Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Im ony phone. Ive posted studies on several threads go read them
Do it when YOU "get off the phone."
Dog ate your links?

What a pathetic excuse.
You claimed em, you show then
I ain't searching all your stupid posts.
You should have them ready to go.
Pathetic little Fraud.

Eagle1462010 posted to me in another Thread 25 Minutes after he said he no time to show he Links for his claim here he previously posted, and was on the phone!
Lying little sh**.
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Giant and CVS have become clinics rather than pharmacies and stores. They don’t know how to handle the multi purpose and people who have legitimate ongoing proven maladies that required medication are being back burnered, I just spent 40 minutes in line to get to Ms Sweet Sassy Molassy who knew zero and wanted me to get back in line and wait for a pharmacist. Of course I refused to and suddenly a pharmacist was available and worked it out.
They are overwhelmed and can’t operate safely but can surely get on board for enrichment from the latest hoax fad-the booster shot craze.
After they recover then they are recovered. You idea of “proving yourself recovered with paperwork” is reprehensible . I thought you had more fact sense and stones.
I work for a company that didn't require me to get a negative test after I finished my 15 days, and you know what ? I was A-ok. Didn't have Covid anymore, returned to work, no one was scared of me or me of them, and we all went forward together. It's been a year, and nope no virus, no long term effects from the virus, and nope none of us wear mask, and none of us act like we are a danger to each other. Otherwise we are all living normal lives again, and it's great.

Yes we've had other's who became sick with the virus here or there along life's journey, but they weren't in our immediate circle of contacts, and yes they all recovered just as the rest of us did whether vaxed or not vaxed when got it.

The company keeps going without any major issues, and everybody has recovered nicely. We have some who are vaxed, and we have those who aren't in which are naturally immune afterwards, yet no one acts as if they are horrified if they are around an unvaxed worker at our job, because almost everyone has either had Covid or they have had the vaccination.

Everybody is working and doing well, and the best thing is that no one is fearing each other or carrying wooden crosses or having garlic on them in order to scare the vampire's or carrying mirrors to make sure everyone has a reflection. :)
No, you are completely wrong. I don't give two shits about you because you are right, you can make your own choices. But how hard is it for you to understand that THIS SHIT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. This is about other people.

Look, let's say you saw this cement truck driving on the wrong side of the road. You go up to the driver at a truck stop and go, "Hey man, that is kind of dangerous, don't you think you should follow the rules of the road", and he responds, "Ain't no damn government going to tell me which side of the road to drive on. Besides, chances of me being killed if I have a head on collision is slim to damn none. That is the chance I am willing to take because I want FREEDOM."

You admire this guy? You going to cheer him on as he swings back on the right hand side of the highway? No, you are going to call the Highway Patrol and hope the SOB gets pulled over before he runs into your mother. Welcome to my world.
False equivalence... Try harder or better yet just stay home until the virus is declared gone by the government. There is no reason why you can't keep you safe without trying to tell the world to keep you safe. You aren't stupid, put on your mask, and get vaxed if you think that will keep you safe, but try your best not to tell other's to keep you safe, otherwise when you can dang sure do that yourself.
Do it when YOU "get off the phone."
Dog ate your links?

What a pathetic excuse.
You claimed em, you show then
I ain't searching all your stupid posts.
You should have them ready to go.
Pathetic little Fraud.

Eagle1462010 posted to me in another Thread 25 Minutes after he said he no time to show he Links for his claim here he previously posted, and was on the phone!
Lying little sh**.
I'm on my computer now bitch. And my point stands. This is not the only thread I posted on.....

BTW Fuck you.

Next, they looked at blood samples from 23 people who’d survived SARS. Their studies showed that those individuals still had lasting memory T cells today, 17 years after the outbreak. Those memory T cells, acquired in response to SARS-CoV-1, also recognized parts of SARS-CoV-2.

Finally, Bertoletti’s team looked for such T cells in blood samples from 37 healthy individuals with no history of either COVID-19 or SARS. To their surprise, more than half had T cells that recognize one or more of the SARS-CoV-2 proteins under study here. It’s still not clear if this acquired immunity stems from previous infection with coronaviruses that cause the common cold or perhaps from exposure to other as-yet unknown coronaviruses.

What’s clear from this study is our past experiences with coronavirus infections may have something important to tell us about COVID-19. Bertoletti’s team and others are pursuing this intriguing lead to see where it will lead—not only in explaining our varied responses to the virus, but also in designing new treatments and optimized vaccines.

Natural immunity that develops after SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably better protection against the "Delta variant" than does two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, an Israeli study found.

Further, "the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher."

"This analysis demonstrated that natural immunity affords longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization due to the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity," the authors wrote.

Malone found the ovarian signal puzzling because there is no buildup in the testes. Malone said the original data packages contained this biodistribution information. “This data has been out there for a long time” within the protected, undisclosed realm of regulators around the world, he said. According to Malone, the FDA knew that the COVID spike protein was biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.

In fact, Malone was one of many scientists who warned the FDA about the dangers of free spiking protein. Malone suggested that autoimmune problems may be related to the free circulating spike protein that the developers assured would not occur. To detect autoimmune problems, a 2- to 3-year follow-up period would be required in Phase 3 patients in which to monitor possible autoimmune consequences of the vaccines, but such monitoring did not happen with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Both companies also failed to conduct adequate animal studies, Brownstein said. What the animal models give us is a signal that alerts us that we need to do adequate monitoring in humans.

