Federal employees from unconstitutional agencies band together to work against the government

haha, jail for what?

sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch

The groups purpose is to "voice opposition" in support of environmental issues that they stand for... not to overthrow the government through violence.

The Brandenburg v. Ohio U.S. Supreme Court decision maintains that seditious speech—including speech that constitutes an incitement to violence—is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as long as it does not indicate an “imminent” threat.

Seditious speech in the United States - Wikipedia
ok, instead of spewing garbage statements how about you present an intelligent argument. Post links to law that says the government has no right to protect and manage our land. Or explain which illegal actions were taken to create these departments, and which illegal actions they commit with their operations. I know it probably hurts you to use your brain, but give it a shot.

There has been massive over-reach by the Federal Govt to seize land, as you must know.

The Amount Of Land Obama Has Seized For The Feds Will Astound You
Some of these departments did obviously abuse their powers and have over the years from what I have witnessed. Back when Andrus was DOI he pushed through the hatch and hook line fishing laws. It left a lot of little people without their income but helped establish Idaho's private fish hatcheries. We met a lot of those local people in Florida who were disenfranchised from there normal lives in his wake. (The locals there in Florida's glades treated us like family when we were down there)
ok, instead of spewing garbage statements how about you present an intelligent argument. Post links to law that says the government has no right to protect and manage our land. Or explain which illegal actions were taken to create these departments, and which illegal actions they commit with their operations. I know it probably hurts you to use your brain, but give it a shot.

There has been massive over-reach by the Federal Govt to seize land, as you must know.

The Amount Of Land Obama Has Seized For The Feds Will Astound You
Thats fine... believe it or not I am a small government guy and I support measures to lessen the hold of government where there is over reach and over regulation. But when people spew garbage about executing our Parks officials and eliminating departments are in place to protect our people and our land, I have to fight back. Common sense reform, absolutely, lets talk about ways to make things better.
ok, instead of spewing garbage statements how about you present an intelligent argument. Post links to law that says the government has no right to protect and manage our land. Or explain which illegal actions were taken to create these departments, and which illegal actions they commit with their operations. I know it probably hurts you to use your brain, but give it a shot.

There has been massive over-reach by the Federal Govt to seize land, as you must know.

The Amount Of Land Obama Has Seized For The Feds Will Astound You
Thats fine... believe it or not I am a small government guy and I support measures to lessen the hold of government where there is over reach and over regulation. But when people spew garbage about executing our Parks officials and eliminating departments are in place to protect our people and our land, I have to fight back. Common sense reform, absolutely, lets talk about ways to make things better.
Making sure a good ethics policy is followed while in powerful positions of any kind would be a start and retirement clauses for those who use their former positions as a means of abuse to push agendas that are contrary to citizens freedoms.
Patco em.....besides they must be racist since minorities are under represented in park visitors
haha, jail for what?


Fruad in drawing a paycheck while not doing Shit....or actively disobeying people in charge ...like whoever the duly elected president appoints.
ok, point to some examples. If people do that then sure, they should be fired, that is a staffing/personnel issue and at the discretion of the person in charge of each park or department.
ok, instead of spewing garbage statements how about you present an intelligent argument. Post links to law that says the government has no right to protect and manage our land. Or explain which illegal actions were taken to create these departments, and which illegal actions they commit with their operations. I know it probably hurts you to use your brain, but give it a shot.

There has been massive over-reach by the Federal Govt to seize land, as you must know.

