Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

I know she is pro abortion. To me, it's sad when issues become more important than life. Radical leftists are the real fascists because fascism subjugates life, individualism, and liberty to whatever political issue it deems will further its power.
No one is pro-abortion, but most Americans still believe it is a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. Just like religion, the prolife people are mostly men who don't know what they're talking about.
The “fascism” is literally coming from the left, you dolt.

Who is enforcing these illegal mandates? Not the government, but corporations. And gullible dolts like you love it, because you’re fascists.
You're talking about public health mandates. These will go away when the virus is gone, they're not permanent. In the meantime, Republicans are stripping away at actual rights that they want to make permanent, like women's rights for equality, minority rights for equality, and voter suppression laws. So you see they're the ones who are causing the real damage to our nation. Claiming it's to improve and protect the nation, you can't improve America by taking away people's rights. That's what made our nation great. Freedom and democracy, itself are at risk from the Republicans.
The “fascism” is literally coming from the left, you dolt.

Who is enforcing these illegal mandates? Not the government, but corporations. And gullible dolts like you love it, because you’re fascists.
Well the government is also, but they did so indirectly just like Joe did to the Ukraine or Obama did with threatening to withhold federal dollar's to state's, otherwise if schools didn't comply with the bathroom orders or with any other instances where government uses it's bullyness to cause trouble without it leading directly back to it for constitutional legality purposes. It's a scamming the AP for idiocy that has finally got the AP motivated to stop the bullcrap.
You're talking about public health mandates. These will go away when the virus is gone, they're not permanent. In the meantime, Republicans are stripping away at actual rights that they want to make permanent, like women's rights for equality, minority rights for equality, and voter suppression laws. So you see they're the ones who are causing the real damage to our nation. Claiming it's to improve and protect the nation, you can't improve America by taking away people's rights. That's what made our nation great. Freedom and democracy, itself are at risk from the Republicans.
When which virus has gone where? Homo sapiens has not found out where SARS-CoV-2 comes from, it has not been found in bats. There are plenty of other viruses that can be milked as long as mysteries like this communist one remain unknown.
When which virus has gone where? Homo sapiens has not found out where SARS-CoV-2 comes from, it has not been found in bats. There are plenty of other viruses that can be milked as long as mysteries like this communist one remain unknown.
Gain of function . Combining different species can do that for you. Why they can't find the origin.

The origin was in a test tube.
No one is pro-abortion, but most Americans still believe it is a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. Just like religion, the prolife people are mostly men who don't know what they're talking about.
Hypocrisy at it's Finest. Allow babies to be aborted at birth and say they have a right to choose what they do with there own body..........then say TAKE THE JAB OR ELSE.

Up yours ...........lol
The virus will never go away. We will get it to the point where it is about the same as the seasonal flu, but it will never be gone.
Finally you tell the correct story about something. This is what happens when you don't lower your head, NOT SHUT DOWN and let it run it's course so it can't MUTATE FOREVER.........

Then you use the entire world as LAB RATS for EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES.

Tell me..........do the spike proteins stay in one place or move all over the body. Do the spike proteins go to the heart and cause problems.........do the spike proteins get into your bone marrow.......so when they spike your body defends organs all over the body causing long term damage.



The Sars-CoV-2 has a spike protein on its surface. That spike protein is what allows it to infect our bodies, Bridle explained. “That is why we have been using the spike protein in our vaccines,” Bridle said. “The vaccines we’re using get the cells in our bodies to manufacture that protein. If we can mount an immune response against that protein, in theory we could prevent this virus from infecting the body. That is the theory behind the vaccine.”

“However, when studying the severe COVID-19, […] heart problems, lots of problems with the cardiovascular system, bleeding and clotting, are all associated with COVID-19,” he added. “In doing that research, what has been discovered by the scientific community, the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation.”

When the purified spike protein is injected into the blood of research animals, they experience damage to the cardiovascular system and the protein can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain, Bridle explained.

When which virus has gone where? Homo sapiens has not found out where SARS-CoV-2 comes from, it has not been found in bats. There are plenty of other viruses that can be milked as long as mysteries like this communist one remain unknown.
Another conspiracy nut, try to have a great day.
Apples and oranges, you can't compare the two, unless you're a hypocrite.
Why can't I............doesn't fit your Narrative.

Your side YELLS MY BODY MY CHOICE.......Hell you CHANT IT.

But if we say it.........YOU SAY.......STFU AND TAKE THE JAB.

And you call me a Hypocite.......lol

Were you drooling on yourself when you typed that. lmao
I worked a previous job that was Union.

On a couple of occasions, I had to deal with OSHA about sanitary conditions and that there were not enough available restrooms to all employees.

OSHA specifically told me "We DO NOT provide regulations over health conditions of facilities for employees. Our determination is that the company provides facilities for employees, which is regulation".

On another occasion at yet another job I had, I had to contact OSHA about an employee that was constantly sick, and spewing her germs and disease all over EVERYTHING in the office, including coughing IN PEOPLES FACES!! And again, also filing a complaint about not enough restrooms for the large amount of employees they had.

This is what the woman at OSHA told me.... "We have reviewed the employee restroom situation and found that the building is in code. We have reviewed your complaint about **employees name**, and found that unless what she is doing eliminates a certain number of the local population, it is not our concern, as there is nothing we can do".

