Federal Judge Admits To Sending Racially Charged Obama Email

It was racist and not funny to me since I am the product of a mixed marriage just like Obama, you fuck off.

dear me, how do you ever get through life? you have such sensitive sensibilities.

not really. how do you get through life being a racist?

sad and pathetic. again, if this were about baby bush, you'd be tearing your underwear and ranting and raving.

how about if a "liberal" judge sent around an email likening the last president to a chimp? would you have been shrieking for his head on a platter?

yep... hypocrite

is it funny being white trash? inquiring minds want to know?

hahahahahahahahaha... i called you white trash. funny?

oh no, you call me white trash, my life is over...
my gawd jilly.
i wonder if it's part of this judge's job description to punish people for making bad decisions?

Sending funny emails is not a crime.

Punishing criminals is what judges do.

He shoots!!!

Air Ball!!

you fail, better luck next time bukko
You do fucking know that the judge who sent that email admitted that it was racist though he denies he's racist right? So you're saying liberals should have a sense of humor for racisr emails? Dumb partisan fucker.

Fuck off cock hole.

It was fucking funny and you fucking know it. You could have put bush in there and replaced black with big ear and dog with monkey and you'd be laughing your ass off.

It's long past time for liberals to grow the fuck up.

ya know, you'd think the name liberal wouldn't be synonymous with tight ass, but it is.

It was racist and not funny to me since I am the product of a mixed marriage just like Obama, you fuck off.
Idc what you are. You're mentally libarded and that's all I need or care to know.

If you can't take a joke, grow the fuck up, let the balls drop and have sex with another living person.

you pathetic little mutt.


I think that's the ONLY legal way to get this guy defrocked.
you might have to wait til 2016.

enjoy the next four years, steffie nutbar.

from the "judge", whom i truly hope has enough decency left to resign

The only reason I can explain it to you is I am not a fan of our president, but this goes beyond not being a fan,” Cebull said. “I didn’t send it as racist, although that’s what it is. I sent it out because it’s anti-Obama.”

Which of course is about 142 times as much avowed contrition as any of the four million previous GOP officials to be busted with an itchy forwarding finger

Bush-Nom GOP Judge Simply Does Not Care For Loser Pres. Bark Dogbama


why the fuck should he resign?

Kennedy killed a woman, he didn't even care.
clinton fucked a woman in the Oval Office, you voted for him, twice.

but you want this guy to step down?

What a fucking hypocrite hack job.
You can't even send a PRIVATE e-mail today folks without someone being offended about it.

How's that for your First Amendment RIGHTS being taken away drip by drip

It was sent from his government account.

In the private sector you can be canned for something like this..as a friend of mine who use to work for Fidelity investments found out.
Fuck off cock hole.

It was fucking funny and you fucking know it. You could have put bush in there and replaced black with big ear and dog with monkey and you'd be laughing your ass off.

It's long past time for liberals to grow the fuck up.

ya know, you'd think the name liberal wouldn't be synonymous with tight ass, but it is.

It was racist and not funny to me since I am the product of a mixed marriage just like Obama, you fuck off.
Idc what you are. You're mentally libarded and that's all I need or care to know.

If you can't take a joke, grow the fuck up, let the balls drop and have sex with another living person.

you pathetic little mutt.


Go fuck yourself, pathetic hack piece of repug shit, I that judge gets canned.
You can't even send a PRIVATE e-mail today folks without someone being offended about it.

How's that for your First Amendment RIGHTS being taken away drip by drip

It was sent from his government account.

In the private sector you can be canned for something like this..as a friend of mine who use to work for Fidelity investments found out.

Impeach ImPeach!!

We demand reparations to get our 10 seconds back!!!!

It was racist and not funny to me since I am the product of a mixed marriage just like Obama, you fuck off.
Idc what you are. You're mentally libarded and that's all I need or care to know.

If you can't take a joke, grow the fuck up, let the balls drop and have sex with another living person.

you pathetic little mutt.


Go fuck yourself, pathetic hack piece of repug shit, I that judge gets canned.

Go bury and adz in your skull retard.

You got nothing or the cops would be up his asshole with a brillow pad right now.

so go wallow in your self pity or keep entertaining me at your own peril.


I think that's the ONLY legal way to get this guy defrocked.

What's the crime?

Liking crass jokes?

Hows the Commie Youth club working out for you?

It speaks to a bias. And a bias judge is not an effective judge. At the very least his cases should be subject to review.

Would you agree then, that say a sitting Justice said that everything after the First Amendment shouldn't be used in any other country is biased and should step down?

and it's not bias, it's comedy.
What's the crime?

Liking crass jokes?

Hows the Commie Youth club working out for you?

It speaks to a bias. And a bias judge is not an effective judge. At the very least his cases should be subject to review.

Would you agree then, that say a sitting Justice said that everything after the First Amendment shouldn't be used in any other country is biased and should step down?

and it's not bias, it's comedy.

First off..what?

Second off..yeah it is bias. It may be funny to some. It also speaks to his "judgement". He sent this off on a government server. Those emails are not "private"..they are archived for review.

At the very least..the cases he's tried should be reviewed with a fine tooth comb for irregularities.
It was an email, sent to friends and was meant as a joke. I cant tell you the number of racy jokes I have heard and to bleat that none of you ever said or sent a racy email that was not sexist, racist or situated in some other category is asinine. We all know people have done it. Just because a joke is funny does not make you a sexist or a racist. How many blond women jokes have you heard?

He did not send it to the public. I would like to know how it got out in the first place to be honest. Really, this is a lot of huffing over nothing because everyone needs to be 100 percent pc through their lives. I really do wonder if the radio pundits were right on POTUS yesterday:

They put fourth that the caliber of candidate (piss poor) that we get today has a lot to do with the fact that anyone that has actually lived for a second is completely unelectable because the public will rip them apart for... well, for things like this. How DARE you ever forward a joke...
It speaks to a bias. And a bias judge is not an effective judge. At the very least his cases should be subject to review.

Would you agree then, that say a sitting Justice said that everything after the First Amendment shouldn't be used in any other country is biased and should step down?

and it's not bias, it's comedy.

First off..what?

Second off..yeah it is bias. It may be funny to some. It also speaks to his "judgement". He sent this off on a government server. Those emails are not "private"..they are archived for review.

At the very least..the cases he's tried should be reviewed with a fine tooth comb for irregularities.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MKrsG2ryBo]Ginsburg: Don't look to United States Constitution as a model for Egyptian Constitution - YouTube[/ame]

That's what.

As far as bias, we'll just have to disagree
Repugs are normally against racism except when it comes from their own.

If you say so.

However, Democrats are against racism except when it comes from their own.

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