Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Just like you said ; if Covid is winding down it doesn't matter, if new more virulent strains are on the horizon it's bad news. I prefer that to keep the mandates and err on the side of caution, the people in this world keep getting crazy and crazier. What can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't. No one wins anymore.
It's a reaction by ordinary working people to being cheated out of a piece of the great American pie Stann.
It's the reason, the only reason, why working people would turn to a madman like Trump.

Then Trump proved to be a liar and didn't deliver. They still can't believe they got snookered!
I am a gay man. I will never have to face that horrible choice but If I were a woman and I did not want to become pregnant I would take all precautions to make sure that I did not become pregnant. Save all that, if somehow I did become pregnant at the very first moment I knew so I would take action. But you're not thinking about all the other cases, rape and incest, complications that endanger the mother's life, severe fetal abnormalities. The last thing this world needs is more heartache. A fetus is a possible human being that is all. It's not a child that has been loved, no one will ever know about it except the nosy bodies and as far as I'm concerned they deserve what they get. The final decision has to rest with the woman and her doctor. No matter what you or anybody else thinks about it it's their business not ours and the last thing we need is more people judging other people. No one would survive that kind of scrutiny.

Whats being gay got to do with this?

If a woman or a man doesn't want pregnancy, then there's all sorts of protection. Including sterilization of BOTH parties.

A fetus IS A LIVING THING! A human body CANNOT make life from DEATH. We are not Dr. Frankensteins!
Therefore LIVING TISSUE/DNA/EGGS/SPERM are used to created another life. If you don't want it, don't have sex if you aren't going to take precautions!!

There are a myriad of tests both women and men can take to see if they are GENETICALLY SAFE to breed. Yet 99.99% of the human population REFUSES TO DO SO BEFOREHAND!! Then society is forced to care for these kids because the "parents" are SO INEPT they refused to test themselves!! So WHY not just kill these kids?
They are unwanted, they are a drain on society, they have no obvious functions that can enhance society. They are just lumps of flesh, sitting there, stumbling around, drooling all over. WHY NOT KILL THEM?

Because it's MURDER.

Doesn't matter if they are outside the womb or inside the womb. Life is life, and the hypocrites are going to use it for their fodder, like they do everything else.

Other circumstances like rape are considerations, accidents, or toxic contaminants are taken into consideration when medically dealing with what the woman has gone through.

Abortion is murder. And like murder....even LEGAL murder.....there are steps that must be taken in order to get to that point where the life can be taken.

Humans have the ability to CONTROL THEMSELVES. Those that do not, must pay the price for their arrogance, narcissism, and stupidity......as well as the intentional murder of created life.
And yet again you say words I said THAT I NEVER SAID. You purposely tried to say I would not allow Rape and Incest victims to get an Abortion.............That is NOT TRUE......And Red States have mainly put in laws after the mother has had months to choose. Late Term abortion is CERTAINLY NOT IN THAT GROUP.

Anyways...........this is how people TWIST WHAT PEOPLE SAY............You have ZERO RIGHT TO TELL ME TO TAKE THE JAB. You HAVE ZERO RIGHT to MAKE ME PROVE I'VE HAD THE JAB.

It is MY BUSINESS And not yours. And it is between me and my doctor to decide what I should do

These mandates ..........so called.........don't factor in NATURAL IMMUNITY from already having Covid. They don't factor in Heart disease.........poeple with existing blood clot problems.......etc.

Who are they to BLANKET ORDER VACCINES WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE of each persons medical conditions.

This is wrong on so many parts if you believe in Freedom. If you can't see that. Then you must HATE FREEDOM.
You are obviously a fanatic of some type you can't see the issue clearly I'm sorry there's no sense in talking with you goodbye and you keep attacking the opposition that's not a good strategy in any conversation it might be in an argument but I'm not going to sit here and argue with somebody I don't know or want to know that's the message you gave me someone you you are someone that I do not want to know because you're emotionally invested in this issue and you can't think clearly about what is none of your business.
You are obviously a fanatic of some type you can't see the issue clearly I'm sorry there's no sense in talking with you goodbye and you keep attacking the opposition that's not a good strategy in any conversation it might be in an argument but I'm not going to sit here and argue with somebody I don't know or want to know that's the message you gave me someone you you are someone that I do not want to know because you're emotionally invested in this issue and you can't think clearly about what is none of your business.
You are obviously a fanatic of some type you can't see the issue clearly I'm sorry there's no sense in talking with you goodbye and you keep attacking the opposition that's not a good strategy in any conversation it might be in an argument but I'm not going to sit here and argue with somebody I don't know or want to know that's the message you gave me someone you you are someone that I do not want to know because you're emotionally invested in this issue and you can't think clearly about what is none of your business.

You claim it's none of HIS business.
Which means it's none of YOUR business.

And yet......you stick your nose into it full force?!!

Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate. The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated. This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents. The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak. The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world. You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.
how many years did we have smallpox before this was done? what was the survival rate from smallpox?

not the same thing and you know it.
You claim it's none of HIS business.
Which means it's none of YOUR business.

And yet......you stick your nose into it full force?!!

Spoiled Rotten Leftist Cry when they don't get their Way. They are Righteous until SOMEONE SAYS NO.

They are emotional creatures. And when they are told NO......they throw tantrums ........through down their toys and say I QUIT......WAH.

OH WELL............this country needs to stop playing their stupid game and SPLAIN it to them.
Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate. The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated. This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents. The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak. The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world. You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.