These "government agencies" are MADE to SERVE THE GOVERNMENT, NOT THE PEOPLE!!!

Of course OSHA is going to stick their noses into this, because the Dems threaten to pull their budgets if they DO NOT COOPERATE with the Dems illegal and unconstitutional agendas!!! JUST like they did the FDA with their "vaccine"!!!

I've dealt with these government offices often enough in my work, that I know they are WORTHLESS and CORRUPT, and even MORE SO when politicians threaten to pull their budgets out from under them!!!
Why can't I............doesn't fit your Narrative.

Your side YELLS MY BODY MY CHOICE.......Hell you CHANT IT.

But if we say it.........YOU SAY.......STFU AND TAKE THE JAB.

And you call me a Hypocite.......lol

Were you drooling on yourself when you typed that. lmao
I am a gay man. I will never have to face that horrible choice but If I were a woman and I did not want to become pregnant I would take all precautions to make sure that I did not become pregnant. Save all that, if somehow I did become pregnant at the very first moment I knew so I would take action. But you're not thinking about all the other cases, rape and incest, complications that endanger the mother's life, severe fetal abnormalities. The last thing this world needs is more heartache. A fetus is a possible human being that is all. It's not a child that has been loved, no one will ever know about it except the nosy bodies and as far as I'm concerned they deserve what they get. The final decision has to rest with the woman and her doctor. No matter what you or anybody else thinks about it it's their business not ours and the last thing we need is more people judging other people. No one would survive that kind of scrutiny.
I worked a previous job that was Union.

On a couple of occasions, I had to deal with OSHA about sanitary conditions and that there were not enough available restrooms to all employees.

OSHA specifically told me "We DO NOT provide regulations over health conditions of facilities for employees. Our determination is that the company provides facilities for employees, which is regulation".

On another occasion at yet another job I had, I had to contact OSHA about an employee that was constantly sick, and spewing her germs and disease all over EVERYTHING in the office, including coughing IN PEOPLES FACES!! And again, also filing a complaint about not enough restrooms for the large amount of employees they had.

This is what the woman at OSHA told me.... "We have reviewed the employee restroom situation and found that the building is in code. We have reviewed your complaint about **employees name**, and found that unless what she is doing eliminates a certain number of the local population, it is not our concern, as there is nothing we can do".

These "government agencies" are MADE to SERVE THE GOVERNMENT, NOT THE PEOPLE!!!

Of course OSHA is going to stick their noses into this, because the Dems threaten to pull their budgets if they DO NOT COOPERATE with the Dems illegal and unconstitutional agendas!!! JUST like they did the FDA with their "vaccine"!!!

I've dealt with these government offices often enough in my work, that I know they are WORTHLESS and CORRUPT, and even MORE SO when politicians threaten to pull their budgets out from under them!!!
They are a 4th tier of Gov't. They have created the 10000 commandments. They create laws all the time without so much of a reach around from Congress.

I've seen good rules...........but too many times I've seen BS rules. I love being told to tie off by Safety now......Working on a 6 foot ladder. So I go 4 steps up the ladder...........hook on directly above me with the lanyard.........step back down on level ground still tied off...........and then ask them NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO.

I've never had a safety man say anything after I've done that. They walk off every single time.

Just to be clear ... the decision NOT to allow government to force an experimental medical procedure on its own citizens is Fascism?

Perhaps you should go back and read some more about fascism ... like the definition...

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Donald is the product of many generations of first cousin marriages. He believes that ignorance is strength and freedom is slavery.
I am a gay man. I will never have to face that horrible choice but If I were a woman and I did not want to become pregnant I would take all precautions to make sure that I did not become pregnant. Save all that, if somehow I did become pregnant at the very first moment I knew so I would take action. But you're not thinking about all the other cases, rape and incest, complications that endanger the mother's life, severe fetal abnormalities. The last thing this world needs is more heartache. A fetus is a possible human being that is all. It's not a child that has been loved, no one will ever know about it except the nosy bodies and as far as I'm concerned they deserve what they get. The final decision has to rest with the woman and her doctor. No matter what you or anybody else thinks about it it's their business not ours and the last thing we need is more people judging other people. No one would survive that kind of scrutiny.
And yet again you say words I said THAT I NEVER SAID. You purposely tried to say I would not allow Rape and Incest victims to get an Abortion.............That is NOT TRUE......And Red States have mainly put in laws after the mother has had months to choose. Late Term abortion is CERTAINLY NOT IN THAT GROUP.

Anyways...........this is how people TWIST WHAT PEOPLE SAY............You have ZERO RIGHT TO TELL ME TO TAKE THE JAB. You HAVE ZERO RIGHT to MAKE ME PROVE I'VE HAD THE JAB.

It is MY BUSINESS And not yours. And it is between me and my doctor to decide what I should do

These mandates ..........so called.........don't factor in NATURAL IMMUNITY from already having Covid. They don't factor in Heart disease.........poeple with existing blood clot problems.......etc.

Who are they to BLANKET ORDER VACCINES WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE of each persons medical conditions.

This is wrong on so many parts if you believe in Freedom. If you can't see that. Then you must HATE FREEDOM.

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