Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

frivolous at the expense of the Poor?
in the Arizona desert?...
appealing to ignorance is a favorite past time for the right wing.
and yet you mr big left winger could not say how you would get those thousands of people coming up from Mexico thousands of miles over to ellis island.....
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
appealing to ignorance is a favorite past time for the right wing.
and yet you mr big left winger could not say how you would get those thousands of people coming up from Mexico thousands of miles over to ellis island.....

That won't stop them from just walking across the border.
Yes, it will. Rational choice theory is a capital concept. Upgrading Ellis Island is simply more market friendly. Anyone could "get a ride" to the Island.
oh really?.....who is going to give them that nice long ride and who will pay for it?....
opportunity cost. how are they getting here and are they using any money?
in the Arizona desert?...
appealing to ignorance is a favorite past time for the right wing.
and yet you mr big left winger could not say how you would get those thousands of people coming up from Mexico thousands of miles over to ellis island.....
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
appealing to ignorance is a favorite past time for the right wing.
and yet you mr big left winger could not say how you would get those thousands of people coming up from Mexico thousands of miles over to ellis island.....
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.


Officers are worried about how they’ll pay rent or feed their families if the crisis drags on.

Transportation Security Administration employees, who are staffing airports at one of the busiest travel times of the year, are dealing with low morale, frustration at Washington and uncertainty over how they’ll pay rent or feed their families if the government shutdown drags on.

The shutdown is making the already stressful task of securing airports over the holidays even more difficult and demoralizing, TSA officers told HuffPost, all on the condition of anonymity, fearing repercussions at their jobs.

Although Trump has said that federal workers want him to hold out in shutdown negotiations until he gets his way, the TSA employees who talked with HuffPost had a very different message.

“While Congress and Mr. Trump get to stay home, enjoy their personal time with their families, and still get paid, we have to struggle and suffer,” a Transportation Security Officer told HuffPost in an email. The officer, a single mother, now worries how she’ll take care of her kids if the shutdown drags on.

“Most of us live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to be unpaid and still go to work for long. It is not fair,” she said.

“To say morale is low is an understatement. People on both sides of the political argument are infuriated at this,” another TSA officer said. “We feel completely and utterly unappreciated.”

TSA Workers Vent Anger At Shutdown As They Work Without Pay Over Holidays

Sad at any time - but especially during the Christmas holidays.

Lol, a fake Indian crying about federal agents not getting payed! What would shitting bull say?
and yet you mr big left winger could not say how you would get those thousands of people coming up from Mexico thousands of miles over to ellis island.....
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.
The Trump shutdown is not only hurting unpaid federal employees - it is hurting our national parks.

Filth spreads as overused restrooms and trash bins are locked, causing public health concerns.

Some National Parks are being overwhelmed by trash, vandalism, human feces and destructive off-roading while most personnel are gone during the government shutdown, according to reports from remaining workers and visitors.

“It’s so heartbreaking. There is more trash and human waste and disregard for the rules than I’ve seen in my four years living here,” Dakota Snider, 24, who works in California’s Yosemite National Park, told The Associated Press. “It’s a free-for-all.”

Some visitors were seen dumping bags of garbage from their cars at Yosemite. Two campgrounds and a redwood grove were closed because of “human waste issues and lack of staffing,” a park statement said. People were using the spots as open-air bathrooms after overused restrooms were closed, the Los Angeles Times reported.

“With restrooms closed, some visitors are opting to deposit their waste in natural areas adjacent to high traffic areas, which creates a health hazard for other visitors,” National Parks Service spokesman Andrew Munoz told the Times.

The Trump administration initially kept most of the parks open, but there are only skeleton staffs during the shutdown to make certain visitors follow the rules from no littering to no hunting. At the same time, the number of visitors surged because there’s no one to collect admission fees.

Now areas and entire parks are being closed because of garbage, human waste — and snow. Arches and Canyonlands in Utah and other areas have been closed because there’s no money for plowing. Utah had been paying to staff up all five of its national parks but will continue to staff only Zion in the new year, AP reported.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has locked its restrooms and trash bins “due to human waste issues, wildlife concerns and overall public health,” a notice on the park website said. Officials also closed the main roadways, which are covered with snow.


National Parks Getting Trashed During Government Shutdown

Comparing the Tea Party Rallies and Occupy Wall Street, we can guess which portions of our population can't act civilized without being constantly supervised.
What ever happened to those Tea Party Patriots once Republicans started running up debt?

I guess Fox News stopped calling them out

They turned to an outsider.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.

And naturally, you're ignoring the identification issue. And naturally, you're still going on about those who want to come here legally. They're not the issue, never have been and never will.

