Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

There's nothing in that Constitution that says you can't shoot each other or even choose death instead of a vaccine.
It's the called Tenth Amendment, retard.

If I'm not mistaken, Donald H is from Canaduh. While our forefathers were violently rebelling against the British filth, fighting a way to establish us as a sovereign nation and to deny the British any say in how we run it; Donald H's forefathers were kissing George III's ass, cowering and groveling before the British. To any American, it is a shame and an embarrassment to share a border with such a pathetic shithole nation, born of such a shameful and cowardly origin.

I think a big part of Donald H's problem, as well as that of many of the inhabitants of Canaduh, is that he is so stupid and worthless that he needs a government to tell him how to live his life, and he assumed that we in America are likewise.
Political train wrecks are death.
Preventing mask mandates
Stopping all abortions.
Unrestricted concealed guns.
Stolen elections.
Trumpisms rattling down the tracks and falling off the rails.

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
not everyone who doesn't believe the gov about covid is a "Trumper" you fucking moron
No skin off the rest of the world's asses if it becomes permanent.

This is just one more of America's train wrecks about to happen all for Trump's sake!
Killing Marxism in America is not a 'train wreck' Marxism is.
See my post #57. If few Americans are willing to oppose the insanity in progress, you need foreigners to speak up. America is a whole covey of train wrecks rattling down the tracks at once!
Not to even have to mention a democratic country that has had it's election stolen!
Your post #57 is crazy and so is this one. Go home you don't belong here.
Upholding the Constitution is ALWAYS good news. I said from Day One this mandate would never pass the constitutional test.

I suspect the Biden Admin never expected it to pass the muster of the courts which is why they drug their feet putting out the actual rules from OSHA. I think they just hoped the threat would get people to get the vaccine that might not have without the threat looming
I suspect the Biden Admin never expected it to pass the muster of the courts which is why they drug their feet putting out the actual rules from OSHA. I think they just hoped the threat would get people to get the vaccine that might not have without the threat looming
They knew an EO would go down in flames........So they used the back door......Using Federal Agencies to create laws without of the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. No way in Hell they could pass forced vaccination.

It is known as the 10000 Commandments. Or CFRs.....
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is little more than a sham court after Trump's appointment. Already leaning right, Trump's appointments were all judicial activists more than willing to ignore prior precedence and rule favorably on conservative issues. This stay was issued by three judges, two of them appointed by Trump and one by Reagan. The mandate will be upheld by the Supreme Court, if not by the full Fifth Circuit after hearings.
IOW, we have judges that will uphold the Constitution and not uphold the Let's communist totalitarianism. That's awesome news!!
In another lifetime, I was an OSHA rep for the company I worked for. The regs are larger than a bible and more confusing with some mandates being downright dangerous. I told 'em to shove the position up their collective asses. I was not going to be responsible for that boondoggle in any way, shape or form.
I was never a "safety man" but I've seen the crap that came down the pipe to us working stiffs and I've refused to comply with "safety regulations" on a few occasions because the regulation was unsafe.
I was never a "safety man" but I've seen the crap that came down the pipe to us working stiffs and I've refused to comply with "safety regulations" on a few occasions because the regulation was unsafe.
It got soo bad at one point at work that they mad us build 2 foot scaffolding to run conduit. You were not allowed to do any work off a ladder.

So we taught them a lesson. The Scaffold company made a TON OF MONEY. Once the bills came in the policy stopped.
I was never a "safety man" but I've seen the crap that came down the pipe to us working stiffs and I've refused to comply with "safety regulations" on a few occasions because the regulation was unsafe.
Yep, exactly. OSHA wanted little strips of wood in front of our panel-scrubbing machines so that a worker could not stand that close. I called them trip hazards and refused to mandate their installation. The machines already had safety features built in. I was told to 'do it anway' so I quit the position.
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I beg to differ. There is nothing in the Constitution that permits the federal government to issue such a mandate nor is there any precedent in its 230 plus year history.
Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate. The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated. This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents. The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak. The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world. You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.
We don't suspend the Constitution because of a perceived emergency. Otherwise, there's no point in even having it. It's exactly times like these that power hungry politicians try to abuse it in order to amass more power for themselves under the guise of safety and societal protection. Therefore, it is times like these it needs to be upheld more than ever.
We have suspended the Constitution in several "emergencies". Trump did it when he declared a border crisis and took money allocated to areas and spent it on his beautiful wall. A clear violation of the Constitution.
Not to mention that in no instance is there even a pretense made of attempting to implement these through the legitimate legislative processes.

At the federal level, there are laws, enacted by Congress and signed into law by Presidents, that protect our medical privacy, and our rights with regard to what medical treatments we will accept or reject. The President has no authority to make any law by unilateral order. That would be a dictatorship, which our Constitution was very specifically crafted to prohibit. He absolutely does not have any vestige of authority to give an order, and have it enforced as if it were a law, that directly contradicts and violates actual laws passed by Congress and signed into law by past Presidents.

And the same applies where we see similar abuses taking place at the state and local levels, by wannabe dictators.
I suggest you read the legislation that created OSHA. And HIPPA laws don't do what you Trumpbots thing they do.
Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate. The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated. This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents. The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak. The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world. You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.
Yawn. Get back to me when these so called vaccines don't work 6 months later. Or when you have gotten another dozen booster shots.

The virus mutates around the vaccines .....creates variants and infects you again. ........Oh but change the story and forget that 2 shots and done......Hardly.

We are now having people at 4 shots already and the next variant isn't going to care.
That's our Jeff Landry for you.

You can thank us for this blockage as it was Jeff Landry that filed the lawsuit. And a court of appeals agreed.

You're welcome.
enjoy YOUR TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
people with brains can choose all by themselves what is good or not
obviously not retarded sheep, like you

And we don't have any problems with people choosing all by themselves what is good or not for them. We have problems with Biden deciding for us.
Guess you don't know much about history. Washington required his troops to be inoculated against smallpox, a procedure with a one to two percent death rate. The polio vaccine is another example, and yes it was mandated. This proposal, going through OSHA, does have precedents. The government has required food service workers to get the Hepatitis A vaccine in areas with an outbreak. The government requires vaccinations for people traveling to certain parts of the world. You are just swallowing the bullshit screamed by the right.
Can you provide a link that specifically states that the U.S. Federal government mandated vaccinations to all federal workers and federal contractors? All I could find were mandates created by States and Post Office Federal mandate that mail with Polio Vaccine got delivered for free.

"The U.S. Post Office was required to carry mail weighing up to 0.5 oz. for free if it contained smallpox vaccine material"

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