanity.
I had Covid last November, had the vaccine over the summer and then got Covid again in October of this year. Not sure why I vaxxed, it seems to me the vaccine has done nothing for me. I am probably going to skip the boosters.
If you're being truthful then you are one of few exceptions. There's really no sense in trying to talk down the vaccines for others.
Your decision to not receive a booster could be right for you. But it could also be wrong and so you'll have to weigh the gamble of being vaccinated against the gamble of following Trump's dogmatic preferences.

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