Tell me this, why would someone wanting to come here illegally go to Ellis Island, no matter how upgraded?
yea instead
ok...explain like you have been asked to 50 times in other threads but you always danced around the question...lets see it...
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.
yea instead of staying there and fighting to make their country better....lots of young people running this way.....
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.
yea and when they get through with the desert they have what another 2000 miles of hostile territory to go through....
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.

And naturally, you're ignoring the identification issue. And naturally, you're still going on about those who want to come here legally. They're not the issue, never have been and never will.

Tell me this, why would someone wanting to come here illegally go to Ellis Island, no matter how upgraded?
we don't have an immigration clause it is a naturalization clause. we don't have an illegal problem we have a lousy right wing management problem.
yea instead
how do they get to our border now? it should be easier if they can buy a ticket to Ellis Island.
the key word here is...IF....if they can buy that ticket....how many do you think can afford to buy tickets for themselves let alone for the whole family?...
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.
yea instead of staying there and fighting to make their country better....lots of young people running this way.....
it is our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
rational choice theory starts to work for us; and, they make a decision. Perhaps only one comes over and earns some money to help "set up shop" over there.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.
yea and when they get through with the desert they have what another 2000 miles of hostile territory to go through....
Ellis Island could process thousands per day.
The union said employees can’t be forced to work without pay.

A union representing federal workers sued the government Monday over the partial shutdown, saying it was illegal to have hundreds of thousands of employees work without pay during the funding lapse.

The American Federation of Government Employees filed the lawsuit on the shutdown’s 10th day, with no signs of an imminent resolution between Congress and the White House. The union said withholding the pay of workers who continue to clock in during the shutdown runs afoul of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Great Depression-era law establishing a minimum wage and overtime pay.

“This is not an acceptable way for any employer, let alone the U.S. government, to treat its employees,” Heidi Burakiewicz, a lawyer representing the workers, said in a statement. “These employees still need to pay childcare expenses, buy gas, and incur other expenses to go to work every day and yet, they are not getting paid. It is a blatant violation.”

Some 380,000 federal employees have been furloughed during the shutdown, meaning they are out of a job until lawmakers reach a funding agreement. But another 420,000 are continuing to work in “essential” capacities such as in law enforcement, but are not being paid.

After previous shutdowns, Congress has passed legislation to retroactively pay furloughed employees and those who worked through the closures. But in the meantime, all those workers have bills to pay. Those who don’t have deep enough savings will face some hard choices if the shutdown continues to grind on.

AFGE previously sued the government under the same claims after the 2013 shutdown, which lasted 16 days. A judge later ruled that around 25,000 workers were owed double pay due to damages.

More: Federal Employee Union Sues Government Over Shutdown, Alleging Wage Violations

Sounds reasonable to me. What do you think?

I think they should all quit and go find jobs in the private sector. There are far too many government workers as it is and look at this, the only people who seem to be bothered by the shutdown are the NON ESSENTIAL government workers who ain't getting paid. Seems to me if they are non essential they shouldn't be working on the Public dime in the first place.
yea i can see just hundreds of them going for that....you dont know many illegals do you?....
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.

And naturally, you're ignoring the identification issue. And naturally, you're still going on about those who want to come here legally. They're not the issue, never have been and never will.

Tell me this, why would someone wanting to come here illegally go to Ellis Island, no matter how upgraded?
we don't have an immigration clause it is a naturalization clause. we don't have an illegal problem we have a lousy right wing management problem.

You didn't answer the question, obviously.
their economy must be "falling apart" if they all want to come over here.

And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.

And naturally, you're ignoring the identification issue. And naturally, you're still going on about those who want to come here legally. They're not the issue, never have been and never will.

Tell me this, why would someone wanting to come here illegally go to Ellis Island, no matter how upgraded?
we don't have an immigration clause it is a naturalization clause. we don't have an illegal problem we have a lousy right wing management problem.

You didn't answer the question, obviously.
you are clueless and Causeless, obviously.
And they're not going to go to Ellis Island. You need to drop that idea, but I know you never will, no matter how many times it's pointed out to you that it's a dumb idea.
it could be cost effective to pay to go to Ellis Island; walking through the desert can be pretty tough.

And naturally, you're ignoring the identification issue. And naturally, you're still going on about those who want to come here legally. They're not the issue, never have been and never will.

Tell me this, why would someone wanting to come here illegally go to Ellis Island, no matter how upgraded?
we don't have an immigration clause it is a naturalization clause. we don't have an illegal problem we have a lousy right wing management problem.

You didn't answer the question, obviously.
you are clueless and Causeless, obviously.
Dude you make no sense.

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