Federal Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Rittenhouse To Proceed

As long as you MAGAt Trumptards think it's ok for little Kyle to wipe his butt with The U.S. Constitution shouldn't we REALLY REALLY be reexaming that pesky, outdated and obsolete language in The Second Amendment?

After all....we don't really NEED The Second Amendment anymore.
After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 2A were written don't exist anymore.
James Madison certainly never intended for children like Rittenhouse to walk around murdering INNOCENT people and then being aquitted of his crimes.

"Innocent" You may ask.

Because you see, the people little wanna-be soldier Kyle murdered while (supposedly) "excercising his Second Amendment right" were denied THEIR Sixth Amendment rights.
Little Kyle Cuckoo completely STOLE that right, the right to a trial by a jury of their peers, from them.

So....as long as you MAGAt Trumptards are celebrating the complete shredding of one "constitutional right" why not take a good look at some of the others?

Surely everybody's on board with that.
I mean, we wouldn't want any double standards here would we?

6th Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
The people he shot were "innocent"? Really, Mike? They weren't chasing Rittenhouse and attempting to beat him senseless? Nobody has the "right" to do that! All he was doing when they attacked him was putting out fires with the extinguisher he'd brought along with the gun. He didn't shoot anyone until they attacked him and wouldn't stop.

More whataboutism huh?
That's when you know you've got a MAGAT Trumptard backed into a corner.

Just for grins I'll play along though.
How do I "piss on The Constitution" you fool?
Rittenhouse was found not guilty by a jury. Do you accept that or not?
Rittenhouse was found not guilty by a jury. Do you accept that or not?
Of course.
He was not found guilty in criminal court.
He may still be civily liable though for murdering those people and denying them their constitutionally guaranteed 6th Amendment right to trial.

Maybe the rest of this kid's miserable, meaningless life will be spent working hiss ass off to make money to pay the victim's families.
Of course.
He was not found guilty in criminal court.
He may still be civily liable though for murdering those people and denying them their constitutionally guaranteed 6th Amendment right to trial.

Maybe the rest of this kid's miserable, meaningless life will be spent working hiss ass off to make money to pay the victim's families.
See, this is clear evidence of just how fucking stupid you are. You claim he "murdered" people after you claim you accept the finding of the jury of "not guilty".. You're a fucking idiot.
As long as you MAGAt Trumptards think it's ok for little Kyle to wipe his butt with The U.S. Constitution shouldn't we REALLY REALLY be reexaming that pesky, outdated and obsolete language in The Second Amendment?
Absolute retardation.

After all....we don't really NEED The Second Amendment anymore.
We will always have the human right to self-defense and we continue the need to have that right enumerated and protected explicitly against tyrannical fuckwits like you.
After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 2A were written don't exist anymore.
James Madison certainly never intended for children like Rittenhouse to walk around murdering INNOCENT people and then being aquitted of his crimes.
You fucking lying trash. A lynch mob of rioting and burning attempted murderers attacked an innocent kid. Two of them died. All of them deserved death. Those are the facts of the case and they were indisputable.
What part of " Please stop shooting people. " don't you understand ? That's what Gaige Groskreutz said to him right before he shot him.
That cowardly Antifa bitch Grosskreutz who only had intent to sneak attack and murder Kyle with a handgun? Anything he said was a pretense for his attack.

Wish he was resting in piss having a good dirtnap as he deserves, but since he isn’t, he should have been charged with attempted murder and he should be in prison right now, which he also deserves. But no, the piece of shit ADA Binger gave Grosskreutz immunity for his crimes that night to testify against his victim.
As long as you MAGAt Trumptards think it's ok for little Kyle to wipe his butt with The U.S. Constitution shouldn't we REALLY REALLY be reexaming that pesky, outdated and obsolete language in The Second Amendment?

After all....we don't really NEED The Second Amendment anymore.
After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 2A were written don't exist anymore.
James Madison certainly never intended for children like Rittenhouse to walk around murdering INNOCENT people and then being aquitted of his crimes.

"Innocent" You may ask.

Because you see, the people little wanna-be soldier Kyle murdered while (supposedly) "excercising his Second Amendment right" were denied THEIR Sixth Amendment rights.
Little Kyle Cuckoo completely STOLE that right, the right to a trial by a jury of their peers, from them.

So....as long as you MAGAt Trumptards are celebrating the complete shredding of one "constitutional right" why not take a good look at some of the others?

Surely everybody's on board with that.
I mean, we wouldn't want any double standards here would we?

6th Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

After all....we don't really NEED The Second Amendment anymore.
After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 2A were written don't exist anymore.

Or the First Amendment.

After all, the conditions and circumstances for which 1A were written don't exist anymore.
James Madison certainly never intended for idiots to post crap on the internet.
The cowards got what they deserved. Kyle Rittenhouse took care of that. Go buy some flowers for their graves.
Unarmed and confronting a scared rabbit with a gun is not smart but it's not an act of cowardice. You really can't tell courage from cowardice can you? It's fairly common among your tribe.
Kyle has been woken. Woken up to the fact that like O.J. Simpson, he is open to civil suits, where the rules in court are different

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Yep, Kyle has been woken.

Kyle crying.jpg

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