Federal Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Rittenhouse To Proceed

He was attacked by a lynch mob, and then he was maliciously defamed. That doesn’t make him a martyr, but it makes pieces of shit like you assholes for attacking the victim of a crime and bandying up sympathy for an insane child molester and his psychotic murderous arsonist rioter friends.

Do you have kids? Do you think it's smart to go to a riot after curfew with a gun?
I thought you proggies were all for gun control?
Kyle went 3-for-3 with his shots, that's serious gun control in my book.

The left "You have no right to stop the assaults from the pervs & violent felons we call comrades!"

What do you call it when you take out 3 lefty loon rioters? A good start
As long as you MAGAt Trumptards think it's ok for little Kyle to wipe his butt with The U.S. Constitution shouldn't we REALLY REALLY be reexaming that pesky, outdated and obsolete language in The Second Amendment?

After all....we don't really NEED The Second Amendment anymore.
After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 2A were written don't exist anymore.
James Madison certainly never intended for children like Rittenhouse to walk around murdering INNOCENT people and then being aquitted of his crimes.

"Innocent" You may ask.

Because you see, the people little wanna-be soldier Kyle murdered while (supposedly) "excercising his Second Amendment right" were denied THEIR Sixth Amendment rights.
Little Kyle Cuckoo completely STOLE that right, the right to a trial by a jury of their peers, from them.

So....as long as you MAGAt Trumptards are celebrating the complete shredding of one "constitutional right" why not take a good look at some of the others?

Surely everybody's on board with that.
I mean, we wouldn't want any double standards here would we?

6th Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Once again the reprehensible right attempts to defend the indefensible.
Here you again you big puss. It's self defense.
Under tense cross-examination on Monday, the defendant's lawyer, Corey Chirafisi, asked Mr Grosskreutz: "When you were standing three to five feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never fired, right?"
"Correct," Mr Grosskreutz said.
"It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him, with your gun, now your hands down pointed at him, that he fired, right?" Mr Chirafisi continued.
"Correct," Mr Grosskreutz said.
As long as you MAGAt Trumptards think it's ok for little Kyle to wipe his butt with The U.S. Constitution shouldn't we REALLY REALLY be reexaming that pesky, outdated and obsolete language in The Second Amendment?

After all....we don't really NEED The Second Amendment anymore.
After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 2A were written don't exist anymore.
James Madison certainly never intended for children like Rittenhouse to walk around murdering INNOCENT people and then being aquitted of his crimes.

"Innocent" You may ask.

Because you see, the people little wanna-be soldier Kyle murdered while (supposedly) "excercising his Second Amendment right" were denied THEIR Sixth Amendment rights.
Little Kyle Cuckoo completely STOLE that right, the right to a trial by a jury of their peers, from them.

So....as long as you MAGAt Trumptards are celebrating the complete shredding of one "constitutional right" why not take a good look at some of the others?

Surely everybody's on board with that.
I mean, we wouldn't want any double standards here would we?

6th Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
You piss on the Constitution, then hide behind it. Funny shit.
It's a mere negligence standard. Was he negligent in going to the city and bringing a rifle among protesters?
With all due respect, Zinc? The fact that those "protesters" attacked him when he tried to extinguish the fires they'd set with a fire extinguisher makes it rather clear to me that he would have been beaten if he hadn't had that rifle! That mob chased him even though he had a rifle...what do you think they would have done if he hadn't had the rifle to defend himself?
You piss on the Constitution, then hide behind it. Funny shit.
More whataboutism huh?
That's when you know you've got a MAGAT Trumptard backed into a corner.

Just for grins I'll play along though.
How do I "piss on The Constitution" you fool?

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