Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate.
Precisely, the military, not the general citizenry.

The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated.
It is mandated by each individual state, not the federal government.

This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents.
It does not.

The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak.
Local governments, not the federal

The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world.
Only people traveling to countries with yellow fever. That's a handful of people, not 1/3 of the population.

You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.
And you're just swallowing bullshit. Get some mouthwash, tard
The way you say that almost seems to depict it as an abstract fear, as something we think •MIGHT• happen.

Can any rational person deny that we have, in fact, very clearly seen exactly this very thing happening over the past year or so?
Only because we allowed them to.
See my post #57. If few Americans are willing to oppose the insanity in progress, you need foreigners to speak up. America is a whole covey of train wrecks rattling down the tracks at once!
Not to even have to mention a democratic country that has had it's election stolen!
And Canada isn't?
Shut yer pie hole. We don't need foreigners poking their nose in our business. You are NOT AMERICAN. Fuck off already. Nobody gives a shit what you say/suggest/speak.
Just to be clear ... the decision NOT to allow government to force an experimental medical procedure on its own citizens is Fascism?

Perhaps you should go back and read some more about fascism ... like the definition...

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Communists and fascists were such deadly enemies that everyone tye Communist doesn't like is a fascist. When you see a deluded throwing out the fascist word at every thing they don't like you know what they are. Just like antifa, the anti fascists. They are just Trotsky retreads.
I have employees at both of my businesses who are vaccinated, and employees who are not vaccinated. I have employees who still wear a mask and employees who don't. I don't mandate either, but I'll provide them if employees want them.

The only thing I mandate is that, if you feel sick, do everyone a favor and stay home. I'm pretty inflexible on that. I also require a negative lab test before someone returns to work. The only exception to that is an affadavit from the employee's physician stating that the person does not have Covid.

To date, out of around 550 employees, 11 people, myself included, have had Covid...
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The way you say that almost seems to depict it as an abstract fear, as something we think •MIGHT• happen.

Can any rational person deny that we have, in fact, very clearly seen exactly this very thing happening over the past year or so?

Only because we allowed them to.

Indeed. That is the problem.

I think many more people than will admit it, know what is going on, but too many of us have become too cowardly and complacent to do what needs to be done.

The one thing that would bring this “pandemic” to a very quick end, once and for all, would be to remove from office every criminal who has had a willing par tin creating and exploiting it, and to string some of the worst up by their necks, as a warning and an example to any others who might consider trying to pull this sort of bullshit ever again.

That is what needs to be done, but as a society, we've degenerated to the point that we have neither the will nor the courage to do it.

The great men who fought so hard, and sacrificed so much, to found this country—what would they think if they could see what we have become?
Precisely, the military, not the general citizenry.

It is mandated by each individual state, not the federal government.

It does not.

Local governments, not the federal

Only people traveling to countries with yellow fever. That's a handful of people, not 1/3 of the population.

And you're just swallowing bullshit. Get some mouthwash, tard
You are 100% correct. Apparently 'ol Winston's smoking somethin 'cause he's dead-ass wrong. Interesting fact: There was a ban on vaccinations in Washington's time but he vaxxed his soldiers on the sly.
Indeed. That is the problem.

I think many more people than will admit it, know what is going on, but too many of us have become too cowardly and complacent to do what needs to be done.

The one thing that would bring this “pandemic” to a very quick end, once and for all, would be to remove from office every criminal who has had a willing par tin creating and exploiting it, and to string some of the worst up by their necks, as a warning and an example to any others who might consider trying to pull this sort of bullshit ever again.

That is what needs to be done, but as a society, we've degenerated to the point that we have neither the will nor the courage to do it.
Fauci would make 'first string.'

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
Just like you said ; if Covid is winding down it doesn't matter, if new more virulent strains are on the horizon it's bad news. I prefer that to keep the mandates and err on the side of caution, the people in this world keep getting crazy and crazier. What can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't. No one wins anymore.

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
It's good news, and it probably avoided a disaster for companies trying to keep worker's in a very trying time. It's time for the Biden administration to wake up, and change course.

Your fear mongering is noted, and your partisan biases cancel out your points, and well it's because you have no points other than these attacks constantly.
Just like you said ; if Covid is winding down it doesn't matter, if new more virulent strains are on the horizon it's bad news. I prefer that to keep the mandates and err on the side of caution, the people in this world keep getting crazy and crazier. What can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't. No one wins anymore.
Not if it's a win just to spite Trump, and therefore it isn't grounded in all aspects of the science so it needs to be shot down. If my doctor tells me that I need to get the shot because of my health, then I will get the shot, but until then I'm going to live my life normal and free with my natural immunity.

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
I am so tired of the stupid---the vaccines don't work as you try to pretend. If they work at all, it is only for a very very short time. There will be long term consequences to these shit faux vaccines---I mean other than making big pharma billions and corrupt pols millions $$$
uess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate.

The “inoculation” was not a vaccine.

That happened in 1776, long before we had a Constitution.

We are also not subjects to any military general.
Can you believe Penelope thumbed down your statement "Killing children is fascism?" The radical leftists are inhuman and proud of it.
I know she is pro abortion. To me, it's sad when issues become more important than life. Radical leftists are the real fascists because fascism subjugates life, individualism, and liberty to whatever political issue it deems will further its power.
Not if it's a win just to spite Trump, and therefore it isn't grounded in all aspects of the science so it needs to be shot down. If my doctor tells me that I need to get the shot because of my health, then I will get the shot, but until then I'm going to live my life normal and free with my natural immunity.
Wake up, it's about a virus that's been ravaging America and the world.

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