Federal Govt. Has No Role In Gerrymandering

So rules the SCOTUS 5-4. It's up to the states.

Surprised this didn't spur more discussion. Lizzy Warren about melted down over it. It is the right decision in theory, though Lord help what it is going to look like in practice until the SCOTUS backtracks away from the current ruling.
It looks like B. Franklin was correct and saw the future. The Chief Justice of the United States and four others have continued in their quest to shrink down democracy to the level it can be drowned in a bath tub.

They might as well have gone the full monty, and joined with Russia to end this great experiment in self government.

How do y'all feel about one party government, like China and Russia?
Idiot. Self-government STARTS at the county/State level.
It looks like B. Franklin was correct and saw the future. The Chief Justice of the United States and four others have continued in their quest to shrink down democracy to the level it can be drowned in a bath tub.

They might as well have gone the full monty, and joined with Russia to end this great experiment in self government.

How do y'all feel about one party government, like China and Russia?

One party government. You mean what the pundits, MSM and DNC were hoping for when prior to the 2016 election they kept crowing about how the Republican party was in its death throes and would become a dying regional party? The hope and expectation was permanent DNC rule across the board. That kind one party government like China and Russia? The "socialist" Dems have far more in common with those governments.

BULLSHIT ^^^! Echoing Socialism and using it as a pejorative discredits your post. Fear mongering, hate mongering and attacks on Democrats, the Major Daily Newspapers and MSM Broadcasters have been on going since Gingrich moved from the back bench and Limbaugh began his drive by rhetoric on the press.

And people like you, easily led by demagogues and charlatans continue to claim "fake news" when anything printed or broadcast violates your biases.
You're so full of partisan socialist shit your eyes are brown. Did you watch the debates. All of those candidates calling for open borders? They didn't call it that, they just called for decriminalizing people crossing the border illegally. If you don't catch them, detain them and deport then and instead just tell them it's a no no, show up on this date in three years so you can plead your case and by the way, welcome to America...…..you are for open borders. It was only 2008 when the DNC and Obama were against this. Now they are all in. Also during the debates, did you hear all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth over corporations and wealthy people as the cause of all of our ills. Here is a really simple exercise for you. replace wealthy with Jews and who does it sound like? And Democrats have the nerve to call Repubs Nazis. Then they were all in on free shit that the evil Jews....I mean rich people were going to fund when we took back what is rightfully ours. Are you people really this stupid?
This is what happens when you replace judges with activists.
With any luck, Ginsberg will croak or retire and that will be one less activist judge.
You've got it totally backwards.

As usual.
How can you tell with your head up your ass so far?
Remember what I said about backwards? It's not me with the rectally inserted cranium.
Y'rt fooling anwknowisn't hair
This is what happens when you replace judges with activists.
With any luck, Ginsberg will croak or retire and that will be one less activist judge.
You've got it totally backwards.

As usual.
How can you tell with your head up your ass so far?
Remember what I said about backwards? It's not me with the rectally inserted cranium.
You're not fooling anyone Creepitus, we know that isn't an over abundance of hair gel you're sporting in your hair by the smell.
The very foundation of our federal republic is the dominance of states. This ruling reaffirms that it's up to state legislatures to determine how and where Congressional District lines are drawn.

A great win for our freedoms. Tells federal judges to butt out.

Your glee seems to be how voter suppression can now go full speed ahead.
Disenfranchises millions of Americans and gives preference to partisan politics
Y'rt fooling anwknowisn't hair
tenor (2).gif
The very foundation of our federal republic is the dominance of states. This ruling reaffirms that it's up to state legislatures to determine how and where Congressional District lines are drawn.

A great win for our freedoms. Tells federal judges to butt out.

Your glee seems to be how voter suppression can now go full speed ahead.
Why do liberals hate the Constitution so much?
Oh well, says Jonathan Adler, now there's precedent, and you know what sticklers Democrats are about precedent, right? We’d better not hear a word about overruling this case once Dems have a majority again.

Naturally this is being heralded as the end of the world on political Twitter by lefties, but they can be shrill, catastrophic in outlook and some can even be a bit immature.

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