Federal Court Freezes Biden's Covid Vaccine Mandate for Businesses.

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
It's a blow against the growing Marxist movement headed by Biden. :yes_text12:
If you got the vaccine, you should by reports be safe. If you didn't, the risk is yours.

If the vaccine doesn't work as claimed, what's the difference?
Not much difference really with a virus that has, at worst' a 95% SURVIVAL rate for typical healthy people of all ages.
Big news because this is one of the first very destructive decisions, along with the coming ban on abortions if the extreme right Xtians can make it happen.

Much more to come too as fascism tightens its death grip on America's democracy.

Left to it's own devices, America will destroy itself unless sanity can return soon!
Fascism is trying to circumvent the Constitution. Killing children is fascism too. The court ruled correctly to AVOID fascism you nut job.
Not much difference really with a virus that has, at worst' a 95% SURVIVAL rate for typical healthy people of all ages.
The facts are and have been that 1 in 8 are infected with the vast majority unaware they have this mostly benign virus. However, 5% of the 1 out of every 8 do get quite sick and require hospitalization and that’s where the deaths come from, usually over 65 and already inflicted with two or more older age life takers. Mostly been ignored about distinguishing “from Covid” versus “with Covid”(hoax assister) and no real stats on that of the hospitalized, what percentage die versus recover (hoax assister)
Way too many stat facts for liberals so they will froth about new strains and new ways we need to hide or face new ways of punishment

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!
Hide under yer bed. Nice and safe under there.
Yes, pretty much what I'm telling 'Americans' who understand and know very well that the deworming medicine is all that is needed!
What you need to do is stay in your own lane. You are a canuck. Not american. so....:shutupsmiley:
It's nunya business what America does. Concern yourself with with your own countries problems.

Is this good news now with new strains approaching? Good for the Trumpers but not so good for America's responsible medical community that sees the risk coming down the pipe!
Good for Trump's true believers who get fixed up with deworming medicines, that 'really' work!

Yes, it is good news. This is outside of the power of OSHA to do
We don't suspend the Constitution because of a perceived emergency. Otherwise, there's no point in even having it. It's exactly times like these that power hungry politicians try to abuse it in order to amass more power for themselves under the guise of safety and societal protection. Therefore, it is times like these it needs to be upheld more than ever.
I can see the parallel drawn with the unlimited concealed carry being attempted by the gungoons. There are no exceptions to Americans' 2nd. amendment rights.

Concealed carry rights to everybody, every where they go could be the perfect storm that could bring another few amendments to that Constitution! Will any age restrictions apply?

That, no mask mandates, no exceptions for abortions? These are all train wrecks in progress in the minds of the rest of the world!
The facts are and have been that 1 in 8 are infected with the vast majority unaware they have this mostly benign virus. However, 5% of the 1 out of every 8 do get quite sick and require hospitalization and that’s where the deaths come from, usually over 65 and already inflicted with two or more older age life takers. Mostly been ignored about distinguishing “from Covid” versus “with Covid”(hoax assister) and no real stats on that of the hospitalized, what percentage die versus recover (hoax assister)
Way too many stat facts for liberals so they will froth about new strains and new ways we need to hide or face new ways of punishment
Yes, exactly. I read (and posted recently here) that Italy has admitted to vastly over reporting Covid deaths. I also read that the death rate from Covid among young children is almost 0 after it was found that the child deaths supposedly from Covid were children with childhood leukemia. You are exactly correct, those with co-morbid conditions are most likely to die if they contract COVID. libs are either afraid or to lazy to go elsewhere (other than the MSM) to get facts.
What you need to do is stay in your own lane. You are a canuck. Not american. so....:shutupsmiley:
It's nunya business what America does. Concern yourself with with your own countries problems.
See my post #57. If few Americans are willing to oppose the insanity in progress, you need foreigners to speak up. America is a whole covey of train wrecks rattling down the tracks at once!
Not to even have to mention a democratic country that has had it's election stolen!

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