The Amount Of Land Obama Has Seized For The Feds Will Astound You
Thats fine... believe it or not I am a small government guy and I support measures to lessen the hold of government where there is over reach and over regulation. But when people spew garbage about executing our Parks officials and eliminating departments are in place to protect our people and our land, I have to fight back. Common sense reform, absolutely, lets talk about ways to make things better.
Making sure a good ethics policy is followed while in powerful positions of any kind would be a start and retirement clauses for those who use their former positions as a means of abuse to push agendas that are contrary to citizens freedoms.
Sure, I wouldn't argue with that
We need to stop the gov. seizing of land before we have no more land. That was what was behind the standoff regarding BLM land that ended in death. It is what is behind Harry Reid buying ranches. Other countries are buying our land. As they (Saudi Arabia) run out of food and water, they are buying up our land, to grow food for their cattle, sinking deep deep wells into our aquifers to water their wheat. There should be a law preventing the sale of American soil to foreign governments.
Nestles is making a fortune selling our fresh Great Lake water to Pakistan.
Russia just walked away with our uranium mines. Not our uranium, our uranium mines. And our rare resource is being shipped to, none other than Iran. What about that is a good move for America?
Last edited:
"The Alt National Park Service movement is comprised of over 1.4 million individuals from around the globe

^ And therein lies the problem. Since when did we need the globe to tell us what to do with our parks? I think we can handle it. The United States Park Service. There ya go..
We need to stop the gov. seizing of land before we have no more land. That was what was behind the standoff regarding BLM land that ended in death. It is what is behind Harry Reid buying ranches. Other countries are buying our land. As they run out of food and water, they are buying up our land, to grow food for their cattle, sinking deep deep wells into our aquifers to water their wheat. There should be a law prevent the sale of American soil to foreign governments.

Russia just walked away with our uranium mines. Not our uranium, our uranium mines. And it is being shipped to, none other than Iran. What about that is a good move for America?
You're just going to cruise right by that sedition comment huh? If you want to be taken more seriously you shouldn't throw stuff like that out there.

As per your other comments, Trump is one of the most nationalistic and protectionistic leaders I can remember. That with republican majorities in congress, you should have all the power you need to reduce government control. Now you have to get specific on how to do it.
We need to stop the gov. seizing of land before we have no more land. That was what was behind the standoff regarding BLM land that ended in death. It is what is behind Harry Reid buying ranches. Other countries are buying our land. As they run out of food and water, they are buying up our land, to grow food for their cattle, sinking deep deep wells into our aquifers to water their wheat. There should be a law prevent the sale of American soil to foreign governments.

Russia just walked away with our uranium mines. Not our uranium, our uranium mines. And it is being shipped to, none other than Iran. What about that is a good move for America?
You're just going to cruise right by that sedition comment huh? If you want to be taken more seriously you shouldn't throw stuff like that out there.

As per your other comments, Trump is one of the most nationalistic and protectionistic leaders I can remember. That with republican majorities in congress, you should have all the power you need to reduce government control. Now you have to get specific on how to do it.
I agree with you in the note that there are very few excuses for legislators at this point to get started on some cleanup of legislation that has allowed for government over-reach. Abuse to private citizens via government agencies by corporate entities needs to be addressed too.
"The Alt National Park Service movement is comprised of over 1.4 million individuals from around the globe

^ And therein lies the problem. Since when did we need the globe to tell us what to do with our parks? I think we can handle it. The United States Park Service. There ya go..

You guys have no concept of how twitter works, right? Their twitter feed has 1.4 followers.

That's it.

Alt National Park Service - About | Facebook


"The Alt National Park Service movement is comprised of over 1.4 million individuals fro...m around the globe, and created by a coalition of 162 National Park Service employees, 29 state park employees, 19 National Forest Service employees, 4 EPA employees, 2 USDA employees, and 32 environmental scientists.

We formed in response to the new administration, who has shown little mercy for the environment. As Americans, we have the opportunity to voice our opposition. We will not be silent. Resistance is not futile, but it is strength. In unity, we find power. America is a government by the people, for the people. We will not stand idly by and let our government destroy our environment."

Traitors and criminals. Eliminate the parks service, the forest service, the forest service, the blm and the epa.

And put them in jail.

The 'Alt' National Park Service shows how to resist
I love our National Parks

They are spectacular
Alt National Park Service - About | Facebook


"The Alt National Park Service movement is comprised of over 1.4 million individuals fro...m around the globe, and created by a coalition of 162 National Park Service employees, 29 state park employees, 19 National Forest Service employees, 4 EPA employees, 2 USDA employees, and 32 environmental scientists.