THOSE inoculations/vaccines were given their DUE COURSE in testing before being used on the population!!
They were not created one day and pumped out to the population the next day!!


Polio, Measles, Small Pox.........all of these vaccines were tested for YEARS and given their DUE COURSE in all the appropriate testing regimens before being allowed to be used for human treatments.

YOU might want to do some research before you start with your leftist toddler tantrums and get YOUR facts right!
Wake up, it's about a virus that's been ravaging America and the world.


It's about corrupt politicians, and their complicit lying “news”, media, that have engaged in exaggerations, fearmongering, and outright lies, to exploit this virus as a vehicle to claim and abuse powers far beyond that to which they have any legitimate claim, for their own enrichment and empowerment, to the great harm of those of us whose duty it is of theirs to serve and represent.

From the beginning, it has never been about anything else but this.
The virus will never go away. We will get it to the point where it is about the same as the seasonal flu, but it will never be gone.

That's what it would have been in the first place, if not for corrupt politicians figuring out how to exploit it for malicious political purposes, by lying and exaggerating about it, making it out to be far more dangerous than it ever was.
Apples and oranges, you can't compare the two, unless you're a hypocrite.

You do have a point, there, actually.

Deliberately killing innocent human beings in cold blood.

Refusing to serve as a test subject for a dangerous medical experiment.​

Both are being defended with the “My body, my choice” slogan, yet I have to agree that the two are not at all comparable.

What is very telling, in a very dark and disturbing way, is which if these you defend as a “right”, and which of these you condemn.
I am a gay man.

Don't know if I ever saw that before, but it explains a lot. It indicates that your mind and your soul are severely fucked-up, and it explains why you take such fucked-up positions, as you do, such as defending the cold-blooded murder of innocent children, and defending the use of force to compel the use of nonconsenting human subjects for dangerous medical experiments.

It even explains why you cannot see how the arguments that you try to make to defend one of these positions solidly refutes the other.
I have employees at both of my businesses who are vaccinated, and employees who are not vaccinated. I have employees who still wear a mask and employees who don't. I don't mandate either, but I'll provide them if employees want them.

The only thing I mandate is that, if you feel sick, do everyone a favor and stay home. I'm pretty inflexible on that. I also require a negative lab test before someone returns to work. The only exception to that is an affadavit from the employee's physician stating that the person does not have Covid.

To date, out of around 550 employees, 11 people, myself included, have had Covid...
This is a good policy with the exception of the “prove yourself not Covid” Your referenced 11 out of 550 is proof enough that no one need to prove themself “innocent”

THOSE inoculations/vaccines were given their DUE COURSE in testing before being used on the population!!
They were not created one day and pumped out to the population the next day!!


Polio, Measles, Small Pox.........all of these vaccines were tested for YEARS and given their DUE COURSE in all the appropriate testing regimens before being allowed to be used for human treatments.

YOU might want to do some research before you start with your leftist toddler tantrums and get YOUR facts right!
You will never be able to preach to me about history. First off, inoculation is not a vaccine. It is actually injecting a live version of the virus into a person. Usually taken directly from one of the sores of the infected. It is a whole different ballgame and the mortality rate of undergoing the procedure was over one percent, but perhaps less than two. Last I checked, I am pretty sure it is far less than one out of hundred dying from the Covid vaccine. I think it might be like one in a million.

Now by the Revolutionary War the practice of inoculation for Smallpox had been practiced for about 50 years, although there is some possibility that it was tried earlier, although rather rare. Would you be willing to accept a mandate for inoculation after 50 years of use, if the mortality rate was over one out of 100? Washington had no problem with it.

Surely that Impolitic Act, restraining Inoculation in Virginia,4 can never be continued—If I was a Member of that Assembly I would rather move for a Law to compell the Masters of Families to inoculate every Child born within a certain limitted time under severe Penalties.

See, that is the thing about history. You yahoos can spout and spit all you want. The above are George Washington's own words. Sorry that he was not a perfect speller. And here is the thing, there is no record whatsoever of a single soldier refusing to be inoculated. Back then, we had real patriots. Not these pretend patriots that are so vocal today. And soldier that refuses to be vaccinated for Covid should be given an immediate dishonorable discharge, Washington would have probably had them hanged

Polio, there were limited studies in the 1930's, and for the vaccine used at the time, the mortality rate was about equal to that of Smallpox inoculation. The first extensive studies of the vaccine being used for the mandate began in 1955, the mandate happened in 1957, two years later. Do you really believe that today's research capabilities are equivalent to those in the 1950's?
I must by all measures possible protect myself from the near impossibility of dying from this air infection AND I must force others to comply or face dire consequences
Liberal Pledge of Obedience
We don't suspend the Constitution because of a perceived emergency. Otherwise, there's no point in even having it. It's exactly times like these that power hungry politicians try to abuse it in order to amass more power for themselves under the guise of safety and societal protection. Therefore, it is times like these it needs to be upheld more than ever.
This seems. . . sort of like a Sisyphean endeavor, explaining the point of the US constitution to a common-wealth subject who identifies as a socialist? :20:

Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate. The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated. This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents. The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak. The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world. You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.

how many years did we have smallpox before this was done? what was the survival rate from smallpox?

not the same thing and you know it.

Yea. . . so totally a False Equivalence fallacy. They do this all the time. Either they are really stupid, or just haven't read much on this issue and have been duped by propaganda. I don't know if these folks are doing this intentionally, or if they are really this dumb.

Who the hell can say?



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