Media has been attacking this guy so here is where they hosed him over in 1989 showing documents in this article that he did indeed invent it and others stole it.

Ze fuhrer speaks:

Most businesses will abide by the mandate because it's going to be what is best for them.

This is finally the show of strength that Biden has been missing.

It's a taste of doing what is socially responsible for America.

Maybe this is when they can bring out the guns and start killing their fellow Americans, as is their expressed wishes we hear more regularly now?
Most businesses will abide by the mandate because it's going to be what is best for them.

This is finally the show of strength that Biden has been missing.

It's a taste of doing what is socially responsible for America.

Maybe this is when they can bring out the guns and start killing their fellow Americans, as is their expressed wishes we hear more regularly now?
Which MANDATE do you mean.........The only mandate at this moment is an Executive order for Federal Employees.

King Brandon cannot DECREE in this country that he is the lord thy god almighty and since I said so you must do it. This is still America for the moment unless these communist keep importing voters in mass. The Courts have TEMPORARILY STRUCK DOWN THE ETS of OSHA. Corrupt Politicians have a nasty habit of ABUSING THEIR POWERS in this country. OSHA CAN'T OFFICIALLY CREATE LAWS on their own. And 26 States have filed against them. STATES HAVE PASSED LAWS ordering business not to do so in their state.

Puts the businesses in the middle of it now doesn't it. They can approve an OSHA rule that will most likely get shot down in the courts. 5th will do that soon. Then they can get sued by the States.
Most businesses will abide by the mandate because it's going to be what is best for them.

This is finally the show of strength that Biden has been missing.

It's a taste of doing what is socially responsible for America.

Maybe this is when they can bring out the guns and start killing their fellow Americans, as is their expressed wishes we hear more regularly now?

No, his decrees are unconstitutional and can't be forced on people.
I'm on my computer now bitch. And my point stands. This is not the only thread I posted on.....

BTW Fuck you.

Next, they looked at blood samples from 23 people who’d survived SARS. Their studies showed that those individuals still had lasting memory T cells today, 17 years after the outbreak. Those memory T cells, acquired in response to SARS-CoV-1, also recognized parts of SARS-CoV-2.

Finally, Bertoletti’s team looked for such T cells in blood samples from 37 healthy individuals with no history of either COVID-19 or SARS. To their surprise, more than half had T cells that recognize one or more of the SARS-CoV-2 proteins under study here. It’s still not clear if this acquired immunity stems from previous infection with coronaviruses that cause the common cold or perhaps from exposure to other as-yet unknown coronaviruses.

What’s clear from this study is our past experiences with coronavirus infections may have something important to tell us about COVID-19. Bertoletti’s team and others are pursuing this intriguing lead to see where it will lead—not only in explaining our varied responses to the virus, but also in designing new treatments and optimized vaccines.
That does NOT compare immunity of Vaccines to 'natural immunity' and it is July 2020/PRE-vaccine/Obsolete.

Your second, the Israeli one, only compares Pfizer (the weakest: 60% antibodies less per blood volume than Moderna) to Only Recent infections of/Reinfections of Delta. And Israelis were the first country immunized, so probably everyone needed a booster.

Aug 2021

New CDC Study: Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection

Even though the Courts said No...........The left ignores the courts and laws whenever they feel like it. This is another example. They also ignore THE SCIENCE.

Yeah, they don't care about the constitution or rule of law. They don't even know what science is.

The left wrong thinks that “THE SCIENCE” supports the claim that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
That does NOT compare immunity of Vaccines to 'natural immunity' and it is July 2020/PRE-vaccine/Obsolete.

Your second, the Israeli one, only compares Pfizer (the weakest: 60% antibodies less per blood volume than Moderna) to Only Recent infections of/Reinfections of Delta. And Israelis were the first country immunized, so probably everyone needed a booster.

Baloney. Proves that the T Cell memory from the 2003 SARs lasted 17 years. And the Israel CURRENT STUDY shows more of the same. This also showed that many people have T Cell memories from older cases of forms of Corona including the 4 strains of the common cold of Corona.

The J & J vaccine is a synthetic form of the common cold of Corona. A 2005 study for the 2003 SARS tested this and found it gave immunity. IMAGINE THAT. So instead of pumping these SYNTHETIC EXPERIMENTAL vaccines that DO NOT LAST........give me a real dose of the common cold. That is what they proved 14 years before covid 19 existed.

NATURAL IMMUNITY IS BETTER THAN THE VACCINE PERIOD. IT LASTED 17 YEARS for SARs 2003 survivors. And if you got covid 19 it is 27 times better than the vaccines from a Study in Israel. A study of over 800,000 people.


That does NOT compare immunity of Vaccines to 'natural immunity' and it is July 2020/PRE-vaccine/Obsolete.

Your second, the Israeli one, only compares Pfizer (the weakest: 60% antibodies less per blood volume than Moderna) to Only Recent infections of/Reinfections of Delta. And Israelis were the first country immunized, so probably everyone needed a booster.

Aug 2021

New CDC Study: Vaccination Offers Higher Protection than Previous COVID-19 Infection

Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries on the dang planet. They have put out that if you have 2 shots you aren't vaccinated. They have been giving the booster shots.


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