We formed in response to the new administration, who has shown little mercy for the environment. As Americans, we have the opportunity to voice our opposition. We will not be silent. Resistance is not futile, but it is strength. In unity, we find power. America is a government by the people, for the people. We will not stand idly by and let our government destroy our environment."

Traitors and criminals. Eliminate the parks service, the forest service, the forest service, the blm and the epa.

And put them in jail.

The 'Alt' National Park Service shows how to resist

Unconstitutional? Gee, you must be smarter than the Supreme Court . What part of the con are they violating . How come Scotus hasn't declared them unconstitutional ?
We need to stop the gov. seizing of land before we have no more land. That was what was behind the standoff regarding BLM land that ended in death. It is what is behind Harry Reid buying ranches. Other countries are buying our land. As they (Saudi Arabia) run out of food and water, they are buying up our land, to grow food for their cattle, sinking deep deep wells into our aquifers to water their wheat. There should be a law preventing the sale of American soil to foreign governments.
Nestles is making a fortune selling our fresh Great Lake water to Pakistan.
Russia just walked away with our uranium mines. Not our uranium, our uranium mines. And our rare resource is being shipped to, none other than Iran. What about that is a good move for America?
The top blm officials engaged at bunkerville...
1. FBI
2. US Marshal Service
3. CIA

And they jeer when we says it's militarized.
"The Alt National Park Service movement is comprised of over 1.4 million individuals from around the globe

^ And therein lies the problem. Since when did we need the globe to tell us what to do with our parks? I think we can handle it. The United States Park Service. There ya go..

You guys have no concept of how twitter works, right? Their twitter feed has 1.4 followers.

That's it.


A little louder, Pillars. I don't think Nancy heard you!
Reps. Elijah Cummings and Nancy Pelosi fell for a Twitter account parodying Michael Flynn, who resigned Monday as President Trump's national security adviser for misleading the administration about his contacts with Russia

Now, on to the National Parks Service. It is a global organization to push climate change. Has nothing to do with the running of our national parks.

I smell a soros...
The Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy connects major directions for action from the NPS Climate Change Response Strategy (2010) and the NPS Director’s Policy Memo Climate Change and Stewardship of Cultural Resources (2014) to create four overarching Goals for cultural resources and climate change
We need to stop the gov. seizing of land before we have no more land. That was what was behind the standoff regarding BLM land that ended in death. It is what is behind Harry Reid buying ranches. Other countries are buying our land. As they run out of food and water, they are buying up our land, to grow food for their cattle, sinking deep deep wells into our aquifers to water their wheat. There should be a law prevent the sale of American soil to foreign governments.

Russia just walked away with our uranium mines. Not our uranium, our uranium mines. And it is being shipped to, none other than Iran. What about that is a good move for America?
You're just going to cruise right by that sedition comment huh? If you want to be taken more seriously you shouldn't throw stuff like that out there.

As per your other comments, Trump is one of the most nationalistic and protectionistic leaders I can remember. That with republican majorities in congress, you should have all the power you need to reduce government control. Now you have to get specific on how to do it.
I agree with you in the note that there are very few excuses for legislators at this point to get started on some cleanup of legislation that has allowed for government over-reach. Abuse to private citizens via government agencies by corporate entities needs to be addressed too.

Monsanto is being allowed to steal neighboring farms. They spray a distinct pesticide that allows hybrid seeds to become immune to it. The spray wafts to the neighbors property. They are accused of using Monsanto's pesticide and seeds and Monsanto walks off with the neighbor's farm.

Monsanto Has Sued Farmers For 16 Years, Never Lost A Case | Food Democracy Now
The National Forest service "preserves": trees just long enough for them to mature.

Then they raze everything just to get to the pulpwood pine.

They destroy 80-year oaks to get to a stand of 30-year old pupwood pines.

They don't really preserve anything. Fuck Them.

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